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Created October 19, 2020 18:14
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Benchmark: Inline Closures vs. Nested Functions
export default (class {
MakeInlineClosure() {
const messages = [];
return (message => { { messages.push(message); } });
['InlineClosure (ahead-of-time)'] = ({MakeInlineClosure, InlineClosure = MakeInlineClosure()} = this) => () => InlineClosure('test');
['InlineClosure (just-in-time)'] = ({MakeInlineClosure} = this) => () => MakeInlineClosure()('test');
const messages = [];
const push = function (message) { messages.push(message); };
return (message => { push(message) });
['NestedFunction (ahead-of-time)'] = ({MakeNestedFunction, NestedFunction = MakeNestedFunction()} = this) => () => NestedFunction('test');
['NestedFunction (just-in-time)'] = ({MakeNestedFunction} = this) => () => MakeNestedFunction()('test');
MakeNestedArrowFunction() {
const messages = [];
const push = message => messages.push(message);
return (message => { push(message) });
['NestedArrowFunction (ahead-of-time)'] = ({MakeNestedArrowFunction, NestedArrowFunction = MakeNestedArrowFunction()} = this) => () => NestedArrowFunction('test');
['NestedArrowFunction (just-in-time)'] = ({MakeNestedArrowFunction} = this) => () => MakeNestedArrowFunction()('test');
async run(result = {}, { iterations = 10000, warmup = true } = {}) {
await this.iterate(result['(baseline)'] = { iterations, warmup }, () => {});
for (const description in this)
await this.iterate(result[description] = { description, iterations, warmup }, await this[description](this));
return result;
async iterate(result, execute) {
for (let i = result.warmup === true ? 100 : result.warmup > 0 ? result.warmup : 0; i--; await execute());
result.start =;
for (let i = result.iterations >= 0 ? result.iterations : result.iterations = 1; i--; await execute());
result.duration = (result.end = - result.start;
return result;
static async run() {
console.table(await (new this).run(), ['iterations', 'duration']);
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