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Last active June 29, 2022 01:46
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DMA PowerShell and Azure Data Studio Notebook
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Creates the DMAReporting database
Creates the DMAReporting database. This database is used for holding the DMA Assessment data. This database can be used for reporting with PowerBI or as a staging database for the DMAWarehouse
.PARAMETER SqlInstance
The name of the Instance which contains the DMAReporting database
.PARAMETER DatabaseName
The name of the DMAReporting database. Defaults to "DMAReporting"
New-DMAReportingDatabase - SqlInstance SQL01
Creates the DMAReporting Database on SQL01
New-DMAReportingDatabase - SqlInstance SQL01 -Name DMA_Assessment_Reporting
Creates the DMAReporting Database on SQL01 and names it DMA_Assessment_Reporting
Updated to add Supports Should Process - reduce code reuse and use correct naming conventions for PowerShell
This function is called via the dmaProcessor function.
Rob Sewell - @SqlDbaWithABeard
Updated from original code available
Learn more about Data Migration Assistant:
function New-DMAReportingDatabase {
[string] $SqlInstance,
[string] $DatabaseName = 'DMAReporting',
$ISAzure = $null
if ($SqlInstance -match '') {
$ISAzure = $true
$username = $AzureCredential.UserName + "@" + $SqlInstance.replace('', '')
$password = $AzureCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$connectionString = "Server=$;Database=$ReportingDb;User Id=$username;Password=$password"
else {
$connectionString = "Server=$SqlInstance;Database=$ReportingDb;Trusted_Connection=True;"
#region Create database objects
Write-Verbose "Connecting to $SqlInstance"
if ($ISAzure) {
$Smo = New-DMASmoObject -ConnectionString $connectionString
else {
$Smo = New-DMASmoObject -SqlInstance $SqlInstance
#region create reporting database
$db = New-DMADatabase -SMOObject $Smo -DatabaseName $DatabaseName
#region Create Sequence
$SequenceName = "AssessmentUniquifier"
if (-not $db.Sequences[$SequenceName] ) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DatabaseName" , "Creating Sequence in ")) {
$seq = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Sequence -ArgumentList $db, $SequenceName
$seq.StartValue = 1
$seq.IncrementValue = 1
try {
Write-Verbose "Sequence object $SequenceName created successfully on $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to create sequence $SequenceName on $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance - Error Message is below"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
else {
Write-Verbose "Sequence Object $SequenceName already exists on $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
#region create tables
#region create ReportData table
$tableName = "ReportData"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$table = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName )
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "ImportDate", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::DateTime)
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "InstanceName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "Status", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "Name", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col5 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "SizeMB", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col6 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "SourceCompatibilityLevel", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col7 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "TargetCompatibilityLevel", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col8 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "Category", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col9 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "Severity", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col10 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "ChangeCategory", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col11 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "RuleId", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(100))
$col12 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "Title", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col13 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "Impact", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col14 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "Recommendation", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col15 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "MoreInfo", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col16 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "ImpactedObjectName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col17 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "ImpactedObjectType", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col18 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "ImpactDetail", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col19 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "DBOwner", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col20 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "AssessmentTarget", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col21 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "AssessmentName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col22 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "AssessmentNumber", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col23 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($table, "IsLoaded", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Bit)
New-DMATable -Table $table
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
#endregion ReportData table
#region create AzureFeatureParity table
$tableName = "AzureFeatureParity"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$AzureReportDatatbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "ImportDate", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::DateTime)
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "ServerName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "Version", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "Status", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(10))
$col5 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "Category", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col6 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "Severity", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col7 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "FeatureParityCategory", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col8 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "RuleID", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(100))
$col9 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "Title", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(1000))
$col10 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "Impact", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(1000))
$col11 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "Recommendation", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col12 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "MoreInfo", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col13 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "ImpactedDatabasename", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col14 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "ImpactedObjectType", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col15 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "ImpactDetail", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col16 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "AssessmentNumber", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col17 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureReportDatatbl, "IsLoaded", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Bit)
New-DMATable -Table $AzureReportDatatbl
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
#endregion AzureFeatureParity tabl
#region create BreakingChangeWeighting table
$tableName = "BreakingChangeWeighting"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$BreakingChangetbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($BreakingChangetbl, "RuleId", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(36))
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($BreakingChangetbl, "Title", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(150))
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($BreakingChangetbl, "Effort", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($BreakingChangetbl, "FixTime", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col5 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($BreakingChangetbl, "Cost", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col6 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($BreakingChangetbl, "ChangeRank", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$Col6.Computed = $True
$Col6.ComputedText = "(Effort + FixTime + Cost) / 3"
New-DMATable -Table $BreakingChangetbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($BreakingChangetbl, "PK_BreakingChangeWeighting_RuleId")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
else {
Write-Verbose "Table BreakingChangeWeighting already exists"
#endregion BreakingChangeWeighting table
#endregion tables
#region Create views
$schemaName = 'dbo'
$ViewName = "UpgradeSuccessRanking_OnPrem"
if (-not $db.Views[$ViewName] ) {
$vwUpgradeSuccessRankingop = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View -argumentlist $db, $ViewName , $schemaName
$vwUpgradeSuccessRankingop.TextHeader = "CREATE VIEW [dbo].[UpgradeSuccessRanking_OnPrem] AS"
$vwUpgradeSuccessRankingop.TextBody = @"
WITH issuecount
-- currently doesn't take into account diminishing returns for repeating issues
-- removed NotDefined as these are for feature parity, not migration blockers and should therefore be excluded in calculations
SELECT InstanceName
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BehaviorChange' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'Deprecated' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BreakingChange' THEN SUM(ChangeRank) END ,0) AS 'BreakingChange'
FROM ReportData rd
LEFT JOIN BreakingChangeWeighting bcw
ON rd.RuleId = bcw.ruleid
WHERE ChangeCategory != 'NotDefined'
AND TargetCompatibilityLevel != 'NA'
AND AssessmentTarget IN ('SqlServer2012', 'SqlServer2014', 'SqlServer2016')
GROUP BY InstanceName,name, changecategory, TargetCompatibilityLevel
SELECT InstanceName
,MAX(BehaviorChange) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,MAX(DeprecatedCount) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,MAX(BreakingChange) AS 'BreakingChange'
FROM issuecount
GROUP BY InstanceName,name, TargetCompatibilityLevel
SELECT *, behaviorchange + deprecatedcount + breakingchange AS 'Total'
FROM distinctissues
SELECT InstanceName
,CAST(100-((BehaviorChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,CAST(100-((DeprecatedCount + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,CAST(100-((BreakingChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BreakingChange'
FROM IssueTotaled
-- This section will ensure that if there are 0 issues in a category we return 1. This ensures the reports show data
SELECT InstanceName
,CASE WHEN BehaviorChange > 0 THEN BehaviorChange ELSE 1 END AS "BehaviorChange"
,CASE WHEN DeprecatedCount > 0 THEN DeprecatedCount ELSE 1 END AS "DeprecatedCount"
,CASE WHEN BreakingChange > 0 THEN BreakingChange ELSE 1 END AS "BreakingChange"
FROM RankedDatabases
-- Added to take into account databases with no compatibility issues at all. We still want to report on these
SELECT DISTINCT InstanceName, [Name], 'CompatLevel130' AS TargetCompatibilityLevel, 100.00 AS "BehaviorChange", 100.00 AS "DeprecatedCount", 100.00 AS "BreakingChange"
FROM ReportData rd
WHERE [Status] = 'Completed'
AND rd.TargetCompatibilityLevel = 'NA'
AND rd.AssessmentTarget IN ('SqlServer2012', 'SqlServer2014', 'SqlServer2016', 'SqlServerWindows2017')
New-DMAView -View $vwUpgradeSuccessRankingop
else {
Write-Verbose "View $ViewName already exists in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
$schemaName = 'dbo'
$ViewName = "UpgradeSuccessRanking_Azure"
if (-not $db.Views[$ViewName] ) {
$vwUpgradeSuccessRankingaz = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View -argumentlist $db, $ViewName , $schemaName
$vwUpgradeSuccessRankingaz.TextHeader = "CREATE VIEW [dbo].[UpgradeSuccessRanking_Azure] AS"
$vwUpgradeSuccessRankingaz.TextBody = @"
WITH issuecount
-- currently doesn't take into account diminishing returns for repeating issues
-- removed NotDefined as these are for feature parity, not migration blockers and should therefore be excluded in calculations
SELECT InstanceName
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BehaviorChange' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'Deprecated' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BreakingChange' THEN SUM(ChangeRank) END ,0) AS 'BreakingChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'MigrationBlocker' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM ReportData rd
LEFT JOIN BreakingChangeWeighting bcw
ON rd.RuleId = bcw.ruleid
WHERE changecategory != 'NotDefined'
AND TargetCompatibilityLevel != 'NA'
AND AssessmentTarget = 'AzureSQLDatabaseV12'
GROUP BY InstanceName, [Name], changecategory, TargetCompatibilityLevel
SELECT InstanceName
,MAX(BehaviorChange) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,MAX(DeprecatedCount) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,MAX(BreakingChange) AS 'BreakingChange'
,MAX(MigrationBlocker) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM issuecount
GROUP BY InstanceName, [Name], TargetCompatibilityLevel
SELECT *, behaviorchange + deprecatedcount + breakingchange + MigrationBlocker AS 'Total'
FROM distinctissues
SELECT InstanceName
,CAST(100-((BehaviorChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,CAST(100-((DeprecatedCount + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,CAST(100-((BreakingChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BreakingChange'
,CAST(100-((MigrationBlocker + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM IssueTotaled
-- This section will ensure that if there are 0 issues in a category we return 1. This ensures the reports show data
SELECT InstanceName
,CASE WHEN BehaviorChange > 0 THEN BehaviorChange ELSE 1 END AS "BehaviorChange"
,CASE WHEN DeprecatedCount > 0 THEN DeprecatedCount ELSE 1 END AS "DeprecatedCount"
,CASE WHEN BreakingChange > 0 THEN BreakingChange ELSE 1 END AS "BreakingChange"
,CASE WHEN MigrationBlocker > 0 THEN MigrationBlocker ELSE 1 END AS "MigrationBlocker"
FROM RankedDatabases
-- Added to take into account databases with no compatibility issues at all. We still want to report on these
SELECT DISTINCT InstanceName, [Name], 'CompatLevel130' AS TargetCompatibilityLevel, 100.00 AS "BehaviorChange", 100.00 AS "DeprecatedCount", 100.00 AS "BreakingChange", 100.00 AS "MigrationBlocker"
FROM ReportData rd
WHERE [Status] = 'Completed'
AND rd.TargetCompatibilityLevel = 'NA'
AND rd.AssessmentTarget = 'AzureSqlDatabase'
New-DMAView -View $vwUpgradeSuccessRankingaz
else {
Write-Verbose "View $ViewName already exists in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
#region commented out due to ApplicationOwners table not existing.
# $vwCheck3 = $db.Views | Where {$_.Name -eq "DirectorateReadiness_Azure"}
# if(!$vwCheck3)
# {
# $vwDirectorateReadiness = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View -argumentlist $db, "DirectorateReadiness_Azure", "dbo"
# $vwDirectorateReadiness.TextHeader = "CREATE VIEW [dbo].[DirectorateReadiness_Azure] AS"
# $vwDirectorateReadiness.TextBody=@"
#SELECT ao.Directorate
# ,a.instancename
# ,a.Name
# ,migrationblocker as AzureReadiness
#FROM UpgradeSuccessRanking_Azure a
#LEFT JOIN ApplicationOwners ao
# ON a.InstanceName = ao.Instance
# AND a.Name = ao.DatabaseName
#WHERE TargetCompatibilityLevel = 'compatlevel130'
# try
# {
# $vwDirectorateReadiness.Create()
# Write-Host ("View DirectorateReadiness_Azure created successfully") -ForegroundColor Green
# }
# catch
# {
# Write-Host("Failed to create view DirectorateReadiness_Azure") -ForegroundColor Red
# $error[0]|format-list -force
# }
# }
# else
# {
# Write-Host ("View DirectorateReadiness_Azure already exists") -ForegroundColor Yellow
# }
# $vwCheck4 = $db.Views | Where {$_.Name -eq "DirectorateReadiness_OnPrem"}
# if(!$vwCheck4)
# {
# $vwDirectorateReadinessop = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View -argumentlist $db, "DirectorateReadiness_OnPrem", "dbo"
# $vwDirectorateReadinessop.TextHeader = "CREATE VIEW [dbo].[DirectorateReadiness_OnPrem] AS"
# $vwDirectorateReadinessop.TextBody=@"
#SELECT ao.Directorate
# ,a.instancename
# ,a.Name
# ,BreakingChange AS OnPremReadiness
#FROM UpgradeSuccessRanking_OnPrem a
#LEFT JOIN ApplicationOwners ao
# ON a.InstanceName = ao.Instance
# AND a.Name = ao.DatabaseName
#WHERE TargetCompatibilityLevel = 'compatlevel130'
# try
# {
# $vwDirectorateReadinessop.Create()
# Write-Host ("View DirectorateReadiness_OnPrem created successfully") -ForegroundColor Green
# }
# catch
# {
# Write-Host("Failed to create view DirectorateReadiness_OnPrem") -ForegroundColor Red
# $error[0]|format-list -force
# }
# }
# else
# {
# Write-Host ("View DirectorateReadiness_OnPrem already exists") -ForegroundColor Yellow
# }
#region Create Table Types
$tableTypeName = 'JSONResults'
if (-not $db.UserDefinedTableTypes[$tableTypeName]) {
$JSONResultstt = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.UserDefinedTableType -ArgumentList $db, $tableTypeName
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "ImportDate", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::DateTime)
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "InstanceName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "Status", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "Name", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col5 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "SizeMB", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col6 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "SourceCompatibilityLevel", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col7 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "TargetCompatibilityLevel", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col8 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "Category", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col9 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "Severity", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col10 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "ChangeCategory", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(20))
$col11 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "RuleId", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(100))
$col12 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "Title", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col13 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "Impact", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col14 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "Recommendation", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col15 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "MoreInfo", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col16 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "ImpactedObjectName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col17 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "ImpactedObjectType", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col18 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "ImpactDetail", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col19 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "DBOwner", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col20 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "AssessmentTarget", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col21 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "AssessmentName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col22 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "AssessmentNumber", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col23 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($JSONResultstt, "IsLoaded", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Bit)
New-DMATableType -TableType $JSONResultstt
else {
Write-Verbose "Table Type $tableTypeName already exists in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
$tableTypeName = 'AzureFeatureParityResults'
if (-not $db.UserDefinedTableTypes[$tableTypeName]) {
$AzureParityResultstt = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.UserDefinedTableType -ArgumentList $db, $tableTypeName
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "ImportDate", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::DateTime)
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "ServerName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "Version", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "Status", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(10))
$col5 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "Category", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col6 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "Severity", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col7 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "FeatureParityCategory", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col8 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "RuleID", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(100))
$col9 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "Title", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(1000))
$col10 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "Impact", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(1000))
$col11 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "Recommendation", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col12 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "MoreInfo", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col13 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "ImpactedDatabasename", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col14 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "ImpactedObjectType", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col15 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "ImpactDetail", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col16 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "AssessmentNumber", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col17 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($AzureParityResultstt, "IsLoaded", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Bit)
New-DMATableType -TableType $AzureParityResultstt
else {
Write-Verbose "Table Type $tableTypeName already exists in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
#region Create Stored Procedures
$SPName = "JSONResults_Insert"
$schemaName = 'dbo'
if (-not $db.StoredProcedures[$SPName]) {
$JSONResults_Insert = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.StoredProcedure -ArgumentList $db, $SPName , $schemaName
$JSONResults_Insert.TextHeader = "CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.JSONResults_Insert @JSONResults JSONResults READONLY AS"
$JSONResults_Insert.TextBody = @"
INSERT INTO dbo.ReportData (ImportDate, InstanceName, [Status], [Name], SizeMB, SourceCompatibilityLevel, TargetCompatibilityLevel, Category, Severity, ChangeCategory, RuleId, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ImpactedObjectName, ImpactedObjectType, ImpactDetail, DBOwner, AssessmentTarget, AssessmentName, AssessmentNumber, IsLoaded)
SELECT ImportDate, InstanceName, [Status], [Name], SizeMB, SourceCompatibilityLevel, TargetCompatibilityLevel, Category, Severity, ChangeCategory, RuleId, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ImpactedObjectName, ImpactedObjectType, ImpactDetail, DBOwner, AssessmentTarget, AssessmentName, AssessmentNumber, IsLoaded
New-DMAStoredProcedure -StoredProcedure $JSONResults_Insert
else {
Write-Verbose "Stored Procedure $SPName already exists in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
$SPName = "AzureFeatureParityResults_Insert"
$schemaName = 'dbo'
if (-not $db.StoredProcedures[$SPName]) {
$AzureFeatureParityResults_Insert = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.StoredProcedure -ArgumentList $db, $SPName , $schemaName
$AzureFeatureParityResults_Insert.TextHeader = "CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AzureFeatureParityResults_Insert @AzureFeatureParityResults AzureFeatureParityResults READONLY AS"
$AzureFeatureParityResults_Insert.TextBody = @"
INSERT INTO dbo.AzureFeatureParity (ImportDate, ServerName, Version, Status, Category, Severity, FeatureParityCategory, RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ImpactedDatabasename, ImpactedObjectType, ImpactDetail, AssessmentNumber, IsLoaded)
SELECT ImportDate, ServerName, Version, Status, Category, Severity, FeatureParityCategory, RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ImpactedDatabasename, ImpactedObjectType, ImpactDetail, AssessmentNumber, IsLoaded
FROM @AzureFeatureParityResults
New-DMAStoredProcedure -StoredProcedure $AzureFeatureParityResults_Insert
else {
Write-Verbose "Stored Procedure $SPName already exists in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
#region populate static data
$connectionString = "Server=$SqlInstance;Database=$databaseName;Trusted_Connection=True;"
#Populate the breaking change reference data
$RefDataCheck = $db.Tables['BreakingChangeWeighting']
if ($RefDataCheck.RowCount -eq 0) {
#populate static data into BreakingChangeWeighting
$CommandText = @'
INSERT INTO BreakingChangeWeighting VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00001','Syntax issue on the source server',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00006','BACKUP LOG WITH NO_LOG|TRUNCATE_ONLY statements are not supported',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00007','BACKUP/RESTORE TRANSACTION statements are deprecated or discontinued',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00013','COMPUTE clause is not allowed in database compatibility 110',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00020','Read-only databases cannot be upgraded',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00021','Verify all filegroups are writeable during the upgrade process',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00023','SQL Server native SOAP support is discontinued in SQL Server 2014 and above',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00044','Remove user-defined type (UDT)s named after the reserved GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00050','Table hints in indexed view definitions are ignored in compatibility mode 80 and are not allowed in compatibility mode 90 or above',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00058','After upgrade, new reserved keywords cannot be used as identifiers',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00062','Tables and Columns named NEXT may lead to an error using compatibility Level 110 and above',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00086','XML is a reserved system type name',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00110','New column in output of sp_helptrigger may impact applications',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00113','SQL Mail has been discontinued',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00300','Remove the use of PASSWORD in BACKUP command',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00301','WITH CHECK OPTION is not supported in views that contain TOP in compatibility mode 90 and above',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00302','Discontinued DBCC commands referenced in your T-SQL objects',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00308','Legacy style RAISERROR calls should be replaced with modern equivalents',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00311','Detected statements that reference removed system stored procedures that are not available in database compatibility level 100 and higher',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00318','FOR BROWSE is not allowed in views in 90 or later compatibility modes',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00321','Non ANSI style left outer join usage',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00322','Non ANSI style right outer join usage',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00326','Constant expressions are not allowed in the ORDER BY clause in 90 or later compatibility modes',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00332','FASTFIRSTROW table hint usage',1,1,1),
('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00336','Certain XPath functions are not allowed in OPENXML queries',1,1,1)
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -ConnectionString $connectionString
Creates the DMAWarehouse database
Creates the DMAWarehouse database. This can be loaded from the Reporting database using Invoke-DMALoadDataWareHouse
.Parameter SqlInstance
