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Last active February 5, 2024 17:39
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An implementation of the lambda calculus with closures and environment passing
#lang plait
(define-type Exp
[varE (s : Symbol)]
[numE (n : Number)]
[lamE (var : Symbol) (body : Exp)]
[appE (fun : Exp) (arg : Exp)])
(define-type Value
[numV (n : Number)]
[funV (arg : Symbol) (body : Exp) (closure : Env)])
(define-type-alias Env (Hashof Symbol Value))
(define mt-env (hash empty)) ;; "empty environment"
(define (lookup (s : Symbol) (n : Env))
(type-case (Optionof Value) (hash-ref n s)
[(none) (error 'runtime "not bound")]
[(some v) v]))
(extend : (Env Symbol Value -> Env))
(define (extend old-env new-name value)
(hash-set old-env new-name value))
(interp : (Exp Env -> Value))
(define (interp e env)
(type-case Exp e
[(varE s) (lookup s env)]
[(numE n) (numV n)]
[(lamE v b) (funV v b env)]
[(appE fun arg)
(let [(evalfun (interp fun env))
(evalarg (interp arg env))]
(type-case Value evalfun
[(funV arg body closure)
; run body with environment closure[arg |-> evalarg]
(interp body (extend closure arg evalarg))]
[(numV n) (error 'runtime "trying to run a number")]))]))
(test (interp (appE (lamE 'x (varE 'x)) (numE 10)) mt-env) (numV 10))
(test (interp (appE (lamE 'x (varE 'x)) (lamE 'y (varE 'y))) mt-env) (funV 'y (varE 'y) mt-env))
(test (interp (appE (lamE 'x (lamE 'x (varE 'x))) (numE 10)) mt-env) (funV 'x (varE 'x) (hash (list (pair 'x (numV 10))))))
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