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Created October 31, 2020 07:30
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CSS 3D Football Field

CSS 3D Football Field

Experimental football field rendered with CSS 3D transforms and using Velocity JS to handle animation.

A Pen by SH20RAJ on CodePen.


<div class="static">
<h1 class="js-heading">FOOTBALL LEAGUE</h1>
<p class="js-subheading">Experimental team line-up and football field using CSS 3D transforms.<br><span style="font-size: 11px">Currently buggy in Chrome, will fix soon :)</span></p>
<div class="js-switcher switcher">
<a href="#" class="js-switch disabled switch-btn">HOME</a><a href="#" class="js-switch switch-btn">AWAY</a>
<div class="js-stage stage texture">
<div class="js-world world">
<div class="team js-team">
<!-- Team cards / icons goes here -->
<div class="terrain js-terrain">
<div class="field field--alt"></div>
<div class="field ground">
<div class="field__texture field__texture--gradient"></div>
<div class="field__texture field__texture--gradient-b"></div>
<div class="field__texture field__texture--grass"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--goal"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--goal field__line--goal--far"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--outline"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--penalty"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--penalty-arc"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--penalty-arc field__line--penalty-arc--far"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--mid"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--circle"></div>
<div class="field__line field__line--penalty field__line--penalty--far"></div>
<div class="field__side field__side--front"></div>
<div class="field__side field__side--left"></div>
<div class="field__side field__side--right"></div>
<div class="field__side field__side--back"></div>
<div class="loading js-loading">PLEASE WAIT...</div>
$stage = null
$world = null
$terrain = null
$team = null
$teamListHome = null
$players = null
$playersHome = null # Subset of $players
$playersAway = null # Subset of $players
$switchBtn = null
$loadBtn = null
$closeBtn = null
$heading = null
$subHeading = null
$loading = null
$switcher = null
data =
home: [
{ name: 'Pizarro', asset: 'bm-pizarro.jpg', origin: 'Peru', height: '1.84m', shirt: '14', pos: 'Forward', dob: '36', goals: 1, games: 16, x: 110, y: -190 }
{ name: 'Robben', asset: 'bm-robben.png', origin: 'Holland', height: '1.80m', shirt: '10', pos: 'Forward', dob: '32', goals: 19, games: 30, x: -110, y: -190 }
{ name: 'Rilbery', asset: 'bm-rilbery.jpg', origin: 'France', height: '1.70m', shirt: '7', pos: 'Midfield', dob: '32', goals: 9, games: 22, x: 150, y: 50 }
{ name: 'Schweinsteiger', asset: 'bm-schweinsteiger.jpg', origin: 'Germany', height: '1.87m', shirt: '24', pos: 'Forward', dob: '31', goals: 21, games: 3, x: 0, y: 100 }
{ name: 'Martinez', asset: 'bm-martinez.jpg', origin: 'Spain', height: '1.90m', shirt: '8', pos: 'Midfield', dob: '28', goals: 0, games: 2, x: -150, y: 50 }
{ name: 'Alaba', asset: 'bm-alaba.jpg', origin: 'Austria', height: '1.80m', shirt: '27', pos: 'Defence', dob: '24', goals: 5, games: 27, x: -200, y: 180 }
{ name: 'Lahm', asset: 'bm-lahm.jpg', origin: 'Germany', height: '1.70', shirt: '21', pos: 'Defence', dob: '32', goals: 2, games: 25, x: 200, y: 180 }