The name of the server which contains the DMAWarehouse database
.Parameter DatabaseName
The name of the DMAWarehouse database. Defaults to "DMAWarehouse"
New-DMAWarehouse -SqlInstance SQL01 -DatabaseName DMA_Warehouse
Creates the DMA_Warehouse on SQL01
Rob Sewell - @SqlDbaWithABeard
Updated from original code available
Learn more about Data Migration Assistant:
function New-DMAWarehouse {
[string] $SqlInstance,
[string] $DatabaseName = 'DMAWarehouse'
$ISAzure = $null
if ($SqlInstance -match '') {
$ISAzure = $true
$username = $AzureCredential.UserName + "@" + $SqlInstance.replace('', '')
$password = $AzureCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$connectionString = "Server=$;Database=$DatabaseName;User Id=$username;Password=$password"
else {
$connectionString = "Server=$SqlInstance;Database=$DatabaseName;Trusted_Connection=True;"
#region Create database objects
Write-Verbose "Connecting to $SqlInstance"
if ($ISAzure) {
$Smo = New-DMASmoObject -ConnectionString $connectionString
else {
$Smo = New-DMASmoObject -SqlInstance $SqlInstance
#create reporting database
$db = New-DMADatabase -SMOObject $Smo -DatabaseName $DatabaseName
# Create reporting schema
New-DMASchema -database $db -SchemaName Reporting
# create historylog schema
New-DMASchema -database $db -SchemaName historyLog
#region create table dimCategory
$tableName = "dimCategory"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimCategorytbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimCategorytbl, "CategoryKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Smallint)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimCategorytbl, "Category", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
New-DMATable -Table $dimCategorytbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimCategorytbl, "PK_dimCategory_Categorykey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $pk
$CommandText = @"
insert into dimCategory (Category) VALUES ('NA')
insert into dimCategory (Category) VALUES ('Storage')
insert into dimCategory (Category) VALUES ('Security')
insert into dimCategory (Category) VALUES ('Compatibility')
insert into dimCategory (Category) VALUES ('Performance')
insert into dimCategory (Category) VALUES ('FeatureParity')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Host ("Table dimCategory already exists") -ForegroundColor Yellow
#region create dimChangeCategory
$tableName = "dimChangeCategory"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimChangeCategorytbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimChangeCategorytbl, "ChangeCategoryKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Smallint)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimChangeCategorytbl, "ChangeCategory", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
New-DMATable -Table $dimChangeCategorytbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimChangeCategorytbl, "PK_dimChangeCategory_ChangeCategoryKey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
$CommandText = @'
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('NA')
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('BehaviorChange')
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('NotDefined')
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('MigrationBlocker')
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Deprecated')
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('BreakingChange')
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('MigrationBlocker_FalsePositive')
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('BreakingChange_FalsePositive')
insert into dimChangeCategory (ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Information')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimDate
$tableName = "dimDate"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimDatetbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "DateKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "Date", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "Day", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "DaySuffix", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Char(2))
$col5 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "Weekday", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col6 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "WeekDayName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(10))
$col7 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "IsWeekend", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Bit)
$col8 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "IsHoliday", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Bit)
$col9 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "Holidaytext", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(64))
$col10 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "DOWInMonth", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col11 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "DayOfYear", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Smallint)
$col12 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "WeekOfMonth", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col13 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "WeekOfYear", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col14 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "ISOWeekOfYear", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col15 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "Month", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col16 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "MonthName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(10))
$col17 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "Quarter", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col18 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "QuarterName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(6))
$col19 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "Year", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col20 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "MMYYYY", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Char(6))
$col21 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "MonthYear", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Char(7))
$col22 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "FirstDayOfMonth", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
$col23 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "LastDayofMonth", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
$col24 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "FirstDayOfQuarter", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
$col25 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "LastDayOfQuarter", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
$col26 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "FirstDayOfYear", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
$col27 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "LastDayOfYear", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
$col28 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "FirstDayOfNextMonth", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
$col29 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDatetbl, "FirstDayOfNextYear", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Date)
New-DMATable -Table $dimDatetbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimDatetbl, "PK_dimDate_Datekey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
$CommandText = @'
DECLARE @StartDate DATE = '20170101', @NumberOfYears INT = 15;
DECLARE @CutoffDate DATE = DATEADD(YEAR, @NumberOfYears, @StartDate);
-- this is just a holding table for intermediate calculations:
[day] AS DATEPART(DAY, [date]),
[month] AS DATEPART(MONTH, [date]),
[MonthName] AS DATENAME(MONTH, [date]),
[week] AS DATEPART(WEEK, [date]),
[ISOweek] AS DATEPART(ISO_WEEK, [date]),
[DayOfWeek] AS DATEPART(WEEKDAY, [date]),
[quarter] AS DATEPART(QUARTER, [date]),
[year] AS DATEPART(YEAR, [date]),
Style112 AS CONVERT(CHAR(8), [date], 112),
Style101 AS CONVERT(CHAR(10), [date], 101)
INSERT #dim([date])
SELECT d = DATEADD(DAY, rn - 1, @StartDate)
SELECT TOP (DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDate, @CutoffDate))
rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY s1.[object_id])
FROM sys.all_objects AS s1
CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects AS s2
ORDER BY s1.[object_id]
) AS x
) AS y;
insert into dimdate
DateKey = CONVERT(INT, Style112),
[Date] = [date],
[Day] = CONVERT(TINYINT, [day]),
DaySuffix = CONVERT(CHAR(2), CASE WHEN [day] / 10 = 1 THEN 'th' ELSE
CASE RIGHT([day], 1) WHEN '1' THEN 'st' WHEN '2' THEN 'nd'
WHEN '3' THEN 'rd' ELSE 'th' END END),
[Weekday] = CONVERT(TINYINT, [DayOfWeek]),
[WeekDayName] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATENAME(WEEKDAY, [date])),
[IsWeekend] = CONVERT(BIT, CASE WHEN [DayOfWeek] IN (1,7) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
[IsHoliday] = CONVERT(BIT, 0),
HolidayText = CONVERT(VARCHAR(64), NULL),
(PARTITION BY FirstOfMonth, [DayOfWeek] ORDER BY [date])),
(PARTITION BY [year], [month] ORDER BY [week])),
WeekOfYear = CONVERT(TINYINT, [week]),
[Month] = CONVERT(TINYINT, [month]),
[MonthName] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [MonthName]),
[Quarter] = CONVERT(TINYINT, [quarter]),
QuarterName = CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), CASE [quarter] WHEN 1 THEN 'First'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Second' WHEN 3 THEN 'Third' WHEN 4 THEN 'Fourth' END),
[Year] = [year],
MMYYYY = CONVERT(CHAR(6), LEFT(Style101, 2) + LEFT(Style112, 4)),
MonthYear = CONVERT(CHAR(7), LEFT([MonthName], 3) + LEFT(Style112, 4)),
FirstDayOfMonth = FirstOfMonth,
LastDayOfMonth = MAX([date]) OVER (PARTITION BY [year], [month]),
FirstDayOfQuarter = MIN([date]) OVER (PARTITION BY [year], [quarter]),
LastDayOfQuarter = MAX([date]) OVER (PARTITION BY [year], [quarter]),
FirstDayOfYear = FirstOfYear,
LastDayOfYear = MAX([date]) OVER (PARTITION BY [year]),
FirstDayOfNextMonth = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, FirstOfMonth),
FirstDayOfNextYear = DATEADD(YEAR, 1, FirstOfYear)
FROM #dim
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimObjectType
$tableName = "dimObjectType"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimObjectTypetbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimObjectTypetbl, "ObjectTypeKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Smallint)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimObjectTypetbl, "ObjectType", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(40))
New-DMATable -Table $dimObjectTypetbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimObjectTypetbl, "PK_dimObjectType_ObjectTypekey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
$CommandText = @'
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('NA')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('View')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Signature')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Database Options')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Function')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Login')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Trigger')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Procedure')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('User')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('SqlSignatureEncryptionMechanism')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Database')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Symmetric Key')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Certificate')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Column')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Table')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('SqlFile')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Computed Column')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('FullTextIndex')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Contract')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Message Type')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Queue')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Service')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('SqlContractMessageSpecifier')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('DmlTrigger')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Object')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('ScalarFunction')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('TableValuedFunction')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Assembly')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Permission')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('SqlTypeSpecifier')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('Synonym')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION')
insert into dimObjectType (ObjectType) VALUES ('SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimRules
$tableName = "dimRules"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimRulestbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "RulesKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "RuleID", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
$col2.Nullable = $false
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "Title", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(500))
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "Impact", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col5 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "Recommendation", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col6 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "MoreInfo", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
#$col7 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "Severity", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col8 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "ChangeCategory", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
#$col9 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimRulestbl, "DatabaseCompatibilityLevel", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
New-DMATable -Table $dimRulestbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimRulestbl, "PK_dimRules_Ruleskey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
$CommandText = @'
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('NA','NA','NA','NA','NA','NA')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00003','Turn on autogrow for all data and log files after the migration is completed on the target server.','You may experience transaction failures when database data or log files run out of space.','Assessment detected data or log files that are not set to autogrow on your source SQL Server. New and enhanced features require additional disk space for user databases and the tempdb system database. Consider enabling the auto grow setting for all data and log files on your target SQL Server instance after the migration is completed. While you still set autogrow ON, for a managed production system, you must consider autogrow to be merely a contingency for unexpected growth. Do not manage your data and log growth on a day-to-day basis with autogrow.','Verify autogrow is turned on for all data and log files during the upgrade process -','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00300','Remove the use of PASSWORD in BACKUP command','Some of the detected BACKUP command options have been deprecated or discontinued such as, BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH PASSWORD and BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH MEDIAPASSWORD. BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH PASSWORD and BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH MEDIAPASSWORD have been discontinued in SQL Server 2012.','Remove the use of BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH PASSWORD and BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH MEDIAPASSWORD commands. Instead use backup encryption for securing your backups. This syntax should not be used for creating future backup scripts.','BACKUP (Transact-SQL) - Deprecated Database Engine Features for SQL Server -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00007','BACKUP/RESTORE TRANSACTION statements are deprecated or discontinued','Your BACKUP and RESTORE transaction log operations fail','Remove BACKUP/RESTORE TRANSACTION statements from scripts and use the new supported options, BACKUP/RESTORE LOG.','BACKUP (Transact-SQL) - Deprecated Database Engine Features for SQL Server - Restore a Transaction Log Backup (SQL Server) -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00301','WITH CHECK OPTION is not supported in views that contain TOP in compatibility mode 90 and above','Assessment detected a view that uses the WITH CHECK OPTION and a TOP clause in the SELECT statement of the view or in a referenced view. Views defined this way incorrectly allow data to be modified through the view and may produce inaccurate results when the database compatibility mode is set to 80 and earlier. Data cannot be inserted or updated through a view that uses WITH CHECK OPTION when the view or a referenced view uses the TOP clause and the database compatibility mode is set to 90 or later.','Modify views that use both WITH CHECK OPTION and TOP if data modification through the view is required.','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00013','COMPUTE clause is not allowed in database compatibility 110','The COMPUTE clause generates totals that appear as additional summary columns at the end of the result set. However, this clause is no longer supported in SQL Server 2012.','The T-SQL module needs to be re-written using the ROLLUP operator instead. The code below demonstrates how COMPUTE can be replaced with ROLLUP. USE AdventureWorks GO SELECT SalesOrderID, UnitPrice, UnitPriceDiscount FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail ORDER BY SalesOrderID COMPUTE SUM(UnitPrice), SUM(UnitPriceDiscount) BY SalesOrderID GO SELECT SalesOrderID, UnitPrice, UnitPriceDiscount,SUM(UnitPrice) as UnitPrice , SUM(UnitPriceDiscount) as UnitPriceDiscount FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail<br/>GROUP BY SalesOrderID, UnitPrice, UnitPriceDiscount WITH ROLLUP ','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00302','Discontinued DBCC commands referenced in your T-SQL objects','Many DBCC commands that were available in prior releases have been replaced with DMVs and DMFs, or no longer exist; therefore, using these commands may cause errors and unforeseen effects after upgrading your SQL Server.','Re-write the code, replace DBCC DBREINDEX with ALTER INDEX with REBUILD option. Re-write the code, replace DBCC INDEXDEFRAG with ALTER INDEX with REORGANIZE option. Re-write the code, replace DBCC SHOWCONTIG with sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats. Use of DBCC PINTABLE/DBCC UNPINTABLE is not required and has been removed to prevent additional problems. The syntax for this command still works but does not affect the server. Refer to SQL Server books online for equivalent DMVs and DMFs that you may want to use instead of deprecated and discontinued DBCC commands.','Deprecated Database Engine Features in SQL Server - Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00021','Verify all filegroups are writeable during the upgrade process','ou may have to set filegroups to the READ_WRITE mode during the migration.','Assessment detected one or more database file groups in read-only mode. Depending on how you upgrade your databases to the new SQL Server platform, you may have to set filegroups to the READ_WRITE mode. Use ALTER DATABASE to set the filegroup to READ_WRITE.','Verify all filegroups are writeable during the upgrade process -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00023','SQL Server native SOAP support is discontinued in SQL Server 2014 and above','SQL Server Native XML Web Services has been removed in this SQL Server release.','Modify applications that currently use Native XML Web Services. Microsoft recommends to leverage technologies such as .NET Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) that provide a much more robust way to build Web services. This is especially the case for best practices and features related to scalability and security. Native XML Web Services: Deprecated in SQL Server 2008 -','SQL Server native SOAP support is discontinued in this version of SQL Server -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00044','Remove user-defined type (UDT)s named after the reserved GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types.','Microsoft SQL Server introduced new data types GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY for storing &quot;Spatial Data&quot;. The terms used for spatial data types should not be used as names for either common language runtime (CLR) or alias UDTs.','Remove UDTs named after the reserved GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types.','Remove UDTs named after the reserved GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00050','Table hints in indexed view definitions are ignored in compatibility mode 80 and are not allowed in compatibility mode 90 or above.','Table hints in indexed view definitions are ignored in compatibility mode 80 and are not allowed in compatibility mode 90 or above.','Table hints must be removed from the definitions of indexed views. Regardless of which compatibility mode is used, we recommend that you test the application. By testing the application, you can make sure it performs as expected when indexed views are created, updated, and accessed, including when indexed views are matched to queries.','Table hints in indexed view definitions are ignored in 80 compatibility mode and are not allowed in 90 mode or later -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00319','SERVERPROPERTY(''LCID'') result differs from SQL Server 2000','In SQL Server 2000, when SERVERPROPERTY(LCID) is run on binary collation servers, the function always returns a value of 33280, regardless of the actual collation of the server. In SQL Server 2005 or later versions, SERVERPROPERTY(LCID) returns the Windows locale identifier (LCID) that corresponds to the collation of the server.','Modify applications to expect SERVERPROPERTY(LCID) to return the Windows LCID that corresponds to the collation of the server.','SQL Server 2000 Retired Technical documentation -','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00306','Deprecated data types TEXT, IMAGE or NTEXT','These data types are checked as deprecated. In some cases, using TEXT, IMAGE or NTEXT might harm performance','Deprecated data types are marked to be discontinued on next versions of SQL Server, should use new data types such as: (varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) and etc.)','ntext, text, and image (Transact-SQL) -','Deprecated')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00062','Tables and Columns named NEXT may lead to an error using compatibility Level 110 and above','Tables or columns named NEXT were detected. Sequences, introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2012, use the ANSI standard NEXT VALUE FOR function. If a table or a column is named NEXT and the column is aliased as VALUE, and if the ANSI standard AS is omitted, the resulting statement can cause an error.','Rewrite statements to include the ANSI standard AS keyword when aliasing a table or column. For example, when a column is named NEXT and that column is aliased as VALUE, the query SELECT NEXT VALUE FROM TABLE will cause an error and should be rewritten as SELECT NEXT AS VALUE FROM TABLE. Similarly, when a table is named NEXT and that table is aliased as VALUE, the query SELECT Col1 FROM NEXT VALUE will cause an error and should be rewritten as SELECT Col1 FROM NEXT AS VALUE. ','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00321','Non ANSI style left outer join usage','Non ANSI outer join operations (*= or =*) are not supported and will not work in compatibility levels 90 and above.','Microsoft recommends rewriting the query using ANSI outer join operators (LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN). An example how a Non ANSI join can be replaced with ANSI LEFT OUTER JOIN Query with non ANSI style LEFT OUTER JOIN: SELECT as aid, as bid FROM A, B WHERE *= Query with ANSI style LEFT OUTER JOIN: SELECT as aid, as bid FROM A LEFT OUTER JOIN B ON = ','Using Joins -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00336','Certain XPath functions are not allowed in OPENXML queries','In SQL Server 2005 and above, MSXML 3.0 is the underlying engine used to process XPath expressions that are used within OPENXML queries. MSXML 3.0 has a stricter XPath 1.0 engine in which support for the following functions has been removed: format-number() formatNumber() current() element-available() function-available() system-property()','In the case of format-number() and formatNumber(), you can use FORMAT (Transact-SQL) - For the other unsupported functions listed earlier, there is no direct workaround','OPENXML -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00326','Constant expressions are not allowed in the ORDER BY clause in 90 or later compatibility modes','Constant expressions are allowed (and ignored) in the ORDER BY clause when the database compatibility mode is set to 80 or earlier. However, these expressions in the ORDER BY clause will cause the statement to fail when the database compatibility mode is set to 90 or later. Here is an example of such problematic statements: SELECT * FROM Production.Product ORDER BY CASE WHEN 1=2 THEN 3 ELSE 2 END ','Before you change the database compatibility mode to 90 or later, modify statements that use constant expressions in the ORDER BY clause to use a column name or column alias, or a nonnegative integer representing the position of the name or alias in the select list.','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00308','Legacy style RAISERROR calls should be replaced with modern equivalents','RAISERROR calls like the below example are termed as legacy-style because they do not include the commas and the parenthesis. RAISERROR 50001 this is a test This method of calling RAISERROR is deprecated in SQL Server 2008 and removed in SQL Server 2012 regardless of the database compatibility level. ','Rewrite the statement using the current RAISERROR syntax, or evaluate if the modern approach of TRY...CATCH...THROW is feasible if you are using SQL Server 2012 or above.','Deprecated Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2008 - Please clarify which RAISERROR variation is on the deprecation list - RAISERROR (Transact-SQL) - THROW (Transact-SQL) - ','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00086','XML is a reserved system type name','XML is a reserved system type name. User-Defined types cannot use reserved type names.','In SQL Server 2005 and above, XML is a reserved system type. Use sp_rename to rename the type either before or after you upgrade and modify the application to work with the new type name.','XML (Transact-SQL) -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00328','SET ROWCOUNT used in the context of DML statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE','Using SET ROWCOUNT will not affect DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in SQL Server 2014 and above. Avoid using SET ROWCOUNT with DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it.','Use the TOP clause instead.','SET ROWCOUNT (Transact-SQL) -','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00311','Detected statements that reference removed system stored procedures that are not available in database compatibility level 100 and higher.','Following unsupported system and extended stored procedures cannot be used in database compatibility level 100 and above: Area: Role management sp_addgroup sp_changegroup sp_dropgroup sp_helpgroup Area: Web assistant sp_makewebtask sp_dropwebtask sp_runwebtask sp_enumcodepages Area: Remote servers sp_addremotelogin sp_addserver sp_dropremotelogin sp_helpremotelogin sp_remoteoption Area: Database management sp_attach_db sp_attach_single_file_db Area: Database objects sp_bindrule sp_bindefault sp_change_users_login sp_depends sp_renamedb sp_getbindtoken sp_unbindrule sp_unbindefault Area: Database options sp_bindsession sp_resetstatus Area: Extended stored procedures xp_grantlogin xp_revokelogin xp_loginConfig Area: Extended stored procedures programming sp_addextendedproc sp_dropextendedproc sp_helpextendedproc Area: Removable databases sp_certify_removable sp_create_removable sp_dbremove Area: Security sp_addapprole sp_dropapprole sp_addlogin sp_droplogin sp_adduser sp_dropuser sp_grantdbaccess sp_revokedbaccess sp_addrole sp_droprole sp_approlepassword sp_password sp_changeobjectowner sp_defaultdb sp_defaultlanguage sp_denylogin sp_grantlogin sp_revokelogin sp_srvrolepermission sp_dbfixedrolepermission','Remove references to unsupported system procedures before upgrading to database compatibility level 100.','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00312','Remove references to undocumented system tables','Many system tables that were undocumented in prior releases have changed or no longer exist; therefore, using these tables may cause errors after upgrading to SQL Server 2008.','The list of undocumented system tables that are removed is provided in the below article. Remove references to undocumented system tables - The Corrective Action provides the alternative replacements for some of the unsupported objects that can be used to modify your applications.','NamedTableReference Class - SchemaObjectFunctionTableReference Class - Remove references to undocumented system tables -','Deprecated')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00333','Unqualified Join(s) detected','Starting with database compatibility level 90 and higher, in rare occasions, the unqualified join syntax can cause missing join predicate warnings, leading to long running queries.','An example of Unqualified join is select * from table1, table2 where table1.col1 = table2.col1 Use explicit JOIN syntax in all cases. SQL Server supports the below explicit joins: LEFT OUTER JOIN or LEFT JOIN RIGHT OUTER JOIN or RIGHT JOIN FULL OUTER JOIN or FULL JOIN INNER JOIN','Missing join Predicate Event Class - Deprecation of Old Style JOIN Syntax: Only A Partial Thing - DOC : Please strive to use ANSI-style joins instead of deprecated syntax - Missing join predicate icon should be red -','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00317','Inline XDR Schema Generation is deprecated','The XMLDATA directive to the FOR XML option is deprecated. The XMLDATA directive in FOR XML returns an inline XDR schema together with the query result. However, the XDR schema does not support all the new data types and other enhancements introduced in SQL Server 2005 and above.','Use XSD generation in the case of RAW and AUTO modes. There is no replacement for the XMLDATA directive in EXPLICIT mode. You can also request an inline XSD schema by using the XMLSCHEMA directive.','Inline XDR Schema Generation -','Deprecated')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00001','Syntax issue on the source server','While parsing the schema on the source database, one or more syntax issues were found. Syntax issues on the source database indicate that some objects contain unsupported syntax due to which all assessment rules were not run on the object.','Review the list of objects and issues reported, fix the syntax errors, and re-run assessment before migrating this database.','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00042','The Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server will not load unsigned third-party components by default','A third-party filter, such as a PDF filter, that is currently installed on the server will not be loaded by the Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server by default after upgrade.','To load a third party filter, you must set load_os_resource and turn off verify_signature on that instance.','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00076','SQL Express replication agents','Not Provided','Reconfigure replication synchronization if you upgrade to SQL Server Express Edition','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00078','Merge Publisher and Subscriber identity ranges','Upgrading might assign new identity ranges for merge replication','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00080','Merge Jet subscriptions','Merge replication no longer supports Jet subscriptions, which can be used by Access','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00082','Log shipping will not run after upgrading','Log shipping will not run after upgrading','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00084','Upgrading will modify queued updating subscriptions that use Message Queuing','Upgrading will modify queued updating subscriptions that use Message Queuing','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00053','Changes to CPU and memory limits for SQL Server Standard and Enterprise','Changes to CPU and memory limits for SQL Server Standard and Enterprise','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00025','Use the full path to register extended stored procedure DLL names','Extended stored procedures that were previously registered without the full path for the DLL name may not work after you upgrade. This is because the old BINN directory is not added to the new path during the upgrade process. SQL Server may not be able to locate the extended stored procedures.','Before you upgrade, follow these steps for each extended stored procedure that was not registered with a full path name: 1. Run sp_dropextendedproc to remove the extended stored procedure. 