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Created July 17, 2009 03:52
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  • Save SIN-777/148851 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SIN-777/148851 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name: "alc",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: {name: "bellbind", email: ""},
license: "GPL",
description: [
"translate word by alc/eijiro",
"input command e.g.: ",
" alc word",
"or: ",
" alc 単語"].join("\n"),
help: "translate word by alc/eijiro",
takes: {"input": /.*/},
preview: function (pblock, input) {
var pnode = jQuery(pblock);
var cache = this._preview_cache;
var word = input.text;
if (cache[word]) {
if (word.length == 0) {
pnode.html("<pre>" + this.description + "</pre>");
cache[word] = pnode.clone();
var url = this._url(word);
var embed_content = function (data) {
var resultArea = jQuery(data).find("#resultArea").eq(0);
var sas = resultArea.find(".sas");
var resultList = resultArea.find("#resultList");
cache[word] = pnode.clone();
CmdUtils.previewGet(pblock, url, null, embed_content, "html");
execute: function (input) {
if (input.text.length == 0) return;
_url: function (word) {
var template = "${word}/UTF-8?ref=sa";
return CmdUtils.renderTemplate(template, {word: encodeURI(word)});
_preview_cache: {}
name: "eval",
icon: "chrome://ubiquity/skin/icons/favicon.ico",
homepage: "",
author: {name: "bellbind", email: ""},
license: "GPL",
description: "evaluate script",
help: "evaluate script",
takes: {"input": /.*/},
preview: function (pblock, input) {
var code = input.text;
var pnode = jQuery(pblock);
var pre = jQuery("<pre></pre>");
pre.css({overflow: "scroll"});
execute: function (input) {
var code = input.text;
_eval: function (code) {
try {
return this._pp(eval(code));
} catch (ex) {
return this._pp(ex);
_pp: function (obj) {
return this._pplevel(obj, "", false, false, 2);
_pplevel: function (obj, indent, cont, flat, level) {
var itop = cont ? "" : indent;
switch (obj) {
case undefined: return itop + "undefined";
case null: return itop + "null";
case true: return itop + "true";
case false: return itop + "false";
if (level === 0) return itop + "...";
switch (typeof obj) {
case "number": return itop + obj.toString();
case "string": return itop +
(level < 2 ? "'...'" : this._ppstr(obj));
case "function": return itop +
(level < 2 ? "function ..." : obj.toSource().split("\n").join(indent + "\n"));
try {
var nlevel = level - 1;
var nflat = nlevel < 2;
var nindent = this._nest(indent);
var mindent = flat ? "": nindent;
var mcont = flat ? true : false;
var mjoin = flat ? ", " : ",\n";
var sjoin = flat ? "" : "\n";
switch (obj.constructor) {
case Array: return [
itop + "[",
[this._pplevel(item, nindent, mcont, nflat, nlevel)
for each (item in obj)].join(mjoin),
indent + "]"].join(sjoin);
var keys = [k for (k in obj)].sort();
var name = "";
try {
name = "/* " + + " */ ";
} catch (ex) {
return [
itop + "{" + name,
[mindent + this._ppstr(k) + ": " +
this._pplevel(obj[k], nindent, true, nflat, nlevel)
for each (k in keys)].join(mjoin),
indent + "}"].join(sjoin);
} catch (ex) {
return itop + obj.toSource();
_ppstr: function (obj) {
return "'" + obj.split("'").join("\\'") +"'";
_nest: function (indent) {return indent + " ";}
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