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Created March 12, 2019 20:50
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compare dacpac and generate report in azure devops
# from
function Get-SqlPackageOnTargetMachine
$sqlDacPath, $sqlVersion = Locate-HighestVersionSqlPackageWithSql
$sqlVersionNumber = [decimal] $sqlVersion
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Verbose ("Failed to get Dac Framework (installed with SQL Server) location with exception: " + $_.Exception.Message)
$sqlVersionNumber = 0
$sqlMsiDacPath, $sqlMsiVersion = Locate-HighestVersionSqlPackageWithDacMsi
$sqlMsiVersionNumber = [decimal] $sqlMsiVersion
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Verbose ("Failed to get Dac Framework (installed with DAC Framework) location with exception: " + $_.Exception.Message) -verbose
$sqlMsiVersionNumber = 0
$vsDacPath, $vsVersion = Locate-HighestVersionSqlPackageInVS
$vsVersionNumber = [decimal] $vsVersion
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Verbose ("Failed to get Dac Framework (installed with Visual Studio) location with exception: " + $_.Exception.Message)
$vsVersionNumber = 0
$maximumVersion = [decimal]$(@($vsVersionNumber, $sqlVersionNumber, $sqlMsiVersionNumber) | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
if ($sqlMsiVersion -eq $maximumVersion)
$dacPath = $sqlMsiDacPath
elseif ($vsVersionNumber -eq $maximumVersion)
$dacPath = $vsDacPath
elseif ($sqlVersionNumber -eq $maximumVersion)
$dacPath = $sqlDacPath
if ($dacPath -eq $null)
throw "Unable to find the location of Dac Framework (SqlPackage.exe) from registry on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME"
return $dacPath
function Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$baseKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey($RegistryHive, $RegistryView)
$subKey = $baseKey.OpenSubKey($Key)
if($subKey -ne $null)
return $subKey.GetValue($Value)
return $null
function Get-RegistrySubKeysIgnoreError
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$baseKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey($RegistryHive, $RegistryView)
$subKey = $baseKey.OpenSubKey($Key)
return $subKey
return $null
function Get-SubKeysInFloatFormat($keys)
$targetKeys = @()
foreach ($key in $keys)
try {
$targetKeys += [decimal] $key
catch {}
function Get-SqlPackageForSqlVersion([int] $majorVersion, [bool] $wow6432Node)
$sqlInstallRootRegKey = "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server", "$majorVersion" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if ($wow6432Node -eq $true)
$sqlInstallRootPath = Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError LocalMachine "$sqlInstallRootRegKey" "VerSpecificRootDir" Registry64
$sqlInstallRootPath = Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError LocalMachine "$sqlInstallRootRegKey" "VerSpecificRootDir" Registry32
if ($sqlInstallRootPath -eq $null)
return $null
Write-Verbose "Sql Version Specific Root Dir for version $majorVersion as read from registry: $sqlInstallRootPath"
$DacInstallPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($sqlInstallRootPath, "Dac", "bin", "SqlPackage.exe")
if (Test-Path $DacInstallPath)
Write-Verbose "Dac Framework installed with SQL Version $majorVersion found at $DacInstallPath on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME"
return $DacInstallPath
return $null
function Locate-HighestVersionSqlPackageWithSql()
$sqlRegKey = "HKLM:", "SOFTWARE", "Wow6432Node", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server"-join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$sqlRegKey64 = "HKLM:", "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server"-join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if (-not (Test-Path $sqlRegKey))
$sqlRegKey = $sqlRegKey64
if (-not (Test-Path $sqlRegKey))
return $null, 0
$keys = Get-Item $sqlRegKey | %{$_.GetSubKeyNames()}
$versions = Get-SubKeysInFloatFormat $keys | Sort-Object -Descending
Write-Verbose "Sql Versions installed on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME as read from registry: $versions"
foreach ($majorVersion in $versions)
$DacInstallPathWow6432Node = Get-SqlPackageForSqlVersion $majorVersion $true
$DacInstallPath = Get-SqlPackageForSqlVersion $majorVersion $false
if ($DacInstallPathWow6432Node -ne $null)
return $DacInstallPathWow6432Node, $majorVersion
elseif ($DacInstallPath -ne $null)
