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Created August 29, 2015 11:18
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Maya Python script for selecting overlapped and flipped uv polygons
import math
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
from pymel.core import *
from pymel.core.datatypes import *
def createBoundingCircle(meshfn):
"""Parameter: meshfn - MFnMesh
Represent a face by a center and radius, i.e.
center = [center1u, center1v, center2u, center2v, ... ]
radius = [radius1, radius2, ... ]
return (center, radius)"""
center = []
radius = []
for i in xrange(meshfn.numPolygons):
# get uvs from face
uarray = []
varray = []
for j in range(len(meshfn.getPolygonVertices(i))):
uv = meshfn.getPolygonUV(i, j)
# loop through all vertices to construct edges/rays
cu = 0.0
cv = 0.0
for j in range(len(uarray)):
cu += uarray[j]
cv += varray[j]
cu /= len(uarray)
cv /= len(varray)
rsqr = 0.0
for j in range(len(varray)):
du = uarray[j] - cu
dv = varray[j] - cv
dsqr = du * du + dv * dv
rsqr = dsqr if dsqr > rsqr else rsqr
return center, radius
def createRayGivenFace(meshfn, faceId):
"""Represent a face by a series of edges(rays), i.e.
orig = [orig1u, orig1v, orig2u, orig2v, ... ]
vec = [vec1u, vec1v, vec2u, vec2v, ... ]
return false if no valid uv's.
return (true, orig, vec) or (false, None, None)"""
orig = []
vec = []
# get uvs
uarray = []
varray = []
for i in range(len(meshfn.getPolygonVertices(faceId))):
uv = meshfn.getPolygonUV(faceId, i)
if len(uarray) == 0 or len(varray) == 0:
return (False, None, None)
# loop throught all vertices to construct edges/rays
u = uarray[-1]
v = varray[-1]
for i in xrange(len(uarray)):
vec.append(u - uarray[i])
vec.append(v - varray[i])
u = uarray[i]
v = varray[i]
return (True, orig, vec)
def area(orig):
sum = 0.0
num = len(orig)/2
for i in xrange(num):
idx = 2 * i
idy = (i + 1) % num
idy = 2 * idy + 1
idy2 = (i + num - 1) % num
idy2 = 2 * idy2 + 1
sum += orig[idx] * (orig[idy] - orig[idy2])
return math.fabs(sum) * 0.5
def checkCrossingEdges(face1Orig, face1Vec, face2Orig, face2Vec):
"""Check if there are crossing edges between two faces. Return true
if there are crossing edges and false otherwise. A face is represented
by a series of edges(rays), i.e.
faceOrig[] = [orig1u, orig1v, orig2u, orig2v, ... ]
faceVec[] = [vec1u, vec1v, vec2u, vec2v, ... ]"""
face1Size = len(face1Orig)
face2Size = len(face2Orig)
for i in xrange(0, face1Size, 2):
o1x = face1Orig[i]
o1y = face1Orig[i+1]
v1x = face1Vec[i]
v1y = face1Vec[i+1]
n1x = v1y
n1y = -v1x
for j in xrange(0, face2Size, 2):
# Given ray1(O1, V1) and ray2(O2, V2)
# Normal of ray1 is (V1.y, V1.x)
o2x = face2Orig[j]
o2y = face2Orig[j+1]
v2x = face2Vec[j]
v2y = face2Vec[j+1]
