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Created March 18, 2024 17:31
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An implementation of dynamic safety in OCaml for CS4400/5400 Spr24
(* micro-asm *)
exception Trap
(** a memory unsafe language *)
type asm =
(* load location in register 0 into reg *)
| Load of { reg: int; addr: int }
(* store register[reg] into heap[addr] *)
| Store of { reg : int; addr: int }
(* set register[reg] = value *)
| Setreg of { reg: int; value: int }
(* trap: gives a runtime error if register[0] != v *)
| Trap of int
(* set register[0] = register[1] + register[2] *)
| AddInt
| MulInt
(* terminate *)
| Ret
type state = { reg: int array;
heap: int array;
program: asm array;
(* instruction counter *)
insn: int ref}
let rec interp_insn (state:state) : unit =
match Array.get state.program (!(state.insn)) with
| Load { reg=r; addr=addr} ->
Array.set state.reg r (Array.get state.heap addr);
state.insn := !(state.insn) + 1;
interp_insn state
| Store { reg=r; addr=addr } ->
let v = Array.get state.reg r in
Array.set state.heap addr v;
state.insn := !(state.insn) + 1;
interp_insn state
| Setreg { reg=r; value=v } ->
Array.set state.reg r v;
state.insn := !(state.insn) + 1;
interp_insn state
| Trap(i) ->
if (Array.get state.reg 0) = i then () else raise Trap;
state.insn := !(state.insn) + 1;
interp_insn state
| AddInt ->
let v = (Array.get state.reg 1) + (Array.get state.reg 2) in
Array.set state.reg 0 v;
state.insn := !(state.insn) + 1;
interp_insn state
| MulInt ->
let v = (Array.get state.reg 1) * (Array.get state.reg 2) in
Array.set state.reg 0 v;
state.insn := !(state.insn) + 1;
interp_insn state
| Ret -> ()
(** run all instructions in l and return the result in register 0 *)
let interp_asm (l: asm list) : int =
let arr = Array.of_list l in
let state = {reg = (Array.make 4 (-1));
heap=(Array.make 100 (-1));
insn=ref 0
} in
interp_insn state;
Array.get state.reg 0
let asm1 = [Setreg { reg=1; value=1 };
Setreg { reg=2; value=2 };
let asm2 = [
Setreg { reg=1; value=1 };
(* store register 1 into heap[0x4] *)
Store { reg = 1; addr=4 };
Load { reg=0; addr=4 };
let () =
assert ((interp_asm asm1) = 3);
assert ((interp_asm asm2) = 1);
(* cast-safety: compiling to micr-asm *)
(** now, let's compile a safe functional language into a non-memory-safe
imperative language *)
type calc =
| Num of int
| AddInt of calc * calc
| Bool of bool
| And of calc * calc
type calcv =
VNum of int
| VBool of bool
let fresh (iref: int ref) : int =
let cur = !iref in
iref := cur + 1;
compiles calculator lang to TinyAsm
returns a pair (Listof TinyAsm, Number) where the second component is the
address that holds the result.
let rec unsafe_calc_to_asm (counter: int ref) (c: calc) : (int * asm list) =
match c with
| Num(n) ->
(* store n in a fresh location *)
let new_loc = fresh counter in
(new_loc, [Setreg {reg=0; value=n};
Store {reg=0; addr=new_loc}])
| Bool(b) ->
(* store n in a fresh location *)
let new_loc = fresh counter in
(new_loc, [Setreg {reg=0; value=if b then 1 else 0};
Store {reg=0; addr=new_loc}])
| AddInt(e1, e2) ->
let (addr1, prog1) = unsafe_calc_to_asm counter e1 in
let (addr2, prog2) = unsafe_calc_to_asm counter e2 in
let result_addr = fresh counter in
let new_prog = [Load { reg=1; addr=addr1 };
Load { reg=2; addr=addr2 };
Store {reg=0; addr=result_addr}] in
(result_addr, List.concat[prog1; prog2; new_prog])
| And(e1, e2) ->
let (addr1, prog1) = unsafe_calc_to_asm counter e1 in
let (addr2, prog2) = unsafe_calc_to_asm counter e2 in
let result_addr = fresh counter in
let new_prog = [Load { reg=1; addr=addr1 };
Load { reg=2; addr=addr2 };
Store {reg=0; addr=result_addr}] in
(result_addr, List.concat[prog1; prog2; new_prog])
let unsafe_calc_to_asm_prog (c:calc) : asm list =
let (addr, asm) = unsafe_calc_to_asm (ref 0) c in
let asm = List.concat [asm; [Load{reg = 0; addr=addr}; Ret]] in
(* compile a calc program to asm and run it *)
let run_calc_unsafe (c:calc) : calcv =
let asm = unsafe_calc_to_asm_prog c in
VNum(interp_asm asm)
let calc1 = AddInt(Num(2), Num(20))
let calc2 = AddInt(AddInt(Num(2), Num(4)), Num(20))
let calc3 = And(Bool(true), And(Bool(true), Bool(false)))
let () =
assert ((run_calc_unsafe calc1) = VNum(22));
assert ((run_calc_unsafe calc2) = VNum(26));
assert ((run_calc_unsafe calc3) = VNum(0))
(* dynamic type-safety *)
let bool_tag = 1924
let int_tag = 9418
compiles calculator lang to TinyAsm
returns a pair (Listof TinyAsm, Number) where the second component is the
address that holds the result.