{ name: 'Benatia', asset: 'bm-benatia.jpg', origin: 'France', height: '1.87m', shirt: '5', pos: 'Defence', dob: '31', goals: 21, games: 1, x: 100, y: 300 }
{ name: 'Dante', asset: 'bm-dante.jpg', origin: 'Brazil', height: '1.87m', shirt: '4', pos: 'Defence', dob: '32', goals: 0, games: 34, x: -100, y: 300 }
{ name: 'Neuer', asset: 'bm-neuer.jpg', origin: 'Germany', height: '1.93m', shirt: '1', pos: 'Goalie', dob: '29', goals: 0, games: 48, x: 0, y: 410 }
away: [
{ name: 'Benzema', asset: 'rm-benzema.jpg', origin: 'France', height: '1.87m', shirt: '9', pos: 'Forward', dob: '36', goals: 1, games: 16, x: 110, y: -190 }
{ name: 'Bale', asset: 'rm-bale.jpg', origin: 'Wales', height: '1.83m', shirt: '11', pos: 'Midfield', dob: '26', goals: 19, games: 30, x: -110, y: -190 }
{ name: 'carvajal', asset: 'rm-carvajal.jpg', origin: 'Spain', height: '1.70m', shirt: '15', pos: 'Defender', dob: '32', goals: 9, games: 22, x: 150, y: 50 }
{ name: 'Silva', asset: 'rm-silva.jpg', origin: 'Brazil', height: '1.87m', shirt: '16', pos: 'Forward', dob: '22', goals: 21, games: 3, x: 0, y: 100 }
{ name: 'Kroos', asset: 'rm-kroos.jpg', origin: 'Germany', height: '1.82', shirt: '8', pos: 'Midfield', dob: '25', goals: 0, games: 2, x: -150, y: 50 }
{ name: 'Modric', asset: 'rm-modric.jpg', origin: 'Croatia', height: '1.74m', shirt: '19', pos: 'Midfield', dob: '30', goals: 5, games: 27, x: -200, y: 180 }
{ name: 'Nacho', asset: 'rm-nacho.jpg', origin: 'Germany', height: '1.79', shirt: '18', pos: 'Defence', dob: '25', goals: 2, games: 25, x: 200, y: 180 }
{ name: 'Ramos', asset: 'rm-ramos.jpg', origin: 'Spain', height: '1.83m', shirt: '4', pos: 'Defence', dob: '31', goals: 21, games: 1, x: 100, y: 300 }
{ name: 'Pepe', asset: 'rm-pepe.jpg', origin: 'Brazil', height: '1.88m', shirt: '3', pos: 'Defence', dob: '32', goals: 0, games: 34, x: -100, y: 300 }
{ name: 'Casillas', asset: 'rm-casillas.jpg', origin: 'Spain', height: '1.85m', shirt: '1', pos: 'Goalie', dob: '34', goals: 0, games: 48, x: 0, y: 410 }
state =
home: true
disabHover: false
swapSides: ->
if @home then @home = false else @home = true
curSide: ->
if @home then 'home' else 'away'
pos =
baseX: 0
baseY: 0
baseZ: -200
goalie: [0,-50]
dom =
addPlayers: (side) ->
for key, val of data.players[side]
val.side= side
$el = @addPlayer val
$team.append $el
$players = $('.js-player')
$playersHome = $('.js-player[data-side="home"]')
$playersAway = $('.js-player[data-side="away"]')
addPlayer: (data) ->
$el = $ '<div class="js-player player" data-name="' + + '" data-side="' + data.side + '" data-x="' + data.x + '" data-y="' + data.y + '"></div>'
$el.append '<div class="player__label"><span>' + + '</span></div>'
$el.append '<div class="player__img"><img src= ' + ASSET_URL + data.asset + '></div>'
$el.prepend '<div class="player__card"> </div>'
$el.prepend '<div class="player__placeholder"></div>'
@populateCard $el.find('.player__card'), data
preloadImages: (preload) ->
promises = []
i = 0
while i < preload.length
((url, promise) ->
img = new Image
img.onload = -> promise.resolve()
img.src = url
) preload[i], promises[i] = $.Deferred()
$.when.apply($, promises).done ->
populateCard: ($el, data) ->
$el.append '<h3>' + + '</h3>' +
'<ul class="player__card__list"><li><span>DOB</span><br/>' + data.dob + ' yr</li><li><span>Height</span><br/>' + data.height + '</li><li><span>Origin</span><br/>' + data.origin + '</li></ul>' +
