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Created February 21, 2024 17:04
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#lang plait
; State-passing language
; Language has: let bindings, variables, numbers, box and set!
(define-type AtomicExp
(varE (id : Symbol))
(boolE (b : Boolean))
(numE (n : Number))
(addE (l : AtomicExp) (r : AtomicExp))
(andE (l : AtomicExp) (r : AtomicExp)))
(define-type Exp
(let1E (id : Symbol) (assignment : Exp) (body : Exp))
(atom (a : AtomicExp))
(unboxE (e : AtomicExp))
(boxE (e : AtomicExp))
(setE (b : AtomicExp) (v : AtomicExp)))
(define-type-alias Heap (Number * (Hashof Number Value)))
(define-type-alias Store (Hashof Symbol Value))
(define mt-env (hash '()))
(define-type Value
[numV (n : Number)]
[boolV (b : Boolean)]
[locV (l : Number)])
(define (lookup-store (s : Symbol) (n : Store))
(type-case (Optionof Value) (hash-ref n s)
[(none) (error s "not bound")]
[(some v) v]))
(test (lookup-store 's (hash (list (pair 's (numV 10))))) (numV 10))
(test (lookup-store 's (hash (list (pair 's (locV 10))))) (locV 10))
(test/exn (lookup-store 'n (hash (list (pair 's (numV 10))))) "not bound")
; it is important to note that extend-store will overwrite if there are
; overlapping symbols.
(extend-store : (Store Symbol Value -> Store))
(define (extend-store old-store new-name value)
(hash-set old-store new-name value))
(test (extend-store mt-env 's (numV 10)) (hash (list (pair 's (numV 10)))))
(test (extend-store (hash (list (pair 's (numV 20)))) 's (numV 10))
(hash (list (pair 's (numV 10)))))
(define mt-heap (pair 0 (hash '())))
(define (lookup-heap (l : Number) (h : Heap))
(type-case (Optionof Value) (hash-ref (snd h) l)
[(none) (error 'runtime "invalid location")]
[(some v) v]))
(test (lookup-heap 0 (pair 1 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 10)))))) (numV 10))
(test (lookup-heap 0 (pair 1 (hash (list (pair 0 (locV 10)))))) (locV 10))
(test/exn (lookup-heap 23 (pair 1 (hash (list (pair 0 (locV 10))))))
"invalid location")
(extend-heap : (Heap Value -> (Number * Heap)))
(define (extend-heap h value)
(letrec [(cur-loc (fst h))
(cur-heap (snd h))
(new-heap (hash-set cur-heap cur-loc value))]
(pair cur-loc (pair (+ 1 cur-loc) new-heap))))
(test (extend-heap (pair 1 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 10))))) (locV 20))
(pair 1 (pair 2 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 10)) (pair 1 (locV 20)))))))
(set-heap : (Heap Number Value -> Heap))
(define (set-heap h loc value)
(pair (fst h) (hash-set (snd h) loc value)))
(test (set-heap (pair 1 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 10))))) 5 (locV 20))
(pair 1 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 10)) (pair 5 (locV 20))))))
(interp-atomic : (AtomicExp Store Heap -> Value))
(define (interp-atomic e store heap)
(type-case AtomicExp e
[(numE n) (numV n)]
[(varE id) (lookup-store id store)]
[(boolE b) (boolV b)]
[(addE l r) (numV (+ (numV-n (interp-atomic l store heap))
(numV-n (interp-atomic r store heap))))]
[(andE l r) (boolV (and (boolV-b (interp-atomic l store heap))
(boolV-b (interp-atomic r store heap))))]
; the store will store local variables (e.g. ones in let-binds)
; the heap will store boxed variables
(interp : (Exp Store Heap -> (Value * Heap)))
(define (interp e store heap)
(type-case Exp e
[(atom a) (pair (interp-atomic a store heap) heap)]
