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Created October 20, 2017 12:21
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M?JS Pattern

This gist shows a living realworld example of how a complex NodeJS single-file module can be written in both JS and MJS with the bulk of the files being identical and imports and exports hoisted together. This is done to promote consistency by reducing the task of code updates to a simple copy/paste between the files if transpilaing is not possible.

#!/usr/bin/env node --
/* Dependencies */
const fs = require('fs'), path = require('path');
/* Exports */
module.exports = mdon;
/* Settings */
const defaults = {
output: true, // false returns output, '.suffix' writes to <name>
backup: false, safe: true
}, debugging = ['', { parse: true, fragments: false, print: true, output: true }][+false];
/* Imports */
const { assign: define, entries: entriesOf } = Object,
{ readFileSync, existsSync, writeFileSync, renameSync } = fs,
{ resolve, dirname, basename, relative, parse: parsePath, extname } = path;
/* Definitions */
const [READ, PARSE, LINKS] = ['READ', 'PARSE', 'LINKS'].map(Symbol), // Symbol('MDon::Links'),
matchers = {
alias: /^[a-z0-9]+(\-[a-z0-9]+)*$/i,
interpolations: /\$\{\s*(\w+|\w+(\.\w+|\[\s*(\d+|\'.*?\'|\".*?\")\s*\])+)\s*\}/g,
operations: /\@(\w+)/g,
properties: /\{\{\s*(\w+|\w+(\.\w+|\[\s*(\d+|\'.*?\'|\".*?\")\s*\])+)\s*\}\}/g,
fragments: /^(<\?[ \t]*.*?\?>[ \t]*\n(?:(?:.*?\n)*?|)(?:<\?\!)>[ \t]*|<\!--\?[ \t]*.*?\?-->[ \t]*\n(?:(?:.*?\n)*?|)(?:<\!--\?\!)-->[ \t]*)$/m,
parts: /^(?:(?:<\!--|<)\?[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*\?(?:-->|>)|)([ \t]*\n(?:.*?\n)*?)(?:<\?\!>|<\!--\?\!-->|)$/m,
shorttags: /^<(\?.*?[^-])>$/mg,
suffix: /(?:\.\d+|)(\.[a-z][^\.\s\\\/\:]*|)$/i,
arg: /[\/\\](mdon[\/\\]lib[\/\\]index\.m?js|\.bin[\/\\]mdon\~?)$/,
errors = {
alreadySuffixed: (filename, suffix, abort = true, reason = `filename "${filename}" already includes the suffix "${suffix}"`) => define(Error(`MDon compiler cannot process a file if ${reason}.`), { reason, filename, suffix, abort }),
invalidSuffix: (suffix, abort = true, reason = `suffix "${suffix}" is unsupported`) => define(Error(`The ${reason} — MDon only supports suffixes that start with a "." and do not include spaces, dots or any path-related characters.`), { reason, suffix, abort }),
datestamp = ['en-US', {
timeZone: 'GMT', timeZoneName: 'short',
weekday: 'long', day: 'numeric', month: 'long', year: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit'
/* Helpers */
VOID = Object.create(null), NOOP = (() => VOID), ANY = type => type !== 'undefined',
typeguard = (type, value, fallback) => typeof value === type ? value : fallback, // type.includes(typeof value)
callable = typeguard.bind(null, 'function'),
object = typeguard.bind(null, 'object'),
boolean = typeguard.bind(null, 'boolean'),
string = typeguard.bind(null, 'string'),
{ stdout, argv = [], hrtime } = ANY(typeof process) ? process : VOID,
columns = stdout && stdout.columns > 0 ? Math.min(stdout.columns, 120) : 80,
{ now = (
callable(hrtime) && ((t = hrtime()) => t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1000000)
) || } = ANY(typeof performance) ? performance : VOID,
normalizeAlias = value => string(matchers.alias.test(value) && value, '');
/* Prototypes */
/** Low-overhead (less secure) sandbox suitable for evaluating directives. */
function Macro(directive) {
return Function(
'context', 'global', 'require', 'process', 'module', 'exports',
`return ${directive
.replace(matchers.operations, 'context.$$$1')
.replace(matchers.interpolations, '${context.$format(context.$1)}')
.replace(, 'context.$1')
), null);
class Base {
constructor() {
this.$ = this, this.log = new Proxy(console.log, {
get: (log, scope) => (log[scope] || (log[scope] = (debugging[scope] ? log : NOOP)))
