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Last active November 22, 2019 13:56
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C# Class for CSS Properties with ToString() override suitable for a `style` attribute -
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
public class CssProperties
[JsonPropertyName("align-content")] public string AlignContent { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("align-items")] public string AlignItems { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("alignment-baseline")] public string AlignmentBaseline { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("align-self")] public string AlignSelf { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("animation-delay")] public string AnimationDelay { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("animation-direction")] public string AnimationDirection { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("animation-duration")] public string AnimationDuration { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("animation-fill-mode")] public string AnimationFillMode { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("animation-iteration-count")] public string AnimationIterationCount { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("animation-name")] public string AnimationName { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("animation-play-state")] public string AnimationPlayState { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("animation-timing-function")] public string AnimationTimingFunction { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("backdrop-filter")] public string BackdropFilter { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("backface-visibility")] public string BackfaceVisibility { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-attachment")] public string BackgroundAttachment { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-blend-mode")] public string BackgroundBlendMode { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-clip")] public string BackgroundClip { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-color")] public string BackgroundColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-image")] public string BackgroundImage { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-origin")] public string BackgroundOrigin { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-position")] public string BackgroundPosition { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-repeat")] public string BackgroundRepeat { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("background-size")] public string BackgroundSize { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("baseline-shift")] public string BaselineShift { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-bottom-color")] public string BorderBottomColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-bottom-left-radius")] public string BorderBottomLeftRadius { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-bottom-right-radius")] public string BorderBottomRightRadius { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-bottom-style")] public string BorderBottomStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-bottom-width")] public string BorderBottomWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-collapse")] public string BorderCollapse { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-image-outset")] public string BorderImageOutset { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-image-repeat")] public string BorderImageRepeat { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-image-slice")] public string BorderImageSlice { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-image-source")] public string BorderImageSource { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-image-width")] public string BorderImageWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-left-color")] public string BorderLeftColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-left-style")] public string BorderLeftStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-left-width")] public string BorderLeftWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-right-color")] public string BorderRightColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-right-style")] public string BorderRightStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-right-width")] public string BorderRightWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-top-color")] public string BorderTopColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-top-left-radius")] public string BorderTopLeftRadius { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-top-right-radius")] public string BorderTopRightRadius { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-top-style")] public string BorderTopStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("border-top-width")] public string BorderTopWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("bottom")] public string Bottom { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("box-shadow")] public string BoxShadow { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("box-sizing")] public string BoxSizing { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("break-after")] public string BreakAfter { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("break-before")] public string BreakBefore { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("break-inside")] public string BreakInside { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("buffered-rendering")] public string BufferedRendering { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("caption-side")] public string CaptionSide { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("caret-color")] public string CaretColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("clear")] public string Clear { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("clip")] public string Clip { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("clip-path")] public string ClipPath { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("clip-rule")] public string ClipRule { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("color")] public string Color { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("color-interpolation")] public string ColorInterpolation { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("color-interpolation-filters")] public string ColorInterpolationFilters { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("color-rendering")] public string ColorRendering { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("column-count")] public string ColumnCount { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("column-gap")] public string ColumnGap { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("column-rule-color")] public string ColumnRuleColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("column-rule-style")] public string ColumnRuleStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("column-rule-width")] public string ColumnRuleWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("column-span")] public string ColumnSpan { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("column-width")] public string ColumnWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("content")] public string Content { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("cursor")] public string Cursor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("cx")] public string Cx { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("cy")] public string Cy { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("d")] public string D { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("direction")] public string Direction { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("display")] public string Display { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("dominant-baseline")] public string DominantBaseline { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("empty-cells")] public string EmptyCells { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("fill")] public string Fill { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("fill-opacity")] public string FillOpacity { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("fill-rule")] public string FillRule { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("filter")] public string Filter { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("flex-basis")] public string FlexBasis { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("flex-direction")] public string FlexDirection { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("flex-grow")] public string FlexGrow { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("flex-shrink")] public string FlexShrink { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("flex-wrap")] public string FlexWrap { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("float")] public string Float { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("flood-color")] public string FloodColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("flood-opacity")] public string FloodOpacity { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-family")] public string FontFamily { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-kerning")] public string FontKerning { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-optical-sizing")] public string FontOpticalSizing { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-size")] public string FontSize { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-stretch")] public string FontStretch { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-style")] public string FontStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-variant")] public string FontVariant { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-variant-caps")] public string FontVariantCaps { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-variant-east-asian")] public string FontVariantEastAsian { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-variant-ligatures")] public