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Created January 24, 2023 13:48
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pihole Porn / Pushbullet alerting
* Created by Dreamweaver
* User: Sebastian Sascha Helfinger
* Github: @SHelfinger
* Date: 24.01.2023 (d.m.Y)
* Time: 12:53
* Requires: crontab, php-curl
* Install: crontab -e (run via wget or php) and apt install php-curl
// Maximal execution time set to 600
ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '600' );
// Debug (true, false)
define( 'NOTY_DEBUG', false );
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) {
// Display errors
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
// Startup Display errors
ini_set( 'display_startup_errors', 1 );
// Show all errors on site
error_reporting( E_ALL );
// API Access Tokens from Pushbullet API's Console (
define( 'API_ACCESS_KEY', 'API_KEY' );
// Pushbullet iden key, (Tip: Export Entire Push History under Settings -> Push History)
// Define PiHole pihole-FTL.db file
define( 'PIHOLE_QUERIES', '/etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db' );
// Define Porn.list file (
define( 'PIHOLE_PORN_LIST', 'pi_blocklist_porn_top1m.list' );
// Between how many minutes
define( 'MINUTES_SEARCH', 1 );
$db = null;
$debug = [];
$db = new SQLite3( PIHOLE_QUERIES );
if ( !$db ) {
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Failed", "DB FILE NOT FOUND" ] );
} else {
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Success", "DB FILE FOUND" ] );
try {
// Enable SQLite exceptions
$db->enableExceptions( true );
// Load Porn List file (Download before)
$domaines = "";
if ( is_array( PIHOLE_PORN_LIST ) ) {
foreach( PIHOLE_PORN_LIST as $list ) {
$lines = file( $list, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES );
$domaines = $domaines . ", " . str_replace( '"', "'", str_replace( ']', '', str_replace( '[', '', json_encode( $lines, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ) ) ) );
} else {
$domaines = str_replace( '"', "'", str_replace( ']', '', str_replace( '[', '', json_encode( $lines, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ) ) ) );
$timestamp = time();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM queries WHERE timestamp BETWEEN " . ( $timestamp - (MINUTES_SEARCH * 60 ) ) . " AND " . $timestamp . " AND domain IN (" . $domaines . ") GROUP BY domain ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "SQL", $sql ] );
$res = $db->query( $sql );
$dataFromFTLDB = [];
if ( !empty( $res ) ) {
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Success", "We have found queries " ] );
while ( $row = $res->fetchArray( SQLITE3_ASSOC ) ) {
array_push( $dataFromFTLDB, $row );
} else {
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Failed", "We have not found any queries" ] );
$count = count( $dataFromFTLDB );
if ( $count > 0 ) {
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Success", "Passing through the rows" ] );
$client = $dataFromFTLDB[0]['client'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM client_by_id WHERE ip = '" . $client . "' AND name IS NOT NULL AND name != '' LIMIT 1";
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "SQL", "Show client IP name SQL: " . $sql ] );
$ras = $db->query( $sql );
if ( !empty( $ras ) ) {
$rew = $ras->fetchArray( SQLITE3_ASSOC );
if ( isset( $rew['name'] ) ) {
$client = $rew['name'];
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Success", "Assign IP to name: " . $dataFromFTLDB[0]['client'] . " -> " . $rew['name'] ] );
} else {
$client = $client;
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Failed", "Assign IP to name" ] );
} else {
$client = $client;
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Failed", "Assign IP to name" ] );
$date = "";
if ( date( "d.m.Y", $dataFromFTLDB[0]['timestamp'] ) != date( "d.m.Y" ) ) {
$date = date( "d.m.Y " );
$text = $date . date( "H:i:s", $dataFromFTLDB[0]['timestamp'] ) . ": We have found, " . $client . " is visiting " . $dataFromFTLDB[0]['domain'];
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Success", "Text to Pushbullet: " . $text ] );
$pushbullet = pushbullet( API_ACCESS_KEY, 'Porn Notification', $text, PUSHBULLET_IDEN );
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "DEBUG", $pushbullet ] );
} else {
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "DEBUG", "No rows found" ] );
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "DEBUG", "DB closed" ] );
catch( Exception $e ) {
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) array_push( $debug, [ "Failed", "Exception: " . $e->getMessage() ] );
if ( NOTY_DEBUG ) echo json_encode( $debug );
Gist Pushbullet from @EdwinHoksberg
Copied: 24.01.2023 (d.m.Y)
function pushbullet( string $accessToken, string $title, string $body, string $device_iden = '', string $type = 'note' ) {
if ( !in_array( $type, [ 'note', 'url' ] ) ) {
return 'Invalid pushbullet push type';
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array( $curl, [
"Access-Token: " . $accessToken,
'Content-Type: application/json',
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode( compact( 'title', 'body', 'type', 'device_iden' ) ),
$result = curl_exec( $curl );
$json = json_decode( $result );
curl_close( $curl );
if ( json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
return 'Invalid json returned from pushbullet api';
if ( !empty( $json->error ) ) {
return "Invalid api request: {$json->error->message}";
return $json;
Copy link

Install as root

crontab -e
*/1 * * * * wget "http://PIHOLE_URL/porn-FTL-noty.php" > /dev/null 2>&1

apt install php-curl

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