}; Base.prototype.log = console.log, Base.prototype.warn = console.warn;
class Context extends Base {
constructor(properties, path) {
super(); define(this, properties, { path });
this[LINKS] = {
refs: {}, aliases: {}, length: 0, toString() {
const entries = this.length && entriesOf(this.refs), result = [];
for (let i = 0, n = entries.length; i < n; i++)
result.push(`[${entries[i][0]}]: ${entries[i][1]}`);
return result.length ? result.join('\n') + '\n' : '';
$format(string) {
let type = typeof string;
return type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'boolean' ? `${string}` : `<!-- \`${string}\` -->`
$resolve(ref) {
const path = resolve(this.path, `./${ref}`);
return existsSync(path) && path;
$alias(ref, prefix = 'link') {
if (!(ref = string(ref, '').trim())) throw Error(`Cannot create alias from reference: ${arguments[0]}`);
else if (!(prefix = normalizeAlias(prefix))) throw Error(`Cannot create alias from reference: ${arguments[0]} with prefix: ${arguments[1]}`);
let alias = this[LINKS].aliases[ref];
if (!alias) {
const { [LINKS]: links, [LINKS]: { aliases, refs } } = this;
refs[alias = aliases[ref] = normalizeAlias(`${prefix}-${++links.length}`)] = ref;
return alias;
$ref(alias) {
if (!(alias = normalizeAlias(alias))) throw Error(`Cannot create reference from alias: ${arguments[0]}`);
const { [LINKS]: { refs: { [alias]: ref } } } = this;
if (!string(ref)) throw Error(`Cannot find reference from alias ${arguments[0]}.`);
return ref;
$exists(ref) {
return this.$format(relative(this.path, this.$resolve(ref)));
$include(ref) {
const content = this[READ](this.$resolve(ref));
return matchers.fragments.test(content)
? this.$parse(content)
: this.$format(content)
$parse(md) {
return this.$format(this[PARSE](this, md, false));
/** Exposes root, package.json fields, and file operations. */
class Package extends Base {
constructor(path = '.') {
const filename = resolve(string(path, '').replace(/[\\\/]package\.json$/i, ''), 'package.json');
const root = dirname(filename), info = JSON.parse(;
define(this, {
root, filename, info, resolve: this.resolve.bind(null, root),
read:, write: this.write.bind(this)
read(filename) {
filename = this.resolve(filename);
return readFileSync(this.resolve(filename)).toString();
readUntil(file, until = /[\n\r]/, length = 128, position = 0, contents = '', buffer = new Buffer(length)) {
if (string(file)) file = fs.openSync(this.resolve(file), 'r');
fs.readSync(file, buffer, 0, length, position), contents += buffer.toString();
return until.test(contents)
? (fs.closeSync(file), contents.split(until)[0])
: this.readUntil(file, until, length, position += length, contents, buffer);
write(filename, contents, { flag = 'w', backup = defaults.backup, ...options } = {}) {
if (debugging && debugging.output === false) return;
filename = this.resolve(filename), backup && this.backup(filename);
return writeFileSync(filename, contents, { flag, ...options });
backup(filename, i = 0) {
filename = this.resolve(filename);
while (existsSync(filename)) filename = `${arguments[0]}.${i++}`;
return i > 0 ? (fs.renameSync(arguments[0], filename)) : null;
}; Package.prototype.resolve = resolve;
/** Exposes normalize, fragment, parse, format, and print operations. */
class Compiler extends Base {
constructor() {
for (const method of ['fragment', 'parse', 'format', 'print']) this[method] = this[method].bind(this);
fragment(source) {
const raw = this.normalize(source);
const fragments = raw.split(matchers.fragments);
this.log.fragments(fragments); // ['fragments:', ...fragments].join(`\n${'-'.repeat(columns)}\n`), ...pagebreak);
return fragments;
normalize(source) {
if (!string(source, '')) return source;
const normalize = Compiler.prototype.normalize, {
all = normalize.all = /(\r\n|\n|\r)/mg,
extra = normalize.extra = /(\n)(\s*\n)+/gm
} = normalize;
return source.replace(all, '\n').replace(extra, '$1$1');