'<ul class="player__card__list player__card__list--last"><li><span>Games</span><br/>' + + '</li><li><span>Goals</span><br/>' + data.goals + '</li></ul>'
displayNone: ($el) ->
$el.css 'display', 'none'
events =
attachAll: ->
$switchBtn.on 'click', (e) ->
$el = $(this)
return if $el.hasClass 'disabled'
$switchBtn.removeClass 'disabled'
$el.addClass 'disabled'
$loadBtn.on 'click', (e) ->
$players.on 'click', (e) ->
$el = $(this)
if $('.active').length then return false
$el.addClass 'active'
setTimeout ( -> events.attachClose()), 1
attachClose: ->
$ 'click', (e) ->
scenes =
preLoad: ->
$teamListHome.velocity { opacity: 0 }, 0
$players.velocity { opacity: 0 }, 0
$loadBtn.velocity { opacity: 0 }, 0
$switcher.velocity { opacity: 0 }, 0
$heading.velocity { opacity: 0 }, 0
$subHeading.velocity { opacity: 0 }, 0
$playersAway.css 'display', 'none'
$world.velocity { opacity: 0, translateZ: -200, translateY: -60 }, 0
$('main').velocity { opacity: 1 }, 0
loadIn: (delay = 0) ->
$world.velocity { opacity: 1, translateY: 0, translateZ: -200 }, { duration: 1000, delay: delay, easing: 'spring' }
anim.fadeInDir($heading, 300, (delay + 600), 0, 30)
anim.fadeInDir($subHeading, 300, (delay + 800), 0, 30)
anim.fadeInDir($teamListHome, 300, (delay + 800), 0, 30)
anim.fadeInDir($switcher, 300, (delay + 900), 0, 30)
delay += 1200
delayInc = 30
anim.dropPlayers($playersHome, delay, delayInc)
startLoading: ->
anim.fadeInDir $loading, 300, 0, 0, -20
images = []
for key, val of data.players.home and data.players.away
images.push ASSET_URL + val.asset
endLoading: ->
anim.fadeOutDir $loading, 300, 1000, 0, -20
arrangePlayers: ->
$players.each ->
$el = $(this)
translateX: parseInt $el.attr('data-x')
translateZ: parseInt $el.attr('data-y') # Z is the Y axis on the field
focusPlayer: ($el) ->
data = $
shiftY = data.y
if shiftY > 0 then shiftY = (data.y / 2)
$('.js-player[data-side="' + state.curSide() + '"]').not('.active').each ->
$unfocus = $(this)
anim.fadeOutDir $unfocus, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, 0.2
translateX: ( - data.x)
translateY: (
translateZ: ( - shiftY) # Z is the Y axis on the field
, 600
opacity: 0.66
, 600
@showPlayerCard $el, 600, 600
unfocusPlayer: ->
$el = $('')
data = $
anim.fadeInDir $('.js-player[data-side="' + state.curSide() + '"]').not('.active'), 300, 300, 0, 0, 0, null, 0.2
$el.removeClass 'active'
translateX: (
translateY: (
translateZ: ( # Z is the Y axis on the field
, 600
opacity: 1
, 600
@hidePlayerCard $el, 600, 600
hidePlayerCard: ($el, dur, delay) ->
$card = $el.find '.player__card'
$image = $el.find '.player__img'
translateY: 0
, 300
anim.fadeInDir $el.find '.player__label', 200, delay
anim.fadeOutDir $card, 300, 0, 0, -100
showPlayerCard: ($el, dur, delay) ->
$card = $el.find '.player__card'
$image = $el.find '.player__img'
translateY: '-=150px'
, 300
anim.fadeOutDir $el.find '.player__label', 200, delay
anim.fadeInDir $card, 300, 200, 0, 100
switchSides: ->
delay = 0
delayInc = 20
$old = $playersHome
$new = $playersAway
if !state.home
$old = $playersAway
$new = $playersHome
$old.each ->
$el = $(this)
anim.fadeOutDir($el, 200, delay, 0, -60, 0)
anim.fadeOutDir($el.find('.player__label'), 200, (delay + 700))
delay += delayInc
$terrain.velocity { rotateY: '+=180deg' }, { delay: 150, duration: 1200 }
anim.dropPlayers($new, 1500, 30)
anim =