2. Run sp_addextendedproc to register the extended stored procedure with the full path name.','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00019','After upgrade, your database compatibility level may have changed to a new level.','The migration process may have changed your source compatibility level to a new minimum supported level on the target SQL Server.','We recommend you to validate your applications typical workload against the new compatibility level before release the database for production use.','Not Provided','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00059','Upgrade all target servers before upgrading the master server','Not Provided','Upgrade all target servers before upgrading the master server','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00051','Large constants are typed as large-value types in 90 or later compatibility modes','Large constants are typed as large-value types in 90 or later compatibility modes','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00119','Remove DDL operations on the inserted and deleted tables inside DML triggers','Not Provided','Remove DDL operations on the inserted and deleted tables inside DML triggers','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00114','Service account requirements for upgrading to SQL Server 2008 on a domain controller','Service account requirements for upgrading to SQL Server 2008 on a domain controller','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00001','ActiveX Subsystem is not supported anymore.','Not Provided','ActiveX Subsystem is not supported anymore','Not Provided','Migration Blocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00008','Remove the cdc schema if you plan to enable change data capture','Not Provided','Remove the cdc schema if you plan to enable change data capture','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00010','Warning about client side usage of GEOMETRY, GEOGRAPHY and HIERARCHYID','Not Provided','Warning about client side usage of GEOMETRY, GEOGRAPHY and HIERARCHYID','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00012','Remove statements that modify column-level permissions on system objects','Not Provided','Remove statements that modify column-level permissions on system objects','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00018','Remove calls to the deprecated DBCC CONCURRENCYVIOLATION command','Not Provided','Remove calls to the deprecated DBCC CONCURRENCYVIOLATION command','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00028','Remove statements that drop system objects','Not Provided','Remove statements that drop system objects','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00030','Use sp_rename to rename duplicate index name','Not Provided','Use sp_rename to rename duplicate index name','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00032','Look for duplicate SIDs','Not Provided','Remove duplicate login security identifier (SID)','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00035','Length of full-text catalog names restricted to 120 characters','Length of full-text catalog names restricted to 120 characters','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00036','FullText:Itemcount changed for Fulltext Catalog','FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY ItemCount property returns fewer items','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00038','Full-text indexes on nonpersisted, computed columns are not allowed','Full-text indexes on nonpersisted, computed columns are not allowed','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00039','Modify stored procedures that use discontinued Full-Text Search properties','Not Provided','Modify stored procedures that use discontinued Full-Text Search properties','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00045','Modify indexes that depend on the return type of HOST_ID','Modify indexes that depend on the return type of HOST_ID','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00048','0xFFFF character is not valid as an object identifier.','0xFFFF character is not valid as an object identifier.','Before you change the database compatibility mode to 90 or later, rename the object that contains the 0xFFFF character.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00055','SQL Server Agent log shipping job category causes upgrade to fail','SQL Server Agent log shipping job category causes upgrade to fail','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00061','Remove UDTs named after the reserved DATE and TIME data types','Not Provided','Remove UDTs named after the reserved DATE and TIME data types','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00066','Update OPENXML XPath expressions to remove unsupported functions','Not Provided','Update OPENXML XPath expressions to remove unsupported functions','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00070','osql no longer supports the ED and !! commands','osql no longer supports the ED and !! commands','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00072','Target of OUTPUT INTO cannot have triggers enabled','Target of OUTPUT INTO cannot have triggers enabled','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00108','SOUNDEX','Warns on use of SOUNDEX','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00111','SQL Server Agent Service cannot use SQL Server Authentication','SQL Server Agent Service cannot use SQL Server Authentication','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00116','Modify applications to expect bigint values from sysperfinfo.cntr_value','Not Provided','Modify applications to expect bigint values from sysperfinfo.cntr_value','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00121','Trusted Remote Logins','The trusted option in remote login mapping is no longer supported','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00123','Modify UPDATETEXT statements that Additional and write to binary large objects (BLOBs)','Not Provided','Modify UPDATETEXT statements that read and write to binary large objects (BLOBs)','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00127','SELECT * FROM FN_GET_AUDIT_FILE Will break as the audit log schema has changed with the addition of 2 new columns','SELECT * FROM FN_GET_AUDIT_FILE Will break as the audit log schema has changed with the addition of 2 new columns','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00133','Replace usage of the xp_sqlagent_proxy_account extended stored procedure with new stored procedures','Not Provided','Replace usage of the xp_sqlagent_proxy_account extended stored procedure with new stored procedures','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00134','Rename use sys','Rename use sys','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00303','Database options ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_PADDING and CONCAT_NULLS_YIELDS_NULL will always be set to ON','ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_PADDING and CONCAT_NULLS_YIELDS_NULL will always be set to ON regardless of the ALTER DATABASE option turning it off.','There is no remedial action other than awareness. If this change impacts code, you will need to handle that accordingly.',' ','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00323','Numbered Procedures are deprecated','Numbered procedures are deprecated in SQL Server 2005 and above. Use of numbered procedures is discouraged.','Do not use numbered stored procedures.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00310','SETUSER statement usage','SETUSER is included for backward compatibility only. SETUSER may not be supported in a future release of SQL Server.','We recommend that you use EXECUTE AS instead.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00330','Statements without semicolon','Although the semicolon is not required for most statements in this version of SQL Server, it will be required in a future version.','For future compatibility please terminate all T-SQL statements with a semicolon.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00314','TORN_PAGE_DETECTION option for ALTER DATABASE is deprecated','The syntax structure TORN_PAGE_DETECTION ON | OFF will be removed in a future version of SQL Server.','Avoid using this syntax structure in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use the syntax structure. Use the PAGE_VERIFY option instead.',' ','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00315','Ability to return result sets from triggers is deprecated','The ability to return results from triggers will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Triggers that return result sets may cause unexpected behavior in applications that are not designed to work with them.','Avoid returning result sets from triggers in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently do this.',' ','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00074','Upgrading will change the SQL Server Agent User Proxy Account to the temporary UpgradedProxyAccount','Upgrading will change the SQL Server Agent User Proxy Account to the temporary UpgradedProxyAccount','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00129','Winsock Proxy configuration not supported','Winsock Proxy configuration not supported','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00003','Set autogrow is turned on for all data and log files after the migration is completed on the target server.','Not Provided','Our assessment detected data or log files that are not set to autogrow on your source SQL Server. New and enhanced features require additional disk space for user databases and the tempdb system database. Consider enabling the auto grow setting for all data and log files but at the same time, for a managed production system, you must consider autogrow to be merely a contingency for unexpected growth. Do not manage your data and log growth on a day-to-day basis with autogrow.','','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00004','Auto Update of Statistics','Not Provided','Set AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS ON','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00005','Large backup or restore history tables make upgrade appear to not respond','Large backup or restore history tables make upgrade appear to not respond.','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00006','BACKUP LOG WITH NO_LOG|TRUNCATE_ONLY statements are not supported','Database Migration Assistant detected BACKUP LOG WITH NO_LOG|TRUNCATE_ONLY statements. These backup/restore options are not supported anymore.','Remove BACKUP LOG WITH NO_LOG|TRUNCATE_ONLY statements from scripts and instead use the new options provided in Additional readings section.','BACKUP (Transact-SQL) - Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2008 - ','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00009','Identify user defined CLR objects.','Not Provided','Identify user defined CLR objects.','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00011','Remove colon following reserved keyword','Not Provided','Remove colon following reserved keyword','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00014','Verify that no database files are on compressed drives during the upgrade process','Not Provided','Verify that no database files are on compressed drives during the upgrade process','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00017','Database mirroring deprecation announcement.','The database mirroring feature is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server.','Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00019','After upgrade, compatibility levels 60, 65, 70 and 80 will be set to 90','After upgrade, compatibility levels 60, 65, 70 and 80 will be set to 90','Not Provided','Not Provided','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00020','Read-only databases cannot be upgraded','Read-only databases cannot be upgraded','Read-only databases cannot be upgraded -','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00023','SQL Server native SOAP support is discontinued in this version of SQL Server.','SQL Server native SOAP support is discontinued in SQL Server 2014 and above.','Native XML Web Services: Deprecated in SQL Server 2008 -','SQL Server native SOAP support is discontinued in this version of SQL Server -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00024','DESX encryption algorithm is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server.','Not Provided','The DESX keyword is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using it in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it.','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00026','Dormant SQL Server 6.5 logins cannot be upgraded','Dormant SQL Server 6.5 logins cannot be upgraded','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00027','Identifies distributed partitioned views with datetime columns','The distributed partition views (DPVs) that are listed in the report contain potential remote references to smalldatetime columns. Under compatibility level 110, remote smalldatetime columns are now returned to local servers as smalldatetime columns instead of as datetime columns. This behavior change may make the DPV unable to accept updates. ','You may need to modify the data type on the remote column to datetime to adjust for this change.','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00029','DUMP/LOAD statements are deprecated','DUMP/LOAD statements are deprecated','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00031','Upgrade Blocker to detect duplicate indexes on system databases','Not Provided','Use sp_rename to rename duplicate index name','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00034','.NET Framework assemblies in the GAC must match the assemblies in the database','When .NET is upgraded, the version of assemblies in the database must match the version of .NET SQL Server is using. This is not done automatically since persistent data may be relying upon those assemblies. This is only an issue for those assemblies not approved for use in SAFE assemblies. Please refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 949080.','After upgrading SQL Server, you will also need to update (using Alter Assembly) any .NET Framework assemblies which are not on the approved list but have been cataloged in the database.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00037','Upgrading will cause Full-Text Search to use instance-level, not global, word breakers and filters by default','SQL Server allows the instance-level registration of new word breakers and filters. This instance-level registration provides functional and security isolation between instances.','After upgrading, use the sp_fulltext_service to set the service property and load_os_resources, which allows the components to be loaded. You must run the following: sp_fulltext_service load_os_resources, 1 ','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00040','Full-Text Search has changed since SQL Server 2008','Full-Text Search has changed since SQL Server 2008','Not Provided','Breaking Changes to Full-Text Search -','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00041','Full-text indexes on master, tempdb and model databases are not supported','Full-text indexes on master, tempdb and model databases are not supported','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00043','Full-Text Search word breakers and filters significantly improved in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008','Full-Text Search word breakers and filters significantly improved in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00044','Remove UDTs named after the reserved GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types.','The terms used for spatial data types should not be used as names for either common language runtime (CLR) or alias UDTs.','Remove UDTs named after the reserved GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types.','Remove UDTs named after the reserved GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data types -','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00047','INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA returns schema names in a database, not databases in an instance','INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA returns schema names in a database, not databases in an instance','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00049','Invalid named pipe name can block upgrade','Invalid named pipe name can block upgrade','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00050','Table hints in indexed view definitions are ignored in 80 compatibility mode and are not allowed in 90 mode or later','Table hints in indexed view definitions are ignored in 80 compatibility mode and are not allowed in 90 mode or later','Table hints must be removed from the definitions of indexed views. Regardless of which compatibility mode is used, we recommend that you test the application. By testing the application, you can make sure it performs as expected when indexed views are created, updated, and accessed, including when indexed views are matched to queries.','Table hints in indexed view definitions are ignored in 80 compatibility mode and are not allowed in 90 mode or late -','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00054','Rename logins matching fixed server role names','Not Provided','Rename logins matching fixed server role names','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00056','Maintenance Plans:Log shipping maintenance plans wont upgrade','Upgrading will disable SQL Server Agent jobs that perform log shipping','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00057','Database maintenance plans superseded','Database maintenance plans superseded','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00058','After upgrade, new reserved keywords cannot be used as identifiers','After upgrade, new reserved keywords cannot be used as identifiers','After upgrade, new reserved keywords cannot be used as identifiers -','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00060','Deprecated client server connectivity network protocols','Detected client server connectivity protocols that are not supported in SQL Server 2008.','Client applications that use Banyan VINES Sequenced Packet Protocol (SPP), Multiprotocol (RPC), AppleTalk, or NWLink IPX/SPX network protocols must connect using a supported protocol.','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00065','Remove references to undocumented system tables','Not Provided','Remove references to undocumented system tables','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00069','Remove UDTs named after the reserved ORDPATH data type','Not Provided','Remove UDTs named after the reserved ORDPATH data type','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00071','After upgrade, Full-Text Search will not allow predicates in OUTPUT INTO expression','After upgrade, Full-Text Search will not allow predicates in OUTPUT INTO expression','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00073','Costing changes may make some queries not run in SQL Server 2008 when they did run in earlier versions due to QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT','Costing changes may make some queries not run in SQL Server 2008 when they did run in earlier versions due to QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00075','Merge conflict tables','Upgrading will make the DBO user the owner of all merge replication conflict tables','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00077','SQL Express publications','Upgrading to SQL Server Express Edition will drop merge publications','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00079','Merge Publisher and Subscriber identity ranges','Upgrading might assign new identity ranges for merge replication','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00081','Local agent connections','Upgrading will modify replication agents to use Windows Authentication for local connections','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00083','Snapshot after upgrading a merge publication','Not Provided','Update merge replication metadata by running agents after upgrade','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00085','Detach database ID 32767','Detach database ID 32767','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00086','Type named xml is now a reserved system type name','Type named xml is now a reserved system type name','Remove UDTs named after XML','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00109','Remove statements that modify system objects','Not Provided','Remove statements that modify system objects','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00110','New column in output of sp_helptrigger may impact applications','New column trigger_schema has been added to the output of sp_helptrigger. This may impact applications.','Review the use of sp_helptrigger in applications. You may need to modify your applications to accommodate the additional column. Alternatively, you can use the sys.triggers catalog view instead.','New column in output of sp_helptrigger may impact applications -','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00112','Update token syntax in SQL Server Agent job steps','Not Provided','Update token syntax in SQL Server Agent job steps','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00113','SQL Mail Has Been Discontinued','SQL Mail Has Been Discontinued','Use Database Mail Instead of SQL Mai -','SQL Mai -','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00115','Changes to behavior in syslockinfo and sp_lock','Changes to behavior in syslockinfo and sp_lock','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00118','Changes to behavior of trace flags','Changes to behavior of trace flags','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00120','Nested AFTER trigger fires even when trigger nesting is OFF','The first AFTER trigger nested inside an INSTEAD OF trigger fires even if the nested triggers server configuration option is set to 0. However, under this setting, subsequent AFTER triggers do not fire.','Review your applications for nested triggers to determine whether the applications still comply with your business rules with regard to this new behavior when the nested triggers server configuration option is set to 0, and then make appropriate modifications.','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00122','Other Database Engine upgrade issues','Other Database Engine upgrade issues','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00124','Changes to behavior of string-length and substring','Changes to behavior of string-length and substring','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00128','Web Assistant stored procedures have been removed','Web Assistant stored procedures have been removed','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00130','Specify the WITH keyword when using table hints in 90 compatibility mode','Not Provided','Specify the WITH keyword when using table hints in 90 compatibility mode','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00132','Changes to the storage format for types xs:dateTime, xs:date, and xs:time','Changes to the storage format for types xs:dateTime, xs:date, and xs:time','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00135','Upgrade Blocker - Check for user name sys in a database','Upgrade Blocker - Check for user name sys in a database','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00301','WITH CHECK OPTION is not supported in views that contain TOP in 90 or later compatibility modes','We detected a view that uses the WITH CHECK OPTION and a TOP clause in the SELECT statement of the view or in a referenced view. Views defined this way incorrectly allow data to be modified through the view and may produce inaccurate results when the database compatibility mode is set to 80 and earlier. Data cannot be inserted or updated through a view that uses WITH CHECK OPTION when the view or a referenced view uses the TOP clause and the database compatibility mode is set to 90 or later.','Modify views that use both WITH CHECK OPTION and TOP if data modification through the view is required.','Not Provided','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00302','Deprecated DBCC commands referenced in your T-SQL objects','Many DBCC commands that were available in prior releases have been replaced with DMVs and DMFs, or no longer exist; therefore, using these commands may cause errors and unforeseen effects after upgrading SQL Server.','SQL Server books online may have new options equivalent DMVs and DMFs that you may want to use instead of deprecated and discontinued DBCC commands. ','SQL Server, Deprecated Features Object - Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2016 - Breaking Changes to Full-Text Search -','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00304','The :: prefix is no longer required for table valued functions','In SQL 2000, a double colon prefix was necessary to invoke table-valued functions. In SQL 2005 and above, the same is no longer required.','For system table-valued functions, you can use the sys schema prefix, or many times no prefix is needed. For user-defined TVFs, no prefix is needed.',' NOTE: Please note third party links are provided as-is and Microsoft does not offer any guarantees or warranties regarding the content on the third party site.','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00305','Encryption using RC4 or RC4_128 is not supported','We detected a symmetric key which uses a not supported encryption algorithm. Repeated use of the same RC4 or RC4_128 KEY_GUID on different blocks of data will result in the same RC4 key because SQL Server does not provide a salt automatically. Using the same RC4 key repeatedly is a well-known error that will result in very weak encryption. Therefore, the RC4 and RC4_128 keywords are not supported in database compatibility Level 110 onwards.','Do not use this feature in new development work, and modify applications that currently use this feature as soon as possible. Use another encryption algorithm such as AES.','Choose an ecryption algorithm -','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00307','Identical table names in the same FROM clause should be prefixed by table alias.','In SQL Server 2005 or later, duplicate table names (even if they are fully qualified using the DBname.schema.tablename convention) are only allowed in a FROM clause if they have unique aliases. In SQL 2000 these would have been allowed even without the alias.','Not Provided',' DISCLAIMER: Third-party link provided as-is and Microsoft does not offer any guarantees or warranties regarding the content on the third party site.','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00309','SET options ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_PADDING and CONCAT_NULLS_YIELDS_NULL will always be set to ON','ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_PADDING and CONCAT_NULLS_YIELDS_NULL will always be set to ON regardless of the SET option turning it off.','There is no remedial action other than awareness. If this change impacts code, you will need to handle that accordingly.