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Forked from xhh/.Xdefaults
Created January 25, 2017 18:07
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i3 config and Xdefaults samples
! ~/.Xdefaults
! xhh config for terminals e.g. urxvt
! For the latest version, check
! normal settings
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
! terminal color scheme
*foreground: rgb:dd/dd/dd
*background: rgb:22/22/22
*color0: rgb:19/19/19
*color8: rgb:25/25/25
*color1: rgb:80/32/32
*color9: rgb:98/2b/2b
*color2: rgb:5b/76/2f
*color10: rgb:89/b8/3f
*color3: rgb:aa/99/43
*color11: rgb:ef/ef/60
*color4: rgb:32/4c/80
*color12: rgb:2b/4f/98
*color5: rgb:70/6c/9a
*color13: rgb:82/6a/b1
*color6: rgb:92/b1/9e
*color14: rgb:a1/cd/cd
*color7: rgb:ff/ff/ff
*color15: rgb:dd/dd/dd
! urxvt settings
! transparency settings
URxvt.inheritPixmap: true
URxvt.transparent: true
URxvt.tintColor: #000
URxvt.shading: 45
! other settings
URxvt.geometry: 90x25+180+200
! open URL in browser
URxvt.urlLauncher: google-chrome
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
URxvt.perl-ext-common: matcher
! normal font
!URxvt.font:xft:YaHei Consolas Hybrid:pixelsize=14:antialias=true,xft:Droid Sans Fallback:pixelsize=12:antialias=true
!URxvt.font:xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=13:antialias=true,xft:Droid Sans Fallback:pixelsize=12:antialias=true
!URxvt.font:xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=13:antialias=true,xft:Droid Sans Fallback:pixelsize=12:antialias=true
URxvt.font:xft:Monaco:pixelsize=13:antialias=true,xft:WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono:pixelsize=13:antialias=true
!URxvt.font:xft:ProFont:pixelsize=13:antialias=true,xft:WenQuanYi ZenHei:pixelsize=15:antialias=true
! bold font
!URxvt.boldFont:xft:YaHei Consolas Hybrid:pixelsize=14:Bold:antialias=true,xft:Droid Sans Fallback:pixelsize=12:Bold:antialias=true
!URxvt.boldFont:xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=13:Bold:antialias=true,xft:Droid Sans Fallback:pixelsize=12:Bold:antialias=true
!URxvt.boldFont:xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=13:Bold:antialias=true,xft:Droid Sans Fallback:pixelsize=12:Bold:antialias=true
URxvt.boldFont:xft:Monaco:pixelsize=13:Bold:antialias=true,xft:WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono:pixelsize=13:Bold:antialias=true
!URxvt.boldFont:xft:ProFont:pixelsize=13:antialias=true,xft:WenQuanYi ZenHei:pixelsize=15:antialias=true
# ~/.xinitrc
# set wallpaper
exec feh --bg-scale /home/cooky/Pictures/wallpapers/world/bl1920.jpg &
# use the "-l" option until version "3e"
exec i3 -l
# File: ~/.i3/config
# xhh's config of i3 (a tilling window manager)
# For the latest version, check:
# This configuration uses Mod1 and Mod4. Make sure they are mapped properly using xev(1)
# and xmodmap(1). Usually, Mod1 is Alt (Alt_L) and Mod4 is Windows (Super_L)
terminal /usr/bin/urxvt
# ISO 10646 = Unicode
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
# No window titles. Keep the border (values: bn, bp, bb)
new_window bp
# Key bindings below
# Use Mouse+Mod1 to drag floating windows to their wanted position
floating_modifier Mod1
# Fullscreen (Mod4+f)
bind Mod4+41 f
# Switch to Stacking layout (vertical tab) (Mod4+i)
bind Mod4+31 s
# Switch to Tabbed layout (horizontal tag) (Mod4+p)
bind Mod4+33 T
# Switch to Default layout (Mod4+e)
bind Mod4+26 d
# Toggle tiling/floating of the current window (Mod4+Shift+Space)
bind Mod4+Shift+65 t
# Go into the tiling layer / floating layer, depending on whether
# the current window is tiling / floating (Mod4+o)
bind Mod4+32 focus ft
# Focus the window left/down/up/right (Mod4+h/j/k/l)
bind Mod4+43 h
bind Mod4+44 j
bind Mod4+45 k
bind Mod4+46 l
# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
bindsym Mod4+Left h
bindsym Mod4+Down j
bindsym Mod4+Up k
bindsym Mod4+Right l
# Focus Container (Mod1+h/j/k/l)
bind Mod1+43 wch
bind Mod1+44 wcj
bind Mod1+45 wck
bind Mod1+46 wcl
# Snap (Mod1+Control+h/j/k/l)
bind Mod1+Control+43 sh
bind Mod1+Control+44 sj
bind Mod1+Control+45 sk
bind Mod1+Control+46 sl
# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
bindsym Mod4+Control+Left h
bindsym Mod4+Control+Down j
bindsym Mod4+Control+Up k
bindsym Mod4+Control+Right l
# Move (Mod4+Shift+h/j/k/l)
bind Mod4+Shift+43 mh
bind Mod4+Shift+44 mj
bind Mod4+Shift+45 mk
bind Mod4+Shift+46 ml
# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Left h
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Down j
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Up k
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Right l
# Move Container (Mod4+Shift+h/j/k/l)
bind Mod4+Shift+43 wcmh
bind Mod4+Shift+44 wcmj
bind Mod4+Shift+45 wcmk
bind Mod4+Shift+46 wcml
# Workspaces (Mod4+1/2/…)
bind Mod4+10 1
bind Mod4+11 2
bind Mod4+12 3
bind Mod4+13 4
bind Mod4+14 5
bind Mod4+15 6
bind Mod4+16 7
bind Mod4+17 8
bind Mod4+18 9
bind Mod4+19 10
# Move to Workspaces
bind Mod4+Shift+10 m1
bind Mod4+Shift+11 m2
bind Mod4+Shift+12 m3
bind Mod4+Shift+13 m4
bind Mod4+Shift+14 m5
bind Mod4+Shift+15 m6
bind Mod4+Shift+16 m7
bind Mod4+Shift+17 m8
bind Mod4+Shift+18 m9
bind Mod4+Shift+19 m10
# Mod4+n starts a new terminal: urxvt
bind Mod4+57 exec /usr/bin/urxvt
# Mod4+c kills the current client
bind Mod4+54 kill
# Mod4+m starts dmenu and launches the selected application
# for now, we don’t have an own launcher
bind Mod4+58 exec /usr/bin/dmenu_run
# Mod4+Shift+e exits i3
bind Mod4+Shift+26 exit
# Mod4+Shift+r restarts i3 inplace
bind Mod4+Shift+27 restart
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