fadeInDir: ($el, dur, delay, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0, deltaZ = 0, easing = null, opacity = 0) ->
$el.css 'display', 'block'
translateX: '-=' + deltaX
translateY: '-=' + deltaY
translateZ: '-=' + deltaZ
, 0
opacity: 1
translateX: '+=' + deltaX
translateY: '+=' + deltaY
translateZ: '+=' + deltaZ
easing: easing
delay: delay
duration: dur
fadeOutDir: ($el, dur, delay, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0, deltaZ = 0, easing = null, opacity = 0) ->
if !opacity
display = 'none'
display = 'block'
opacity: opacity
translateX: '+=' + deltaX
translateY: '+=' + deltaY
translateZ: '+=' + deltaZ
easing: easing
delay: delay
duration: dur
opacity: opacity
translateX: '-=' + deltaX
translateY: '-=' + deltaY
translateZ: '-=' + deltaZ
duration: 0
display: display
dropPlayers: ($els, delay, delayInc) ->
$els.each ->
$el = $(this)
display : 'block'
opacity : 0
anim.fadeInDir($el, 800, delay, 0, 50, 0, 'spring')
anim.fadeInDir($el.find('.player__label'), 200, (delay + 250))
delay += delayInc
init = ->
$stage = $('.js-stage')
$world = $('.js-world')
$switchBtn = $('.js-switch')
$loadBtn = $('.js-load')
$heading = $('.js-heading')
$switcher = $('.js-switcher')
$closeBtn = $('.js-close')
$subHeading = $('.js-subheading')
$terrain = $('.js-terrain')
$team = $('.js-team')
$teamListHome = $('.js-team-home')
$loading = $('.js-loading')
$(document).ready ->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// Palette
$body-bg-color = #2a437c
$body-bg-color-2 = #10203b
$colors-text-def = #333
$colors-text-med = #777
$colors-text-lt = #aaa
$colors-card-bg1 = #f7f7f7
$colors-card-bg2 = #eeeeee
$colors-card-bg3 = #1d2643
$colors-card-txt = #a40028
$field-bg-color = #eeeeee
$field-side-color = #f7f7f7
$line-color = rgba(255,255,255,0.5)
$texture-field-side = #141d2b
// Field dimensions
$stage-perspective = 1100px
$field-y = 840px
$field-x = ($field-y * 0.8)
$field-ratio = ($field-x / $field-y)
$field-side-y = 8px
$field-rot = 90deg
$field-buffer = 4%
$line-x = 3px
$line-circle-x = 25%
// Player dimensions
$player-x = 65px
$card-x = 230px
$card-y = 260px
// Codepen asset mixin
background-image: url('' filename)
box-sizing: border-box
html, body
width: 100%
height: 100%
font-size: 62.5%
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font-family: 'Open Sans', helvetica, arial, sans-serif
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font-family: montserrat
font-weight: 300
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color: #fff
font-family: 'montserrat'
font-size: 24px
font-weight: 900
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text-align: center
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list-style: none
display: none
color: #fff
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margin: 0 0 10px
color: lighten($body-bg-color, 50%)
position: absolute
width: 100%
height: 100%
top: 0
perspective-origin: 50% -200px
perspective: $stage-perspective
z-index: 1
backface-visibility: hidden
position: absolute
top: 130px
left: 50%
margin-left: -($field-x / 2)
width: $field-x
height: $field-y
transform: translateZ(-($field-y / 4))
transform-style: preserve-3d
z-index: 1
backface-visibility: hidden
transform: translateZ(-($field-y / 4)) rotateY(180deg)
transform: translateZ(250px) rotateY(30deg) translateX(60px) translateY(-200px)
display: inline-block
padding: 6px 15px
border: solid 1px lighten($body-bg-color, 50%)