format({ directive = '!', body, exception }) {
body = string(body) || '\n';
if (directive && exception) body += `<!-- \`${(string(exception) || string(exception.message) || 'FAILED!')}\` -->\n`;
return string(directive) ? `<? ${directive} ?>${body}<?!>` : body;
parse(context, source, root = true) {
const fragments = this.fragment(string(source, ''));
if (!fragments.length || !context) return output;
const output = [], push = output.push.bind(output);
for (const fragment of fragments) {
const [, directive, body,] = || '';
const parts = { fragment, directive, body, rest };
if (directive === '!') push('\n');
else if (!directive) push(fragment)
else try {
push(parts.result = this.format({ directive, body: `\n${Macro(directive)(context)}\n` }));
} catch (exception) {
push(parts.result = this.format({ directive, exception }));
if (root) output.push(
'\n\n<?!?>\n', context[LINKS],
`\n---\nLast Updated: ${new Date().toLocaleString(...datestamp)}`,
return this.normalize(output.join(''));
print(contents, filename) {
if (!string(contents)) return;
const pagebreak = '-'.repeat(columns),
header = string(filename) ? [`FILE | ${filename}`, `------|${pagebreak.slice(7)}`] : [],
body = contents.split('\n').map((l, i) => `${`${++i}`.padStart(5, ' ')} | ${l}`);
this.log.print([pagebreak].concat(header, body, pagebreak).join('\n'));
/* API */
function mdon(pkgpath = '', mdpath = './', outpath = defaults.output) {
const pkg = new Package(pkgpath), { resolve, read, write, root, info } = pkg;
const [, suffix] = matchers.suffix.exec(outpath) || '';
mdpath = { intended: mdpath, path: mdpath = pkg.resolve(string(mdpath)), ...parsePath(mdpath) };
[, mdpath.suffix] = matchers.suffix.exec( || ''; // console.log(mdpath);
if (suffix && // : mdpath.suffix
throw errors.alreadySuffixed(mdpath.base, mdpath.suffix || suffix); // ((error = ).stack, error);
const firstLine = pkg.readUntil(mdpath.path, /(?:([\?\@\!])(--)?>)/) || '';
const [, rawpath] = /(?:<\!--\@)(.*?)$/.exec(firstLine) || '';
mdpath.resolved = rawpath ? resolve(mdpath.dir, mdpath.raw = rawpath) : mdpath.path;
outpath = outpath === true ? mdpath.path : suffix ? resolve(mdpath.dir, `${}${suffix}${mdpath.ext}`) : null;
if (!mdpath.raw && outpath !== mdpath.resolved) mdpath.raw = relative(dirname(outpath), mdpath.resolved);
const mdin = read(mdpath.resolved);
const [, yaml = '', md = mdin] = /^(---\n.*?\n---\n|)((?:.*?\n?)*)$/.exec(mdin) || '';
const { parse, print, log } = new Compiler(), started = now();
const context = new Context({, [READ]: read, [PARSE]: parse }, root);
let mdout = (parse(context, md) || '');
const elapsed = now() - started;
if ( || mdpath.raw) mdout = mdout.replace(matchers.shorttags, '<!--$1-->');
mdout = ( ? '' : yaml) + (mdpath.raw ? `<!--@${mdpath.raw}@-->\n${mdout.replace(/^<\!--\@.*?\@-->\n?/mg, '')}` : mdout);
outpath && write(mdpath.out = outpath, mdout), print(mdout, outpath); // log(`MDon: ${mdpath.path} done in ${elapsed.toFixed(1)} ms`); // console.log({ mdpath, rawpath, outpath });
return { output: mdout, input: mdin, path: mdpath, elapsed };
/* CLI */
(new class CLI extends Base {
get args() {
let i; return this._args = this._args || (i = argv.findIndex(arg => matchers.arg.test(arg))) > -1 && argv.slice(i + 1) || null;
bootstrap() {
if (!this.args) return;
const started = now();
const { args } = this,
options = { p: '', m: [], o: null, b: null },
push = (k, arg) => options[k].push ? options[k].push(arg) : options[k] = arg, // !options[k] || options[k] === true && (options[k] = arg),
flagLike = /^(-\w|--\w+(\-\w+))/, pathLike = /[\.\\\/]/, fileLike = /\w+\.\w+$/, extLike = /^\.\w+$/;
for (let i = 0, arg, k = ''; arg = args[i], i < args.length; i++) {
flagLike.test(arg) ? (
k = (k = /\w/.exec(arg)[0]) in options ? (k) : '',
options[k] === null && (options[k] = true)
) : k ? (push(k, arg), k === 'm' || (k = ''))
: pathLike.test(arg) && (
