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// MemorizeApp.swift
// Memorize
// Created by Akil Krishnan on 12/13/23.
import SwiftUI
struct MemorizeApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Self.makeRandomGame()))
private static func makeRandomGame() -> Game {
{ Game(Pet.self, Pair.self) },
{ Game(Pet.self, Triplet.self) },
{ Game(Pet.self, Quadruplet.self) },
{ Game(Bakery.self, Pair.self) },
{ Game(Bakery.self, Triplet.self) },
{ Game(Bakery.self, Quadruplet.self) },
{ Game(Fantasy.self, Pair.self) },
{ Game(Fantasy.self, Triplet.self) },
{ Game(Fantasy.self, Quadruplet.self) },
{ Game(Ocean.self, Pair.self) },
{ Game(Ocean.self, Triplet.self) },
{ Game(Ocean.self, Quadruplet.self) }
// MARK: - Views
struct GameView: View {
private let presenter: GamePresenter
var body: some View {
let cardPresentations = presenter.cardPresentations
return ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: Array(repeating: GridItem(), count: 4)) {
content: makeCardView(from:)
.animation(.default, value: cardPresentations)
init(viewing presenter: GamePresenter) {
self.presenter = presenter
private func makeCardView(
from presentation: GamePresenter.CardPresentation
) -> CardView {
viewing: presentation,
chooseIntention: { presenter.choose(cardPresentedBy: presentation) }
extension GameView {
struct CardView: View {
private static let cornerRadius = 10.0
private static let frameHeight = 120.0
private let presentation: GamePresenter.CardPresentation
private let chooseIntention: () -> Void
var body: some View {
if presentation.isFaceUp { faceUpView } else { faceDownView }
private var faceUpView: some View {
ZStack {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: Self.cornerRadius)
.frame(height: Self.frameHeight)
private var faceDownView: some View {
ZStack {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: Self.cornerRadius)
.frame(height: Self.frameHeight)
.onTapGesture(perform: chooseIntention)
viewing presentation: GamePresenter.CardPresentation,
chooseIntention: @escaping () -> Void
) {
self.presentation = presentation
self.chooseIntention = chooseIntention
// MARK: - View Models
class GamePresenter {
private var game: Game
var cardPresentations: [CardPresentation] {
init(presenting game: Game) { = game
// MARK: - Intents
func choose(cardPresentedBy presentation: CardPresentation) {
do {
defer { game.maintainMatches() }
try game.flipCardFaceUp(presentation.card)
} catch Game.GameError.CardNotFound {
print("warning: attempted to flip non-existent card")
} catch {
print("error: unknown error", error)
extension GamePresenter {
struct CardPresentation: Identifiable, Equatable {
let card: any Card
var id: Int { }
var isFaceUp: Bool { card.isFaceUp }
var icon: String { Self.makeIcon(from: card) }
static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
lhs.card.hashValue == rhs.card.hashValue
private static func makeIcon(from card: any Card) -> String {
func renderFace(_ face: any CardFace) -> String {
switch face {
case let face as Pet:
switch face {
case .dog:
case .cat:
case .bird:
case .fish:
case let face as Bakery:
switch face {
case .bread:
case .croissant:
case .cake:
case .cupcake:
case let face as Fantasy:
switch face {
case .fairy:
case .elf:
case .wizard:
case .mermaid:
case let face as Ocean:
switch face {
case .merman:
case .whale:
case .waves:
case .sailboat:
return card.isMatched ? "🎉" : renderFace(card.face)
// MARK: - Models
struct Game {
private let occurrenceType: any CardOccurrence.Type
var cards: [any Card]
init<Occurrence, Face>(
_ faceType: Face.Type,
_ occurrenceType: Occurrence.Type
where Face: CardFace, Occurrence: CardOccurrence {
self.occurrenceType = occurrenceType
cards = BasicCard.makeOccurrences(faceType, occurrenceType)
mutating func maintain() {
Self.groupDirtyCardIndexesByFace(cards, occurrenceType)
.forEach {
if $0.count == occurrenceType.allCases.count {