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00311','Detected statements that reference removed system stored procedures and extended stored procedures that are not available in database compatibility level 100 and higher. Statements that reference these objects will fail.','Removed procedure cannot be used in database compatibility level 100','Remove all unsupported system procedures before upgrading to database compatibility level 100.','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00313','Deprecated functions READTEXT, WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT','These functions are marked as deprecated. In some cases, using READTEXT, WRITETEXT or UPDATETEXT could harm the performance.','Deprecated functions are marked to be discontinued on next versions of SQL Server, should avoid their uses.',' ','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00315','The ability to return results from triggers will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Triggers that return result sets may cause unexpected behavior in applications that are not designed to work with them.','The ability to return results from triggers will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Triggers that return result sets may cause unexpected behavior in applications that are not designed to work with them.','Avoid returning result sets from triggers in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently do this.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00316','Use data compression instead of the vardecimal compression feature','The vardecimal storage format is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server.','We recommend that you use SQL Server 2012 data compression instead of the vardecimal storage format. SQL Server 2012 data compression, compresses decimal values as well as other data types. Avoid using the vardecimal storage format feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. ','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00318','FOR BROWSE is not allowed in views in 90 or later compatibility modes','The FOR BROWSE clause is allowed (and ignored) in views when the database compatibility mode is set to 80. The FOR BROWSE clause is not allowed in views when the database compatibility mode is set to 90 or later.','Before you change the database compatibility mode to 90 or later, remove the FOR BROWSE clause from view definitions.','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00319','SERVERPROPERTY(''LCID'') result differs from SQL 2000','In SQL Server 2000, when SERVERPROPERTY(LCID) is run on binary collation servers, the function always returns a value of 33280, regardless of the actual collation of the server. In SQL Server 2005 or later versions, SERVERPROPERTY(LCID) returns the Windows locale identifier (LCID) that corresponds to the collation of the server.','This can be a consideration when upgrading from SQL Server 2000 to higher versions.','International Features in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 -','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00322','Non ANSI style right outer join usage','Will not work in compatibility levels 90+','Refactor to use ANSI syntax (RIGHT OUTER JOIN).','Not Provided','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00325','ORDER BY specifies integer ordinal','This rule checks stored procedures, functions, views and triggers for use of ORDER BY clause specifying ordinal column numbers as sort columns. A sort column can be specified as a nonnegative integer representing the position of the name or alias in the select list, but this is not recommended. An integer cannot be specified when the order_by_expression appears in a ranking function. A sort column can include an expression, but when the database is in SQL 90 compatibility mode or higher, the expression cannot resolve to a constant.','Specify the sort column as a name or column alias rather than hard coding the ordinal.','Bad habits to kick : ORDER BY ordinal - DISCLAIMER: Third-party link provided as-is and Microsoft does not offer any guarantees or warranties regarding the content on the third party site.','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00327','ORDER BY clauses in view','The ORDER BY clause is not valid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries, unless the TOP or OFFSET and FETCH clauses are also specified. When ORDER BY is used in these objects, the clause is used only to determine the rows returned by the TOP clause or OFFSET and FETCH clauses. The ORDER BY clause does not guarantee ordered results when these constructs are queried, unless ORDER BY is also specified in the query itself.','Specify the ORDER BY clause only in the outermost query and not inside views.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00328','SET ROWCOUNT used in context of an INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE','Using SET ROWCOUNT will not affect DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in the next release of SQL Server. Avoid using SET ROWCOUNT with DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it.','Use the TOP clause instead.','SET ROWCOUNT (Transact-SQL) -','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00329','VARCHAR / NVARCHAR declared without size specification','When you use data types of variable length such as VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, it is always recommended to explicitly specify the size. Failure to do so means that SQL will select the size for you, either 1 (when declaring parameters) or 30 (when converting) characters. ','Explicitly specify the size in all conditions.','','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00332','FASTFIRSTROW table hint usage','The usage of FASTFIRSTROW as a table hint has been disallowed in SQL 2012.','We recommend that hints be used only as a last resort by experienced developers and database administrators. Specifically for FASTFIRSTROW hint, you can evaluate the query hint OPTION (FAST 1) instead.','Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2016 - Table Hints -','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00333','Unqualified Joins','Starting with database compatibility level 90 and higher, in rare occasions, the unqualified join syntax can cause missing join predicate warnings, leading to long running queries.','The usage of explicit JOIN syntax is recommended in all cases.','Missing join Predicate Event Class - Deprecation of Old Style JOIN Syntax: Only A Partial Thing - DOC : Please strive to use ANSI-style joins instead of deprecated syntax - Missing join predicate icon should be red - ','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00334','Objects have been identified that XML FOR EXPLICIT clause','Avoid using FOR XML EXPLICIT in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008. Using FOR XML TYPE, PATH will generally provide more compact and maintainable code. In addition, it will typically perform better. In SQL Server 2000, there is no alternative to FOR XML EXPLICIT.','SQL Server 2005 XML generation should be coded using FOR XML TYPE, PATH. However, FOR XML EXPLICIT should be used only in rare situations when it provides better performance and more compact code. ','Not Provided','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00335','FOR XML AUTO queries return derived table references in 90 or later compatibility modes','When the database compatibility level is set to 90 or later, FOR XML queries that execute in AUTO mode return references to derived table aliases. When the compatibility level is set to 80, FOR XML AUTO queries return references to the base tables that define a derived table. For example, the following query, which includes a derived table, produces different results under compatibility levels 80, 90, or later: SELECT * FROM (SELECT AS a, AS b FROM Test a JOIN Test b ON AS DerivedTest FOR XML AUTO; Under compatibility level 80, the query returns the following results. The results reference the base table aliases a and b of the derived table instead of the derived table alias. a=1 b=1 a=2 b=2 Under compatibility level 90 or later, the query returns references to the derived table alias DerivedTest instead of to the derived tables base tables. DerivedTest a=1 b=1 DerivedTest a=2 b=2','Modify your application as required to account for the changes in results of FOR XML AUTO queries that include derived tables and that run under compatibility level 90 or later.','Not Provided','BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00337','Upgrade for memory optimized tables requires extra disk space when upgrading from SQL Server 2014 to SQL Server 2016.','The format of the data files for memory-optimized tables changes between SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server 2016. This impacts in-place upgrade, as well as attach/restore of a database from SQL Server 2014 DB to SQL Server 2016. When upgrading or attaching a SQL Server 2014 database that uses in-memory optimized tables, SQL Server will temporary require extra disk equal to the size of all the durable memory optimized tables in this database.','Ensure there is sufficient space on disk to store the existing database plus additional storage equal to the current size of the containers in the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup in the database to perform an in-place upgrade, or when attaching or restoring a SQL Server 2014 database to a SQL Server 2016 instance. Use the following query to determine the disk space currently required for the MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA filegroup, and consequently also the amount of free disk space required for upgrade to succeed: select cast(sum(size) as float)*8/1024/1024 size in GB from sys.database_files where data_space_id in (select data_space_id from sys.filegroups where type=NFX)','Memory-Optimized Tables - Creating and Managing Storage for Memory-Optimized Objects -','Not Provided')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('46010','One or more objects contain statements that are not supported in Azure SQL Database','While assessing the schema on the source database, one or more syntax issues were found. Syntax issues on the source database indicate that some objects contain syntax that is unsupported in Azure SQL Database.','Note that some of these syntax issues may be reported in more detail as separate issues in this assessment. Review the list of objects and issues reported, fix the syntax errors, and re-run assessment before migrating this database.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('46022','FASTFIRSTROW is not a recognized table or a view hint','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('70504','References to only one-part or two-part objects are supported in Azure SQL Database','Queries or references using three or four part names are not supported in Azure SQL Database. Three part name format, [database_name].[schema_name].[object_name], is supported only when the database_name is the current database or the database_name is tempdb and the object_name starts with #.','Move the dependent datasets from other databases into the database that is being migrated. Migrate the dependent database(s) to Azure and use "Elastic Database Query" functionality to query across Azure SQL databases.','Azure SQL Database elastic database query overview -','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('70527','One or more users are pointing to wrong Windows logins','The assessment detected users with user names that do not match their login names.','Ensure that the user and login names match for the users reported in the "Impacted objects" section.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('70557','Failed to load the assembly','The assembly is either corrupt or not valid, which may block you from migrating to Azure SQL Database.','The assembly is either corrupt or not valid.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('70590','Undeclared variables or parameters found','Objects were found that have statements referencing undeclared variables or parameters. These objects may block you from migrating to Azure SQL Database.','The "Impacted objects" and "Object details" sections provide the specific object names and references where the undeclared variables or parameters are used. Declare those variables and parameters and re-execute the assessment for any further issues.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('70593','REVOKE object permissions statement is not supported in Azure SQL Database','The REVOKE statement helps to revoke permissions on a table, view, table-valued function, stored procedure, extended stored procedure, scalar function, aggregate function, service queue, or synonym. Revoking some of these object permissions may not supported in Azure SQL Database.','The specific object names and associated REVOKE statements are provided in the "Impacted objects" and "Object details" sections. Please review and fix those objects before migrating to Azure SQL Database.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71501','Unresolved references found','One or more objects were found that contain unresolved references, which may block migration to Azure SQL Database.','Address the unresolved references reported in "Object details" section.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71501','One or more database options set on this database are not supported in Azure SQL Database','Database options that have unresolved references may block database migration to Azure SQL Database.','Address the unresolved reference that the database options contain, reported in the "Object details" section.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71501','Logins mapped to either certificate or asymmetric key are not supported in Azure SQL Database','Azure SQL Database supports two types of authentication: SQL Authentication, which uses a username and password. Azure Active Directory Authentication, which uses identities managed by Azure Active Directory and is supported for managed and integrated domains','Windows authentication (integrated security) is not supported in Azure SQL Database. Database users mapped to Windows logins not supported. Remove the reported unsupported users before migration and start using either SQL Authentication or Azure Active Directory Authentication after migrating to Azure SQL Database. Logins mapped to either certificate or asymmetric key are also not supported.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71561','Objects found containining references to unresolved objects, which are not supported in Azure SQL Database','Queries or references using three-or four-part names not supported in Azure SQL Database. Three-part name format, [database_name].[schema_name].[object_name], is supported only when the database_name is the current database or the database_name is tempdb and the object_name starts with #.','Move the dependent datasets from other databases into the database that is being migrated. Migrate the dependent database(s) to Azure and use "Elastic Database Query" functionality to query across Azure SQL databases.','Azure SQL Database elastic database query overview -','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71562','Cross database queries using three- or four-part names not supported in Azure SQL Database','Queries or references using three- or four-part names not supported in Azure SQL Database. Three-part name format, [database_name].[schema_name].[object_name], is supported only when the database_name is the current database or the database_name is tempdb and the object_name starts with #.','Move the dependent datasets from other databases into the database that is being migrated. Migrate the dependent database(s) to Azure and use "Elastic Database Query" functionality to query across Azure SQL databases.','Azure SQL Database elastic database query overview -','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71624','Granting CONNECT permission to the guest user in Azure SQL Database is not permitted','In SQL Server, a special user, guest, exists to permit access to a database for logins that are not mapped to a specific database user. When guest user is enabled and connect permissions granted, any login can use the database through the guest user.','Granting CONNECT permission to the guest user in Azure SQL Database is not permitted. Revoke CONNECT permission from GUEST user by executing "REVOKE CONNECT FROM GUEST" before migrating to Azure SQL Database.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71626','One or more SQL Server or database features are not supported in Azure SQL Database','These unsupported features may block migration to Azure SQL Database.','These unsupported features may block migration to Azure SQL Database platform. Review the "Impacted Objects" and "Object Details" sections for the specific object type, object and error details, fix the object and re-execute the assessment.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71626','Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database','SQL Server Service Broker provides native support for messaging and queuing applications in the SQL Server Database Engine.','Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL DB. You need to disable the Service Broker feature using the following command before migrating this database to Azure: ALTER DATABASE [database_name] SET DISABLE_BROKER; In addition, you may also need to remove or stop the Service Broker endpoint in order to prevent messages from arriving in the SQL instance. Once the database has been migrated to Azure, you can look into Azure Service Bus functionality to implement a generic, cloud-based messaging system instead of Service Broker.','Service Bus -','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71627','Detected one or more features unsupported or partially-supported by Azure SQL Database','These unsupported features may block migration to Azure SQL Database.','Review the "Impact Object" and "Object Details" sections for the specific object type, object and error details, fix the object and re-execute the assessment.','Not Provided','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71627','CLR Assemblies not supported in Azure SQL Database','CLR integration lets you create a user-defined function in SQL Server. A user-defined function is a Transact-SQL or common language runtime (CLR) routine that accepts parameters, performs an action, such as a complex calculation, and returns the result of that action as a value.','Azure SQL Database does not allow creation of a managed application module that contains class metadata and managed code as an object in an instance of SQL Server. If you are relying on this feature, you will need to bring the functional logic used in CLR either to application layer or into stored procedures which will require re-engineering.','Securing your SQL Database -','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71627','Database users mapped with Windows authentication (integrated security) not supported in Azure SQL Database','Azure SQL Database supports two types of authentication: SQL Authentication, which uses a username and password. Azure Active Directory Authentication, which uses identities managed by Azure Active Directory and is supported for managed and integrated domains.','Windows authentication (integrated security) is not supported in Azure SQL Database. Database users mapped to Windows logins not supported. Remove the reported unsupported users before migration and start using either SQL Authentication or Azure Active Directory Authentication after migrating to Azure SQL Database. Logins mapped to either certificate or asymmetric key are also not supported.','Securing your SQL Database -','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71630','FILESTREAM not supported in Azure SQL Database','The FILESTREAM feature, which allows you to store unstructured data such as text documents, images, and videos in NTFS file system, is not supported in Azure SQL Database.','Upload the unstructured files to Azure Blob storage and store metadata related to these files (name, type, URL location, storage key etc.) in Azure SQL DB. You may have re-engineer your application to enable streaming blobs to and from Azure SQL Database.','Streaming Blobs To and From SQL Azure -','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('ec6216d1-a7cc-410c-b32a-257435d8428b','Failover clustering is not supported for Azure SQL Database; instead use Active Geo-Replication','Azure SQL Database provides "Active Geo-Replication" for business continuity. Failover clustering is not supported and not needed.','Configure "Active Geo-Replication", which enables you to configure up to four readable secondary databases in the same or different data center locations (regions).','Overview: SQL Database Active Geo-Replication -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('2115f3b7-ac26-444e-818c-c98f00cf8688','Buffer pool extension is not supported in Azure SQL Database','The buffer pool extension feature can be used to significantly improve I/O throughput of your on-premises SQL Server. Buffer pool extension is not supported in Azure SQL Database','When migrating your database from an on-premises solution to Azure SQL Database, one important factor is to consider the performance, which takes into account CPU utilization, disk I/O and memory constraints. Consider "Premium service" tier to support database workloads with higher-end throughput needs. Scale out Azure SQL databases using the Elastic database pools.','SQL Database service tiers for single databases and elastic database pools -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('be3c796a-a13f-40ad-94e1-8d9b44132268','Database Mail feature not available in Azure SQL Database','This server uses the Database Mail feature, which is not supported in Azure SQL Database.','The following workaround can be used: Make sure the existing code using Database Mail is compatible with Azure SQL Database. Change the system stored procedures to make them run on Azure SQL DB. Consider only the most common stored procedures. All others, if necessary, may be ported in the same way. Mail feature may be used at the database monitoring level for: availability, mirroring, replication, throttling, size, user a/c, usage, read/write IOPS, CPV utilization, memory utilization, or session and work content. It may be used at the table level for monitoring updates, inserts, deletes, etc.','Not Provided','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('42a9d3c2-6db2-455d-adb2-9cdfa1838550','Server scoped credentials not supported in Azure SQL Database; convert to database credential','A credential is a record that contains the authentication information (credentials) required to connect to a resource outside SQL Server. Azure SQL Database supports database credentials, but not the ones created at the SQL server scope.','Azure SQL Database supports database credentials. Convert server scoped credentials to database credentials.','CREATE DATABASE SCOPED CREDENTIAL (Transact-SQL) -','PartiallySupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('40854749-5ee4-4b2f-9b67-150b945d67bb','Use Azure SQL Database audit features to replace Server Audits','Auditing an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine or an individual database involves tracking and logging events that occur on the Database Engine. SQL Server audit lets you create server audits, which can contain server audit specifications for server level events, and database audit specifications for database level events.','Consider Azure SQL Database audit features to replace Server Audits. Azure SQL supports audit and the features are richer than SQL Server. Azure SQL can audit various database actions and events, including: Access to data Schema changes (DDL) Data changes (DML) Accounts, roles, and permissions (DCL) Security exceptions SQL Database Auditing increases an organizations ability to gain deep insight into events and changes that occur within their SQL database, including updates and queries against the data. ','Get started with SQL database auditing -','PartiallySupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('133db418-a085-4566-9eb8-4dd73f3627ce','Review the maintenance plans still required after migrating to Azure SQL Database','SQL Server maintenance plans are used to automate various database administration tasks, including backups, database integrity checks, or database statistics updates, at specified intervals.','Maintenance plans are not supported in Azure SQL Database. However, most of the key maintenance activities are automatically taken care of by the Azure platform (like backup, etc). Any maintenance activities not covered as part of the Azure platform can be achieved through the Azure Automation service or elastic jobs.','Microsoft Azure Automation -, Elastic Database jobs - ','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('b6d2746e-7de3-4c80-b632-e427e33f45f7','SSIS is not supported in Azure SQL Database; leverage Azure Data Factory for ETL solutions','Microsoft Integration Services is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformation solutions. SSIS is not supported by the Azure SQL Database platform.','Use Azure Data Factory, a cloud-based data integration service that automates the movement and transformation of data. The Data Factory service creates data integration solutions that can ingest data from various stores, transform and process the data, and publish the result data back to the data stores.','Azure Data Factory Documentation -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('d6fadcc4-9a72-4846-bda8-621882abb98e','Azure SQL Database doesnt support Analysis Services; migrate to Azure Analysis Services','Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) is an online analytical processing (OLAP), data mining and reporting tool in Microsoft SQL Server. SSAS is used as a tool by organizations to analyze and make sense of information that might be spread out across multiple databases or in disparate tables.','Migrate to Azure Analysis Services, which is compatible with the SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services Enterprise Edition. Azure Analysis Services supports tabular models at the 120 compatibility level. DirectQuery, partitions, row-level security, bi-directional relationships, and translations are all supported.','What is Azure Analysis Services? -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('e37e2d14-3a15-4968-9d38-6a422ccc92a7','SQL Server Reporting Services is not supported in Azure SQL Database','SQL Server Reporting Services is a solution that customers deploy on their own premises for creating, publishing, and managing reports, then delivering them to the right users in different ways, whether thats viewing them in web browser, on their mobile device, or as an email in their inbox.','Install Reporting Services and Reporting services databases on an Azure virtual machine. Use Azure SQL Database as the data source.','SQL