extLike.test(arg) ? options.o = arg
: !fileLike.test(arg) ? push('p', resolve(arg))
: push('m', resolve(arg))
} // console.log({ ...options });
const pkg = string(options.p), out = boolean(options.o, string(options.o, defaults.output));
if (string(out) && !/^\.[^\.\s\\\/\:]+$/.test(out)) throw errors.invalidSuffix(out).message;
let processed = 0, skipped = 0, errored = 0, files = options.m.length ? options.m : [undefined];
for (const file of files) try {
const started = now(),
{ elapsed: parsing, path: { path: mdpath } } = mdon(pkg, file, out),
elpased = now() - started;
this.log(`MDon: [DONE] ${mdpath} — compile ${parsing.toFixed(1)} ms — done ${elpased.toFixed(1)} ms`);
} catch ({ message, reason = message, filename = file, abort }) {
this.warn(`MDon: [${abort ? ++skipped && 'SKIPPED' : ++errored && 'FAILED'}] ${filename} — ${reason}`);
this.log(` ${errored ? '!' : '√'} MDon${extname(module.filename)} processed ${processed} of ${files.length} in ${(now() - started).toFixed(1)} ms`);
#!/usr/bin/env node --experimental-modules --no-warnings --
/* Dependencies */
import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; const module = { filename: 'mdon/lib/index.mjs' };
/* Exports */
export { mdon, Package, Compiler, Context, Macro }; export default mdon;
/* Settings */
const defaults = {
output: true, // false returns output, '.suffix' writes to <name>
backup: false, safe: true
}, debugging = ['', { parse: true, fragments: false, print: true, output: true }][+false];
/* Imports */
const { assign: define, entries: entriesOf } = Object,
{ readFileSync, existsSync, writeFileSync, renameSync } = fs,
{ resolve, dirname, basename, relative, parse: parsePath, extname } = path;
/* Definitions */
const [READ, PARSE, LINKS] = ['READ', 'PARSE', 'LINKS'].map(Symbol), // Symbol('MDon::Links'),
matchers = {
alias: /^[a-z0-9]+(\-[a-z0-9]+)*$/i,
interpolations: /\$\{\s*(\w+|\w+(\.\w+|\[\s*(\d+|\'.*?\'|\".*?\")\s*\])+)\s*\}/g,
operations: /\@(\w+)/g,
properties: /\{\{\s*(\w+|\w+(\.\w+|\[\s*(\d+|\'.*?\'|\".*?\")\s*\])+)\s*\}\}/g,
fragments: /^(<\?[ \t]*.*?\?>[ \t]*\n(?:(?:.*?\n)*?|)(?:<\?\!)>[ \t]*|<\!--\?[ \t]*.*?\?-->[ \t]*\n(?:(?:.*?\n)*?|)(?:<\!--\?\!)-->[ \t]*)$/m,
parts: /^(?:(?:<\!--|<)\?[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*\?(?:-->|>)|)([ \t]*\n(?:.*?\n)*?)(?:<\?\!>|<\!--\?\!-->|)$/m,
shorttags: /^<(\?.*?[^-])>$/mg,
suffix: /(?:\.\d+|)(\.[a-z][^\.\s\\\/\:]*|)$/i,
arg: /[\/\\](mdon[\/\\]lib[\/\\]index\.m?js|\.bin[\/\\]mdon\~?)$/,
errors = {
alreadySuffixed: (filename, suffix, abort = true, reason = `filename "${filename}" already includes the suffix "${suffix}"`) => define(Error(`MDon compiler cannot process a file if ${reason}.`), { reason, filename, suffix, abort }),
invalidSuffix: (suffix, abort = true, reason = `suffix "${suffix}" is unsupported`) => define(Error(`The ${reason} — MDon only supports suffixes that start with a "." and do not include spaces, dots or any path-related characters.`), { reason, suffix, abort }),
datestamp = ['en-US', {
timeZone: 'GMT', timeZoneName: 'short',
weekday: 'long', day: 'numeric', month: 'long', year: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit'
/* Helpers */
VOID = Object.create(null), NOOP = (() => VOID), ANY = type => type !== 'undefined',
typeguard = (type, value, fallback) => typeof value === type ? value : fallback, // type.includes(typeof value)
callable = typeguard.bind(null, 'function'),
object = typeguard.bind(null, 'object'),
boolean = typeguard.bind(null, 'boolean'),
string = typeguard.bind(null, 'string'),
{ stdout, argv = [], hrtime } = ANY(typeof process) ? process : VOID,
columns = stdout && stdout.columns > 0 ? Math.min(stdout.columns, 120) : 80,
{ now = (
callable(hrtime) && ((t = hrtime()) => t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1000000)
) || } = ANY(typeof performance) ? performance : VOID,
