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Aaron Nelson SQLvariant

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<# This is the code used to tell you
which databases are using up the RAM on
your SQL Server is great information to know
Queries are from #>
$SQLInstance = 'localhost\SQL2016'
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLInstance -Database master -Query "
DECLARE @total_buffer INT;
SELECT @total_buffer = cntr_value
Get-Command -Module SqlServer -Noun SqlAgent*
Get-SqlAgentJobHistory -ServerInstance localhost, localhost\SQL2016 -Since Midnight -OutcomesType Failed
Get-SqlAgentJobHistory -ServerInstance localhost, localhost\SQL2016 -Since Midnight -OutcomesType Failed |
<# This script is intented to help automate Steps 2-7 for downloading & installing the SQL Server Performance Dashboard Reports #>
<# If the ReportingServicesTools is not present, download the ReportingServicesTools module from GitHib #>
try {Import-Module ReportingServicesTools -ErrorAction Stop} catch {Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest} finally {Import-Module ReportingServicesTools}
<# Setting our GitHub resources to variables #>
$ZipURL = ""
$SQLURL = ''
SQLvariant / 000_Downlading_SqlServer_module.ps1
Last active May 22, 2017 12:40
SQL PowerShell Demos for Spring of 2017
Install-Module SqlServer
<# If you don't have admin #>
Install-Module SqlServer -Scope CurrentUser
<# Find the commands #>
Get-Command -Module SqlServer -CommandType Cmdlet |
<# What if you need to install on a server behind a firewall #>
Let's go shopping in the PowerShell Store
Ok, it is not actually called the 'store'
it is called the PowerShell Gallery
<# Use the Search #>
"name": "Top15Palatte",
"dataColors": ["#887e6f","#295270","#e6942d","#d52c33","#9f9311","#9fc2dc","#ffc945","#665d3c","#54758D","#DD565C","#EBA957","#9f9f9f","#276B75","#b6749c","#9d9898"
"foreground": "#003052",
"tableAccent": "#9fc2dc"
Function Get-DisksSpace
Grabs Hard Drive & Mount Point space information.
Grabs Hard Drive & Mount Point space information.
.PARAMETER serverName
Accepte 1 or more servernames, up to 50 at once.
SQLvariant / ExcelSchemaAndData_to_PowerBI_DataSet.ps1
Created March 11, 2019 13:18
Use PowerShell to extract Excel Worksheey Schema and Data to create Power BI DataSet
<# Literally one of the oldest SQL PowerShell examples, and it now works on PSCore.
I'm only doing this step to generate data to place in an Excel spreadsheet.
IMPORTANT: If you already have an Excel spreadsheet, skip this section! #>
ls 'SQLSERVER:\SQLRegistration\Database Engine Server Group' -Recurse |
WHERE {$_.Mode -ne 'd' } |
foreach {
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $_.Name -Database master -OutputAs DataTables -Query "
SELECT @@ServerName AS 'ServerName',
DB_NAME(dbid) AS 'DatabaseName',
name AS 'LogicalName',
SQLvariant / QuickSQLContainer_wAW2016.ps1
Created March 12, 2019 23:08
Create a SQL-on-Linux container, and restore the AdventureWorks2016 DB
$BakURL = ""
$BakFile = "$($Home)\Downloads\AdventureWorks2016.bak"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BakURL -OutFile $BakFile
mkdir C:\SQLData\Docker\SQLDev02
#dir C:\SQLData\Docker\SQLDev02 | OGV -PassThru | Remove-Item
Copy-Item -Path "$($Home)\Downloads\AdventureWorks2016.bak" -Destination C:\SQLData\Docker\SQLDev02
<# Create a Container with a volume mounted from the host #>
SQLvariant / ADS_Extension.ps1
Created March 14, 2019 01:45
Common SQL PowerShell examples for the SqlServer module
<# Get the Server SMO objects for ServerA & ServerB
The default output for this command will include the Instance name, version, Service Pack, & CU Update Level #>
Get-SqlInstance -ServerInstance ServerA, ServerB
<# Sample Output #>
Instance Name Version ProductLevel UpdateLevel
------------- ------- ------------ -----------
ServerA 13.0.5233 SP2 CU4
ServerB 14.0.3045 RTM CU12
<# Get the Instance name, version, Service Pack, & CU Update Level,