$0.forEach { index in
cards[index].isMatched = true
} else {
$0.forEach { index in
cards[index].isFaceUp = false
mutating func maintainMatches() {
Self.groupDirtyCardIndexesByFace(cards, occurrenceType)
.filter{ $0.count == occurrenceType.allCases.count }
.forEach {
$0.forEach { index in
cards[index].isMatched = true
mutating func flipCardFaceUp(_ card: any Card) throws {
guard let index = cards.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) else {
throw GameError.CardNotFound
cards[index].isFaceUp = true
private static func groupDirtyCardIndexesByFace<Occurrence>(
_ cards: [any Card],
_ occurrenceType: Occurrence.Type
) -> [[Int]]
where Occurrence: CardOccurrence {
let maxOccurrences = occurrenceType.allCases.count
func isDirty(_ card: any Card) -> Bool {
card.isFaceUp && !(card.isMatched)
let candidate = Dictionary(
grouping: cards.enumerated().filter({ isDirty($0.1) }),
by: { $0.1.face.hashValue }
.map {
$ { enumeratedCard in enumeratedCard.0 }
candidate.count == 1 && candidate.first!.count >= maxOccurrences
|| candidate.count > 1
else {
return []
return candidate
enum GameError: Error {
case CardNotFound
protocol Card: Identifiable, Hashable {
var id: Int { get }
var face: any CardFace { get }
var occurrence: any CardOccurrence { get }
var isFaceUp: Bool { get set }
var isMatched: Bool { get set }
extension Card {
var id: Int {
var hasher = Hasher()
return hasher.finalize()
struct BasicCard: Card {
let face: any CardFace
let occurrence: any CardOccurrence
var isFaceUp = false
var isMatched = false
static func makeOccurrences<Face, Occurrence>(
_ faceType: Face.Type,
_ occurrenceType: Occurrence.Type
) -> [BasicCard]
where Face: CardFace, Occurrence: CardOccurrence {
Face.allCases.flatMap { face in { occurrence in
BasicCard(face: face, occurrence: occurrence)
static func == (lhs: BasicCard, rhs: BasicCard) -> Bool {
lhs.face.hashValue == rhs.face.hashValue
&& lhs.occurrence.hashValue == rhs.occurrence.hashValue
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
protocol CardFace: CaseIterable, Hashable, Equatable { }
enum Pet: CardFace {
case dog, cat, bird, fish
enum Bakery: CardFace {
case bread, croissant, cake, cupcake
enum Fantasy: CardFace {
case fairy, elf, wizard, mermaid
enum Ocean: CardFace {
case merman, whale, waves, sailboat
protocol CardOccurrence: CaseIterable, Hashable, Equatable { }
enum Pair: CardOccurrence {
case first, second
enum Triplet: CardOccurrence {
case first, second, third
enum Quadruplet: CardOccurrence {
case first, second, third, fourth
#Preview("Pet | Pair") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Pet.self, Pair.self)))
#Preview("Pet | Triplet") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Pet.self, Triplet.self)))
#Preview("Pet | Quadruplet") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Pet.self, Quadruplet.self)))
#Preview("Bakery | Pair") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Bakery.self, Pair.self)))
#Preview("Bakery | Triplet") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Bakery.self, Triplet.self)))
#Preview("Bakery | Quadruplet") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Bakery.self, Quadruplet.self)))
#Preview("Fantasy | Pair") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Fantasy.self, Pair.self)))
#Preview("Fantasy | Triplet") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Fantasy.self, Triplet.self)))
#Preview("Fantasy | Quadruplet") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Fantasy.self, Quadruplet.self)))
#Preview("Ocean | Pair") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Ocean.self, Pair.self)))
#Preview("Ocean | Triplet") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Ocean.self, Triplet.self)))
#Preview("Ocean | Quadruplet") {
GameView(viewing: GamePresenter(presenting: Game(Ocean.self, Quadruplet.self)))
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