normalizeAlias = value => string(matchers.alias.test(value) && value, '');
/* Prototypes */
/** Low-overhead (less secure) sandbox suitable for evaluating directives. */
function Macro(directive) {
return Function(
'context', 'global', 'require', 'process', 'module', 'exports',
`return ${directive
.replace(matchers.operations, 'context.$$$1')
.replace(matchers.interpolations, '${context.$format(context.$1)}')
.replace(, 'context.$1')
), null);
class Base {
constructor() {
this.$ = this, this.log = new Proxy(console.log, {
get: (log, scope) => (log[scope] || (log[scope] = (debugging[scope] ? log : NOOP)))
}; Base.prototype.log = console.log, Base.prototype.warn = console.warn;
class Context extends Base {
constructor(properties, path) {
super(); define(this, properties, { path });
this[LINKS] = {
refs: {}, aliases: {}, length: 0, toString() {
const entries = this.length && entriesOf(this.refs), result = [];
for (let i = 0, n = entries.length; i < n; i++)
result.push(`[${entries[i][0]}]: ${entries[i][1]}`);
return result.length ? result.join('\n') + '\n' : '';
$format(string) {
let type = typeof string;
return type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'boolean' ? `${string}` : `<!-- \`${string}\` -->`
$resolve(ref) {
const path = resolve(this.path, `./${ref}`);
return existsSync(path) && path;
$alias(ref, prefix = 'link') {
if (!(ref = string(ref, '').trim())) throw Error(`Cannot create alias from reference: ${arguments[0]}`);
else if (!(prefix = normalizeAlias(prefix))) throw Error(`Cannot create alias from reference: ${arguments[0]} with prefix: ${arguments[1]}`);
let alias = this[LINKS].aliases[ref];
if (!alias) {
const { [LINKS]: links, [LINKS]: { aliases, refs } } = this;
refs[alias = aliases[ref] = normalizeAlias(`${prefix}-${++links.length}`)] = ref;
return alias;
$ref(alias) {
if (!(alias = normalizeAlias(alias))) throw Error(`Cannot create reference from alias: ${arguments[0]}`);
const { [LINKS]: { refs: { [alias]: ref } } } = this;
if (!string(ref)) throw Error(`Cannot find reference from alias ${arguments[0]}.`);
return ref;
$exists(ref) {
return this.$format(relative(this.path, this.$resolve(ref)));
$include(ref) {
const content = this[READ](this.$resolve(ref));
return matchers.fragments.test(content)
? this.$parse(content)
: this.$format(content)
$parse(md) {
return this.$format(this[PARSE](this, md, false));
/** Exposes root, package.json fields, and file operations. */
class Package extends Base {
constructor(path = '.') {
const filename = resolve(string(path, '').replace(/[\\\/]package\.json$/i, ''), 'package.json');
const root = dirname(filename), info = JSON.parse(;
define(this, {
root, filename, info, resolve: this.resolve.bind(null, root),
read:, write: this.write.bind(this)
read(filename) {
filename = this.resolve(filename);
return readFileSync(this.resolve(filename)).toString();
readUntil(file, until = /[\n\r]/, length = 128, position = 0, contents = '', buffer = new Buffer(length)) {
if (string(file)) file = fs.openSync(this.resolve(file), 'r');
fs.readSync(file, buffer, 0, length, position), contents += buffer.toString();
return until.test(contents)
? (fs.closeSync(file), contents.split(until)[0])
: this.readUntil(file, until, length, position += length, contents, buffer);
write(filename, contents, { flag = 'w', backup = defaults.backup, ...options } = {}) {
if (debugging && debugging.output === false) return;
filename = this.resolve(filename), backup && this.backup(filename);
return writeFileSync(filename, contents, { flag, ...options });
backup(filename, i = 0) {
filename = this.resolve(filename);
while (existsSync(filename)) filename = `${arguments[0]}.${i++}`;
return i > 0 ? (fs.renameSync(arguments[0], filename)) : null;
}; Package.prototype.resolve = resolve;
/** Exposes normalize, fragment, parse, format, and print operations. */
