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Last active November 30, 2019 00:18
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Playing with autofocus
import { RenderBatch, ArrayBuilderSegment, RenderTreeEdit, RenderTreeFrame, EditType, FrameType, ArrayValues } from './RenderBatch/RenderBatch';
import { EventDelegator } from './EventDelegator';
import { EventForDotNet, UIEventArgs, EventArgsType } from './EventForDotNet';
import { LogicalElement, PermutationListEntry, toLogicalElement, insertLogicalChild, removeLogicalChild, getLogicalParent, getLogicalChild, createAndInsertLogicalContainer, isSvgElement, getLogicalChildrenArray, getLogicalSiblingEnd, permuteLogicalChildren, getClosestDomElement } from './LogicalElements';
import { applyCaptureIdToElement } from './ElementReferenceCapture';
import { EventFieldInfo } from './EventFieldInfo';
import { dispatchEvent } from './RendererEventDispatcher';
import { attachToEventDelegator as attachNavigationManagerToEventDelegator } from '../Services/NavigationManager';
const selectValuePropname = '_blazorSelectValue';
const sharedTemplateElemForParsing = document.createElement('template');
const sharedSvgElemForParsing = document.createElementNS('', 'g');
const preventDefaultEvents: { [eventType: string]: boolean } = { submit: true };
const rootComponentsPendingFirstRender: { [componentId: number]: LogicalElement } = {};
const internalAttributeNamePrefix = '__internal_';
const eventPreventDefaultAttributeNamePrefix = 'preventDefault_';
const eventStopPropagationAttributeNamePrefix = 'stopPropagation_';
export class BrowserRenderer {
private eventDelegator: EventDelegator;
private childComponentLocations: { [componentId: number]: LogicalElement } = {};
private browserRendererId: number;
public constructor(browserRendererId: number) {
this.browserRendererId = browserRendererId;
this.eventDelegator = new EventDelegator((event, eventHandlerId, eventArgs, eventFieldInfo) => {
raiseEvent(event, this.browserRendererId, eventHandlerId, eventArgs, eventFieldInfo);
// We don't yet know whether or not navigation interception will be enabled, but in case it will be,
// we wire up the navigation manager to the event delegator so it has the option to participate
// in the synthetic event bubbling process later
public attachRootComponentToLogicalElement(componentId: number, element: LogicalElement): void {
this.attachComponentToElement(componentId, element);
rootComponentsPendingFirstRender[componentId] = element;
public updateComponent(batch: RenderBatch, componentId: number, edits: ArrayBuilderSegment<RenderTreeEdit>, referenceFrames: ArrayValues<RenderTreeFrame>): void {
const element = this.childComponentLocations[componentId];
if (!element) {
throw new Error(`No element is currently associated with component ${componentId}`);
// On the first render for each root component, clear any existing content (e.g., prerendered)
const rootElementToClear = rootComponentsPendingFirstRender[componentId];
if (rootElementToClear) {
const rootElementToClearEnd = getLogicalSiblingEnd(rootElementToClear);
delete rootComponentsPendingFirstRender[componentId];
if (!rootElementToClearEnd) {
clearElement(rootElementToClear as unknown as Element);
} else {
clearBetween(rootElementToClear as unknown as Node, rootElementToClearEnd as unknown as Comment);
const ownerDocument = getClosestDomElement(element).ownerDocument;
const activeElementBefore = ownerDocument && ownerDocument.activeElement;
this.applyEdits(batch, componentId, element, 0, edits, referenceFrames);
// Try to restore focus in case it was lost due to an element move
if ((activeElementBefore instanceof HTMLElement) && ownerDocument && ownerDocument.activeElement !== activeElementBefore) {
public disposeComponent(componentId: number) {
delete this.childComponentLocations[componentId];
public disposeEventHandler(eventHandlerId: number) {
private attachComponentToElement(componentId: number, element: LogicalElement) {
this.childComponentLocations[componentId] = element;