Azure Connection Type (SSRS) -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('42e80fd0-658e-4fa5-9c48-0ee780953068','Azure SQL Database does not support trace flags','Trace flags are used to temporarily set specific server characteristics or to switch off a particular behavior. Trace flags are frequently used to diagnose performance issues or to debug stored procedures or complex computer systems','Choose the right SQL Database service tiers and performance level for single databases and elastic databases that match your workloads.','Not Provided','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('841d0408-a361-4a3f-833e-ce8ce3aada1b','Server-scoped or logon triggers not supported in Azure SQL Database','A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that executes in response to certain action on a table like insertion, deletion or updating of data. Server-scoped or logon triggers are not supported in Azure SQL Database. Azure does not support the following options for triggers: ENCRYPTION WITH APPEND NOT FOR REPLICATION EXTERNAL NAME option (there is no external method support) ALL SERVER Option (DDL Trigger) Trigger on a LOGON event (Logon Trigger) Azure does not support CLR-triggers. ','If you already have a Worker Role or VM running in Azure, you can implement the trigger logic to be run using the machines task scheduler.','Not Provided','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('e3b10fc1-125f-4ce7-8cfb-aefe89427f8b','Policy-Based Management is not available in Azure SQL Database','Policy-Based Management is a policy-based system for managing one or more instances of SQL Server. It is used to create conditions that contain condition expressions and then create policies that apply the conditions to database target objects.','Use PowerShell automation to implement the policy-based database management. Due to the Azure cloud environment, the Custom implementation is only available at the database level, not the server level.','PowerShell - Azure Automation -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('1e9ccd7a-e148-4810-864f-37dcb5c7ae71','Adding user-defined error messages is not supported in Azure SQL Database','The sp_addmessage system stored procedure lets you add error messages to SQL Server that can be referenced in code. This is helpful for standardized error messages that will be used throughout your application, especially if they need to be able to support multiple languages, but not so much for ad-hoc error messages. But this feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database.','USE RAISEERROR statement to build a message dynamically.','RAISERROR (Transact-SQL) -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('230121ee-a864-4c87-bf9e-6914d928d358','Data Collection not supported in Azure SQL','The data collector is a component of SQL Server that collects different sets of data. Data collection either runs constantly or on a user-defined schedule. The data collector stores the collected data in a relational database known as the management data warehouse.','Use query store to check and collect the performance level details.','Monitoring Performance By Using the Query Store -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('bce58720-8f42-4bea-9483-a60c555dd484','Windows authentication not supported in Azure SQL Database','This server is in Windows authentication mode, and Windows authentication is not supported in SQL Azure.','Due to Azure SQL Databases cloud architecture, any Windows authentication used in a source database should be handled using SQL Azure. Azure SQL Database supports Azure Active Directory or SQL Azure authentication. If considering using Azure Active Directory, make sure Azure Active Directory is well configured, or else use SQL Azure authentication.','SQL Database Authentication and Authorization: Granting Access -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('1f6e088b-1e9b-4ff6-b43e-a5f2c01fe486','Azure SQL Database does not support EKM and Azure Key Vault integration','SQL Server provides several types of encryption that help protect sensitive data, including Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), Column Level Encryption (CLE), and Backup Encryption. In all of these cases, in this traditional key hierarchy, the data is encrypted using a symmetric data encryption key (DEK). The symmetric data encryption key is further protected by encrypting it with a hierarchy of keys stored in SQL Server. Instead of this model, the alternative is the EKM Provider Model. Using the EKM provider architecture enables SQL Server to protect the data encryption keys by using an asymmetric key stored outside of SQL Server in an external cryptographic provider. This model adds an additional layer of security and separates the management of keys and data.','Azure SQL Database does not support Azure Key Vault integration with TDE. SQL Server running on an Azure virtual machine can use an asymmetric key from the Key Vault.','Not Provided','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71715af6-45d8-4ebd-bf28-508644f4fc2b','SQL Server Agent jobs are not available in Azure SQL Database','SQL Server Agent is a Microsoft Windows service that executes scheduled administrative tasks, which are called jobs in SQL Server.','Use elastic jobs, which are the replacement for SQL Server Agent jobs in Azure SQL Database. Elastic Database jobs for Azure SQL Database allows you to reliably execute T-SQL scripts that span multiple databases while automatically retrying and providing eventual completion guarantees.','Getting started with Elastic Database jobs -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('6c20cbe5-67c5-4951-a318-624292da8d75','Always On Availability group configuration is not supported for Azure SQL databases','Azure SQL Database provides "Active Geo-Replication" for business continuity. Always On Availability groups not supported and not needed.','Configure "Active Geo-Replication", which enables you to configure up to four readable secondary databases in the same or different data center locations (regions).','Overview: SQL Database Active Geo-Replication -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('675d900d-739a-4f79-909b-115d028e3e45','FILESTREAM not supported in Azure SQL Database','The FILESTREAM feature, which allows you to store unstructured data such as text documents, images, and videos in NTFS file system, is not supported in Azure SQL Database.','Upload the unstructured files to Azure Blob storage and store metadata related to these files (name, type, URL location, storage key etc.) in Azure SQL DB. You may have re-engineer your application to enable streaming blobs to and from Azure SQL Database. ','Streaming Blobs To and From SQL Azure -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('80621881-ed14-44fa-a770-46e29b03d803','Full-text search partially supported in Azure SQL Database','Text Search lets users and applications run full-text queries against character-based data in SQL Server tables.','Azure SQL Database supports full-text search with the following limitations. Any of the below used in a source database should be handled separately. 1. No support for installation or use of third party filters, including Office and .pdf. 2. Customers cannot manage service settings for dots; all configurations are managed by the service. 3. Semantic search, thesaurus and search property lists syntax is not yet enabled.','Full-Text Search is now available in Azure SQL Database (GA) -','PartiallySupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('4335a2eb-3164-438f-aaa0-588a04057854','Change Data Capture (CDC) is not supported in Azure SQL Database','Change data capture is designed to capture insert, update, and delete activity applied to SQL Server tables, and to make the details of the changes available in an easily consumed relational format.','Change Data Capture (CDC) is not supported in Azure SQL Database. Evaluate if Change Tracking can be used in place of CDC as explained in the article below.','How to Enable SQL Azure Change Tracking -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('7c49ee7a-ebbb-4f79-bb1c-1eb0ac249ecd','Log shipping is not available in Azure SQL Database; instead, configure Active Geo-Replication','Log shipping provides a disaster-recovery solution for a single primary database and one or more secondary databases, each on a separate instance of SQL Server.','Configure Active Geo-Replication, which enables you to configure up to four readable secondary databases in the same or different data center locations (regions). Secondary databases are available for querying and for failover in the case of a data center outage or the inability to connect to the primary database. Active Geo-Replication must be between databases within the same subscription.','Overview: SQL Database Active Geo-Replication -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('c99f9cfa-2766-4096-aa50-1553033b67ce','Database mirroring is not available in SQL Azure database; instead, configure Active Geo-Replication','Database mirroring is a solution for increasing the availability of a SQL Server database. Mirroring is implemented on a per-database basis and works only with databases that use the full recovery model.','Configure Active Geo-Replication, which enables you to configure up to four readable secondary databases in the same or different data center locations (regions). Secondary databases are available for querying and for failover in the case of a data center outage or the inability to connect to the primary database. Active Geo-Replication must be between databases within the same subscription.','Overview: SQL Database Active Geo-Replication -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('373e516d-5b36-4e83-ba42-0358990b973d','Transactional replication to Azure SQL Database subscriber is supported','Replication is a set of technologies for copying and distributing data and database objects from one database to another and then synchronizing between databases to maintain consistency. Using replication, you can distribute data to different locations and to remote or mobile users over local and wide area networks, dial-up connections, wireless connections, and the Internet','Your database is identified to be part of a replication topology. Publishers and Distributors of a replication topology are not supported in Azure SQL DB. However, if your database is serving as a Subscriber, you can configure Azure SQL DB as a Subscriber of an on-prem SQL Server Transactional Replication topology.','Transactional Replication to Azure SQL DB now in public preview -','PartiallySupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('3946bb88-cf72-45b2-a690-e433b3848968','Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database','SQL Server Service Broker provides native support for messaging and queuing applications in the SQL Server Database Engine.','Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL DB. You need to disable Service Broker using the following command before migrating this database to Azure: ALTER DATABASE [database_name] SET DISABLE_BROKER; In addition, you may also need to remove or stop the Service Broker endpoint in order to prevent messages from arriving in the SQL instance. Once the database has been migrated to Azure, you can look into Azure Service Bus functionality to implement a generic, cloud-based messaging system instead of Service Broker.','Service Bus -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('2292dd65-0a5d-40e0-abc9-d08f06300fb0','Cross-database references not supported in Azure SQL Database','Some selected databases on this server use cross-database queries, which are not supported in Azure SQL Database.','Azure SQL Database does not support cross-database queries. The following actions are recommended: Move the dependent datasets from other databases into the database that is being migrated. Migrate the dependent database(s) to Azure and use "Elastic Database Query" functionality to query across Azure SQL databases.','Azure SQL Database elastic database query overview -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('2655f11e-1686-476a-8274-3ccfd59ec0ff','Linked server functionality not supported in Azure SQL Database','Linked servers enable the SQL Server Database Engine to execute commands against OLE DB data sources outside of the instance of SQL Server.','Azure SQL DB does not support linked server functionality. The following actions are recommended to eliminate the need for linked servers: 1. Identify the dependent datasets from remote SQL servers and consider moving these into the database being migrated. 2. Migrate the dependent database(s) to Azure and use "Elastic Database Query" functionality to query across Azure SQL databases.','Cross-Database Queries in Azure SQL Database -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('8c0d645d-0390-42e5-bff6-faebaefada2f','Unsupported object types detected','Unsupported object types in the schema may prevent you migrating to Azure SQL Database.','Objects of types "Replication filter stored procedure", "Service queue", "Extended stored procedure", etc., are not supported in Azure SQL Database. For a complete list, please refer to the link provided in the "More info" section.','sys.objects (Transact-SQL) -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('59cb6f5e-c3db-4a2c-9cda-125c92779f56','Server and database level collations are not configurable in Azure SQL Database','Collations in SQL Server provide sorting rules, case, and accent sensitivity properties for your data. Collations that are used with character data types such as char and varchar dictate the code page and corresponding characters that can be represented for that data type.','Server and database level collations are not configurable in Azure SQL Database. However, you can use a collation of your choice at the column and expression level. The default collation for character data in Azure SQL databases is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. Azure SQL Database does not support the Collate option with the Alter Database command. Azure SQL Database does not allow setting the collation at the server level. To use the non-default collation with Azure SQL Database, set the collation with the Create Database Collate option, or at the column level or the expression level. For example, you can recreate an Azure SQL Database with the Latin1_General_CI_AS collation. Or you can set the special collation at the column level to build requires for character data. For more information, you can review the following blog.','Working With Collations In SQL Azure -','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('fd5a6a79-8c37-4e69-b04f-ef12e9855c19','TRUSTWORTHY database property not supported in Azure SQL Database','The TRUSTWORTHY database property is used to indicate whether the instance of SQL Server trusts the database and the contents within it. By default, this setting is OFF, but can be set to ON by using the ALTER DATABASE statement.','The TRUSTWORTHY database property is not supported in Azure SQL Database.','Not Provided','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('01cbf83f-c83b-42b3-86e1-2558e329142f','DB_CHAINING property not supported in Azure SQL Database','SQL Server can be configured to allow ownership chaining between specific databases or across all databases inside a single instance of SQL Server. Cross-database ownership chaining is disabled by default, and should not be enabled unless it is specifically required.','The DB_CHAINING property is not supported in Azure SQL Database.','Not Provided','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('1ff71a3d-9ede-415b-88aa-ff136020abba','In-memory tables only supported in preview for Premium Azure SQL databases','Some selected databases on this server have in-memory tables.','Azure SQL Database only supports in-memory tables in preview for Premium Azure SQL databases. It is not supported in Basic and Standard tiers.','Not Provided','PartiallySupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('63544257-802a-433c-914e-b2ef58157898','Table partitioning considerations in Azure SQL Database','The data in partitioned tables and indexes is horizontally divided into units that can be spread across more than one filegroup in a database. Partitioning can make large tables and indexes more manageable and scalable.','Table partitioning exists in Azure SQL Database, but does not scale out across disks (horizontal partitioning of table/index data across multiple file groups to improve performance on large datasets). However, consider premium storage to eliminate the need.','Not Provided','PartiallySupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('a9ca04ba-9fb5-480f-b351-afc437e4f3e6','File groups not supported in Azure SQL Database','Some selected databases use file groups, which are not supported in Azure SQL Database.','Azure SQL Database doesn"t allow the use of file groups simply because there"s no direct way to replicate their behavior in a cloud environment, where everything is virtualized anyway. If you relied on file groups for physical partitioning of data to gain performance, consider premium storage to eliminate the need.','Not Provided','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('3dbac490-cdf4-4a12-af2d-671e0f622e12','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided','Not Provided','UnsupportedFeature')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('0eec636c-0620-46df-bdb8-4f1de9954363','Security Advisor AE and DDM','SQL Server 2016 offers new features to help protect columns containing sensitive data. Always Encrypted (AE) transparently encrypts values client-side, which helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized access by high-privileged database users (such as a DBA). Use Always Encrypted for your highly sensitive data that must be protected with encryption. Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) transparently masks query results before they are returned by the server, which helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized disclosure to application users. Use Dynamic Data Masking to obfuscate data in your application using a centralized rule within the database itself. ','You can enable DDM on a column by using the following T-SQL (make sure to substitute in your own values for the table and column names): ALTER TABLE MyTable ALTER COLUMN MyColumn ADD MASKED WITH FUNCTION = ''default()'' GO Note that additional masking functions are available, including ''email()'', ''random()'' and ''partial()''. Please see the documentation for more details. You can enable AE on a column by using the Always Encrypted Wizard in SQL Server Management Studio: 1. Connect to your database using the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio. 2. Right-click your database, point to Tasks, and then click Encrypt Columns to open the Always Encrypted Wizard. 3. Review the Introduction page, and then click Next. 4. On the Column Selection page, expand the tables, and select the columns that you want to encrypt. 5. For each column selected for encryption, set the Encryption Type to either Deterministic or Randomized. 6. For each column selected for encryption, select an Encryption Key. If you have not previously created an encryption keys for this database, select the default choice of a new auto-generated key, and then click Next. 7. On the Master Key Configuration page, select a location to store the new key. and select a master key source, and then click Next. 8. On the Validation page, choose whether to run the script immediately or create a PowerShell script, and then click Next. 9. On the Summary page, review the options you have selected, and then click Finish. Close the wizard when completed.','To learn more about AE and DDM, please refer to the following articles: Always Encrypted - Dynamic Data Masking -','NotDefined')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('30120fc5-f00e-4246-a91d-b78fa5461a83','Security Advisor TDE','SQL Server 2016 improves the performance of Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) by up to 70% through hardware acceleration on machines that support the AES-NI instruction set. Consider enabling TDE to encrypt your data at rest.','You can enable TDE on your database by executing the following T-SQL (make sure to substitute in your own values for the master key password, certificate name, and database name): Create a master key if you don''t have one already USE master CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD GO CREATE CERTIFICATE WITH SUBJECT ''My DEK Certificate'' GO Enable TDE in your database USE MyDatabase GO CREATE DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY WITH ALGORITHM AES_256 ENCRYPTION BY SERVER CERTIFICATE MyServerCert GO ALTER DATABASE MyDatabase SET ENCRYPTION ON GO','To learn more about TDE, please refer to the following articles. Transparent Data Encryption -','NotDefined')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('StretchDB-High','Stretch database to minimize storage costs','Provides cost-effective availability for cold data. Stretch warm and cold transactional data dynamically from SQL Server to Microsoft Azure with SQL Server Stretch Database. Unlike typical cold data storage, your data is always online and available to query. You can provide longer data retention timelines without breaking the bank for large tables. Benefit from the low cost of Azure rather than scaling expensive, on-premises storage.','Select each table in the Objects section, look if there are any blocking issues that you need to implement the suggested migration steps to be able to enable the selected table for stretch. If no blocking issues reported, the table is ready to stretch now. Review the steps in the following article to configure the table for stretch database.','Stretch Database -','NotDefined')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('StretchDB-Low','Stretch database for storage savings','Provides cost-effective availability for cold data. Stretch warm and cold transactional data dynamically from SQL Server to Microsoft Azure with SQL Server Stretch Database. Unlike typical cold data storage, your data is always online and available to query. You can provide longer data retention timelines without breaking the bank for large tables. Benefit from the low cost of Azure rather than scaling expensive, on-premises storage.','Select each table in the Objects section, look if there are any blocking issues that you need to implement the suggested migration steps to be able to enable the selected table for stretch. If no blocking issues reported, the table is ready to stretch now. Review the steps in the following article to configure the table for stretch database.','Stretch Database -','NotDefined')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('StretchDB-Medium','Stretch database to optimize storage costs','Provides cost-effective availability for cold data. Stretch warm and cold transactional data dynamically from SQL Server to Microsoft Azure with SQL Server Stretch Database. Unlike typical cold data storage, your data is always online and available to query. You can provide longer data retention timelines without breaking the bank for large tables. Benefit from the low cost of Azure rather than scaling expensive, on-premises storage.','Select each table in the Objects section, look if there are any blocking issues that you need to implement the suggested migration steps to be able to enable the selected table for stretch. If no blocking issues reported, the table is ready to stretch now. Review the steps in the following article to configure the table for stretch database.','Stretch Database -','NotDefined')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('1de54d42-75ea-4a24-83eb-5c000efc44cd', 'In-Memory OLTP', 'In-Memory OLTP optimizes the performance of transactional workloads by improving the efficiency of data access and query execution, and removing locking/latching bottlenecks. Analysis has identified that your database has a transactional workload, and that there are tables that could benefit from migrating to In-Memory OLTP when you migrate to SQL Server 2016. Migrating these tables, and potentially related stored procedures, could improve the performance of transaction running against these tables, reducing the time taken for each operation, and improve scalability, increases the number of transactions that can be performed per second, on the same hardware. In order to convert a table to memory optimized, the server must have sufficient memory for the entire table to reside in memory.', 'After upgrading to SQL Server 2016, open SQL Server Management Studio and run the memory-optimization advisor - on the tables that are candidates for memory-optimization, to migrate the suggested tables to In-Memory OLTP. To validate which tables and stored procedures are good candidates for migration to In-Memory OLTP, use the following link - - Transaction Performance Analysis report, which is part of SQL Server Management Studio.', 'To learn more about In-memory OLTP technology, please refer to the following articles: In-Memory OLTP main documentation page: Guidance around migration: Improve performance in an existing application by following the instructions in the following link - (skip step 1 if you are using SQL Server) Monitor in-memory storage: SQL Server: Monitor and Troubleshoot Memory Usage Azure SQL DB: Use table variables and scalar UDFs: and', 'NotDefined')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('70590', 'Rule 70590', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', NULL)
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71001', 'Rule 71001', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', NULL)
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71508', 'Rule 71508', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', NULL)
