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Last active September 4, 2021 02:13
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### small function to add last command as alias
### usage "add <alias_name> "!!"
### example add kgp "!!"
function add(){
echo alias\ $1=\"$2\" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "refreshed..."
### Install pet
function pet-install(){
wget -q -O /tmp/pet_0.3.6_linux_amd64.deb
apt -qq install /tmp/pet_0.3.6_linux_amd64.deb
wget -q -O /tmp/fzf_0.20.0-1build1_amd64.deb
apt -qq install /tmp/fzf_0.20.0-1build1_amd64.deb
echo 'function pex() { pet exec -q=$@; }' >> ~/.bashrc
wget -P ~/.config/pet/ -O ~/.config/pet/snippet.toml
rm /tmp/pet_0.3.6_linux_amd64.deb
rm /tmp/fzf_0.20.0-1build1_amd64.deb
echo 'function pex() { pet exec -q=$@; }' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
### expand aliase using "ctr+alt+e" or "esc ctr+e" for autocomplete
##### CORE CONCEPTS #####
### apply and delete
alias ka="kubectl apply -f"
alias kdl="kubectl delete -f "
### Pods
alias kgp="kubectl get pods -o wide"
alias kdp="kubectl describe pods"
alias kdlp="kubectl delete pod --force"
alias kr="kubectl run --image="
alias kgpy="kubectl get pods -o yaml"
alias kgpns="kubectl get pods -n"
### Node
alias kgn="kubectl get nodes -o wide"
### Replicaset
alias kgrs="kubectl get replicasets.apps -o wide"
alias kdrs="kubectl describe replicasets.apps "
alias kdlrs="kubectl delete replicasets.apps "
alias kgrsy="kubectl get replicasets.apps -o yaml "
alias kscrs="kubectl scale replicaset --replicas="
### Deployments
alias kgd="kubectl get deployments.apps -o wide"
alias kdd="kubectl describe deployments.apps"
alias kdld="kubectl delete deployments.apps"
function kcddo(){
read -p "image: " image
read -p "no of replicas: " replicas
read -p "deployment name: " name
case $namespace in
"" ) namespae=$(kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace: | cut -d " " -f6);;
* ) namespace=$namespace;;
kubectl create deployment --image=$image --replicas=$replicas --namespace=$namespace $name --dry-run=client -o yaml
function kcd(){
read -p "image: " image
read -p "no of replicas: " replicas
read -p "deployment name: " name
read -p "namespace: " namespace
case $namespace in
"" ) namespae=$(kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace: | cut -d " " -f6);;
* ) namespace=$namespace;;
kubectl create deployment --image=$image --replicas=$replicas $name --namespace=$namespace
alias kscd="kubectl scale deployement --replicas="
### Services
alias kgs="kubectl get service -o wide"
alias kds="kubectl describe services"
alias kdls="kubectl delete services"
alias kre="kubectl run --expose --port"
function keddo(){
read -p "deployment name to expose: " name
read -p "service type [(C)lusterIP, (N)odePort, (L)oadBalancer]: " service_type
case $service_type in
n|N ) service_type=NodePort;;
l|L ) service_type=LoadBalancer;;
* ) service_type=ClusterIP;;
read -p "service name: " service_name
read -p "namespace: " namespace
case $namespace in
"" ) namespae=$(kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace: | cut -d " " -f6);;
* ) namespace=$namespace;;
kubectl expose deployment $name --type $service_type --name $service_name --namespace $namespace --dry-run=client -o yaml
function ked(){
read -p "deployment name to expose: " name
read -p "service type [(C)lusterIP, (N)odePort, (L)oadBalancer]: " service_type
case $service_type in
n|N ) service_type=NodePort;;
l|L ) service_type=LoadBalancer;;
* ) service_type=ClusterIP;;
read -p "service name: " service_name
read -p "namespace: " namespace
case $namespace in
"" ) namespae=$(kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace: | cut -d " " -f6);;
* ) namespace=$namespace;;
kubectl expose deployment $name --type $service_type --name $service_name --namespace $namespace
function kep(){
read -p "pod name to expose: " name
read -p "service type [(C)lusterIP, (N)odePort, (L)oadBalancer]: " service_type
case $service_type in
n|N ) service_type=NodePort;;
l|L ) service_type=LoadBalancer;;
* ) service_type=ClusterIP;;
read -p "port: " port
read -p "service name: " service_name
read -p "namespace: " namespace
case $namespace in
"" ) namespae=$(kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace: | cut -d " " -f6);;
* ) namespace=$namespace;;
kubectl expose pod $name --type $service_type --port $port --name $service_name --namespace $namespace
##### SCHEDULING #####
# tain
function ktn(){
read -p "node name to taint: " node
read -p "taint key: " key
read -p "taint value: " value
read -p "taint effect [(N)oSchedule, (P)referNoSchedule, No(E)xecute]: " effect
case $service_type in
p|P ) effect=PreferNoSchedule;;
e|E ) effect=NoExecute;;
* ) effect=NoSchedule;;
kubectl taint node $node $key=$value:$effect
function knut(){
read -p "node name to taint: " node
read -p "taint key: " key
read -p "taint value: " value
read -p "taint effect [(N)oSchedule, (P)referNoSchedule, No(E)xecute]: " effect
case $service_type in
p|P ) effect=PreferNoSchedule;;
e|E ) effect=NoExecute;;
* ) effect=NoSchedule;;
kubectl taint node $node $key=$value:$effect-
alias kgnt="kubectl get node -o,TAINT-EFFECT:.spec.taints[*].effect,TAINT-KEY:.spec.taints[*].key,TAINT-VALUE:.spec.taints[*].value"
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