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Last active April 9, 2021 22:18
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  • Save SPLOpenData/a3e81104b5b8f4f9f7e2fb3279556ec3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SPLOpenData/a3e81104b5b8f4f9f7e2fb3279556ec3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This R script downloads King County WA parcel open data in R as an sf object, and creates point-based centroids for each_parcel.
#This R script downloads King County WA parcel open data in R as an sf object, and creates point-based centroids for each_parcel.
#This script is intented to help you get up and running.
#Tempfile used for downloading.
temp <- tempfile()
temp2 <- tempfile()
#Download the open data ArcGIS zip folder containing the parcel data as a .shp file.
# As an alternative, you can download KML or csv version from here:
#Unzip the contents of 'temp' object and save unzipped content in 'temp2'
unzip(zipfile = temp, exdir = temp2)
#Finds the filepath of the shapefile (.shp) file in the temp2 unzip folder.
#the $ at the end of ".shp$" ensures you are not also finding files such as .shp.xml
your_SHP_file<-list.files(temp2, pattern = ".shp$",full.names=TRUE)
#Read the shapefile.
KC<- sf::st_read(your_SHP_file)
#Create usable centroid points for each parcel
KC$centroids<-st_transform(KC, 4326) %>% st_centroid(KC) %>% st_geometry()
#Make a basic ggplot of all KC parcels.
#NOTE: Try subsetting to something specific for faster load, since this could take minutes.
p<- ggplot() + geom_sf(data=KC,aes(fill=APPR_IMPR))+
scale_fill_gradient(low = "#FFFFE0", high = "#6f42c1")+
geom_sf(data = KC$centroids, size = 1, shape = 21, fill = "#0061AC") +
coord_sf(xlim =c(-122.45, -122.0), ylim = c(47.4,47.77), expand = FALSE,crs = st_crs(4326))
#Add labels and view.
p+ theme_bw() +labs(title="King Count Parcel Data", subtitle="What will you uncover?", x="", y="")
#Start your exploratory data analysis
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