- Web Wormhole https://webwormhole.io/ https://github.com/saljam/webwormhole
- ToffeeShare https://toffeeshare.com/
- FilePizza https://file.pizza/
- ShareDrop https://www.sharedrop.io/ https://github.com/szimek/sharedrop
- A clone SnapDrop https://snapdrop.net/ https://github.com/RobinLinus/snapdrop
- A fork PairDrop https://pairdrop.net/ https://github.com/schlagmichdoch/pairdrop
- A clone SnapDrop https://snapdrop.net/ https://github.com/RobinLinus/snapdrop
- Instant.io https://instant.io/
- FileTC https://file.tc/
- Send Anywhere https://send-anywhere.com/
- Just Beaam it https://www.justbeamit.com/
- Peermesh https://perguth.de/peermesh https://github.com/perguth/peermesh
- drop.lol https://drop.lol/ https://github.com/mat-sz/filedrop
- rDrop https://rdrop.link/
- Blaze https://blaze.vercel.app/ https://github.com/blenderskool/blaze
- SendFiles https://sendfiles.dev/ https://github.com/jchorl/sendfiles
- Katana https://sekky61.github.io/Katana/ https://github.com/Sekky61/Katana
- FileLove https://file.love/ https://github.com/midzer/filelove
- Filegogo https://send.22333.fun/ https://github.com/a-wing/filegogo
- Peertransfer https://github.com/perguth/peertransfer https://perguth.de/peertransfer/
- Yt2fb.in https://yt2fb.in/file-transfer/
- P2P File Transfer https://chidokun.github.io/p2p-file-transfer/ https://github.com/chidokun/p2p-file-transfer
- P2P File Transfer https://webbrowsertools.com/p2p-file-transfer/ https://github.com/leocompson/p2p-file-transfer
- NeighborHoodShare https://neighbor-share.vercel.app/ https://github.com/dikshantrajput/neighborHoodShare
- Vegh https://vegh.netlify.app/ https://github.com/veghfile
- Test which of these tools can send very large (10GB+) files without freezing/crashing the browser.
- croc https://github.com/schollz/croc
- p2pcopy https://github.com/psantosl/p2pcopy
- pcp https://github.com/dennis-tra/pcp
- wormhole-william https://github.com/psanford/wormhole-william
- Wush https://github.com/coder/wush
(Updated the list based on comments. Only keeping p2p tools)
I have been researching some of these and my concern is that for the majority of people just wanting to transfer random files between friends (which I define as being behind symmetrical NAT on both sides), practically none of these solutions actually work at all. There would need to be something like a TURN server defined, which there are no reliable free ones, and these sites do not make it easy to supply your own. The majority of these p2p solutions use WebRTC in some way (that includes WebTorrent), which in most cases only have free public STUN servers defined, not TURN, which isn't enough.