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Created April 1, 2024 18:28
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(* two ways of implementing factorial: one with unbounded control context and one with
iterative control context *)
let rec fact_unbounded n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * (fact_unbounded (n - 1))
(* ocaml will issue a warning if you use the [@tailcall] decorator on a
non-tail-call form *)
let rec fact_iter_acc (n:int) (acc:int) : int =
if n = 0 then acc else ((fact_iter_acc [@tailcall]) (n - 1) (n * acc))
let fact_iter n = fact_iter_acc n 1
let rec fact_cont_h (n:int) (cont:int -> int) =
if n = 0 then cont 1 else fact_cont_h (n-1) (fun result -> cont (n * result))
let fact_cont n = fact_cont_h n (fun result -> result)
(* Fibonacci sequence:
a0 = 0
a1 = 1
an = a_{n-1} + a_{n - 2}*)
let rec fib a =
if a = 0 then 0
else if a = 1 then 1
else fib (a-1) + fib (a-2)
(* continuation-passing-style fibonacci *)
let rec fib_iter_h a (cont : int -> int) =
if a = 0 then cont 0
else if a = 1 then cont 1
else (fib_iter_h [@tailcall]) (a-1)
(fun res -> (fib_iter_h [@tailcall]) (a-2)
(fun x -> x + (cont res)))
let fib_iter a = fib_iter_h a (fun x -> x)
let () =
assert (fib 5 = fib_iter 5);
assert (fib 6 = fib_iter 6);
(* a continuation-passing interpreter for a tiny calculator language *)
type calc =
Num of int
| Add of calc * calc
(* naive implementation: unbounded control context *)
let rec interp_recursive c =
match c with
| Num(n) -> n
| Add(c1, c2) -> (interp_recursive c1) + (interp_recursive c2)
(* continuation-passing form *)
let rec interp_iter_h (c:calc) (cont: int -> int) : int =
match c with
| Num(n) -> cont n
| Add(c1, c2) ->
interp_iter_h c1
(fun n1 -> interp_iter_h c2 (fun n2 -> cont (n1 + n2)))
let interp_iter c =
interp_iter_h c (fun n -> n)
(* adding `return` *)
(* a continuation-passing interpreter for a tiny calculator language *)
type return_calc =
Num of int
| Add of return_calc * return_calc
| Return of return_calc
(* continuation-passing form *)
let rec interp_return_h (c:return_calc) (cont: int -> int) : int =
match c with
| Num(n) -> cont n
| Add(c1, c2) ->
interp_return_h c1
(fun n1 -> interp_return_h c2 (fun n2 -> cont (n1 + n2)))
| Return (calc) ->
(* discard the current continuation and simply run `calc` *)
interp_return_h calc (fun x -> x)
let interp_return c =
interp_return_h c (fun n -> n)
let () =
let prog : return_calc = (Add(Num 10, Return(Num 40))) in
assert (interp_return (Add(Num 10, Num 10)) = 20);
assert (interp_return prog = 40);
(* adding other types *)
type value =
VBool of bool
| VNum of int
type bcalc =
Num of int
| Bool of bool
| And of bcalc * bcalc
| Add of bcalc * bcalc
exception Runtime
let rec interp_bcalc_iter_h c (cont : value -> value) : value =
match c with
| Num(n) -> cont (VNum n)
| Bool(b) -> cont (VBool b)
| Add(e1, e2) ->
interp_bcalc_iter_h e1
(fun v1 -> interp_bcalc_iter_h e2 (fun v2 ->
let sum = match (v1, v2) with
| (VNum(n1), VNum(n2)) -> VNum(n1 + n2)
| _ -> raise Runtime in
cont sum))
| And(e1, e2) ->
interp_bcalc_iter_h e1
(fun v1 -> interp_bcalc_iter_h e2 (fun v2 ->
let sum = match (v1, v2) with
| (VBool(n1), VBool(n2)) -> VBool(n1 && n2)
| _ -> raise Runtime in
cont sum))
(* adding return *)
type rcalc =
Num of int
| Bool of bool
| And of rcalc * rcalc
| Add of rcalc * rcalc
| Return of rcalc
exception Runtime
let rec interp_rcalc_h (e:rcalc) (cont : value -> value) =
match e with
| Num(n) -> cont (VNum n)
| Bool(b) -> cont (VBool b)
| Add(e1, e2) ->
interp_rcalc_h e1
(fun v1 -> interp_rcalc_h e2 (fun v2 ->
let sum = match (v1, v2) with
| (VNum(n1), VNum(n2)) -> VNum(n1 + n2)
| _ -> raise Runtime in
cont sum))
| And(e1, e2) ->
interp_rcalc_h e1
(fun v1 -> interp_rcalc_h e2 (fun v2 ->
let sum = match (v1, v2) with
| (VBool(n1), VBool(n2)) -> VBool(n1 && n2)
| _ -> raise Runtime in
cont sum))
| Return(e) ->
(* evaluate and return e *)
interp_rcalc_h e (fun x -> x)
let interp_rcalc e = interp_rcalc_h e (fun x -> x)
let () =
let prog : rcalc = (Add(Num 10, Return(Num 40))) in
assert (interp_rcalc (Add(Num 10, Num 10)) = VNum(20));
assert (interp_rcalc prog = VNum(40));
(* adding exceptions *)
type ecalc =
Num of int
| Bool of bool
| And of ecalc * ecalc
| Add of ecalc * ecalc
| Try_with of {try_e: ecalc; with_e: ecalc}
| Raise
exception Uncaught_exception
let rec interp_ecalc_iter_h (c:ecalc) (cont : value -> value) (handler: unit -> value) =
match c with
| Num(n) -> cont (VNum n)
| Bool(b) -> cont (VBool b)
| Add(e1, e2) ->
interp_ecalc_iter_h e1
(fun v1 -> interp_ecalc_iter_h e2 (fun v2 ->
let sum = match (v1, v2) with
| (VNum(n1), VNum(n2)) -> VNum(n1 + n2)
| _ -> raise Runtime in
cont sum) handler) handler
| And(e1, e2) ->
interp_ecalc_iter_h e1
(fun v1 -> interp_ecalc_iter_h e2 (fun v2 ->
let sum = match (v1, v2) with
| (VBool(n1), VBool(n2)) -> VBool(n1 && n2)
| _ -> raise Runtime in
cont sum) handler) handler
| Raise -> handler ()
| Try_with { try_e; with_e } ->
(* run try_e with a new continuation that evaluates with_e *)
let handler_cont = fun () -> interp_ecalc_iter_h with_e cont handler in
interp_ecalc_iter_h try_e cont handler_cont
let interp_ecalc (e:ecalc) =
interp_ecalc_iter_h e (fun x -> x) (fun x -> raise Uncaught_exception)
let p1 = Try_with { try_e = Raise;
with_e = Num(10)}
let p2 = Try_with { try_e = Add(Num(10), Num(20));
with_e = Num 20}
let p3 = Try_with { try_e = Add(Num(10), Raise);
with_e = Num 20}
let p4 = Try_with { try_e = Try_with { try_e = Raise;
with_e = Num 30} ;
with_e = Num 20}
let () =
assert ((interp_ecalc p1) = VNum(10));
assert ((interp_ecalc p2) = VNum(30));
assert ((interp_ecalc p3) = VNum(20));
assert ((interp_ecalc p4) = VNum(30))
(* adding let-bindings *)
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