return $DacInstallPath, $majorVersion
Write-Verbose "Dac Framework (installed with SQL) not found on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME"
return $null, 0
function Locate-HighestVersionSqlPackageWithDacMsi()
$sqlDataTierFrameworkRegKeyWow = "HKLM:", "SOFTWARE", "Wow6432Node", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server", "Data-Tier Application Framework" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$sqlDataTierFrameworkRegKey = "HKLM:", "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server", "Data-Tier Application Framework" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if (-not (Test-Path $sqlDataTierFrameworkRegKey))
$sqlDataTierFrameworkRegKey = $sqlDataTierFrameworkRegKeyWow
if ((Test-Path $sqlDataTierFrameworkRegKey))
$keys = Get-Item $sqlDataTierFrameworkRegKey | %{$_.GetSubKeyNames()}
$versions = Get-SubKeysInFloatFormat $keys | Sort-Object -Descending
$installedMajorVersion = 0
foreach ($majorVersion in $versions)
$sqlInstallRootRegKey = "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server", "Data-Tier Application Framework", "$majorVersion" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$sqlInstallRootPath64 = Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError LocalMachine "$sqlInstallRootRegKey" "InstallDir" Registry64
$sqlInstallRootPath32 = Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError LocalMachine "$sqlInstallRootRegKey" "InstallDir" Registry32
if ($sqlInstallRootPath64 -ne $null)
$sqlInstallRootPath = $sqlInstallRootPath64
if ($sqlInstallRootPath32 -ne $null)
$sqlInstallRootPath = $sqlInstallRootPath32
$DacInstallPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($sqlInstallRootPath, "SqlPackage.exe")
if (Test-Path $DacInstallPath)
Write-Verbose "Dac Framework installed with SQL Version $majorVersion found at $DacInstallPath on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME"
return $DacInstallPath, $majorVersion
$sqlRegKeyWow = "HKLM:", "SOFTWARE", "Wow6432Node", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server", "DACFramework", "CurrentVersion" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$sqlRegKey = "HKLM:", "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server", "DACFramework", "CurrentVersion" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$sqlKey = "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "Microsoft SQL Server", "DACFramework", "CurrentVersion" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if (Test-Path $sqlRegKey)
$dacVersion = Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError LocalMachine "$sqlKey" "Version" Registry64
$majorVersion = $dacVersion.Substring(0, $dacVersion.IndexOf(".")) + "0"
if (Test-Path $sqlRegKeyWow)
$dacVersionX86 = Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError LocalMachine "$sqlKey" "Version" Registry32
$majorVersionX86 = $dacVersionX86.Substring(0, $dacVersionX86.IndexOf(".")) + "0"
if ((-not($dacVersion)) -and (-not($dacVersionX86)))
Write-Verbose "Dac Framework (installed with DAC Framework) not found on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME"
return $null, 0
if ($majorVersionX86 -gt $majorVersion)
$majorVersion = $majorVersionX86
$dacRelativePath = "Microsoft SQL Server", "$majorVersion", "DAC", "bin", "SqlPackage.exe" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$programFiles = $env:ProgramFiles
$programFilesX86 = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}"
if (-not ($programFilesX86 -eq $null))
$dacPath = $programFilesX86, $dacRelativePath -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if (Test-Path("$dacPath"))
Write-Verbose "Dac Framework (installed with DAC Framework Msi) found on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME at $dacPath"
return $dacPath, $majorVersion
if (-not ($programFiles -eq $null))
$dacPath = $programFiles, $dacRelativePath -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if (Test-Path($dacPath))
Write-Verbose "Dac Framework (installed with DAC Framework Msi) found on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME at $dacPath"
return $dacPath, $majorVersion
return $null, 0
function Locate-SqlPackageInVS_15_0()
$vs15 = Get-VisualStudio_15_0
if ($vs15 -and $vs15.installationPath) {
# End with "\" for consistency with old ShellFolder values.
$shellFolder15 = $vs15.installationPath.TrimEnd('\'[0]) + "\"
