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Created April 8, 2024 18:00
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(* adding exceptions into the lambda calculus *)
type exn_expr =
Lam of string * exn_expr
| Var of string
| App of exn_expr * exn_expr
| Num of int
| Add of exn_expr * exn_expr
| Try_with of { try_e: exn_expr; handle_e: exn_expr }
| Raise
type expr =
Lam of string * expr
| Var of string
| App of expr * expr
| Num of int
| Add of expr * expr
module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
type value =
VLam of string * expr * (value StringMap.t)
| VNum of int
type env = value StringMap.t
exception Runtime
let rec interp_exp (e:expr) (env:env) : value =
match e with
| Num(n) -> VNum(n)
| Var(s) ->
(match StringMap.find_opt s env with
| Some(v) -> v
| None -> raise Runtime)
| Lam(id, arg) -> VLam(id, arg, env)
| App(e1, e2) ->
let e2v = interp_exp e2 env in
(match interp_exp e1 env with
| VLam(arg, body, closure) ->
let new_env = StringMap.add arg e2v closure in
interp_exp body new_env
| _ -> raise Runtime)
| Add(e1, e2) ->
(match ((interp_exp e1 env),(interp_exp e2 env)) with
| (VNum(n1), VNum(n2)) -> VNum(n1 + n2)
| _ -> raise Runtime )
let counter = ref 0
let fresh () : string =
let cur = !counter in
counter := !counter + 1;
Format.sprintf "$%d" cur
let rec compile_k_h (e:exn_expr) (default_cont:expr) (handle_cont:expr) : expr =
match e with
| Num(n) -> App(default_cont, Num(n))
| Lam(id, body) ->
(* build a new lambda abstraction that takes the default and handle
continuations as arguments *)
let default_name = fresh () in
let handle_name = fresh () in
let compiled_body = compile_k_h body (Var(default_name)) (Var(handle_name)) in
App(default_cont, Lam(default_name, Lam(handle_name, Lam(id, compiled_body))))
| Var(s) -> App(default_cont, Var(s))
| App(e1, e2) ->
let fun_name = fresh () in
let arg_name = fresh () in
let call_function = compile_k_h e1
App(App(App(Var(fun_name), default_cont), handle_cont), Var(arg_name)))) handle_cont in
compile_k_h e2 (Lam(fun_name, call_function)) handle_cont
| Add(e1, e2) ->
let ret1 = fresh () in
let ret2 = fresh () in
let perform_sum = compile_k_h e2 (Lam(ret2, Add(Var(ret1), Var(ret2)))) handle_cont in
compile_k_h e1 (Lam(ret1, perform_sum)) handle_cont
| Try_with { try_e; handle_e } ->
let compiled_handle = compile_k_h handle_e default_cont handle_cont in
compile_k_h try_e default_cont (Lam("_", compiled_handle))
| Raise -> App(handle_cont, Num(0))
let compile_k (e:exn_expr) : expr =
compile_k_h e (Lam("x", Var("x"))) (Lam("x", Num(0)))
let compile_and_run (e:exn_expr) : value =
let compiled = compile_k e in
interp_exp compiled (StringMap.empty)
let p1 = Try_with { try_e = Raise;
handle_e = Num(10)}
let p2 = Try_with { try_e = Add(Num(10), Num(20));
handle_e = Num 20}
let p3 = Try_with { try_e = Add(Num(10), Raise);
handle_e = Num 20}
let p4 = Try_with { try_e = Try_with { try_e = Raise;
handle_e = Num 30} ;
handle_e = Num 20}
(* test a simple case with no exceptions *)
let p5 : exn_expr = App(Lam("x", Var("x")), Num(10))
(* test a simple ase with exceptions *)
let p6 = Try_with { try_e = App(Lam("x", Raise), Num(10));
handle_e = Num 20}
(* test to make sure no exceptions are raised inside lambda *)
let p7 : exn_expr = Lam("x", Raise)
(* test handling inside a lambda *)
let p8 : exn_expr = App(Lam("x", Try_with { try_e = Raise; handle_e = Var("x")}), Num 40)
(* test some basic nesting *)
let p9 : exn_expr = Try_with { try_e = p8; handle_e = Num 80 }
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