let rec safe_calc_to_asm (counter: int ref) (c: calc) : (int * asm list) =
match c with
| Num(n) ->
(* store n in a fresh location *)
let addr_v = fresh counter in
let addr_tag = fresh counter in
(addr_v, [Setreg {reg=0; value=n};
Setreg {reg=1; value=int_tag};
Store {reg=0; addr=addr_v};
Store {reg=1; addr=addr_tag}])
| Bool(b) ->
(* store n in a fresh location *)
let addr_v = fresh counter in
let addr_tag = fresh counter in
(addr_v, [Setreg {reg=0; value=if b then 1 else 0};
Setreg {reg=1; value=bool_tag};
Store {reg=0; addr=addr_v};
Store {reg=1; addr=addr_tag}])
| AddInt(e1, e2) ->
let (addr1, prog1) = safe_calc_to_asm counter e1 in
let (addr2, prog2) = safe_calc_to_asm counter e2 in
let result_addr = fresh counter in
let tag_addr = fresh counter in
let new_prog = [
(* add a check to ensure e1 and e2 have the correct tag *)
Load {reg = 0; addr = addr1 + 1};
Load {reg = 0; addr = addr2 + 1};
(* now load the desired values in and add them *)
Load { reg=1; addr=addr1 };
Load { reg=2; addr=addr2 };
Store {reg=0; addr=result_addr};
(* store the tag *)
Setreg {reg = 1; value = int_tag};
Store {reg = 1; addr=tag_addr};
] in
(result_addr, List.concat[prog1; prog2; new_prog])
| And(e1, e2) ->
let (addr1, prog1) = safe_calc_to_asm counter e1 in
let (addr2, prog2) = safe_calc_to_asm counter e2 in
let result_addr = fresh counter in
let tag_addr = fresh counter in
let new_prog = [
(* add a check to ensure e1 and e2 have the correct tag *)
Load {reg = 0; addr = addr1 + 1};
Load {reg = 0; addr = addr2 + 1};
(* now load the desired values in and add them *)
Load { reg=1; addr=addr1 };
Load { reg=2; addr=addr2 };
Store {reg = 0; addr=result_addr};
(* store the tag *)
Setreg {reg = 1; value = bool_tag};
Store {reg = 1; addr=tag_addr};
] in
(result_addr, List.concat[prog1; prog2; new_prog])
let safe_calc_to_asm_prog (c:calc) : asm list =
let (addr, asm) = safe_calc_to_asm (ref 0) c in
(* add ret to the end *)
List.concat [asm; [Load{reg = 0; addr=addr}; Ret]]
let run_calc_safe (c:calc) : calcv =
let asm = safe_calc_to_asm_prog c in
VNum(interp_asm asm)
let () =
assert ((run_calc_safe calc1) = VNum(22));
assert ((run_calc_safe calc2) = VNum(26));
assert ((run_calc_safe calc3) = VNum(0))
(* test for exceptions *)
let () =
(let _ = run_calc_safe (AddInt(Bool(true), Num(10))) in
assert false)
Trap -> ();
(let _ = run_calc_safe (AddInt(AddInt(Num(10), Num(20)), Bool(true))) in
assert false)
Trap -> ()
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