class Compiler extends Base {
constructor() {
for (const method of ['fragment', 'parse', 'format', 'print']) this[method] = this[method].bind(this);
fragment(source) {
const raw = this.normalize(source);
const fragments = raw.split(matchers.fragments);
this.log.fragments(fragments); // ['fragments:', ...fragments].join(`\n${'-'.repeat(columns)}\n`), ...pagebreak);
return fragments;
normalize(source) {
if (!string(source, '')) return source;
const normalize = Compiler.prototype.normalize, {
all = normalize.all = /(\r\n|\n|\r)/mg,
extra = normalize.extra = /(\n)(\s*\n)+/gm
} = normalize;
return source.replace(all, '\n').replace(extra, '$1$1');
format({ directive = '!', body, exception }) {
body = string(body) || '\n';
if (directive && exception) body += `<!-- \`${(string(exception) || string(exception.message) || 'FAILED!')}\` -->\n`;
return string(directive) ? `<? ${directive} ?>${body}<?!>` : body;
parse(context, source, root = true) {
const fragments = this.fragment(string(source, ''));
if (!fragments.length || !context) return output;
const output = [], push = output.push.bind(output);
for (const fragment of fragments) {
const [, directive, body,] = || '';
const parts = { fragment, directive, body, rest };
if (directive === '!') push('\n');
else if (!directive) push(fragment)
else try {
push(parts.result = this.format({ directive, body: `\n${Macro(directive)(context)}\n` }));
} catch (exception) {
push(parts.result = this.format({ directive, exception }));
if (root) output.push(
'\n\n<?!?>\n', context[LINKS],
`\n---\nLast Updated: ${new Date().toLocaleString(...datestamp)}`,
return this.normalize(output.join(''));
print(contents, filename) {
if (!string(contents)) return;
const pagebreak = '-'.repeat(columns),
header = string(filename) ? [`FILE | ${filename}`, `------|${pagebreak.slice(7)}`] : [],
body = contents.split('\n').map((l, i) => `${`${++i}`.padStart(5, ' ')} | ${l}`);
this.log.print([pagebreak].concat(header, body, pagebreak).join('\n'));
/* API */
function mdon(pkgpath = '', mdpath = './', outpath = defaults.output) {
const pkg = new Package(pkgpath), { resolve, read, write, root, info } = pkg;
const [, suffix] = matchers.suffix.exec(outpath) || '';
mdpath = { intended: mdpath, path: mdpath = pkg.resolve(string(mdpath)), ...parsePath(mdpath) };
[, mdpath.suffix] = matchers.suffix.exec( || ''; // console.log(mdpath);
if (suffix && // : mdpath.suffix
throw errors.alreadySuffixed(mdpath.base, mdpath.suffix || suffix); // ((error = ).stack, error);
const firstLine = pkg.readUntil(mdpath.path, /(?:([\?\@\!])(--)?>)/) || '';
const [, rawpath] = /(?:<\!--\@)(.*?)$/.exec(firstLine) || '';
mdpath.resolved = rawpath ? resolve(mdpath.dir, mdpath.raw = rawpath) : mdpath.path;
outpath = outpath === true ? mdpath.path : suffix ? resolve(mdpath.dir, `${}${suffix}${mdpath.ext}`) : null;
if (!mdpath.raw && outpath !== mdpath.resolved) mdpath.raw = relative(dirname(outpath), mdpath.resolved);
const mdin = read(mdpath.resolved);
const [, yaml = '', md = mdin] = /^(---\n.*?\n---\n|)((?:.*?\n?)*)$/.exec(mdin) || '';
const { parse, print, log } = new Compiler(), started = now();
const context = new Context({, [READ]: read, [PARSE]: parse }, root);
let mdout = (parse(context, md) || '');
const elapsed = now() - started;
if ( || mdpath.raw) mdout = mdout.replace(matchers.shorttags, '<!--$1-->');
mdout = ( ? '' : yaml) + (mdpath.raw ? `<!--@${mdpath.raw}@-->\n${mdout.replace(/^<\!--\@.*?\@-->\n?/mg, '')}` : mdout);
outpath && write(mdpath.out = outpath, mdout), print(mdout, outpath); // log(`MDon: ${mdpath.path} done in ${elapsed.toFixed(1)} ms`); // console.log({ mdpath, rawpath, outpath });
return { output: mdout, input: mdin, path: mdpath, elapsed };
/* CLI */
(new class CLI extends Base {
get args() {
let i; return this._args = this._args || (i = argv.findIndex(arg => matchers.arg.test(arg))) > -1 && argv.slice(i + 1) || null;