n2x = v2y
n2y = -v2x
# Find t for ray2
# t = [(o1x-o2x)n1x + (o1y-o2y)n1y] / (v2x * n1x + v2y * n1y)
denum = v2x * n1x + v2y * n1y
# Edges are parallel if denum is close to 0.
if math.fabs(denum) < 0.000001: continue
t2 = ((o1x-o2x)* n1x + (o1y-o2y) * n1y) / denum
if (t2 < 0.00001 or t2 > 0.99999): continue
# Find t for ray1
# t = [(o2x-o1x)n2x + (o2y-o1y)n2y] / (v1x * n2x + v1y * n2y)
denum = v1x * n2x + v1y * n2y
# Edges are parallel if denum is close to 0.
if math.fabs(denum) < 0.000001: continue
t1 = ((o2x-o1x)* n2x + (o2y-o1y) * n2y) / denum
# Edges intersect
if (t1 > 0.00001 and t1 < 0.99999): return 1
return 0
def getOverlapUVFaces(meshName):
"""Return overlapping faces"""
faces = []
# find polygon mesh node
selList = om.MSelectionList()
mesh = selList.getDependNode(0)
if mesh.apiType() == om.MFn.kTransform:
dagPath = selList.getDagPath(0)
dagFn = om.MFnDagNode(dagPath)
child = dagFn.child(0)
if child.apiType() != om.MFn.kMesh:
raise Exception("Can't find polygon mesh")
mesh = child
meshfn = om.MFnMesh(mesh)
center, radius = createBoundingCircle(meshfn)
for i in xrange(meshfn.numPolygons):
rayb1, face1Orig, face1Vec = createRayGivenFace(meshfn, i)
if not rayb1: continue
cui = center[2*i]
cvi = center[2*i+1]
ri = radius[i]
# Exclude the degenerate face
# if(area(face1Orig) < 0.000001) continue;
# Loop through face j where j != i
for j in range(i+1, meshfn.numPolygons):
cuj = center[2*j]
cvj = center[2*j+1]
rj = radius[j]
du = cuj - cui
dv = cvj - cvi
dsqr = du * du + dv * dv
# Quick rejection if bounding circles don't overlap
if (dsqr >= (ri + rj) * (ri + rj)): continue
rayb2, face2Orig, face2Vec = createRayGivenFace(meshfn, j)
if not rayb2: continue
# Exclude the degenerate face
# if(area(face2Orig) < 0.000001): continue;
if checkCrossingEdges(face1Orig, face1Vec, face2Orig, face2Vec):
face1 = '%s.f[%d]' % (, i)
face2 = '%s.f[%d]' % (, j)
if face1 not in faces: faces.append(face1)
if face2 not in faces: faces.append(face2)
return faces
overlapFaces = []
flipped = []
oStr = ''
for s in ls( sl=1, fl=1 ):
curUV = polyUVSet( s, q=1, cuv=1 )
for i, uv in enumerate( polyUVSet( s, q=1, auv=1 ) ) :
polyUVSet( s, cuv=1, uvSet=uv )
of = getOverlapUVFaces( str(s) )
if of != []:
oStr += s + " has " + str( len( of ) ) + " overlapped faces in uvset " + uv + '\n'
overlapFaces.extend( of )
flf = []
for f in ls( PyNode( s ).getShape().f, fl=1 ):
uvPos = polyEditUV( [ polyListComponentConversion( vf, fvf=1, toUV=1 )[0] for vf in ls( polyListComponentConversion( f, tvf=1 ), fl=1 ) ], q=1 )
uvAB = Vector( [ uvPos[2] - uvPos[0], uvPos[3] - uvPos[1] ] )
uvBC = Vector( [ uvPos[4] - uvPos[2], uvPos[5] - uvPos[3] ] )
if uvAB.cross( uvBC ) * Vector([0, 0, 1]) <= 0: flf.append( f )
if flf != []:
oStr += s + " has " + str( len( flf ) ) + " inverted faces in uvset " + uv + '\n'
flipped.extend( flf )
polyUVSet( s, cuv=1, uvSet=str( curUV ) )
oStr += '\n'
if ( flipped ==[] and overlapFaces == [] ):
oStr = "No problems found!"
confirmDialog( button = "Ok", m = oStr, t = "UV check stats" )
res = confirmDialog( button = ['Ok','Flipped','Overlaps'], db='Ok', m = oStr, t = "UV check stats" )
if res == 'Flipped': select( flipped, r=1 )
if res == 'Overlaps': select( overlapFaces, r=1 )
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