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Created March 24, 2023 17:49
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AppleScriptObjC script to query ChatGPT using NSURLRequest and NSJSONSerialization.
use framework "Foundation"
property ca : current application
set theResult to ""
on queryChatGPT(query, openAIKey)
global theResult
set APIEndpoint to ""
set theURL to ca's NSURL's URLWithString:APIEndpoint
-- Set up request headers
set request to ca's NSMutableURLRequest's requestWithURL:theURL
request's setHTTPMethod:"POST"
request's setValue:"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:"Content-Type"
request's setValue:("Bearer " & openAIKey) forHTTPHeaderField:"Authorization"
-- Create the request body as a dictionary
set messageDict to ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects:["user", query] forKeys:["role", "content"]
set requestBody to ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects:["gpt-3.5-turbo", {messageDict}, 0.7] forKeys:["model", "messages", "temperature"]
-- Convert the request body to JSON data
set requestBodyData to ca's NSJSONSerialization's dataWithJSONObject:requestBody options:0 |error|:(missing value)
-- Set the request body data
request's setHTTPBody:requestBodyData
-- Create the session and task
set config to ca's NSURLSessionConfiguration's defaultSessionConfiguration()
set session to ca's NSURLSession's sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:me delegateQueue:(missing value)
set theTask to session's dataTaskWithRequest:request
-- Start the task
theTask's resume()
set completedState to ca's NSURLSessionTaskStateCompleted
set canceledState to ca's NSURLSessionTaskStateCanceling
repeat while theTask's state() is not completedState and theTask's state() is not canceledState
delay 0.1
end repeat
return theResult
end queryChatGPT
on URLSession:tmpSession dataTask:tmpTask didReceiveData:tmpData
global theResult
set theResponse to ca's NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:tmpData options:0 |error|:(missing value)
set theResult to ((((first item of (theResponse's objectForKey:("choices")))'s objectForKey:"message")'s objectForKey:"content") as text)
end URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData:
set openAIKey to "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
set query to "What is the capital of Spain?"
queryChatGPT(query, openAIKey)
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