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Created February 13, 2024 16:10
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#lang plait
; simply-typed lambda-calculus
(define-type LType
[FunT (arg : LType) (body : LType)])
(define-type LExp
[varE (s : Symbol)]
[numE (n : Number)]
[lamE (arg : Symbol) (typ : LType) (body : LExp)]
[appE (e : LExp) (arg : LExp)])
; perform e1[x |-> e2]
(subst : (LExp Symbol LExp -> LExp))
(define (subst e1 x e2)
(type-case LExp e1
[(varE s) (if (symbol=? s x)
(varE s))]
[(numE n) (numE n)]
[(lamE id typ body)
(if (symbol=? x id)
(lamE id typ body) ; shadowing case
(lamE id typ (subst body x e2)))]
[(appE e1App e2App)
(appE (subst e1App x e2)
(subst e2App x e2))]))
(define (interp e)
(type-case LExp e
[(varE s) (error 'runtime "unbound symbol")]
[(lamE id typ body) (lamE id typ body)]
[(numE n) (numE n)]
[(appE e1 e2)
; run e1 to get (lambda (id) body)
; run e2 to get a value argV
; run body[id |-> v]
(letrec [(e1V (interp e1))
(body (lamE-body e1V))
(id (lamE-arg e1V))
(argV (interp e2))]
(interp (subst body id argV)))]))
(define-type-alias TEnv (Hashof Symbol LType))
(define mt-env (hash empty)) ;; "empty environment"
(define (lookup (n : TEnv) (s : Symbol))
(type-case (Optionof LType) (hash-ref n s)
[(none) (error 'type-error "unrecognized symbol")]
[(some v) v]))
(extend : (TEnv Symbol LType -> TEnv))
(define (extend old-env new-name value)
(hash-set old-env new-name value))
(define (type-of env e)
(type-case LExp e
[(varE s) (lookup env s)]
[(numE n) (NumT)]
[(lamE arg typ body)
(FunT typ (type-of (extend env arg typ) body))]
[(appE e1 e2)
(let [(t-e1 (type-of env e1))
(t-e2 (type-of env e2))]
(type-case LType t-e1
[(FunT tau1 tau2)
(if (equal? tau1 t-e2)
(error 'type-error "invalid function call"))]
[else (error 'type-error "invalid function call")]))]))
(test (interp (appE (lamE 'x (NumT) (varE 'x)) (numE 10))) (numE 10))
(test (type-of mt-env (lamE 'x (NumT) (varE 'x))) (FunT (NumT) (NumT)))
(test (type-of mt-env (appE (lamE 'x (NumT) (varE 'x)) (numE 10))) (NumT))
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