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Last active March 31, 2021 08:33
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// Learn more about F# at
open System
open TomlParser.Toml
open FParsec
let main argv =
let res =
run toml
"""# This is a TOML document.
title = "TOML Example"
name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00-08:00 # First class dates
server = ""
ports = [ 8000, 8001, 8002 ]
connection_max = 5000
enabled = true
# Indentation (tabs and/or spaces) is allowed but not required
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
data = [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ]
# Line breaks are OK when inside arrays
hosts = [
printfn "%A" res
0 // return an integer exit code
// Success: (((Some [Comment " This is a TOML document."],
// Some (Some (Title "TOML Example"))), Some []),
// [Attr ("name", String "Tom Preston-Werner");
// Attr ("dob", DateTime 27.05.1979 19:32:00)]);
// ("database",
// [Attr ("server", String "");
// Attr ("ports", Array [|Num 8000; Num 8001; Num 8002|]);
// Attr ("connection_max", Num 5000); Attr ("enabled", Bool true)]);
// ("servers",
// [Comment " Indentation (tabs and/or spaces) is allowed but not required";
// SubType
// ("alpha", Attrs [|("ip", String ""); ("dc", String "eqdc10")|]);
// SubType
// ("beta", Attrs [|("ip", String ""); ("dc", String "eqdc10")|])]);
// ("clients",
// [Attr
// ("data",
// Array
// [|Array [|String "gamma"; String "delta"|]; Array [|Num 1; Num 2|]|]);
// Comment " Line breaks are OK when inside arrays";
// Attr ("hosts", Array [|String "alpha"; String "omega"|])])])
namespace TomlParser
open System
type TomlType =
| String of string
| Num of int32
| Float of float
| Bool of bool
| DateTime of DateTime
| Array of TomlType []
type Attr = string * TomlType
type Object =
| Attrs of Attr []
| Attr of Attr
| SubType of string * Object
| Type of string * Object
| Comment of string
| Title of string
module Int32 =
let order i =
let mutable x = i
let mutable cnt = 0
while x / 10 > 0 do
x <- x / 10
cnt <- cnt + 1
cnt + 1
module Float =
let reduce (f: float) =
let mutable x = f
while x >= 1. do
x <- x / 10.
module Toml =
open FParsec
let comment : Parser<Object, unit> = spaces .>>? pstring "#" >>. manyCharsTill anyChar newline |>> Comment
let alphabet =
"_".ToCharArray() }
|> Array.concat
let alphabetStrTill c = manyCharsTill (anyOf alphabet) (pchar c)
let anyStrTill c = manyCharsTill anyChar (pchar c)
let anyStr = manyChars <| anyOf alphabet
let manySpaces = manyChars <| anyOf [|' '; '\t'|]
let name : Parser<string, unit> = spaces >>. pstring "[" >>. (alphabetStrTill ']') //.>> pstring "]"
let subName : Parser<string * string, unit> = spaces >>? pstring "[" >>? (alphabetStrTill '.') .>>.? (alphabetStrTill ']')
let tomlStr : Parser<TomlType, unit> = pstring "\"" >>. (anyStrTill '"') |>> String
let tomlNum : Parser<TomlType, unit> = pint32 |>> Num
let tomlFloat : Parser<TomlType, unit> = pint32 .>>? pchar '.' .>>.? pint32 >>=? fun (whole, particle) ->
float whole + (particle |> float |> Float.reduce)
|> Float
|> preturn
let tomlDateTime : Parser<TomlType, unit> = manyChars (anyOf [|'0';'1';'2';'3';'4';'5';'6';'7';'8';'9';':';'-';'.';'T'|] ) >>=? fun s ->
match DateTime.TryParse(s, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None) with
| (true, dt) -> preturn dt
| (false, _) -> fail <| sprintf "\"%s\" is not a date" s
|>> DateTime
let tomlBool = anyStr >>=? fun s ->
match s with
| "true" -> preturn true
| "false" -> preturn false
| _ -> fail <| sprintf "%s is not bool" s
|>> Bool
let tomlType = choice [
let tomlArray tomlType = pchar '[' >>. sepBy (optional spaces >>. tomlType .>> optional spaces) (pchar ',') .>> pchar ']' |>> (List.toArray >> Array)
let private tomlTypes' = choice [
tomlArray tomlType
let tomlTypes = choice [
tomlDateTime .>> optional comment
tomlStr .>> optional comment
tomlFloat .>> optional comment
tomlNum .>> optional comment
tomlBool .>> optional comment
tomlArray tomlTypes'
let remainingSpaces = manySpaces .>> newline
let attr s : Parser<Attr, unit> = optional manySpaces >>. s .>> manySpaces .>> pchar '=' .>> manySpaces .>>. tomlTypes .>> optional remainingSpaces .>> optional manySpaces
let objects = choice [
subName .>>? spaces .>>.? (many (attr (manyChars <| anyOf alphabet))) >>=? (fun ((_, s), l) -> (s, Attrs <| Seq.toArray l) |> SubType |> preturn)
attr (manyChars <| anyOf alphabet) |>> Attr
let optManyComments = opt (many (attempt comment))
let emptyLine = manySpaces >>. newline >>. manySpaces >>. newline
// name .>> spaces .>>.? subName >>= (fun (s, (s1, s2)) -> preturn (s, s2))
let object = optional remainingSpaces >>. name .>>? optional remainingSpaces .>>? optional manySpaces .>>.? many (attempt objects .>> optional spaces)
let title = opt <| attr (pstring "title") >>= fun attr -> attr |> (fun ("title", String s) -> Title s) |> preturn
let toml = optional spaces >>. optManyComments .>> optional spaces .>>. opt title .>> optional spaces .>>. optManyComments .>>. manyTill (object .>> spaces) eof
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