private applyEdits(batch: RenderBatch, componentId: number, parent: LogicalElement, childIndex: number, edits: ArrayBuilderSegment<RenderTreeEdit>, referenceFrames: ArrayValues<RenderTreeFrame>) {
let currentDepth = 0;
let childIndexAtCurrentDepth = childIndex;
let permutationList: PermutationListEntry[] | undefined;
const arrayBuilderSegmentReader = batch.arrayBuilderSegmentReader;
const editReader = batch.editReader;
const frameReader = batch.frameReader;
const editsValues = arrayBuilderSegmentReader.values(edits);
const editsOffset = arrayBuilderSegmentReader.offset(edits);
const editsLength = arrayBuilderSegmentReader.count(edits);
const maxEditIndexExcl = editsOffset + editsLength;
for (let editIndex = editsOffset; editIndex < maxEditIndexExcl; editIndex++) {
const edit = batch.diffReader.editsEntry(editsValues, editIndex);
const editType = editReader.editType(edit);
switch (editType) {
case EditType.prependFrame: {
const frameIndex = editReader.newTreeIndex(edit);
const frame = batch.referenceFramesEntry(referenceFrames, frameIndex);
const siblingIndex = editReader.siblingIndex(edit);
this.insertFrame(batch, componentId, parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex, referenceFrames, frame, frameIndex);
case EditType.removeFrame: {
const siblingIndex = editReader.siblingIndex(edit);
removeLogicalChild(parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex);
case EditType.setAttribute: {
const frameIndex = editReader.newTreeIndex(edit);
const frame = batch.referenceFramesEntry(referenceFrames, frameIndex);
const siblingIndex = editReader.siblingIndex(edit);
const element = getLogicalChild(parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex);
if (element instanceof Element) {
this.applyAttribute(batch, componentId, element, frame);
} else {
throw new Error('Cannot set attribute on non-element child');
case EditType.removeAttribute: {
// Note that we don't have to dispose the info we track about event handlers here, because the
// disposed event handler IDs are delivered separately (in the 'disposedEventHandlerIds' array)
const siblingIndex = editReader.siblingIndex(edit);
const element = getLogicalChild(parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex);
if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
const attributeName = editReader.removedAttributeName(edit)!;
// First try to remove any special property we use for this attribute
if (!this.tryApplySpecialProperty(batch, element, attributeName, null)) {
// If that's not applicable, it's a regular DOM attribute so remove that
} else {
throw new Error('Cannot remove attribute from non-element child');
case EditType.updateText: {
const frameIndex = editReader.newTreeIndex(edit);
const frame = batch.referenceFramesEntry(referenceFrames, frameIndex);
const siblingIndex = editReader.siblingIndex(edit);
const textNode = getLogicalChild(parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex);
if (textNode instanceof Text) {
textNode.textContent = frameReader.textContent(frame);
} else {
throw new Error('Cannot set text content on non-text child');
case EditType.updateMarkup: {
const frameIndex = editReader.newTreeIndex(edit);
const frame = batch.referenceFramesEntry(referenceFrames, frameIndex);
const siblingIndex = editReader.siblingIndex(edit);
removeLogicalChild(parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex);
this.insertMarkup(batch, parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex, frame);
case EditType.stepIn: {
const siblingIndex = editReader.siblingIndex(edit);
parent = getLogicalChild(parent, childIndexAtCurrentDepth + siblingIndex);
childIndexAtCurrentDepth = 0;
case EditType.stepOut: {
parent = getLogicalParent(parent)!;
childIndexAtCurrentDepth = currentDepth === 0 ? childIndex : 0; // The childIndex is only ever nonzero at zero depth
case EditType.permutationListEntry: {
permutationList = permutationList || [];
fromSiblingIndex: childIndexAtCurrentDepth + editReader.siblingIndex(edit),
toSiblingIndex: childIndexAtCurrentDepth + editReader.moveToSiblingIndex(edit),
case EditType.permutationListEnd: {