border-radius: 5px
text-align: center
color: lighten($body-bg-color, 50%)
text-decoration: none
opacity: 1
font-size: 12px
transition: all 0.15s
background: lighten($body-bg-color, 50%)
color: $body-bg-color
cursor: default
color: $body-bg-color
color: #fff
border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px
border-right: none
border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0
position: absolute
top: 0
left: 0
width: 100%
height: 100%
transform-style: preserve-3d
position: absolute
top: 0
left: 0
width: 100%
height: 100%
transform-style: inherit
position: absolute
top: 0
left: 0
width: 100%
height: 100%
background-color: $field-bg-color
z-index: 2
transform: rotateX($field-rot) translateZ(0)
transform-origin: 50% 50%
box-sizing: content-box
backface-visibility: hidden
display: block
width: 80%
left: 10%
transform: rotateX($field-rot) translateZ(-10px)
background: black
opacity: 0.3
box-shadow: 0 0 40px 30px #000
width: 100%
height: 100%
position: absolute
z-index: 3
background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0,0,0,0.2), transparent)
z-index: 4
.flipped &
opacity: 0
opacity: 0
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0.2), transparent)
z-index: 4
.flipped &
opacity: 1
.texture &
background-repeat: repeat
background-size: 75px 75px
background-position: -20px -20px
position: absolute
top: ($field-y / 2)
left: 0
width: 100%
height: $field-side-y
transform: rotateX($field-rot * 2) translateZ(-($field-y / 2))
transform-origin: 50% 50%
background-color: $field-side-color
z-index: 9
.texture &
background-color: black
content: ""
top: 0
left: 0
bottom: 0
right: 0
position: absolute
opacity: 0.55
background-repeat: repeat
background-size: 75px 75px
background-position: -20px -20px
top: 0
left: -($field-side-y)
height: 100%
width: $field-side-y
transform-origin: 100% 50%
transform: rotateX($field-rot) rotateY(-90deg) translateZ(0)
left: auto
right: 0
transform: rotateX($field-rot * 2) translateZ(($field-y / 2))
position: absolute
width: 100%
height: $line-x
z-index: 4
width: 16%
height: 6%
border: solid $line-x $line-color
border-bottom: none
left: 0
right: 0
margin: auto
bottom: $field-buffer
top: $field-buffer
bottom: auto
border: solid $line-x $line-color
border-top: none
width: 20%
height: 20%
overflow: hidden
bottom: ($field-buffer + 16%)
left: 0
right: 0
margin: auto
position: absolute
top: 75%
width: 100%
height: 100%
left: 0
content: ' '
display: block
border-radius: 50% 50% 0 0
border: solid $line-x $line-color
border-bottom: none
box-sizing: border-box
bottom: auto
top: ($field-buffer + 16%)
bottom: 75%
top: auto
border: solid $line-x $line-color
border-top: none
border-radius: 0 0 50% 50%
width: 44%
height: 16%
border: solid $line-x $line-color
border-bottom: none
left: 0
right: 0
margin: auto
bottom: $field-buffer
top: $field-buffer
bottom: auto
border: solid $line-x $line-color
border-top: none
width: (100% - ($field-buffer * 2))
height: (100% - ($field-buffer * 2))
top: $field-buffer
left: $field-buffer
border: solid $line-x $line-color
top: 50%
width: (100% - ($field-buffer * 2))
left: $field-buffer
background-color: $line-color
width: 20%
height: 20%
top: 0
left: 0
right: 0
bottom: 0
margin: auto
border: solid $line-x $line-color
border-radius: 50%
position: absolute
right: 40px
top: 40px
border: solid 1px #fff
border-radius: 10px
height: 20px
padding: 0 10px