# Test for the DAC directory.
$dacParentDir = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($shellFolder15, 'Common7', 'IDE', 'Extensions', 'Microsoft', 'SQLDB', 'DAC')
$dacInstallPath, $dacInstallVersion = Get-LatestVersionSqlPackageInDacDirectory -dacParentDir $dacParentDir
return $dacInstallPath, $dacInstallVersion
return $null, 0
function Locate-SqlPackageInVS([string] $version)
$vsRegKeyForVersion = "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "VisualStudio", $version -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$vsInstallDir = Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError LocalMachine "$vsRegKeyForVersion" "InstallDir" Registry64
if ($vsInstallDir -eq $null)
$vsInstallDir = Get-RegistryValueIgnoreError LocalMachine "$vsRegKeyForVersion" "InstallDir" Registry32
if ($vsInstallDir)
Write-Verbose "Visual Studio install location: $vsInstallDir"
$dacExtensionPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine("Extensions", "Microsoft", "SQLDB", "DAC")
$dacParentDir = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($vsInstallDir, $dacExtensionPath)
$dacInstallPath, $dacInstallVersion = Get-LatestVersionSqlPackageInDacDirectory -dacParentDir $dacParentDir
return $dacInstallPath, $dacInstallVersion
return $null, 0
function Get-LatestVersionSqlPackageInDacDirectory([string] $dacParentDir)
if (Test-Path $dacParentDir)
$dacVersionDirs = Get-ChildItem $dacParentDir | Sort-Object @{e={$_.Name -as [int]}} -Descending
foreach ($dacVersionDir in $dacVersionDirs)
$dacVersion = $dacVersionDir.Name
$dacFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($dacVersionDir.FullName, "SqlPackage.exe")
if(Test-Path $dacFullPath -pathtype leaf)
Write-Verbose "Dac Framework installed with Visual Studio found at $dacFullPath on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME"
return $dacFullPath, $dacVersion
Write-Verbose "Unable to find Dac framework installed with Visual Studio at $($dacVersionDir.FullName) on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME"
return $null, 0
function Locate-HighestVersionSqlPackageInVS()
# Locate SqlPackage.exe in VS 15.0
$dacFullPath, $dacVersion = Locate-SqlPackageInVS_15_0
if ($dacFullPath -ne $null)
return $dacFullPath, $dacVersion
#Locate SqlPackage.exe in older version
$vsRegKey = "HKLM:", "SOFTWARE", "Wow6432Node", "Microsoft", "VisualStudio" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
$vsRegKey64 = "HKLM:", "SOFTWARE", "Microsoft", "VisualStudio" -join [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
if (-not (Test-Path $vsRegKey))
$vsRegKey = $vsRegKey64
if (-not (Test-Path $vsRegKey))
Write-Verbose "Visual Studio not found on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME"
return $null, 0
$keys = Get-Item $vsRegKey | %{$_.GetSubKeyNames()}
$versions = Get-SubKeysInFloatFormat $keys | Sort-Object -Descending
Write-Verbose "Visual Studio versions found on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME as read from registry: $versions"
foreach ($majorVersion in $versions)
$dacFullPath, $dacVersion = Locate-SqlPackageInVS $majorVersion
if ($dacFullPath -ne $null)
return $dacFullPath, $dacVersion
Write-Verbose "Dac Framework (installed with Visual Studio) not found on machine $env:COMPUTERNAME "
return $null, 0
function Get-VisualStudio_15_0 {
$visualStudioInstallDir = $null
try {
# Query for the latest 15.* version.
# Note, the capability is registered as VisualStudio_15.0, however the actual version
# may be something like 15.2.
Write-Verbose "Getting latest Visual Studio 15 setup instance."
$output = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
Invoke-VstsTool -FileName "$PSScriptRoot\vswhere.exe" -Arguments "-version [15.0,16.0) -latest -format json" -RequireExitCodeZero 2>&1 |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
Write-Verbose "STDERR: $($_.Exception.Message)"
else {
Write-Verbose $_
$null = $output.AppendLine($_)
$visualStudioInstallDir = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $output.ToString()) |
Select-Object -First 1
if (!$visualStudioInstallDir) {
# Query for the latest 15.* BuildTools.
# Note, whereas VS 15.x version number is always 15.0.*, BuildTools does not follow the
# the same scheme. It appears to follow the 15.<UPDATE_NUMBER>.* versioning scheme.
Write-Verbose "Getting latest BuildTools 15 setup instance."