permuteLogicalChildren(parent, permutationList!);
permutationList = undefined;
default: {
const unknownType: never = editType; // Compile-time verification that the switch was exhaustive
throw new Error(`Unknown edit type: ${unknownType}`);
private insertFrame(batch: RenderBatch, componentId: number, parent: LogicalElement, childIndex: number, frames: ArrayValues<RenderTreeFrame>, frame: RenderTreeFrame, frameIndex: number): number {
const frameReader = batch.frameReader;
const frameType = frameReader.frameType(frame);
switch (frameType) {
case FrameType.element:
this.insertElement(batch, componentId, parent, childIndex, frames, frame, frameIndex);
return 1;
case FrameType.text:
this.insertText(batch, parent, childIndex, frame);
return 1;
case FrameType.attribute:
throw new Error('Attribute frames should only be present as leading children of element frames.');
case FrameType.component:
this.insertComponent(batch, parent, childIndex, frame);
return 1;
case FrameType.region:
return this.insertFrameRange(batch, componentId, parent, childIndex, frames, frameIndex + 1, frameIndex + frameReader.subtreeLength(frame));
case FrameType.elementReferenceCapture:
if (parent instanceof Element) {
applyCaptureIdToElement(parent, frameReader.elementReferenceCaptureId(frame)!);
return 0; // A "capture" is a child in the diff, but has no node in the DOM
} else {
throw new Error('Reference capture frames can only be children of element frames.');
case FrameType.markup:
this.insertMarkup(batch, parent, childIndex, frame);
return 1;
const unknownType: never = frameType; // Compile-time verification that the switch was exhaustive
throw new Error(`Unknown frame type: ${unknownType}`);
private insertElement(batch: RenderBatch, componentId: number, parent: LogicalElement, childIndex: number, frames: ArrayValues<RenderTreeFrame>, frame: RenderTreeFrame, frameIndex: number) {
const frameReader = batch.frameReader;
const tagName = frameReader.elementName(frame)!;
const newDomElementRaw = tagName === 'svg' || isSvgElement(parent) ?
document.createElementNS('', tagName) :
const newElement = toLogicalElement(newDomElementRaw);
insertLogicalChild(newDomElementRaw, parent, childIndex);
// Hanlde autofocus
let wantsFocus: boolean = false;
// Apply attributes
const descendantsEndIndexExcl = frameIndex + frameReader.subtreeLength(frame);
for (let descendantIndex = frameIndex + 1; descendantIndex < descendantsEndIndexExcl; descendantIndex++) {
const descendantFrame = batch.referenceFramesEntry(frames, descendantIndex);
if (frameReader.frameType(descendantFrame) === FrameType.attribute) {
this.applyAttribute(batch, componentId, newDomElementRaw, descendantFrame);
// Handle autofocus
let attrName = batch.frameReader.attributeName(descendantFrame);
wantsFocus = ( attrName === 'autofocus' );
} else {
// As soon as we see a non-attribute child, all the subsequent child frames are
// not attributes, so bail out and insert the remnants recursively
this.insertFrameRange(batch, componentId, newElement, 0, frames, descendantIndex, descendantsEndIndexExcl);
if (wantsFocus) { // Handle autofocus
// We handle setting 'value' on a <select> in two different ways:
// [1] When inserting a corresponding <option>, in case you're dynamically adding options
// [2] After we finish inserting the <select>, in case the descendant options are being
// added as an opaque markup block rather than individually
// Right here we implement [2]
if (newDomElementRaw instanceof HTMLSelectElement && selectValuePropname in newDomElementRaw) {
const selectValue = newDomElementRaw[selectValuePropname];
newDomElementRaw.value = selectValue;
delete newDomElementRaw[selectValuePropname];
private insertComponent(batch: RenderBatch, parent: LogicalElement, childIndex: number, frame: RenderTreeFrame) {
const containerElement = createAndInsertLogicalContainer(parent, childIndex);
// All we have to do is associate the child component ID with its location. We don't actually
// do any rendering here, because the diff for the child will appear later in the render batch.