color: #fff
text-decoration: none
line-height: 20px
opacity: 1
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)
top: 80px
position: absolute
height: $player-x + 23px
width: $player-x
padding-bottom: 23px
z-index: 9
left: 50%
margin-left: -($player-x / 2)
bottom: 50%
transform-style: preserve-3d
backface-visibility: hidden
transition: all 0.2s
cursor: pointer
position: absolute
opacity: 0
transform: rotateX(90deg)
height: 30px
width: 30px
bottom: -10px
left: 0
right: 0
margin: auto
border-radius: 50%
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
z-index: 1
opacity: 1
position: absolute
bottom: 26px
left: (($player-x / 2) - ($card-x / 2))
height: $card-y
background-color: $colors-card-bg1
opacity: 0
width: $card-x
padding: 0
font-size: 18px
color: #333
border-radius: 4px
z-index: 2
//overflow: hidden
position: absolute
display: block
content: ''
height: 1px
width: 1px
border: solid 10px transparent
border-top: solid 10px $colors-card-bg2
bottom: -21px
left: 0
right: 0
margin: auto
top: auto
z-index: 3
position: absolute
top: 0px
right: 0px
padding: 10px 15px
font-size: 24px
line-height: 20px
color: white
opacity: 0.3
cursor: pointer
transition: all 0.15s
opacity: 0.6
text-align: center
font-weight: normal
text-transform: uppercase
font-family: montserrat
font-size: 19px
line-height: 27px
color: $colors-text-def
color: white
padding: 15px 30px 40px
margin: 0 0 30px
background-color: #eee
border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0
background-color: desaturate(darken($body-bg-color, 45%), 10%)
display: inline-block
height: 27px
width: 27px
border-radius: 50%
border: solid 1px #fff
line-height: 27px
opacity: 0.4
font-size: 18px
font-size: 14px
opacity: 0.4
color: $colors-text-med
font-syle: italic
text-align: center
padding: 10px 0
font-size: 14px
color: $colors-text-med
overflow: auto
text-align: center
display: inline-block
white-space: nowrap
text-overflow: ellipsis
text-align: center
font-size: 15px
padding-left: 20px
color: $colors-text-def
//border-left: solid 1px #ddd
font-size: 12px
text-transform: uppercase
color: $colors-text-lt
padding-left: 0
border-left: none
position: absolute
width: 100%
bottom: 0
background-color: $colors-card-bg2
margin: 0
padding: 0
border-top: solid 1px #ddd
border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px
overflow: hidden
width: 50%
padding: 10px 0 20px 0
color: $colors-card-txt
font-size: 28px
line-height: 22px
border-left: solid 1px #ddd
pointer-events: none
position: absolute
top: 0
left: 0
width: $player-x
height: $player-x
z-index: 4
overflow: hidden
border-radius: ($player-x / 2)
background-color: #000
border: solid 1px #fff
backface-visibility: hidden
transition: all 0.2s
width: 100%
transition: all 0.2s
display: block
position: absolute
height: 20px
display: inline-block
width: auto
overflow: visible
white-space: nowrap
left: -100%
right: -100%
margin: auto
padding: 0 10px
line-height: 20px
text-align: center
border-radius: 10px
bottom: 0
opacity: 0
text-transform: upppercase
transition: opacity 0.2s
z-index: 2
pointer-events: none
background-color: rgba(16, 20, 30, 0.9)
color: white
font-size: 11px
padding: 3px 10px 2px 10px
border-radius: 10px
text-transform: upppercase
opacity: 1
opacity: 1
.texture &
background-size: 100% auto
// @keyframes spinner
// to
// transform rotate(360deg)
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