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71627', 'Windows users can be converted to external users in Azure SQL Database', 'Azure SQL Database supports two types of authentication: SQL Authentication, which uses a username and password. Azure Active Directory Authentication, which uses identities managed by Azure Active Directory and is supported for managed and integrated domains. Although it does not support Windows users or Windows authentication, Azure SQL Database supports external users, which can be used similarly through Active Directory.', 'Either perform a schema migration through DMA to convert these Windows users to external users for use with Azure Active Directory, or do not migrate your Windows users to Azure SQL Database.', 'Securing your SQL Database (', 'MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00338', 'CLR assemblies marked as SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS are considered UNSAFE', 'CLR Strict Security mode is introduced in SQL Server 2017. This mode is enabled by default and introduces breaking changes for databases containing user-defined CLR assemblies marked either SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS.', 'When CLR Strict Security is enabled, attempting to create an unsigned assembly will cause an error. Use the following steps to create a signed assembly: Create a key pair file. For more information, see How to: Create a Public-Private Key Pair. Compile the module and sign it using the key file. For more information, see How to: Sign an Assembly with a Strong Name. Create an asymmetric key in the master database from the key file CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY MyStrongNameKey FROM FILE = ''C:\MyStrongNameKey.snk'', Create a login from the asymmetric key CREATE LOGIN MyStrongNameKeyLogin FROM ASYMMETRIC KEY MyStrongNameKey Grant UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission to the login GRANT UNSAFE ASSEMBLY TO MyStrongNameKeyLogin. Now users with CREATE ASSEMBLY permissions can create assemblies signed by the key, we recommend signing assemblies by following the steps outlined above. However, you can alternatively do one of the following: Set the Trustworthy Property of the database to ON and grant UNSAFE ASSEMBLY permission to the login that owns the database. This is not recommended because marking a database as Trustworthy can allow malicious assemblies to impact resources outside the database. For more information, see Guidelines for using the TRUSTWORTHY database setting in SQL Server. Disable CLR Strict Security by using sp_configure. This is not recommended because assemblies marked SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS may enable elevation of privilege from a database user to a sysadmin. sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 1 GO sp_configure ''clr strict security'', 0 GO RECONFIGURE GO', '', 'BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00500', 'Global temp objects not supported in Azure SQL Database.', 'Global temp objects are not supported in Azure SQL Database. If your database contains objects that reference global temp tables (which have names beginning with "##"), your migration will be blocked.', 'Consider using local temp tables or table variables, which are supported in Azure SQL Database, instead of global temp tables. It may require some re-engineering to achieve the same functionality.', '', 'MigrationBlocker_FalsePositive')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00501', 'References found to system stored procedures that are not available in Azure SQL Database.', 'Azure SQL Database currently does not support certain system stored procedures that are available in SQL Server. See the "Impacted Objects" section for the specific unsupported procedures that were referenced. Objects referencing unsupported stored procedures will not work correctly after migrating to Azure SQL Database.', 'You will need to remove the references to these system stored procedures before migrating to Azure SQL Database.', '', 'BehaviorChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00502', 'SQL CLR assemblies not supported in Azure SQL Database', 'For security reasons, Azure SQL Database does not support SQL CLR assemblies.', 'Currently, there is no way to achieve this in Azure SQL Database. The recommended alternative solutions will require application code and database changes to use only assemblies supported by Azure SQL Database. Resolving Transact-SQL differences during migration to SQL Database (', '', 'MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00519','A use of OPENROWSET was found that lacks the DATA_SOURCE option to import from an Azure blob; this option is required in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance cannot access file shares or Windows folders. See the "Impacted Objects" section for the specific uses of BULK INSERT statements that do not reference an Azure blob. Objects with calls to "OPENROWSET" where the source is not Azure blob storage will not work correctly after migrating to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','You will need to convert OPENROWSET calls that use local files or file shares to use files from Azure blob storage instead, when migrating to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','Refer to Bulk insert / openrowset (','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00508','References found to system stored procedures that are not available in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance currently does not support certain system stored procedures that are available in SQL Server. See the "Impacted Objects" section for the specific unsupported procedures that were referenced. Objects referencing unsupported stored procedures will not work correctly after migrating to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','Review objects which reference unsupported stored procedures. In any such objects which are required, remove the references to these procedures.','Refer to the unsupported features and services (','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71626','Service Broker feature is partially supported in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance','SQL Server Service Broker provides native support for messaging and queuing applications in the SQL Server Database Engine.','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance does not support cross-instance service broker, i.e. where the address is not local. You need to disable Service Broker using the following command before migrating this database to Azure: ALTER DATABASE [database_name] SET DISABLE_BROKER; In addition, you may also need to remove or stop the Service Broker endpoint in order to prevent messages from arriving in the SQL instance. Once the database has been migrated to Azure, you can look into Azure Service Bus functionality to implement a generic, cloud-based messaging system instead of Service Broker.','Service Bus (','Information')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71626','Service Broker feature is partially supported in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance','SQL Server Service Broker provides native support for messaging and queuing applications in the SQL Server Database Engine.','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance does not support cross-instance service broker, i.e. where the address is not local. You need to disable Service Broker using the following command before migrating this database to Azure: ALTER DATABASE [database_name] SET DISABLE_BROKER; In addition, you may also need to remove or stop the Service Broker endpoint in order to prevent messages from arriving in the SQL instance. Once the database has been migrated to Azure, you can look into Azure Service Bus functionality to implement a generic, cloud-based messaging system instead of Service Broker.','Service Bus (','Information')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00526','FILESTREAM functions not supported in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.',' The following unsupported FILESTREAM functions cannot be used in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance: <ul> <li>FileTableRootPath()</li> <li>GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT()</li> <li>GetFileNamespacePath()</li> <li>GetPathLocator()</li> <li>PathName()</li> </ul> ','Review all objects using FILESTREAM functions and remove them.','- FileTableRootPath (Transact-SQL) ( - GetFileNamespacePath (Transact-SQL) ( - GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT (Transact-SQL) ( - GetPathLocator (Transact-SQL) ( - PathName (Transact-SQL) (','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('71627','Database users mapped with Windows authentication (integrated security) not supported in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance supports two types of authentication: SQL Authentication, which uses a username and password. Azure Active Directory Authentication, which uses identities managed by Azure Active Directory and is supported for managed and integrated domains.','Windows authentication (integrated security) is not supported in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. Database users mapped to Windows logins not supported. Remove the reported unsupported users before migration and start using either SQL Authentication or Azure Active Directory Authentication after migrating to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','Securing your SQL Database (','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('c42bdb1c-083b-42d4-a820-37631a6cd43a','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance does not support multiple log files','SQL Server allows a database to log to multiple files. This database has multiple log files.','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance supports only a single log per database. You need to delete all but one of the log files before migrating this database to Azure: ALTER DATABASE [database_name] REMOVE FILE [log_file_name];','unsupported features and services (','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00509','References were found to configuration options that are not available in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance currently does not support certain configuration options that are available in SQL Server. See the "Impacted Objects" section for the specific unsupported options that were referenced. Objects referencing unsupported configuration options will not work correctly after migrating to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','Review objects with references to unsupported configuration options. In any such objects which are required, remove the references to these options.','Refer to Stored procedures, functions, triggers (','Information')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('6108c45b-1e63-4d47-a399-df3dfc34fdc5','Linked server functionality with Non SQL Server Provider does not supported in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance','Linked servers enable the SQL Server Database Engine to execute commands against OLE DB data sources outside of the instance of SQL Server.','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance does not support linked server functionality if the remote server provider is non SQL Server like Oracle, Sybase etc. The following actions are recommended to eliminate the need for linked servers: 1. Identify the dependent database(s) from remote non SQL servers and consider moving these into the database being migrated. 2. Migrate the dependent database(s) to Azure and use "Elastic Database Query" functionality to query across Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.','unsupported features and services (','MigrationBlocker')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('c1fc55c7-0918-4e92-a061-21a9290db2e8','Linked server functionality partially supported in Azure SQL Database Managed Instance','Linked servers enable the SQL Server Database Engine to execute commands against OLE DB data sources outside of the instance of SQL Server.','Azure SQL Database Managed Instance supports linked server functionality only if the remote server provider is SQL server and the remote server is also migrated.','unsupported features and services (','BreakingChange')
INSERT INTO dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory) VALUES ('Microsoft.Rules.Data.Upgrade.UR00507','Encrypted objects are not supported in DMA','SQL Server stored procedures, views and functions are able to use the WITH ENCRYPTION option to disguise the contents of a particular procedure or function from discovery. Therefore, contents of these objects when encrypted cannot be read or scripted by DMA, resulting in inability of DMA to assess these server objects.','Remove WITH ENCRYPTION option from object or migrate object manually.','','Information')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimSeverity
$tableName = "dimSeverity"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimSeveritytbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimSeveritytbl, "Severitykey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimSeveritytbl, "Severity", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
New-DMATable -Table $dimSeveritytbl
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$dimSeveritytbl" , "Addind index PK_dimSeverity_Severitykey to ")) {
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimSeveritytbl, "PK_dimSeverity_Severitykey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
$CommandText = @'
insert into dimSeverity (Severity) VALUES ('NA')
insert into dimSeverity (Severity) VALUES ('Warning')
insert into dimSeverity (Severity) VALUES ('Information')
insert into dimSeverity (Severity) VALUES ('Error')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimSourceCompatibility
$tableName = "dimSourceCompatibility"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimSourceCompatibilitytbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimSourceCompatibilitytbl, "SourceCompatKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimSourceCompatibilitytbl, "SourceCompatibilityLevel", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
New-DMATable -Table $dimSourceCompatibilitytbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimSourceCompatibilitytbl, "PK_dimSourceCompatibility_SourceCompatkey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
$CommandText = @'
insert into dimSourceCompatibility (SourceCompatibilityLevel) VALUES ('NA')
insert into dimSourceCompatibility (SourceCompatibilityLevel) VALUES ('CompatLevel80')
insert into dimSourceCompatibility (SourceCompatibilityLevel) VALUES ('CompatLevel90')
insert into dimSourceCompatibility (SourceCompatibilityLevel) VALUES ('CompatLevel100')
insert into dimSourceCompatibility (SourceCompatibilityLevel) VALUES ('CompatLevel110')
insert into dimSourceCompatibility (SourceCompatibilityLevel) VALUES ('CompatLevel120')
insert into dimSourceCompatibility (SourceCompatibilityLevel) VALUES ('CompatLevel130')
insert into dimSourceCompatibility (SourceCompatibilityLevel) VALUES ('CompatLevel140')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimStatus
$tableName = "dimStatus"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimStatustbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimStatustbl, "StatusKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimStatustbl, "Status", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(20))
New-DMATable -Table $dimStatustbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimStatustbl, "PK_dimStatus_Statuskey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
$CommandText = @'
insert into dimStatus (Status) VALUES ('NA')
insert into dimStatus (Status) VALUES ('Error')
insert into dimStatus (Status) VALUES ('Completed')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimTargetCompatibility
$tableName = "dimTargetCompatibility"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimTargetCompatibilitytbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimTargetCompatibilitytbl, "TargetCompatKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimTargetCompatibilitytbl, "TargetCompatibilityLevel", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimTargetCompatibilitytbl, "TargetSQLServerEdition", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(15))
New-DMATable -Table $dimTargetCompatibilitytbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimTargetCompatibilitytbl, "PK_dimTargetCompatibility_TargetCompatkey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $pk
$CommandText = @'
insert into dimTargetCompatibility (TargetCompatibilityLevel, TargetSQLServerEdition) VALUES ('NA', 'NA')
insert into dimTargetCompatibility (TargetCompatibilityLevel, TargetSQLServerEdition) VALUES ('CompatLevel100', 'SQLServer2008')
insert into dimTargetCompatibility (TargetCompatibilityLevel, TargetSQLServerEdition) VALUES ('CompatLevel110', 'SQLServer2012')
insert into dimTargetCompatibility (TargetCompatibilityLevel, TargetSQLServerEdition) VALUES ('CompatLevel120', 'SQLServer2014')
insert into dimTargetCompatibility (TargetCompatibilityLevel, TargetSQLServerEdition) VALUES ('CompatLevel130', 'SQLServer2016')
insert into dimTargetCompatibility (TargetCompatibilityLevel, TargetSQLServerEdition) VALUES ('CompatLevel140', 'SQLServer2017')
insert into dimTargetCompatibility (TargetCompatibilityLevel, TargetSQLServerEdition) VALUES ('CompatLevel80', 'SQLServer2000')
insert into dimTargetCompatibility (TargetCompatibilityLevel, TargetSQLServerEdition) VALUES ('CompatLevel90', 'SQLServer2005')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimAssessmentTarget
$tableName = "dimAssessmentTarget"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimAssessmentTargettbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimAssessmentTargettbl, "AssessmentTargetKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimAssessmentTargettbl, "AssessmentTarget", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(50))
New-DMATable -Table $dimAssessmentTargettbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimAssessmentTargettbl, "PK_dimAssessmentTarget_AssessmentTargetkey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $pk
$CommandText = @'
insert into dimAssessmentTarget (AssessmentTarget) VALUES ('NA')
insert into dimAssessmentTarget (AssessmentTarget) VALUES ('AzureSqlDatabase')
insert into dimAssessmentTarget (AssessmentTarget) VALUES ('SqlServer2012')
insert into dimAssessmentTarget (AssessmentTarget) VALUES ('SqlServer2014')
insert into dimAssessmentTarget (AssessmentTarget) VALUES ('SqlServer2016')
insert into dimAssessmentTarget (AssessmentTarget) VALUES ('SqlServerWindows2017')
insert into dimAssessmentTarget (AssessmentTarget) VALUES ('SqlServerLinux2017')
insert into dimAssessmentTarget (AssessmentTarget) VALUES ('ManagedSqlServer')
New-DmaStaticData -CommandText $CommandText -connectionString $connectionString
else {
Write-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table dimDBOwner
$tableName = "dimDBOwner"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$dimDBOwnertbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDBOwnertbl, "DBOwnerKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col1.Identity = $True
$col1.IdentityIncrement = 1
$col1.IdentitySeed = 1
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDBOwnertbl, "InstanceName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDBOwnertbl, "DatabaseName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($dimDBOwnertbl, "DBOwner", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
New-DMATable -Table $dimDBOwnertbl
$PK = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($dimDBOwnertbl, "PK_dimDBOwner_DBOwnerkey")
$PK.IndexKeyType = "DriPrimaryKey"
$IdxCol = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($PK, $col1.Name)
New-DMAIndex -Index $PK
else {
WWrite-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create table FactAssessment
$tableName = "FactAssessment"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$FactAssessmenttbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName)
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "DateKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "StatusKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col2.Nullable = $false
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "SourceCompatKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col3.Nullable = $false
$col4 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "TargetCompatKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col4.Nullable = $false
$col5 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "Categorykey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::SmallInt)
$col5.Nullable = $false
$col6 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "SeverityKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col6.Nullable = $false
$col7 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "ChangeCategorykey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::SmallInt)
$col7.Nullable = $false
$col8 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "RulesKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
$col8.Nullable = $false
$col9 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "AssessmentTargetKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::TinyInt)
$col9.Nullable = $false
$col10 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "ObjectTypeKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::SmallInt)
$col10.Nullable = $false
$col11 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "DBOwnerKey", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int) ##this can be nullable
$col12 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "InstanceName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col13 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "DatabaseName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col14 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "SizeMB", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(30))
$col15 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "ImpactedObjectName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col16 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "ImpactDetail", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarCharMax)
$col17 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "AssessmentName", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(128))
$col18 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($FactAssessmenttbl, "AssessmentNumber", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::Int)
New-DMATable -Table $FactAssessmenttbl
# Create foreign Keys
# dimCategory FK
$dimCategoryFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimCategory"
$dimCategoryFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimCategoryFK, "CategoryKey", "CategoryKey"
$dimCategoryFK.ReferencedTable = "dimCategory"
$dimCategoryFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimCategoryFK
# dimChangeCategory FK
$dimChangeCategoryFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimChangeCategory"
$dimChangeCategoryFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimChangeCategoryFK, "ChangeCategorykey", "ChangeCategorykey"
$dimChangeCategoryFK.ReferencedTable = "dimChangeCategory"
$dimChangeCategoryFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimChangeCategoryFK
# dimDate FK
$dimDateFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimDate"
$dimDateFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimDateFK, "DateKey", "DateKey"
$dimDateFK.ReferencedTable = "dimDate"
$dimDateFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimDateFK
# dimObjectType FK
$dimObjectTypeFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimObjectType"
$dimObjectTypeFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimObjectTypeFK, "ObjectTypeKey", "ObjectTypeKey"
$dimObjectTypeFK.ReferencedTable = "dimObjectType"
$dimObjectTypeFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimObjectTypeFK
# dimRules FK
$dimRulesFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimRules"
$dimRulesFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimRulesFK, "RulesKey", "RulesKey"
$dimRulesFK.ReferencedTable = "dimRules"
$dimRulesFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimRulesFK
# dimCategory FK
$dimAssesssmentTargetFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimAssessmentTarget"
$dimAssesssmentTargetFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimAssesssmentTargetFK, "AssessmentTargetKey", "AssessmentTargetKey"
$dimAssesssmentTargetFK.ReferencedTable = "dimAssessmentTarget"
$dimAssesssmentTargetFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimAssesssmentTargetFK
# dimSeverity FK
$dimSeverityFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimSeverity"
$dimSeverityFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimSeverityFK, "SeverityKey", "SeverityKey"
$dimSeverityFK.ReferencedTable = "dimSeverity"
$dimSeverityFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimSeverityFK
# dimSourceCompatibility FK
$dimSourceCompatibilityFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimSourceCompatibility"
$dimSourceCompatibilityFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimSourceCompatibilityFK, "SourceCompatKey", "SourceCompatKey"
$dimSourceCompatibilityFK.ReferencedTable = "dimSourceCompatibility"
$dimSourceCompatibilityFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimSourceCompatibilityFK
# dimStatus FK
$dimStatusFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimStatus"
$dimStatusFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimStatusFK, "StatusKey", "StatusKey"
$dimStatusFK.ReferencedTable = "dimStatus"
$dimStatusFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimStatusFK
# dimTargetCompability FK
$dimTargetCompatibilityFK = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKey -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "FK_FactAssessment_dimTargetCompability"
$dimTargetCompatibilityFKc = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ForeignKeyColumn -argumentlist $dimTargetCompatibilityFK, "TargetCompatKey", "TargetCompatKey"
$dimTargetCompatibilityFK.ReferencedTable = "dimTargetCompatibility"
$dimTargetCompatibilityFK.ReferencedTableSchema = "dbo"
New-DMAIndex -Index $dimTargetCompatibilityFK
#create nonclustered indexes on foreign keys
# Create nonclustered index for DateKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_DateKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "DateKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for StatusKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_StatusKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "StatusKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for SourceCompatKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_SourceCompatKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "SourceCompatKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for TargetCompatKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_TargetCompatKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "TargetCompatKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for CategoryKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_CategoryKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "CategoryKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for SeverityKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_Severitykey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "SeverityKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for ChangeCategoryKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_ChangeCategoryKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "ChangeCategoryKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for RulesKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_RuleKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "RulesKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for AssessmentTargetKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_AssessmentTargetKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "AssessmentTargetKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
# Create nonclustered index for ObjectTypeKey
$idx = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Index -argumentlist $FactAssessmenttbl, "IX_factAssessment_ObjectTypeKey"
$icol1 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexedColumn -ArgumentList $idx, "ObjectTypeKey", $true
$idx.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.IndexKeyType]::None
$idx.IsClustered = $false
$idx.FillFactor = 90
New-DMAIndex -Index $idx
else {
Write-Host ("Table FactAccessmebt already exists") -ForegroundColor Yellow
#region create table historylog.MissingRules
$tableName = "MissingRules"
if (-not $db.Tables[$tableName]) {
$historyLogtbl = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tableName, "historyLog")
$col1 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($historyLogtbl, "LogDateTime", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::DateTime)
$col1.Nullable = $false
$col2 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($historyLogtbl, "RuleId", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(500))
$col3 = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($historyLogtbl, "Title", [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType]::VarChar(500))
New-DMATable -Table $historyLogtbl
else {
WWrite-Verbose "Table $tableName already exists"
#region create views
if (-not $db.Views['DatabaseReadiness_Azure']) {
$vwDatabaseReadiness = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View -argumentlist $db, "DatabaseReadiness_Azure", "reporting"
$vwDatabaseReadiness.TextHeader = "CREATE VIEW [reporting].[DatabaseReadiness_Azure] AS"
$vwDatabaseReadiness.TextBody = @"
WITH issuecount
-- currently doesn't take into account breakingchange weighting.
-- currently doesn't take into account diminishing returns for repeating issues
-- removed NotDefined as these are for feature parity, not migration blockers and should therefore be excluded in calculations
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BehaviorChange' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'Deprecated' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BreakingChange' THEN COUNT(*) END ,0) AS 'BreakingChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'MigrationBlocker' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM FactAssessment fa
JOIN dimChangeCategory dcc
ON fa.ChangeCategorykey = dcc.ChangeCategoryKey
JOIN dimTargetCompatibility tcc
ON fa.TargetCompatKey = tcc.TargetCompatKey
JOIN dimAssessmentTarget at
ON fa.AssessmentTargetKey = at.AssessmentTargetKey
LEFT JOIN dimDBOwner dbo
ON fa.DBOwnerKey = dbo.DBOwnerKey
WHERE at.AssessmentTarget = 'AzureSQLDatabaseV12'
AND ChangeCategory != 'NotDefined'
AND TargetCompatibilityLevel = 'CompatLevel130'
GROUP BY DateKey, fa.InstanceName, fa.DatabaseName, dbo.DBOwner, ChangeCategory, TargetCompatibilityLevel, at.AssessmentTarget
,MAX(BehaviorChange) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,MAX(DeprecatedCount) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,MAX(BreakingChange) AS 'BreakingChange'
,MAX(MigrationBlocker) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM issuecount
GROUP BY DateKey, InstanceName, DatabaseName, DBOwner, TargetCompatibilityLevel, AssessmentTarget
SELECT *, BehaviorChange + DeprecatedCount + BreakingChange + MigrationBlocker AS 'Total'
FROM distinctissues
,CAST(100-((BehaviorChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,CAST(100-((DeprecatedCount + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,CAST(100-((BreakingChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BreakingChange'
,CAST(100-((MigrationBlocker + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM IssueTotaled
-- This section will ensure that if there are 0 issues in a category we return 1. This ensures the reports show data
,CASE WHEN BehaviorChange > 0 THEN BehaviorChange ELSE 1 END AS "BehaviorChange"
,CASE WHEN DeprecatedCount > 0 THEN DeprecatedCount ELSE 1 END AS "DeprecatedCount"
,CASE WHEN BreakingChange > 0 THEN BreakingChange ELSE 1 END AS "BreakingChange"
,CASE WHEN MigrationBlocker > 0 THEN MigrationBlocker ELSE 1 END AS "MigrationBlocker"
FROM RankedDatabases
New-DMAView -View $vwDatabaseReadiness
else {
Write-Verbose "View reporting.DatabaseReadiness_Azure already exists"
## this view can be deleted as the DatabaseReadiness view superseeds it. 22/03/2017
if (-not $db.Views['DatabaseReadiness_OnPrem']) {
$vwDatabaseReadiness130 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View -argumentlist $db, "DatabaseReadiness_OnPrem", "reporting"
$vwDatabaseReadiness130.TextHeader = "CREATE VIEW [reporting].[DatabaseReadiness_OnPrem] AS"
$vwDatabaseReadiness130.TextBody = @"
WITH issuecount
-- currently doesn't take into account breakingchange weighting.
