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Last active March 28, 2024 21:55
A simple garbage-collected language using mark-and-sweep
(* micro-c *)
type microc =
| Let of { id: string; binding: microc; body: microc }
| Var of string
| Malloc
| Gc
| Free of microc
| Set of {loc: microc; value: microc}
| Deref of {loc: microc}
| Num of int
type value =
VNum of int
| VLoc of int
type free_cell = Free | Occupied
type heap = {
(* array of indices that are occupied in the heap; true = not-occupied *)
free_list: free_cell array;
heap: value array
let heap_size = 100
let empty_heap () = { free_list = Array.make heap_size Free; heap = Array.make heap_size (VNum (-1))}
module StringMap = Map.Make(String)
type microcenv = value StringMap.t
(* out of memory exception *)
exception Oom
(* out of memory exception *)
exception Runtime
(* find a free index in the free_list or raise an Oom exception *)
let find_free_idx (h:heap) : int =
let rec helper (h:heap) (idx:int) : int =
if (idx >= Array.length h.free_list) then raise Oom else
if (Array.get h.free_list idx) = Free then idx else helper h (idx+1) in
helper h 0
let rec gc (root:value) (heap:heap) : unit =
(* traverse the heap beginning from `root` and mark every reachable address as occupied *)
match root with
| VNum(_) -> ()
| VLoc(l) ->
(* check to see if we've already marked this as free; if not, recurse *)
if (Array.get heap.free_list l) = Free then
(Array.set heap.free_list l Occupied;
gc (Array.get heap.heap l) heap)
let rec interp_c (heap:heap) (env: microcenv) (microc:microc) : value =
match microc with
| Let {id; binding; body} ->
let bindv = interp_c heap env binding in
let new_env = StringMap.add id bindv env in
interp_c heap new_env body
| Var(s) ->
(match StringMap.find_opt s env with
| Some(v) -> v
| None -> raise Runtime)
| Malloc ->
let idx = find_free_idx heap in
(* update free list *)
Array.set heap.free_list idx Occupied;
| Set {loc; value} ->
let l = (match interp_c heap env loc with
VLoc(v) -> v
| VNum(_) -> raise Runtime) in
let v = interp_c heap env value in
Array.set heap.heap l v;
| Deref { loc } ->
let l = (match interp_c heap env loc with
VLoc(v) -> v
| VNum(_) -> raise Runtime) in
Array.get heap.heap l
| Num(n) -> (VNum(n))
| Gc ->
(* mark all heap locations as free *)
Array.iteri (fun idx _ -> Array.set heap.free_list idx Free) heap.free_list;
(* then, for every location reachable in our environment, mark it as occupied *)
StringMap.iter (fun _ value -> gc value heap) env;
| Free(exp) ->
let l = (match interp_c heap env exp with
VLoc(v) -> v
| VNum(_) -> raise Runtime) in
Array.set heap.free_list l Free;
exception Type_error
type ast =
Let of string * ast * ast
| Unbox of ast
| Box of ast
| Set of string * ast
| Var of string
| Num of int
let fresh_name f =
let v = Format.sprintf "fresh%d" (!f) in
f := !f + 1;
(* compile ast into microc *)
let rec compile_leaky (ast:ast) (f:int ref) : microc =
match ast with
| Box(e) ->
let e_v = compile_leaky e f in
(* whenever we allocate a new value, garbage collect *)
let loc_name = fresh_name f in
Let{id=loc_name; binding=Malloc;
body = Let {id="_"; binding=Set { loc=Var(loc_name); value=e_v };
body=Var(loc_name) }}
| Num(n) -> Num(n)
| Var(s) -> Var(s)
| Let(id, binding, body) ->
Let {id=id; binding=compile_leaky binding f; body= compile_leaky body f}
| Set(loc, value) ->
Set { loc = Var(loc); value = compile_leaky value f }
| Unbox(e) ->
Deref { loc = compile_leaky e f }
let compile_and_run_leaky ast =
let compiled = compile_leaky ast (ref 0) in
interp_c (empty_heap ()) StringMap.empty compiled
let p1 =
Let("v", Num(10),
Let("x", Box(Var("v")),
Let("_", Set("x", Num(20)),
let p2 = Let("x", Box(Num(10)), Unbox(Var("x")))
let () =
assert ((compile_and_run_leaky p1) = VNum(20))
(* compile with gc *)
let rec compile_gc (ast:ast) (f:int ref) : microc =
match ast with
| Box(e) ->
(* whenever we allocate a new value, garbage collect *)
let e_v = compile_leaky e f in
let loc_name = fresh_name f in
let res : microc = Let{id=loc_name; binding=Malloc;
body = Let {id="_"; binding=Set { loc=Var(loc_name); value=e_v };
body=Var(loc_name) }} in
let body : microc = Let { id = "_"; binding = Gc; body = Var("res")} in
Let { id = "res"; binding = res; body=body }
| Num(n) -> Num(n)
| Var(s) -> Var(s)
| Let(id, binding, body) ->
Let {id=id; binding=compile_gc binding f; body= compile_gc body f}
| Set(loc, value) ->
Set { loc = Var(loc); value = compile_gc value f }
| Unbox(e) ->
Deref { loc = compile_gc e f }
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