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Created February 12, 2024 18:23
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#lang plait
(define-type Exp
[addE (l : Exp) (r : Exp)]
[appendE (l : Exp) (r : Exp)]
[numE (n : Number)]
[iteE (g : Exp) (thn : Exp) (els : Exp)]
[stringE (s : String)])
(define-type Value
[numV (n : Number)]
[stringV (s : String)])
(define-type Type
(calc : (Exp -> Value))
(define (calc e)
(type-case Exp e
[(numE n) (numV n)]
[(stringE s) (stringV s)]
[(addE l r ) (numV (+ (numV-n (calc l)) (numV-n (calc r))))]
[(iteE g thn els)
(if (eq? (numV-n (calc g)) 0)
(calc thn)
(calc els))]
[(appendE l r ) (stringV (string-append
(stringV-s (calc l))
(stringV-s (calc r))))]))
(type-of : (Exp -> Type))
(define (type-of e)
(type-case Exp e
[(numE n) (numT)]
[(stringE s) (stringT)]
[(addE l r)
(if (and (numT? (type-of l)) (numT? (type-of r)))
(error 'type-error "tried to add non-numbers"))]
[(iteE g thn els)
(let [(t-g (type-of g))
(t-thn (type-of thn))
(t-els (type-of els))]
(if (and (equal? t-g (numT)) (equal? t-thn t-els))
(error 'type-error "Type error in if")))]
[(appendE l r)
(if (and (stringT? (type-of l)) (stringT? (type-of r)))
(error 'type-error "tried to append non-string"))
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