const childComponentId = batch.frameReader.componentId(frame);
this.attachComponentToElement(childComponentId, containerElement);
private insertText(batch: RenderBatch, parent: LogicalElement, childIndex: number, textFrame: RenderTreeFrame) {
const textContent = batch.frameReader.textContent(textFrame)!;
const newTextNode = document.createTextNode(textContent);
insertLogicalChild(newTextNode, parent, childIndex);
private insertMarkup(batch: RenderBatch, parent: LogicalElement, childIndex: number, markupFrame: RenderTreeFrame) {
const markupContainer = createAndInsertLogicalContainer(parent, childIndex);
const markupContent = batch.frameReader.markupContent(markupFrame);
const parsedMarkup = parseMarkup(markupContent, isSvgElement(parent));
let logicalSiblingIndex = 0;
while (parsedMarkup.firstChild) {
insertLogicalChild(parsedMarkup.firstChild, markupContainer, logicalSiblingIndex++);
private applyAttribute(batch: RenderBatch, componentId: number, toDomElement: Element, attributeFrame: RenderTreeFrame) {
const frameReader = batch.frameReader;
const attributeName = frameReader.attributeName(attributeFrame)!;
const eventHandlerId = frameReader.attributeEventHandlerId(attributeFrame);
if (eventHandlerId) {
const eventName = stripOnPrefix(attributeName);
this.eventDelegator.setListener(toDomElement, eventName, eventHandlerId, componentId);
// First see if we have special handling for this attribute
if (!this.tryApplySpecialProperty(batch, toDomElement, attributeName, attributeFrame)) {
// If not, treat it as a regular string-valued attribute
private tryApplySpecialProperty(batch: RenderBatch, element: Element, attributeName: string, attributeFrame: RenderTreeFrame | null) {
switch (attributeName) {
case 'value':
return this.tryApplyValueProperty(batch, element, attributeFrame);
case 'checked':
return this.tryApplyCheckedProperty(batch, element, attributeFrame);
default: {
if (attributeName.startsWith(internalAttributeNamePrefix)) {
this.applyInternalAttribute(batch, element, attributeName.substring(internalAttributeNamePrefix.length), attributeFrame);
return true;
return false;
private applyInternalAttribute(batch: RenderBatch, element: Element, internalAttributeName: string, attributeFrame: RenderTreeFrame | null) {
const attributeValue = attributeFrame ? batch.frameReader.attributeValue(attributeFrame) : null;
if (internalAttributeName.startsWith(eventStopPropagationAttributeNamePrefix)) {
// Stop propagation
const eventName = stripOnPrefix(internalAttributeName.substring(eventStopPropagationAttributeNamePrefix.length));
this.eventDelegator.setStopPropagation(element, eventName, attributeValue !== null);
} else if (internalAttributeName.startsWith(eventPreventDefaultAttributeNamePrefix)) {
// Prevent default
const eventName = stripOnPrefix(internalAttributeName.substring(eventPreventDefaultAttributeNamePrefix.length));
this.eventDelegator.setPreventDefault(element, eventName, attributeValue !== null);
} else {
// The prefix makes this attribute name reserved, so any other usage is disallowed
throw new Error(`Unsupported internal attribute '${internalAttributeName}'`);
private tryApplyValueProperty(batch: RenderBatch, element: Element, attributeFrame: RenderTreeFrame | null): boolean {
// Certain elements have built-in behaviour for their 'value' property
const frameReader = batch.frameReader;
if (element.tagName === 'INPUT' && element.getAttribute('type') === 'time' && !element.getAttribute('step')) {
const timeValue = attributeFrame ? frameReader.attributeValue(attributeFrame) : null;
if (timeValue) {
element['value'] = timeValue.substring(0, 5);
return true;
switch (element.tagName) {
case 'INPUT':
case 'SELECT':
case 'TEXTAREA': {
const value = attributeFrame ? frameReader.attributeValue(attributeFrame) : null;
(element as any).value = value;
if (element.tagName === 'SELECT') {
// <select> is special, in that anything we write to .value will be lost if there
// isn't yet a matching <option>. To maintain the expected behavior no matter the
// element insertion/update order, preserve the desired value separately so
// we can recover it when inserting any matching <option> or after inserting an
// entire markup block of descendants.
