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PowerShell function to convert a log formatted with the ConfigMgr log schema into an array of objects
## PowerShell function to convert a log formatted with the ConfigMgr log schema into an array of objects
# Parameters:
# - LogPath. The full path to the log file
# - LineCount. The number of log entries to return, starting from the BOTTOM up (ie most recent back). Default: 500.
function Convert-CCMLogToObjectArray {
Param ($LogPath,$LineCount = 500)
# Custom class to define a log entry
class LogEntry {
# Function to extract the content between two strings in a string
function Extract-String {
$Length = $SearchStringStart.Length
$StartIndex = $LogLine.IndexOf($SearchStringStart,0) + $Length
$EndIndex = $LogLine.IndexOf($SearchStringEnd,$StartIndex)
return $LogLine.Substring($StartIndex,($EndIndex - $StartIndex))
If (Test-Path $LogPath)
$LogContent = (Get-Content $LogPath -Raw) -split "<!"
$LogEntries = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($LogLine in ($LogContent | Select -Last $LineCount))
If ($LogLine.Length -gt 0)
$LogEntry = [LogEntry]::new()
$LogEntry.LogText = Extract-String -String $LogLine -SearchStringStart '[LOG[' -SearchStringEnd ']LOG'
$time = Extract-String -String $LogLine -SearchStringStart '<time="' -SearchStringEnd '"'
$date = Extract-String -String $LogLine -SearchStringStart 'date="' -SearchStringEnd '"'
$DateTimeString = $date + " " + $time.Split('.')[0]
$LogEntry.DateTime = [datetime]::ParseExact($DateTimeString,"MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss",[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
$LogEntry.component = Extract-String -String $LogLine -SearchStringStart 'component="' -SearchStringEnd '"'
$LogEntry.context = Extract-String -String $LogLine -SearchStringStart 'context="' -SearchStringEnd '"'
$LogEntry.type = Extract-String -String $LogLine -SearchStringStart 'type="' -SearchStringEnd '"'
$LogEntry.thread = Extract-String -String $LogLine -SearchStringStart 'thread="' -SearchStringEnd '"'
$LogEntry.file = Extract-String -String $LogLine -SearchStringStart 'file="' -SearchStringEnd '"'
return $LogEntries
## Examples
# Display the last 500 entries in the ccmsetup.log
$LogPath = "$env:windir\ccmsetup\Logs\ccmsetup.log"
Convert-CCMLogToObjectArray -LogPath $LogPath | Out-GridView
# Display any warnings or errors from the last 2000 entries in the CcmMessaging log
$LogPath = "$env:windir\CCM\Logs\CcmMessaging.log"
$Log = Convert-CCMLogToObjectArray -LogPath $LogPath -LineCount 2000
$Log | Where {$_.type -notin @(0,1)} | Out-GridView
# Get the return code for the ccmsetup process
$LogPath = "$env:windir\ccmsetup\Logs\ccmsetup.log"
$ReturnCodeEntry = Convert-CCMLogToObjectArray -LogPath $LogPath -LineCount 10 | where {$_.LogText -match "CcmSetup" -and $_.LogText -match "code"}
If ($ReturnCodeEntry)
ReturnCode = $ReturnCodeEntry.LogText.Split()[-1]
Date = $ReturnCodeEntry.DateTime
Age_Days = ([DateTime]::Now - $ReturnCodeEntry.DateTime).Days
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