string FontVariantLigatures { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-variant-numeric")] public string FontVariantNumeric { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("font-weight")] public string FontWeight { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-auto-columns")] public string GridAutoColumns { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-auto-flow")] public string GridAutoFlow { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-auto-rows")] public string GridAutoRows { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-column-end")] public string GridColumnEnd { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-column-start")] public string GridColumnStart { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-row-end")] public string GridRowEnd { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-row-start")] public string GridRowStart { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-template-areas")] public string GridTemplateAreas { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-template-columns")] public string GridTemplateColumns { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("grid-template-rows")] public string GridTemplateRows { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("height")] public string Height { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("hyphens")] public string Hyphens { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("image-rendering")] public string ImageRendering { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("isolation")] public string Isolation { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("justify-content")] public string JustifyContent { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("justify-items")] public string JustifyItems { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("justify-self")] public string JustifySelf { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("left")] public string Left { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("letter-spacing")] public string LetterSpacing { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("lighting-color")] public string LightingColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("line-break")] public string LineBreak { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("line-height")] public string LineHeight { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("list-style-image")] public string ListStyleImage { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("list-style-position")] public string ListStylePosition { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("list-style-type")] public string ListStyleType { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("margin-bottom")] public string MarginBottom { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("margin-left")] public string MarginLeft { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("margin-right")] public string MarginRight { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("margin-top")] public string MarginTop { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("marker-end")] public string MarkerEnd { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("marker-mid")] public string MarkerMid { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("marker-start")] public string MarkerStart { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("mask")] public string Mask { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("mask-type")] public string MaskType { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("max-height")] public string MaxHeight { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("max-width")] public string MaxWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("min-height")] public string MinHeight { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("min-width")] public string MinWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("mix-blend-mode")] public string MixBlendMode { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("object-fit")] public string ObjectFit { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("object-position")] public string ObjectPosition { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("offset-distance")] public string OffsetDistance { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("offset-path")] public string OffsetPath { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("offset-rotate")] public string OffsetRotate { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("opacity")] public string Opacity { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("order")] public string Order { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("orphans")] public string Orphans { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("outline-color")] public string OutlineColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("outline-offset")] public string OutlineOffset { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("outline-style")] public string OutlineStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("outline-width")] public string OutlineWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("overflow-anchor")] public string OverflowAnchor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("overflow-wrap")] public string OverflowWrap { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("overflow-x")] public string OverflowX { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("overflow-y")] public string OverflowY { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("padding-bottom")] public string PaddingBottom { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("padding-left")] public string PaddingLeft { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("padding-right")] public string PaddingRight { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("padding-top")] public string PaddingTop { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("paint-order")] public string PaintOrder { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("perspective")] public string Perspective { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("perspective-origin")] public string PerspectiveOrigin { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("pointer-events")] public string PointerEvents { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("position")] public string Position { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("r")] public string R { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("resize")] public string Resize { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("right")] public string Right { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("row-gap")] public string RowGap { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("rx")] public string Rx { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("ry")] public string Ry { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("scroll-behavior")] public string ScrollBehavior { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("shape-image-threshold")] public string ShapeImageThreshold { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("shape-margin")] public string ShapeMargin { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("shape-outside")] public string ShapeOutside { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("shape-rendering")] public string ShapeRendering { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("speak")] public string Speak { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stop-color")] public string StopColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stop-opacity")] public string StopOpacity { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stroke")] public string Stroke { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stroke-dasharray")] public string StrokeDasharray { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stroke-dashoffset")] public string StrokeDashoffset { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stroke-linecap")] public string StrokeLinecap { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stroke-linejoin")] public string StrokeLinejoin { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stroke-miterlimit")] public string StrokeMiterlimit { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stroke-opacity")] public string StrokeOpacity { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("stroke-width")] public string StrokeWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("table-layout")] public string TableLayout { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("tab-size")] public string TabSize { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-align")] public string TextAlign { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-align-last")] public string TextAlignLast { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-anchor")] public string TextAnchor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-decoration")] public string TextDecoration { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-decoration-color")] public string TextDecorationColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-decoration-line")] public string TextDecorationLine { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-decoration-skip-ink")] public string TextDecorationSkipInk { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-decoration-style")] public string TextDecorationStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-indent")] public string TextIndent { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-overflow")] public string TextOverflow { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-rendering")] public string TextRendering { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-shadow")] public string TextShadow { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-size-adjust")] public string TextSizeAdjust { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-transform")] public string TextTransform { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("text-underline-position")] public