$output = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
Invoke-VstsTool -FileName "$PSScriptRoot\vswhere.exe" -Arguments "-version [15.0,16.0) -products Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.BuildTools -latest -format json" -RequireExitCodeZero 2>&1 |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {
Write-Verbose "STDERR: $($_.Exception.Message)"
else {
Write-Verbose $_
$null = $output.AppendLine($_)
$visualStudioInstallDir = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $output.ToString()) |
Select-Object -First 1
} catch {
Write-Verbose ($_ | Out-String)
$visualStudioInstallDir = $null
return $visualStudioInstallDir
function Get-SQLPackagePath
$sqlPackage = Get-SqlPackageOnTargetMachine
return $sqlPackage
# requires findsqlpackage.ps1 at "$SystemDefaultWorkingDirectory\Database\Deploy\FindSqlPackagePath.ps1"
$SystemArtifactDirectory = $ENV:Build_ArtifactStagingDirectory
$SystemDefaultWorkingDirectory = $ENV:System_DefaultWorkingDirectory
$Instance = $ENV:Instance
$DBName = $Env:DBName
$BuildNumber = $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
$dacpacpath = $SystemArtifactDirectory + '\' + $DBName + 'ge.' + $BuildNumber + '.dacpac'
Write-Output "Loading the functions from $SystemDefaultWorkingDirectory\Database\Deploy\FindSqlPackagePath.ps1"
. "$SystemDefaultWorkingDirectory\Database\Deploy\FindSqlPackagePath.ps1"
$SqlPackagePath = Get-SqlPackagePath
Write-Output "Using SQL Package at $SqlPackagePath "
try {
Write-Output "Generating the Change Script using the dacpac $dacpacpath against Instance $Instance and database $DBName"
& $SqlPackagePath /a:Script /sf:"$dacpacpath" /tsn:"$Instance" /tdn:"$DBNAme" /op:"$SystemArtifactDirectory\ChangeScript.sql"
Write-Output "Generating the Deploy Report using the dacpac $dacpacpath against Instance $Instance and database $DBName"
& $SqlPackagePath /a:DeployReport /sf:"$dacpacpath" /tsn:"$Instance" /tdn:"$DBNAme" /op:"$SystemArtifactDirectory\DeployReport.xml"
catch {
$_ | Format-List -Force
Write-Error "Failed to generate Scripts and Report"
Write-Output "Generating information for the summary in Azure Devops"
[xml]$xml = Get-Content $SystemArtifactDirectory\DeployReport.xml
$Type = @{Name = 'Type' ; Expression = {($_.Type -creplace '([A-Z\W_]|\d+)(?<![a-z])',' $&').Replace('Sql','').trim()}}
$Schema = @{Name = 'Schema' ; Expression = {$_.Value.Split('.')[0]}}
$Object = @{Name = 'Object' ; Expression = {$_.Value.Split('.')[1..9] -join '.'}}
$Operations = foreach($Operation in $xml.DeploymentReport.Operations.Operation ) {
$Action = @{Name = 'Operation' ; Expression = {$Operation.Name}}
foreach($Item in $Operation.Item){
$item | Select-Object $Action,$Schema, $Object,$Type
$Errors = foreach($Err in $xml.DeploymentReport.Errors.Error ) {
$Info = @{Name = 'Type' ; Expression = {"Error"}}
foreach($Item in $Err.Item){
$item | Select-Object $Info, *
$Warnings = foreach($War in $xml.DeploymentReport.Warnings.Warning ) {
$Info = @{Name = 'Type' ; Expression = {"Warning"}}
foreach($Item in $War.Item){
$item | Select-Object $Info, *
$Alerts = foreach($Ale in $xml.DeploymentReport.Alerts.Alert ) {
$Info = @{Name = 'Type' ; Expression = {"Error"}}
foreach($Item in $Ale.Item){
$item | Select-Object $Info, *
Write-Warning "Failed when generating information for the summary"
$TempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$EWA = $Errors + $Warnings + $Alerts
if($EWA.length -gt 0){
$EWA | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Set-Content $Tempfile
"No Errors, Warnings or Alerts" | Set-Content $Tempfile
Write-Host "##vso[task.addattachment type=Distributedtask.Core.Summary;name="01 - Deployment Report Errors Warnings and Alerts";]$Tempfile"
$TempFile1 = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
if($Operations.length -gt 1){
$Operations | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Set-Content $Tempfile1
"Schema is the same, nothing to do here" | Set-Content $Tempfile1
Write-Host "##vso[task.addattachment type=Distributedtask.Core.Summary;name="02 - Deployment Report Actions";]$Tempfile1"
$TempFile2 = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
Get-Content $SystemArtifactDirectory\ChangeScript.sql | set-content $Tempfile2
Write-Host "##vso[task.addattachment type=Distributedtask.Core.Summary;name="03 - Deployment Change Script";]$Tempfile2"
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