-- currently doesn't take into account diminishing returns for repeating issues
-- removed NotDefined as these are for feature parity, not migration blockers and should therefore be excluded in calculations
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BehaviorChange' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'Deprecated' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BreakingChange' THEN COUNT(*) END ,0) AS 'BreakingChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'MigrationBlocker' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM FactAssessment fa
JOIN dimChangeCategory dcc
ON fa.ChangeCategorykey = dcc.ChangeCategoryKey
JOIN dimTargetCompatibility tcc
ON fa.TargetCompatKey = tcc.TargetCompatKey
JOIN dimAssessmentTarget at
ON fa.AssessmentTargetKey = at.AssessmentTargetKey
LEFT JOIN dimDBOwner dbo
ON fa.DBOwnerKey = dbo.DBOwnerKey
WHERE at.AssessmentTarget != 'AzureSQLDatabaseV12'
AND ChangeCategory != 'NotDefined'
AND TargetCompatibilityLevel != 'NA'
GROUP BY DateKey, fa.InstanceName, fa.DatabaseName, dbo.DBOwner, ChangeCategory, TargetCompatibilityLevel, at.AssessmentTarget
,MAX(BehaviorChange) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,MAX(DeprecatedCount) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,MAX(BreakingChange) AS 'BreakingChange'
,MAX(MigrationBlocker) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM issuecount
GROUP BY DateKey, InstanceName, DatabaseName, TargetCompatibilityLevel, AssessmentTarget
SELECT *, BehaviorChange + DeprecatedCount + BreakingChange + MigrationBlocker AS 'Total'
FROM distinctissues
,CAST(100-((BehaviorChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,CAST(100-((DeprecatedCount + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,CAST(100-((BreakingChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BreakingChange'
,CAST(100-((MigrationBlocker + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM IssueTotaled
-- This section will ensure that if there are 0 issues in a category we return 1. This ensures the reports show data
,CASE WHEN BehaviorChange > 0 THEN BehaviorChange ELSE 1 END AS "BehaviorChange"
,CASE WHEN DeprecatedCount > 0 THEN DeprecatedCount ELSE 1 END AS "DeprecatedCount"
,CASE WHEN BreakingChange > 0 THEN BreakingChange ELSE 1 END AS "BreakingChange"
,CASE WHEN MigrationBlocker > 0 THEN MigrationBlocker ELSE 1 END AS "MigrationBlocker"
FROM RankedDatabases
New-DMAView -View $vwDatabaseReadiness130
else {
Write-Verbose "View reporting.DatabaseReadiness_OnPrem already exists"
if (-not $db.Views['InstanceReadiness_130']) {
$vwInstanceReadiness_130 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View -argumentlist $db, "InstanceReadiness_130", "reporting"
$vwInstanceReadiness_130.TextHeader = "CREATE VIEW [reporting].[InstanceReadiness_130] AS"
$vwInstanceReadiness_130.TextBody = @"
WITH issuecount
-- currently doesn't take into account breakingchange weighting.
-- currently doesn't take into account diminishing returns for repeating issues
-- removed NotDefined as these are for feature parity, not migration blockers and should therefore be excluded in calculations
SELECT dd.[Date]
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BehaviorChange' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'Deprecated' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BreakingChange' THEN COUNT(*) END ,0) AS 'BreakingChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'MigrationBlocker' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM factassessment fa
JOIN dimChangeCategory dcc
ON fa.ChangeCategorykey = dcc.ChangeCategoryKey
JOIN dimTargetCompatibility tcc
ON fa.TargetCompatKey = tcc.TargetCompatKey
JOIN dimDate dd
ON fa.DateKey = dd.DateKey
WHERE TargetCompatibilityLevel = 'CompatLevel130'
AND changecategory != 'NotDefined'
GROUP BY dd.[Date], InstanceName, changecategory, TargetCompatibilityLevel
,MAX(BehaviorChange) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,MAX(DeprecatedCount) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,MAX(BreakingChange) AS 'BreakingChange'
,MAX(MigrationBlocker) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM issuecount
GROUP BY [Date], InstanceName, TargetCompatibilityLevel
SELECT *, behaviorchange + deprecatedcount + breakingchange + MigrationBlocker AS 'Total'
FROM distinctissues
,CAST(100-((BehaviorChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,CAST(100-((DeprecatedCount + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,CAST(100-((BreakingChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BreakingChange'
,CAST(100-((MigrationBlocker + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM IssueTotaled
-- This section will ensure that if there are 0 issues in a category we return 1. This ensures the reports show data
,CASE WHEN BehaviorChange > 0 THEN BehaviorChange ELSE 1 END AS "BehaviorChange"
,CASE WHEN DeprecatedCount > 0 THEN DeprecatedCount ELSE 1 END AS "DeprecatedCount"
,CASE WHEN BreakingChange > 0 THEN BreakingChange ELSE 1 END AS "BreakingChange"
,CASE WHEN MigrationBlocker > 0 THEN MigrationBlocker ELSE 1 END AS "MigrationBlocker"
FROM RankedDatabases
New-DMAView -View $vwInstanceReadiness_130
else {
Write-Verbose "View reporting.InstanceReadiness_130 already exists"
if (-not $db.Views['TeamReadiness_130']) {
$vwTeamReadiness_130 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.View -argumentlist $db, "TeamReadiness_130", "reporting"
$vwTeamReadiness_130.TextHeader = "CREATE VIEW [reporting].[TeamReadiness_130] AS"
$vwTeamReadiness_130.TextBody = @"
WITH issuecount
-- currently doesn't take into account breakingchange weighting.
-- currently doesn't take into account diminishing returns for repeating issues
-- removed NotDefined as these are for feature parity, not migration blockers and should therefore be excluded in calculations
SELECT dd.[Date]
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BehaviorChange' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'Deprecated' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'BreakingChange' THEN COUNT(*) END ,0) AS 'BreakingChange'
,COALESCE(CASE changecategory WHEN 'MigrationBlocker' THEN COUNT(*) END,0) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM factassessment fa
JOIN dimChangeCategory dcc
ON fa.ChangeCategorykey = dcc.ChangeCategoryKey
JOIN dimTargetCompatibility tcc
ON fa.TargetCompatKey = tcc.TargetCompatKey
JOIN dimDBOwner dbo
ON fa.DBOwnerKey = dbo.DBOwnerkey
AND fa.instancename = dbo.InstanceName
AND fa.DatabaseName = dbo.DatabaseName
JOIN dimDate dd
ON fa.DateKey = dd.DateKey
WHERE TargetCompatibilityLevel = 'CompatLevel130'
AND changecategory != 'NotDefined'
GROUP BY dd.[Date], dbo.DBOwner, changecategory, TargetCompatibilityLevel
,MAX(BehaviorChange) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,MAX(DeprecatedCount) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,MAX(BreakingChange) AS 'BreakingChange'
,MAX(MigrationBlocker) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM issuecount
GROUP BY [Date], DBOwner, TargetCompatibilityLevel
SELECT *, behaviorchange + deprecatedcount + breakingchange + MigrationBlocker AS 'Total'
FROM distinctissues
,CAST(100-((BehaviorChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BehaviorChange'
,CAST(100-((DeprecatedCount + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'DeprecatedCount'
,CAST(100-((BreakingChange + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'BreakingChange'
,CAST(100-((MigrationBlocker + 0.00) / (total + 0.00)) * 100 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) AS 'MigrationBlocker'
FROM IssueTotaled
-- This section will ensure that if there are 0 issues in a category we return 1. This ensures the reports show data
,CASE WHEN BehaviorChange > 0 THEN BehaviorChange ELSE 1 END AS "BehaviorChange"
,CASE WHEN DeprecatedCount > 0 THEN DeprecatedCount ELSE 1 END AS "DeprecatedCount"
,CASE WHEN BreakingChange > 0 THEN BreakingChange ELSE 1 END AS "BreakingChange"
,CASE WHEN MigrationBlocker > 0 THEN MigrationBlocker ELSE 1 END AS "MigrationBlocker"
FROM RankedDatabases
New-DMAView -View $vwTeamReadiness_130
else {
Write-Verbose "View reporting.TeamReadiness_130 already exists"
Inserts JSON Data into SQL Server Reporting database Supports Verbose and Whatif output
Inserts JSON Data into SQL Server Reporting database Supports Verbose and Whatif output
.PARAMETER SqlInstance
The name of the Instance which contains the DMAReporting database
.PARAMETER AzureCredential
Credential for database if in Azure
.PARAMETER ReportingDb
Name of Reporting Database
.PARAMETER WarehouseDb
Name of Warehouse Database
Path to JSON Files
.PARAMETER CreateDMAReporting
Switch to create Reporting Database
.PARAMETER CreateDataWarehouse
Switch to create Data Warehouse Database
$invokeDMAJsonProcessorSplat = @{
SqlInstance = 'SQL01'
Path = 'C:\temp\DMATest'
Verbose = $true
CreateDMAReporting = $true
ReportingDb = 'DMA_reporting'
WarehouseDb = 'DMA_Warehouse'
CreateDataWarehouse = $true
Invoke-DMAJsonProcessor @invokeDMAJsonProcessorSplat
loads the data from the JSON files at C:\Temp\DMATes in the reporting database DMA_reporting on SQL01 after creating the DMA_reporting database and the datawarehouse DMA_Warehouse
$invokeDMAJsonProcessorSplat = @{
SqlInstance = 'SQL01'
Path = 'C:\temp\DMATest'
Verbose = $true
ReportingDb = 'DMA_reporting'
WarehouseDb = 'DMA_Warehouse'
Invoke-DMAJsonProcessor @invokeDMAJsonProcessorSplat
loads the data from the JSON files at C:\Temp\DMATes in the reporting database DMA_reporting on SQL01
Rob Sewell - @SqlDbaWithABeard
Updated from original code available
function Invoke-DMAJsonProcessor {
[string] $SqlInstance,
[string] $ReportingDb,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $WarehouseDb,
[ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ })]
[string] $Path,
[switch] $CreateDMAReporting,
[switch] $CreateDataWarehouse
#Add-Type -Path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll'
#region Set up
$ISAzure = $null
If ($CreateDMAReporting) {
New-DMAReportingDatabase -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $ReportingDb
if ($CreateDataWarehouse) {
New-DMAWarehouse -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $WarehouseDb
#Make processed directory inside the folder that contains the json files
$ProcessedPath = Join-Path $Path -ChildPath 'Processed'
if (-not (Test-Path $ProcessedPath)) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ProcessedPath" , "Creating Directory ")) {
New-Item $ProcessedPath -ItemType Directory
Write-Verbose "Processed directory created successfully at $ProcessedPath"
else {
Write-Verbose "Processed directory already exists"
# if there are no files to process stop importer
if ((Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter *.JSON).Count -eq 0) {
Write-Warning "There are no JSON assessment files to process"
#Build connection string
if ($SqlInstance -match '') {
$ISAzure = $true
$username = $AzureCredential.UserName + "@" + $SqlInstance.replace('', '')
$password = $AzureCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$connectionString = "Server=$;Database=$ReportingDb;User Id=$username;Password=$password"
else {
$connectionString = "Server=$SqlInstance;Database=$ReportingDb;Trusted_Connection=True;"
#Validate Database
if ($ISAzure) {
$Smo = New-DMASmoObject -ConnectionString $connectionString
else {
$Smo = New-DMASmoObject -SqlInstance $SqlInstance
if (Test-DMADatabase -SMOObject $Smo -Name $ReportingDb) {
else {
Write-Warning "Database $ReportingDb does not exist on $($SMo.Name) "
# Processor
Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter *.JSON |
Foreach-Object {
$filename = $_.FullName
#region datatables
#ReportData datatable {
$datatable = New-Object -type
$datatable.columns.add("ImportDate", [DateTime]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("InstanceName", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("Status", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("Name", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("SizeMB", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("SourceCompatibilityLevel", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("TargetCompatibilityLevel", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("Category", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("Severity", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("ChangeCategory", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("RuleId", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("Title", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("Impact", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("Recommendation", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("MoreInfo", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("ImpactedObjectName", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("ImpactedObjectType", [String]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("ImpactDetail", [string]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("DBOwner", [string]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("AssessmentTarget", [string]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("AssessmentName", [string]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("AssessmentNumber", [string]) | Out-Null
$datatable.columns.add("IsLoaded", [bool]) | Out-Null
#AzureFeatureParity datatable
$azuredatatable = New-Object -type
$azuredatatable.columns.add("ImportDate", [DateTime]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("ServerName", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("Version", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("Status", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("Category", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("Severity", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("FeatureParityCategory", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("RuleID", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("Title", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("Impact", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("Recommendation", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("MoreInfo", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("ImpactedReportingDb", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("ImpactedObjectType", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("ImpactDetail", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("AssessmentNumber", [String]) | Out-Null
$azuredatatable.columns.add("IsLoaded", [bool]) | Out-Null
$processStartTime = Get-Date
$FileTime = $_.LastWriteTime.ToString()
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw
# when a database assessment fails the assessment recommendations and impacted objects arrays
# will be blank. Setting them to default values allows for the errors to be captured
$blankAssessmentRecommendations = (New-Object PSObject |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty CompatibilityLevel NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Category NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Severity NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty ChangeCategory NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty RuleId NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Title NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Impact NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Recommendation NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty MoreInfo NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty ImpactedObjects NA
$blankImpactedObjects = (New-Object PSObject |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Name NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty ObjectType NA |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty ImpactDetail NA
# Start looping through each JSON array
#fill dataset for ReportData table
foreach ($obj in (ConvertFrom-Json $content)) {
#level 1, the actual file
foreach ($database in $obj.Databases) {
#level 2, the sources
$database.AssessmentRecommendations = if ($database.AssessmentRecommendations.Length -eq 0) { $blankAssessmentRecommendations } else { $database.AssessmentRecommendations }
foreach ($assessment in $database.AssessmentRecommendations) {
#level 3, the assessment
$assessment.ImpactedObjects = if ($assessment.ImpactedObjects.Length -eq 0) { $blankImpactedObjects } else { $assessment.ImpactedObjects }
foreach ($impactedobj in $assessment.ImpactedObjects) {
#level 4, the impacted objects
$datatable.rows.add($FileTime , $database.ServerName, $database.Status, $database.Name, $database.SizeMB, $database.CompatibilityLevel, $assessment.CompatibilityLevel, $assessment.Category, $assessment.severity, $assessment.ChangeCategory, $assessment.RuleId, $assessment.Title, $assessment.Impact, $assessment.Recommendation, $assessment.MoreInfo, $impactedobj.Name, $impactedobj.ObjectType, $impactedobj.ImpactDetail, $null, $obj.TargetPlatform, $obj.Name, [int]$AssessmentNumber.Column1, 0) | Out-Null
#fill data set for AzureFeatureParity table
foreach ($obj in (ConvertFrom-Json $content)) {
#level 1, the actual file
foreach ($serverInstances in $obj.ServerInstances) {
#level 2, the ServerInstances
foreach ($assessment in $serverInstances.AssessmentRecommendations) {
#level 3, the assessment
$assessment.ImpactedObjects = if ($assessment.ImpactedObjects.Length -eq 0) { $blankImpactedObjects } else { $assessment.ImpactedObjects }
foreach ($impacteddbs in $assessment.ImpactedObjects) {
#level 4, the impacted objects
#TODO Get date here will eventually be replace with timestamp from JSON file
$azuredatatable.rows.add((Get-Date).toString(), $serverInstances.ServerName, $serverInstances.Version, $serverInstances.Status, $assessment.Category, $assessment.Severity, $assessment.FeatureParityCategory, $assessment.RuleId, $assessment.Title, $assessment.Impact, $assessment.Recommendation, $assessment.MoreInfo, $impacteddbs.Name, $impacteddbs.ObjectType, $impacteddbs.ImpactDetail, [int]$AssessmentNumber.Column1, 0) | Out-Null
$rowcount_rd = $datatable.rows.Count
$rowcount_afp = $azuredatatable.rows.Count
$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionString
$conn.Open() | Out-Null
$InsertCommmand = New-DMASqlSPCommand -Connection $conn -Query 'dbo.JSONResults_Insert'
$InsertCommmand.Parameters.Add("@JSONResults" , [System.Data.SqlDbType]::Structured) | Out-Null
$InsertCommmand.Parameters["@JSONResults"].Value = $datatable
$cmd2 = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$cmd2.Connection = $conn
$cmd2.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]"StoredProcedure"
$cmd2.CommandText = $query2
$AzureFeatureCommand = New-DMASqlSPCommand -Connection $conn -Query 'dbo.AzureFeatureParityResults_Insert'
$AzureFeatureCommand.Parameters.Add("@AzureFeatureParityResults" , [System.Data.SqlDbType]::Structured) | Out-Null
$AzureFeatureCommand.Parameters["@AzureFeatureParityResults"].Value = $azuredatatable
$ds1 = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da1 = New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($InsertCommmand)
$ds2 = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da2 = New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($AzureFeatureCommand)
# ensure that the dataset can write to the database, if not the dont move the file to processed directory
try {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ReportingDb" , "Loading data into")) {
$da1.fill($ds1) | Out-Null
$da2.fill($ds2) | Out-Null
try {
Move-Item $filename $ProcessedPath -Force
catch {
Write-Error "Error moving file $filename to directory"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
catch {
$rowcount_rd = 0
$rowcount_afp = 0
Write-Error "Error writing results for file $filename to database"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
$processEndTime = Get-Date
$processTime = New-TimeSpan -Start $processStartTime -End $processEndTime
Write-Verbose "Rows Processed for ReportData Table = $rowcount_rd Rows processed for AzureFeatureParityTable = $rowcount_afp for file $filename Total Processing Time = $processTime"
Runs the DMACmd.Exe against multiple SQL Server Targets for upgrade/migration assessments
Uses a list of SQL Instances, runs DMACmd.Exe and creates the json file. Supports Verbose and Whatif output
.PARAMETER DatabasesForAssessment
An array of SqlIntances and Databases - this can be retrieved from a database, CSV or provided - but the format is important - see Examples
.PARAMETER AssessmentName
the name of the Assessment for reference
.PARAMETER TargetPlatform
The target version of SQL Server - "SqlServer2012", "SqlServer2014", "SqlServer2016", "SqlServerWindows2017", "SqlServerLinux2017", "AzureSqlDatabase", "ManagedSqlServer"
.PARAMETER OutputLocation
The directory for the json files
.PARAMETER SqlCredential
A credential object created with Get-Credential for connecting to the SQL instances
$Databases = @{ServerInstance = 'SQLInstance01';DatabaseName = 'Database01'}
$startDMADataCollectorSplat = @{
AssessmentName = 'Test Assessment'
OutputLocation = 'C:\temp\DMATest'
TargetPlatform = 'ManagedSqlServer'
DatabasesForAssessment = $Databases
Start-DMADataCollector @startDMADataCollectorSplat
Runs the DMAcmd.exe against SQLInstance01 for Database01 targetting Managed Instance and outputs to C:\temp\DMATest
$Databases = @{ServerInstance = 'SQLInstance01';DatabaseName = 'Database01'},@{ServerInstance = 'SQLInstance01';DatabaseName ='Database02'}
$startDMADataCollectorSplat = @{
AssessmentName = 'Test Assessment'
OutputLocation = 'C:\temp\DMATest'
TargetPlatform = 'ManagedSqlServer'
DatabasesForAssessment = $Databases
Start-DMADataCollector @startDMADataCollectorSplat
Runs the DMAcmd.exe against SQLInstance01 for Database01 and Database02 targetting Managed Instance and outputs to C:\temp\DMATest
$invokeSqlcmdSplat = @{
Query = "SELECT DISTINCT Servername + '\' + InstanceName AS ServerInstance, DatabaseName FROM dbo.DatabaseInventory WHERE AssessmentFlag = 1"
ServerInstance = 'Sql01'
Database = 'DBAInventory'
$Databases = Invoke-Sqlcmd @invokeSqlcmdSplat
$startDMADataCollectorSplat = @{
AssessmentName = 'Test Assessment'
OutputLocation = 'C:\temp\DMATest'
TargetPlatform = 'ManagedSqlServer'
DatabasesForAssessment = $Databases
Start-DMADataCollector @startDMADataCollectorSplat
Runs the DMAcmd.exe against the databases in the dbo.databasename table in DBA_Inventory on SQL01 targetting Managed Instance and outputs to C:\temp\DMATest
IMPORTANT - If your columns are named differently you will need to alias as ServerInstance and DatabaseName
$Databases = Import-Csv $csvPath -Header "ServerInstance", "DatabaseName"
$startDMADataCollectorSplat = @{
AssessmentName = 'Test Assessment'
OutputLocation = 'C:\temp\DMATest'
TargetPlatform = 'ManagedSqlServer'
DatabasesForAssessment = $Databases
Start-DMADataCollector @startDMADataCollectorSplat
Runs the DMAcmd.exe against the databases in the csv targetting Managed Instance and outputs to C:\temp\DMATest
$ServerInstance = @{Name ='ServerInstance'; Expression = {$_.Parent.Name}}
$DatabaseName = @{Name ='DatabaseName'; Expression = {$_.Name}}
$Databases = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance SQL01,SQL02 -ExcludeSystem | Select $ServerInstance,$DatabaseName
$startDMADataCollectorSplat = @{
AssessmentName = 'Test Assessment'
Verbose = $true
OutputLocation = 'C:\temp\DMATest'
TargetPlatform = 'ManagedSqlServer'
DatabasesForAssessment = $Databases
Start-DMADataCollector @startDMADataCollectorSplat
Using dbatools, gets all of the user databases and runs the DMACmd targetting Managed Instance and outputs to C:\temp\DMATest
Rob Sewell - @SqlDbaWithABeard
Updated from original code available
Learn more about Data Migration Assistant:
function Start-DMADataCollector {
[Object[]] $DatabasesForAssessment,
[string] $AssessmentName,
[ValidateSet("SqlServer2012", "SqlServer2014", "SqlServer2016", "SqlServerWindows2017", "SqlServerLinux2017", "AzureSqlDatabase", "ManagedSqlServer")]
[string] $TargetPlatform,
[string] $OutputLocation,
#Add-Type -Path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\SDK\Assemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll'
$DMAexe = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Migration Assistant\DmaCmd.exe"
$DMATargetPlatform = "/AssessmentTargetPlatform=$TargetPlatform"
$DMAFeatureParity = "/AssessmentEvaluateFeatureParity" #Only valid if target is AzureSqlDatabaseV12
$DMAAssessmentRecommendations = "/AssessmentEvaluateRecommendations" #not advisable to run this at the same time as compatibility checks
$DMAAssessmentCompatibility = "/AssessmentEvaluateCompatibilityIssues"
$DMAResultOverwrite = "/AssessmentOverwriteResult"
if (-not (Test-Path $DMAexe)) {
Write-Warning "Cannot find DMA.Exe at $DMAexe"
if (-not (Test-Path $OutputLocation)) {
Write-Warning "Cannot find or do not have permissions to access output location $OutputLocation"
if ($SqlCredential) {
$username = $SqlCredential.UserName
$password = $SqlCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
if ($password -eq "") {
Write-Warning "SQL Server authentication credentials are empty"
$Authmode = ";User Id=$username;Password=$password;" + '"'
else {
$Authmode = ";Integrated Security=true" + '"'
$databaseconnections = ""
#generating the DMA Script for all databases.