[(let1E id assignment body)
(letrec [(eval-assgn (interp assignment store heap))
(assgn-value (fst eval-assgn))
(assgn-heap (snd eval-assgn))
(new-store (extend-store store id assgn-value))]
(interp body new-store assgn-heap))]
[(boxE e)
(letrec [(eval-e (interp-atomic e store heap))
(heap-insertion (extend-heap heap eval-e))]
(pair (locV (fst heap-insertion)) (snd heap-insertion)))]
[(unboxE body)
(letrec [(eval-body (interp-atomic body store heap))]
(type-case Value eval-body
[(locV l) (pair (lookup-heap l heap) heap)]
[else (error 'runtime "tried to unbox non-location")]))]
[(setE body arg)
(letrec [(eval-body (interp-atomic body store heap))
(eval-arg (interp-atomic arg store heap))]
(type-case Value eval-body
[(locV l) (pair (numV 0) (set-heap heap l eval-arg))]
[else (error 'runtime "tried to set non-location")]))]))
; let x = box 0 in unbox x
(test (interp (let1E 'x (boxE (numE 0)) (unboxE (varE 'x))) mt-env mt-heap)
(values (numV 0) (values 1 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 0)))))))
; let x = box 0 in let y = set! x 10 in unbox x
(interp (let1E 'x (boxE (numE 0))
(let1E 'y (setE (varE 'x) (numE 10))
(unboxE (varE 'x)))) mt-env mt-heap)
(values (numV 10) (values 1 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 10)))))) )
; let x = box 0 in let y = box 1 in unbox x
(test (interp
(let1E 'x (boxE (numE 0))
(let1E 'y (boxE (numE 1))
(unboxE (varE 'x)))) mt-env mt-heap)
(values (numV 0) (values 2 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 0)) (pair 1 (numV 1)))))))
; let x = box 0 in let y = box 1 in let z = set! y 10 in unbox x
(test (interp
(let1E 'x (boxE (numE 0))
(let1E 'y (boxE (numE 1))
(let1E 'z (setE (varE 'y) (numE 10))
(unboxE (varE 'x))))) mt-env mt-heap)
(values (numV 0) (values 2 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 0)) (pair 1 (numV 10)))))))
; let x = box 0 in let x = box 10 in unbox x
(test (interp
(let1E 'x (boxE (numE 0))
(let1E 'x (boxE (numE 10))
(unboxE (varE 'x)))) mt-env mt-heap)
(values (numV 10) (values 2 (hash (list (pair 0 (numV 0)) (pair 1 (numV 10)))))))
(define-type Type
[TRef (t : Type)])
(define-type-alias TypeEnv (Hashof Symbol Type))
(define (extend-tenv old new-name type)
(hash-set old new-name type))
(define (lookup-tenv (env : TypeEnv) (x : Symbol))
(type-case (Optionof Type) (hash-ref env x)
[(none) (error 'runtime "invalid location")]
[(some v) v]))
(define (atomic-type-of env e)
(type-case AtomicExp e
[(varE s) (lookup-tenv env s)]
[(boolE v) (TBool)]
[(numE n) (TNum)]
[(andE l r)
(if (and (TBool? (atomic-type-of env l))
(TBool? (atomic-type-of env r)))
(error 'type "Invalid types for and"))]
[(addE l r)
(if (and (TNum? (atomic-type-of env l))
(TNum? (atomic-type-of env r)))
(error 'type "Invalid types for add"))]))
(type-of : (TypeEnv Exp -> Type))
(define (type-of env e)
(type-case Exp e
[(let1E id assgn body)
(type-of (extend-tenv env id (type-of env assgn)) body)]
[(atom a) (atomic-type-of env a)]
[(unboxE e)
(type-case Type (atomic-type-of env e)
[(TRef t) t]
[else (error 'type "Attempting to dereference non-location")])]
[(boxE e) (TRef (atomic-type-of env e))]
[(setE l v)
(type-case Type (atomic-type-of env l)
[(TRef t) (if (equal? (atomic-type-of env v) t)
(error 'type "Attempting to change type of ref"))]
[else (error 'type "Attempting to set non-location")])]))
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