string TextUnderlinePosition { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("top")] public string Top { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("touch-action")] public string TouchAction { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("transform")] public string Transform { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("transform-origin")] public string TransformOrigin { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("transform-style")] public string TransformStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("transition-delay")] public string TransitionDelay { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("transition-duration")] public string TransitionDuration { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("transition-property")] public string TransitionProperty { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("transition-timing-function")] public string TransitionTimingFunction { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("unicode-bidi")] public string UnicodeBidi { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("user-select")] public string UserSelect { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("vector-effect")] public string VectorEffect { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("vertical-align")] public string VerticalAlign { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("visibility")] public string Visibility { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-appearance")] public string WebkitAppearance { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-app-region")] public string WebkitAppRegion { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-border-horizontal-spacing")] public string WebkitBorderHorizontalSpacing { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-border-image")] public string WebkitBorderImage { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-border-vertical-spacing")] public string WebkitBorderVerticalSpacing { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-box-align")] public string WebkitBoxAlign { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-box-decoration-break")] public string WebkitBoxDecorationBreak { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-box-direction")] public string WebkitBoxDirection { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-box-flex")] public string WebkitBoxFlex { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-box-ordinal-group")] public string WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-box-orient")] public string WebkitBoxOrient { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-box-pack")] public string WebkitBoxPack { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-box-reflect")] public string WebkitBoxReflect { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-font-smoothing")] public string WebkitFontSmoothing { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-highlight")] public string WebkitHighlight { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-hyphenate-character")] public string WebkitHyphenateCharacter { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-line-break")] public string WebkitLineBreak { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-line-clamp")] public string WebkitLineClamp { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-locale")] public string WebkitLocale { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-margin-after-collapse")] public string WebkitMarginAfterCollapse { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-margin-before-collapse")] public string WebkitMarginBeforeCollapse { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-box-image")] public string WebkitMaskBoxImage { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-box-image-outset")] public string WebkitMaskBoxImageOutset { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-box-image-repeat")] public string WebkitMaskBoxImageRepeat { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-box-image-slice")] public string WebkitMaskBoxImageSlice { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-box-image-source")] public string WebkitMaskBoxImageSource { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-box-image-width")] public string WebkitMaskBoxImageWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-clip")] public string WebkitMaskClip { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-composite")] public string WebkitMaskComposite { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-image")] public string WebkitMaskImage { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-origin")] public string WebkitMaskOrigin { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-position")] public string WebkitMaskPosition { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-repeat")] public string WebkitMaskRepeat { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-mask-size")] public string WebkitMaskSize { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-print-color-adjust")] public string WebkitPrintColorAdjust { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-rtl-ordering")] public string WebkitRtlOrdering { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-tap-highlight-color")] public string WebkitTapHighlightColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-combine")] public string WebkitTextCombine { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-decorations-in-effect")] public string WebkitTextDecorationsInEffect { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-emphasis-color")] public string WebkitTextEmphasisColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-emphasis-position")] public string WebkitTextEmphasisPosition { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-emphasis-style")] public string WebkitTextEmphasisStyle { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-fill-color")] public string WebkitTextFillColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-orientation")] public string WebkitTextOrientation { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-security")] public string WebkitTextSecurity { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-stroke-color")] public string WebkitTextStrokeColor { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-text-stroke-width")] public string WebkitTextStrokeWidth { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-user-drag")] public string WebkitUserDrag { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-user-modify")] public string WebkitUserModify { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("-webkit-writing-mode")] public string WebkitWritingMode { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("white-space")] public string WhiteSpace { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("widows")] public string Widows { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("width")] public string Width { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("will-change")] public string WillChange { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("word-break")] public string WordBreak { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("word-spacing")] public string WordSpacing { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("writing-mode")] public string WritingMode { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("x")] public string X { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("y")] public string Y { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("z-index")] public string ZIndex { get; set; }
[JsonPropertyName("zoom")] public string Zoom { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder cssText = new StringBuilder();
var props = GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (var prop in props)
string name = prop.Name;
var cats = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyNameAttribute), false);
if (cats is object && cats[0] is JsonPropertyNameAttribute)
name = ((JsonPropertyNameAttribute)cats[0]).Name;
string value = (string)prop.GetValue(this);
if (name is object && value is object)
return cssText.ToString();
<div class="line" style=@(styles) />
@code {
public double X1 { get; set; }
public double Y1 { get; set; }
public double X2 { get; set; }
public double Y2 { get; set; }
public string LineWidth { get; set; } = "4px";
public int ZIndex { get; set; }
public string Colour { get; set; }
public string TransitionSelector { get; set; } = "all";
public string TransitionDuration { get; set; } = "16ms";
public string TransitionTiming { get; set; } = "ease-in-out";
public string Units { get; set; } = "px";
public string BorderRadius { get; set; } = "5px";
private CssProperties styleProperties = new CssProperties()
Position = "absolute",
BoxShadow = "0px 0px 5px blue",
TransformOrigin = "0 100%",
private string styles;
private int length => (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt((X1 - X2) * (X1 - X2) + (Y1 - Y2) * (Y1 - Y2)));
private double angle => Math.Atan2(Y2 - Y1, X2 - X1) * 180 / Math.PI;
private string transform => $"rotate({angle}deg)";
protected override void OnParametersSet()
styleProperties.BorderTopLeftRadius = BorderRadius;
styleProperties.BorderTopRightRadius = BorderRadius;
styleProperties.BorderBottomLeftRadius = BorderRadius;
styleProperties.BorderBottomRightRadius = BorderRadius;
styleProperties.TransitionProperty = TransitionSelector;
styleProperties.TransitionDuration = TransitionDuration;
styleProperties.TransitionTimingFunction = TransitionTiming;
styleProperties.Height = LineWidth;
styleProperties.BackgroundColor = Colour;
styleProperties.Transform = transform;
styleProperties.Width = $"{length}{Units}";
styleProperties.Left = $"{X1}{Units}";
styleProperties.Top = $"{Y1}{Units}";
styleProperties.ZIndex = ZIndex.ToString();
styles = styleProperties.ToString();
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Nice work. Thank You.

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Nice work. Thank You.

Thanks very much for that.

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