foreach ($Database in $DatabasesForAssessment) {
$ServerInstance = $Database.ServerInstance.Replace("\MSSQLSERVER", "")
$newstring = """Server=$ServerInstance;Initial Catalog="
$newstring += $Database.DatabaseName.ToString()
$newstring += $Authmode
$databaseconnections = $databaseconnections + $newstring + " "
$DMAResultFileName = (get-date -Format yyyyMMddhhmmss).ToString() + "_DMA_Assessment_" + $TargetPlatform + ".json"
$OutputFile = Join-Path $OutputLocation -ChildPath $DMAResultFileName
$databaseconnections = $databaseconnections.TrimEnd(' """') + '"'
$DMADatabases = "/AssessmentDatabases=" + $databaseconnections
$DMAResultFile = '/AssessmentResultJson=' + $OutputFile
$DMAAssessmentName = '/AssessmentName=' + (get-date -Format yyyyMMddhhmmss).ToString() + "_" + "DMAAssessment"
if ($TargetPlatform -eq 'AzureSqlDatabase') {
$argumentlist = "$DMAAssessmentName $DMADatabases $DMATargetPlatform $DMAAssessmentRecommendations $DMAAssessmentCompatibility $DMAResultOverwrite $DMAResultFile"
else {
# need to think about a better way to build this string as it's not recommended to have assessment compatibility (feature recommendations) running with Compatibility checks
$argumentlist = "$DMAAssessmentName $DMADatabases $DMATargetPlatform $DMAAssessmentCompatibility $DMAResultOverwrite $DMAResultFile"
$agsmsg = $argumentlist
if ($Password) {
$agsmsg = $argumentlist.Replace($password, '*********')
Write-Verbose "Using these arguments $agsmsg for DMA.Exe"
$DMALocation = (Get-Item $DMAexe).DirectoryName
Set-Location $DMALocation
try {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("DMA.exe" , "Starting with $argumentlist arguments for ")) {
$DMAProcess = Start-Process -FilePath $DMAexe -Argument $argumentlist -Wait -PassThru
Write-Verbose "DMA PRocess Exit Code was $($DMAProcess.ExitCode)"
if ($DMAProcess.ExitCode -ne 0) {
$LogFile = Get-ChildItem $Env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\DataMigrationAssistant\*.log | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-object -First 1
Write-Warning "There was an error with the DMA Process - Log file is $LogFile - Details below"
Start-Process $LogFile
else {
Write-Verbose "DMA Process finished successfully"
catch {
Write-Error "Unable to start DMA process"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
Loads the DMA data from the Reporting database to the DataWarehouse
Loads the DMA data from the Reporting database to the DataWarehouse Supports Verbose and Whatif output
.PARAMETER SqlInstance
The instance holding the two databases - only the same instance is supported
.PARAMETER ReportingDatabase
The name of the Reporting Database
.PARAMETER WarehouseDatabase
The name of the DataWarehouse database
$invokeLoadDataWareHouseSplat = @{
SqlInstance = 'SQl01'
Verbose = $true
ReportingDatabase = 'DMA_Reporting'
WarehouseDatabase = 'DMA_DataWarehouse'
Invoke-LoadDataWareHouse @invokeLoadDataWareHouseSplat
Loads the data from the reporting database into the data warehouse for the PowerBi
Rob Sewell - @SqlDbaWithABeard
Updated from original code available
2020-27-02 Initial
function Invoke-DMALoadDataWareHouse {
$SMOObject = New-DMASMOObject -SqlInstance $SqlInstance
if (Test-DMADatabase -SMOObject $SMOObject -Name $ReportingDatabase) {
Write-Verbose "Testing access to the Reporting database $ReportingDatabase on Instance $SqlInstance succeeded"
else {
Write-Warning "I cannot access the Reporting database $ReportingDatabase on Instance $SqlInstance - Do you need to run New-DMAReportingDatabase - SqlInstance $SqlInstance -Name $ReportingDatabase ?"
if (Test-DMADatabase -SMOObject $SMOObject -Name $WarehouseDatabase) {
Write-Verbose "Testing access to the Warehouse database $WarehouseDatabase on Instance $SqlInstance succeeded"
else {
Write-Warning "I cannot access the Warehouse database $WarehouseDatabase on Instance $SqlInstance - Do you need to run New-DMAWarehouseDatabase -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -Name $WarehouseDatabase ?"
$StepOneQuery = @"
-- Step 1 - cleans object types. (this should be a temp step until tool is fixed)
UPDATE $ReportingDatabase..ReportData
SET ImpactedObjectType = 'Database Options'
WHERE ImpactedObjectType = 'DatabaseOptions'
$StepTwoQuery = @"
-- These scripts use 3 part names. Ensure you update your database names
-- Step 2 - Capture any missing rules
INSERT INTO $WarehouseDatabase..dimRules (RuleID, Title, Impact, Recommendation, MoreInfo, ChangeCategory)
, rd.Title
, rd.Impact
, rd.Recommendation
, rd.MoreInfo
, rd.ChangeCategory
FROM $ReportingDatabase..ReportData rd
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimRules dr
ON rd.RuleId = dr.RuleID
AND rd.Title = dr.Title
$StepTwoAQuery = @"
-- Capture any missing object types
INSERT INTO $WarehouseDatabase..dimObjectType (ObjectType)
SELECT DISTINCT rd.ImpactedObjectType
FROM $ReportingDatabase..ReportData rd
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimObjectType ot
ON rd.ImpactedObjectType = ot.ObjectType
WHERE ot.ObjectType IS NULL
$stepThreeCheckQuery = @"
FROM $ReportingDatabase..reportdata dma_rd
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimDate dd
ON CONVERT(CHAR(8),dma_rd.ImportDate,112) = dd.[Date]
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimStatus ds
ON dma_rd.[Status] = ds.[Status]
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimSourceCompatibility sc
ON dma_rd.SourceCompatibilityLevel = sc.SourceCompatibilityLevel
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimTargetCompatibility tc
ON dma_rd.TargetCompatibilityLevel = tc.TargetCompatibilityLevel
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimCategory dc
ON dma_rd.Category = dc.Category
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimSeverity dsev
ON dma_rd.Severity = dsev.Severity
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimRules dr
ON dma_rd.RuleId = dr.RuleID
AND dma_rd.title = dr.Title -- there is a ruleid being used for 2 different titles
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimAssessmentTarget ast
ON dma_rd.AssessmentTarget = ast.AssessmentTarget
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimChangeCategory dcc
ON dma_rd.ChangeCategory = dcc.ChangeCategory
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimObjectType ot
ON CASE WHEN dma_rd.ImpactedObjectType IS NULL OR dma_rd.ImpactedObjectType = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ImpactedObjectType END = ot.ObjectType
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimDBOwner dbo
ON dma_rd.InstanceName = dbo.InstanceName
AND dma_rd.Name = dbo.DatabaseName
where IsLoaded = 0
AND (dd.DateKey IS NULL
OR ds.StatusKey IS NULL
OR sc.SourceCompatKey IS NULL
OR tc.TargetCompatKey IS NULL
OR dc.CategoryKey IS NULL
OR dsev.SeverityKey IS NULL
OR dcc.ChangeCategoryKey IS NULL
OR dr.RulesKey IS NULL
OR AssessmentTargetKey IS NULL
OR ot.ObjectTypeKey IS NULL
OR dma_rd.InstanceName IS NULL
OR AssessmentName IS NULL
OR AssessmentNumber IS NULL)
$StepThreeQuery = @"
INSERT INTO $WarehouseDatabase..FactAssessment(DateKey, StatusKey, SourceCompatKey, TargetCompatKey, Categorykey, SeverityKey, ChangeCategorykey, RulesKey, AssessmentTargetKey, ObjectTypeKey, DBOwnerKey, InstanceName, DatabaseName, SizeMB, ImpactedObjectName, ImpactDetail, AssessmentName, AssessmentNumber)
SELECT dd.DateKey AS "DateKey"
,ds.StatusKey AS "StatusKey"
,sc.SourceCompatKey AS "SourceCompatKey"
,tc.TargetCompatKey AS "TargetCompatKey"
,dc.CategoryKey AS "CategoryKey"
,dsev.SeverityKey AS "SeverityKey"
,dcc.ChangeCategoryKey AS "ChangeCategoryKey"
,dr.RulesKey AS "RulesKey"
,AssessmentTargetKey AS "AssessmentTargetKey"
,ot.ObjectTypeKey AS "ObjectTypeKey"
,dbo.DBOwnerKey AS "DBOwnerKey"
,dma_rd.InstanceName AS "InstanceName"
,[Name] AS "DatabaseName"
,SizeMB AS "SizeMB"
,COALESCE(ImpactedObjectName, 'NA') AS "ImpactedObjectName"
,COALESCE(ImpactDetail, 'NA') AS "ImpactDetail"
FROM $ReportingDatabase..reportdata dma_rd
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimDate dd
ON CONVERT(CHAR(8),dma_rd.ImportDate,112) = dd.[Date]
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimStatus ds
ON dma_rd.[Status] = ds.[Status]
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimSourceCompatibility sc
ON dma_rd.SourceCompatibilityLevel = sc.SourceCompatibilityLevel
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimTargetCompatibility tc
ON dma_rd.TargetCompatibilityLevel = tc.TargetCompatibilityLevel
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimCategory dc
ON dma_rd.Category = dc.Category
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimSeverity dsev
ON dma_rd.Severity = dsev.Severity
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimRules dr
ON dma_rd.RuleId = dr.RuleID
AND dma_rd.title = dr.Title -- there is a ruleid being used for 2 different titles
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimAssessmentTarget ast
ON dma_rd.AssessmentTarget = ast.AssessmentTarget
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimChangeCategory dcc
ON dma_rd.ChangeCategory = dcc.ChangeCategory
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimObjectType ot
ON CASE WHEN dma_rd.ImpactedObjectType IS NULL OR dma_rd.ImpactedObjectType = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ImpactedObjectType END = ot.ObjectType
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimDBOwner dbo
ON dma_rd.InstanceName = dbo.InstanceName
AND dma_rd.Name = dbo.DatabaseName
where IsLoaded = 0
$FindNULLSQuery = @"
SELECT dd.DateKey AS "DateKey"
,ds.StatusKey AS "StatusKey"
,sc.SourceCompatKey AS "SourceCompatKey"
,tc.TargetCompatKey AS "TargetCompatKey"
,dc.CategoryKey AS "CategoryKey"
,dsev.SeverityKey AS "SeverityKey"
,dcc.ChangeCategoryKey AS "ChangeCategoryKey"
,dr.RulesKey AS "RulesKey"
,AssessmentTargetKey AS "AssessmentTargetKey"
,ot.ObjectTypeKey AS "ObjectTypeKey"
,dbo.DBOwnerKey AS "DBOwnerKey"
,dma_rd.InstanceName AS "InstanceName"
,[Name] AS "DatabaseName"
,SizeMB AS "SizeMB"
,COALESCE(ImpactedObjectName, 'NA') AS "ImpactedObjectName"
,COALESCE(ImpactDetail, 'NA') AS "ImpactDetail"
FROM $ReportingDatabase..reportdata dma_rd
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimDate dd
ON CONVERT(CHAR(8),dma_rd.ImportDate,112) = dd.[Date]
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimStatus ds
ON dma_rd.[Status] = ds.[Status]
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimSourceCompatibility sc
ON dma_rd.SourceCompatibilityLevel = sc.SourceCompatibilityLevel
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimTargetCompatibility tc
ON dma_rd.TargetCompatibilityLevel = tc.TargetCompatibilityLevel
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimCategory dc
ON dma_rd.Category = dc.Category
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimSeverity dsev
ON dma_rd.Severity = dsev.Severity
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimRules dr
ON dma_rd.RuleId = dr.RuleID
AND dma_rd.title = dr.Title -- there is a ruleid being used for 2 different titles
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimAssessmentTarget ast
ON dma_rd.AssessmentTarget = ast.AssessmentTarget
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimChangeCategory dcc
ON dma_rd.ChangeCategory = dcc.ChangeCategory
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimObjectType ot
ON CASE WHEN dma_rd.ImpactedObjectType IS NULL OR dma_rd.ImpactedObjectType = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ImpactedObjectType END = ot.ObjectType
LEFT JOIN $WarehouseDatabase..dimDBOwner dbo
ON dma_rd.InstanceName = dbo.InstanceName
AND dma_rd.Name = dbo.DatabaseName
where IsLoaded = 0
AND (dd.DateKey IS NULL
OR ds.StatusKey IS NULL
OR sc.SourceCompatKey IS NULL
OR tc.TargetCompatKey IS NULL
OR dc.CategoryKey IS NULL
OR dsev.SeverityKey IS NULL
OR dcc.ChangeCategoryKey IS NULL
OR dr.RulesKey IS NULL
OR AssessmentTargetKey IS NULL
OR ot.ObjectTypeKey IS NULL
OR dma_rd.InstanceName IS NULL
OR AssessmentName IS NULL
OR AssessmentNumber IS NULL)
$tempdb = $SMOObject.Databases['tempdb']
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ReportingDatabase" , "Cleaning object types in ")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Successfully cleaned objects"
catch {
Write-Warning "We hit an error"
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$WarehouseDatabase" , "Capture any missing rules ")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Successfully captured missing rules"
catch {
Write-Warning "We hit an error"
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$WarehouseDatabase" , "Capture missing objects ")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Successfully captured missing objects"
catch {
Write-Warning "We hit an error"
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$WarehouseDatabase" , "Insert Report Data ")) {
try {
$Results = $tempdb.ExecuteWithResults($stepThreeCheckQuery)
Write-Verbose "ran NULL check query"
catch {
Write-Warning "We hit an error"
if ($Results.Tables.Column1 -ne 0) {
Write-Warning "Checking the data we found some NULLS that will makes the insert fail"
Write-Warning "Please run the below query and find the NULLS"
Write-Warning $FindNULLSQuery
else {
Write-Verbose "There are no NULLS - Loading Data"
try {
Write-Verbose "Successfully Loaded Data - Go and have a look in PowerBi"
catch {
Write-Warning "We hit an error"
#region Functions
function New-DMASqlSPCommand {
Param (
$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$cmd.Connection = $Connection
$cmd.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]"StoredProcedure"
$cmd.CommandText = $query
$cmd.CommandTimeout = 600000
function New-DMASMOObject {
Param (
$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO")
if ($SqlInstance) {
$SMoObject = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server($SqlInstance)
else {
$sqlconn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionstring
$serverconn = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection $sqlconn
$null = $serverconn.Connect()
$SMoObject = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $serverconn
function Test-DMADatabase {
Param($SMOObject, $Name)
if ($SMOObject.Databases[$Name]) {
else {
function New-DMADatabase {
Param($SMOObject, $DatabaseName)
if ( -not (Test-DMADatabase -SMOObject $SMOObject -Name $DatabaseName)) {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($SMOObject.Name)" , "Creating Database $DatabaseName on ")) {
try {
$db = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database ($SMOObject, $databaseName)
Write-Verbose "Database $DatabaseName created successfully"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to create $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance - Error Message is below"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
else {
Write-Verbose "Database $databaseName already exists on $($SMOObject.Name)"
function New-DMATable {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DatabaseName" , "Creating Table $tableName in ")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Table $($Table.Name) created successfully in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to create table $($Table.Name) in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance - Error follows"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
function New-DMAView {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DatabaseName" , "Adding View $schemaName.$ViewName")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "View $schemaName.$ViewName created successfully in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to create view $schemaName.$ViewName in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
Function New-DMATableType {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DatabaseName" , "Adding TableType $($TableType.Name)")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Table Type $($TableType.Name) created successfully"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to create table type $($TableType.Name) in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
Function New-DMAStoredProcedure {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DatabaseName" , "Adding Stored Procedure $($StoredProcedure.Name)")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Stored Procedure $($StoredProcedure.Name)created successfully in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to create stored procedure $($StoredProcedure.Name) in $DatabaseName on $SqlInstance"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
Function New-DMAIndex {
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DatabaseName" , "Adding Index $($Index.Name) to ")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "index $($Index.Name) created successfully"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to create index $($Index.Name) - error below"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
function New-DMASchema {
Param($database, $SchemaName, $SchemaOwner = 'dbo')
if (-not $db.Schemas[$SchemaName]) {
$sch = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Schema -argumentlist $db, $SchemaName
$sch.Owner = $SchemaOwner
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($Database.Name)" , "Creating schema $SchemaName with owner $SchemaOwner in ")) {
try {
Write-Verbose "Schema $SchemaName with owner $SchemaOwner in $($Database.Name) created successfully"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to create schema $SchemaName with owner $SchemaOwner in $($Database.Name)"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
else {
Write-Verbose "Schema $SchemaName in $($Database.Name) already exists"
function New-DmaStaticData {
Param($CommandText, $connectionString)
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$TableName" , "Adding static Data to ")) {
try {
$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionString
$conn.Open() | Out-Null
$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$cmd.Connection = $conn
$cmd.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]"Text"
$cmd.CommandText = $CommandText
$ds = New-Object system.Data.DataSet
$da = New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($cmd)
$da.fill($ds) | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "loaded static data to $tableName"
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to load static data to $tableName- Error below"
$error[1] | Format-List -Force
function Get-DMAInstance {
[validateSet('Csv', 'SqlInstance')]
switch ($type) {
'Csv' {
if (Test-Path $path) {
Import-Csv -Path $path -Header "ServerInstance", "DatabaseName"
'SqlInstance' {
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT DISTINCT Servername + '\' + InstanceName AS ServerInstance, DatabaseName FROM dbo.DatabaseInventory WHERE AssessmentFlag = 1" -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -Database $database
Default { }
Copy link

be3232 commented Mar 5, 2022

Hi SQLDBAwithABeard,

These scripts did work for me thanks a lot.

The only problem is that the link to the PowerBI report does not work any more.

Can you share the report here ?

Thanks a lot.

Bert Berntsen

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