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  • Save SQLvariant/4e1edf1cfbb2c54cd593a37513740bac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SQLvariant/4e1edf1cfbb2c54cd593a37513740bac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<# This script is intented to help automate Steps 2-7 for downloading & installing the SQL Server Performance Dashboard Reports #>
<# If the ReportingServicesTools is not present, download the ReportingServicesTools module from GitHib #>
try {Import-Module ReportingServicesTools -ErrorAction Stop} catch {Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest} finally {Import-Module ReportingServicesTools}
<# Setting our GitHub resources to variables #>
$ZipURL = ""
$SQLURL = ''
<# Where to place the files when they are downloaded
$ZipFile will go to the current users 'Downloads' folder.
$ReportsBaseFolder is where the SSRS Solution will be unzipped to.
You could change this to somewhere else like "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects"
$SQLFile is the Setup.SQL that must be run on each SQL Server before these reports can work. #>
$ZipFile = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Downloads\"
$ReportsBaseFolder = 'C:\SQL Server Performance Dashboard'
$SQLFile = "$($ReportsBaseFolder)\Setup.SQL"
<# SSRS Instance, this is where the reports will be rendered from.
You probably need to change this to something like 'http://MyReportServer/ReportServer' #>
$SSRSInstance = 'http://localhost/ReportServer_SQL2016'
$NewSSRSReportFolder = 'SQL Server Performance Dashboard'
<# Start up a web client and download the GitHub resources #>
$webclient = New-Object
<# UnZip the Reporting Solution Zip file #>
Expand-Archive $ZipFile -DestinationPath $ReportsBaseFolder
<# Now that the reports are unzipped, download the SQL file to that same directory #>
<# Deploy the dashboard reports to the $NewSSRSReportFolder ('SQL Server Performance Dashboard') folder of an SSRS instance
Note: We are creating the folder using New-RsFolder, you may need to skip this step if you’ve already run it once. #>
New-RsFolder -ReportServerUri $SSRSInstance -Path / -Name $NewSSRSReportFolder
Write-RsFolderContent -ReportServerUri $SSRSInstance -Path "$($ReportsBaseFolder)\SQL Server Performance Dashboard\" -Destination /$NewSSRSReportFolder
<# Loop through Registered Servers & deploy the Setup.SQL file to each instance
You can also use a Central Management Server to list your SQL servers by swapping 'Database Engine Server Group' for 'Central Management Server Group' #>
foreach ($RegisteredSQLs IN dir -recurse SQLSERVER:\SQLRegistration\'Database Engine Server Group'\ | where {$_.Mode -ne 'd'} )
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $RegisteredSQLs.Name -Database msdb -InputFile $SQLFile
<# Go to SSRS and make sure everythng works
You URL should look something like http://localhost/Reports_SQL2016/report/SQL%20Server%20Performance%20Dashboard/performance_dashboard_main #>
Start-Process "$($SSRSInstance -replace 'Server', 's')/report/$($NewSSRSReportFolder)/performance_dashboard_main"
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