bootstrap() {
if (!this.args) return;
const started = now();
const { args } = this,
options = { p: '', m: [], o: null, b: null },
push = (k, arg) => options[k].push ? options[k].push(arg) : options[k] = arg, // !options[k] || options[k] === true && (options[k] = arg),
flagLike = /^(-\w|--\w+(\-\w+))/, pathLike = /[\.\\\/]/, fileLike = /\w+\.\w+$/, extLike = /^\.\w+$/;
for (let i = 0, arg, k = ''; arg = args[i], i < args.length; i++) {
flagLike.test(arg) ? (
k = (k = /\w/.exec(arg)[0]) in options ? (k) : '',
options[k] === null && (options[k] = true)
) : k ? (push(k, arg), k === 'm' || (k = ''))
: pathLike.test(arg) && (
extLike.test(arg) ? options.o = arg
: !fileLike.test(arg) ? push('p', resolve(arg))
: push('m', resolve(arg))
} // console.log({ ...options });
const pkg = string(options.p), out = boolean(options.o, string(options.o, defaults.output));
if (string(out) && !/^\.[^\.\s\\\/\:]+$/.test(out)) throw errors.invalidSuffix(out).message;
let processed = 0, skipped = 0, errored = 0, files = options.m.length ? options.m : [undefined];
for (const file of files) try {
const started = now(),
{ elapsed: parsing, path: { path: mdpath } } = mdon(pkg, file, out),
elpased = now() - started;
this.log(`MDon: [DONE] ${mdpath} — compile ${parsing.toFixed(1)} ms — done ${elpased.toFixed(1)} ms`);
} catch ({ message, reason = message, filename = file, abort }) {
this.warn(`MDon: [${abort ? ++skipped && 'SKIPPED' : ++errored && 'FAILED'}] ${filename} — ${reason}`);
this.log(` ${errored ? '!' : '√'} MDon${extname(module.filename)} processed ${processed} of ${files.length} in ${(now() - started).toFixed(1)} ms`);
"main": "lib/index",
"bin": {
"mdon~": "index.js",
"mdon": "index.mjs"
"scripts": {
"md~": "lib/index.js",
"md": "lib/index.mjs"
Copy link

SMotaal commented Oct 20, 2017

I've been exploring interop aspects between c/mjs literally (yes, I opted for vanilla in my newest side project) to if I can write interchangeable code completely separated from linkage (imports/exports) instead of trying to using today's TypeScript to transpile across node's flavours — so focusing more on better practices to decouple functional code from linkage.

The side project was a single file which I wrote as CJS & MJS simultanously making sure that both files executed similarly as I worked on them. I might have cheated a little because it required node modules only (zero-dependencies) and did not even require local linkage since it is one file. This scope made it ideal for a pattern to evolve and I quickly went from two similar implementations to identical code (beyond linkage).

So I found that destructuring which is necessary for node's import fs from 'fs'; is functionally indifferent when working with const fs = require('fs');, so that is a great plus for why node opted for exports as a wrapped-default. But that defies the better practices for promoting static analysis (I guess those tools will still having to carry some of that burden after all). As worked on both files, I kept checking is if TypeScript's language service was able to cascade equally across both files and it did (nothing stood out) so thats a relief.

This pattern worked for my side project and I can literally (beyond the first few lines) copy/paste the entire body of the file across the .js and .mjs files — for this very limited scope.

A key take away however is that until issues like yet-to-be-determined fates of module-scoped fields like module, __filename__, and the likes, and until dynamic imports are locked-in, it's logical for TypeScript's team to hold of on devising the module transformation.

Still, I hope once those aspects are resolved, TypeScript (and all other transpilers out there) really buy into making the awkwardly received "MJS" format.

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