element[selectValuePropname] = value;
return true;
case 'OPTION': {
const value = attributeFrame ? frameReader.attributeValue(attributeFrame) : null;
if (value) {
element.setAttribute('value', value);
} else {
// See above for why we have this special handling for <select>/<option>
// Note that this is only one of the two cases where we set the value on a <select>
const selectElem = this.findClosestAncestorSelectElement(element);
if (selectElem && (selectValuePropname in selectElem) && selectElem[selectValuePropname] === value) {
this.tryApplyValueProperty(batch, selectElem, attributeFrame);
delete selectElem[selectValuePropname];
return true;
return false;
private tryApplyCheckedProperty(batch: RenderBatch, element: Element, attributeFrame: RenderTreeFrame | null) {
// Certain elements have built-in behaviour for their 'checked' property
if (element.tagName === 'INPUT') {
const value = attributeFrame ? batch.frameReader.attributeValue(attributeFrame) : null;
(element as any).checked = value !== null;
return true;
} else {
return false;
private findClosestAncestorSelectElement(element: Element | null) {
while (element) {
if (element instanceof HTMLSelectElement) {
return element;
} else {
element = element.parentElement;
return null;
private insertFrameRange(batch: RenderBatch, componentId: number, parent: LogicalElement, childIndex: number, frames: ArrayValues<RenderTreeFrame>, startIndex: number, endIndexExcl: number): number {
const origChildIndex = childIndex;
for (let index = startIndex; index < endIndexExcl; index++) {
const frame = batch.referenceFramesEntry(frames, index);
const numChildrenInserted = this.insertFrame(batch, componentId, parent, childIndex, frames, frame, index);
childIndex += numChildrenInserted;
// Skip over any descendants, since they are already dealt with recursively
index += countDescendantFrames(batch, frame);
return (childIndex - origChildIndex); // Total number of children inserted
export interface ComponentDescriptor {
start: Node;
end: Node;
export interface EventDescriptor {
browserRendererId: number;
eventHandlerId: number;
eventArgsType: EventArgsType;
eventFieldInfo: EventFieldInfo | null;
function parseMarkup(markup: string, isSvg: boolean) {
if (isSvg) {
sharedSvgElemForParsing.innerHTML = markup || ' ';
return sharedSvgElemForParsing;
} else {
sharedTemplateElemForParsing.innerHTML = markup || ' ';
return sharedTemplateElemForParsing.content;
function countDescendantFrames(batch: RenderBatch, frame: RenderTreeFrame): number {
const frameReader = batch.frameReader;
switch (frameReader.frameType(frame)) {
// The following frame types have a subtree length. Other frames may use that memory slot
// to mean something else, so we must not read it. We should consider having nominal subtypes
// of RenderTreeFramePointer that prevent access to non-applicable fields.
case FrameType.component:
case FrameType.element:
case FrameType.region:
return frameReader.subtreeLength(frame) - 1;
return 0;
function raiseEvent(
event: Event,
browserRendererId: number,
eventHandlerId: number,
eventArgs: EventForDotNet<UIEventArgs>,
eventFieldInfo: EventFieldInfo | null
): void {
if (preventDefaultEvents[event.type]) {
const eventDescriptor = {
eventArgsType: eventArgs.type,
eventFieldInfo: eventFieldInfo,
function clearElement(element: Element) {
let childNode: Node | null;
while (childNode = element.firstChild) {
function clearBetween(start: Node, end: Node): void {
const logicalParent = getLogicalParent(start as unknown as LogicalElement);
if (!logicalParent) {
throw new Error("Can't clear between nodes. The start node does not have a logical parent.");
const children = getLogicalChildrenArray(logicalParent);
const removeStart = children.indexOf(start as unknown as LogicalElement) + 1;
const endIndex = children.indexOf(end as unknown as LogicalElement);
// We remove the end component comment from the DOM as we don't need it after this point.
for (let i = removeStart; i <= endIndex; i++) {
removeLogicalChild(logicalParent, removeStart);
// We sanitize the start comment by removing all the information from it now that we don't need it anymore
// as it adds noise to the DOM.
start.textContent = '!';
function stripOnPrefix(attributeName: string) {
if (attributeName.startsWith('on')) {
return attributeName.substring(2);
throw new Error(`Attribute should be an event name, but doesn't start with 'on'. Value: '${attributeName}'`);
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