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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Using config files for messages. License: Code usable without any restrictions.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.i18n
import scala.language.postfixOps
import play.api._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import com.typesafe.config._
* A Lang supported by the application.
* @param language a valid ISO Language Code.
* @param country a valid ISO Country Code.
case class Lang(language: String, country: String = "") {
* Convert to a Java Locale value.
def toLocale: java.util.Locale = {
Option(country).filterNot(_.isEmpty).map(c => new java.util.Locale(language, c)).getOrElse(new java.util.Locale(language))
* Whether this lang satisfies the given lang.
* If the other lang defines a country code, then this is equivalent to equals, if it doesn't, then the equals is
* only done on language and the country of this lang is ignored.
* This implements the language matching specified by RFC2616 Section 14.4. Equality is case insensitive as per
* Section 3.10.
* @param accept The accepted language
def satisfies(accept: Lang) = language.equalsIgnoreCase(accept.language) && (accept match {
case Lang(_, "") => true
case Lang(_, c) => country.equalsIgnoreCase(c)
* The Lang code (such as fr or en-US).
lazy val code = language.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH) + Option(country).filterNot(_.isEmpty).map("-" + _.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH)).getOrElse("")
override def equals(that: Any) = {
that match {
case lang: Lang => code == lang.code
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = code.hashCode
* Utilities related to Lang values.
object Lang {
* The default Lang to use if nothing matches (platform default)
implicit lazy val defaultLang = {
val defaultLocale = java.util.Locale.getDefault
Lang(defaultLocale.getLanguage, defaultLocale.getCountry)
private val SimpleLocale = """([a-zA-Z]{2})""".r
private val CountryLocale = (SimpleLocale.toString + """-([a-zA-Z]{2}|[0-9]{3})""").r
* Create a Lang value from a code (such as fr or en-US) and
* throw exception if language is unrecognized
def apply(code: String): Lang = {
sys.error("Unrecognized language: %s".format(code))
* Create a Lang value from a code (such as fr or en-US) or none
* if language is unrecognized.
def get(code: String): Option[Lang] = {
code match {
case SimpleLocale(language) => Some(Lang(language, ""))
case CountryLocale(language, country) => Some(Lang(language, country))
case _ => None
* Retrieve Lang availables from the application configuration.
* {{{
* application.langs="fr,en,de"
* }}}
def availables(implicit app: Application): Seq[Lang] = {
app.configuration.getString("application.langs").map { langs =>
langs.split(",").map(_.trim).map { lang =>
try { Lang(lang) } catch {
case NonFatal(e) => throw app.configuration.reportError("application.langs", "Invalid language code [" + lang + "]", Some(e))
* Guess the preferred lang in the langs set passed as argument.
* The first Lang that matches an available Lang wins, otherwise returns the first Lang available in this application.
def preferred(langs: Seq[Lang])(implicit app: Application): Lang = {
val all = availables
langs.collectFirst(Function.unlift { lang =>
* High-level internationalisation API (not available yet).
* For example:
* {{{
* val msgString = Messages("items.found", items.size)
* }}}
object Messages {
* Translates a message.
* Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.
* @param key the message key
* @param args the message arguments
* @return the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasn’t defined
def apply(key: String, args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String = {
Play.maybeApplication.flatMap { app =>
_.api.translate(key, args)
throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled")
}.getOrElse(noMatch(key, args))
* Translates the first defined message.
* Starts looking for a key from the left and searches all the languages
* before moving to the next key. See [[findKeyPreferLanguageMatch]]
* Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.
* @param keys the message key
* @param args the message arguments
* @return the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasn’t defined
def apply(keys: Seq[String], args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String = {
Play.maybeApplication.flatMap { app =>
app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map( _.api.translate( keys, args ) )
throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled")
}.getOrElse( noMatch(keys.last, args))
* Check if a message key is defined.
* @param key the message key
* @return a boolean
def isDefinedAt(key: String)(implicit lang: Lang): Boolean = { { app =>
app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map(_.api.isDefinedAt(key)).getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled"))
private def noMatch( key: String, args: Seq[Any] ) = {
play.api.Play.logger.warn( s"[i18n] Not found: [Key:$key]" )
* The internationalisation API.
case class MessagesApi(messages: Map[String, Config]) {
import java.text._
def langsToTry( implicit lang: Lang ): Seq[ Lang ] = {
Lang(lang.language, ""),
Lang("default", ""),
Lang("", "")
* Translates a message.
* Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.
* @param key the message key
* @param args the message arguments
* @return the formatted message, if this key was defined
def translate(key: String, args: Seq[Any])(implicit lang: Lang): Option[String] = {
(res, lang) => res.orElse( translateStrict( key, args, lang ) )
private def translateStrict( key: String, args: Seq[ Any ], lang: Lang ): Option[ String ] = {
if( isDefinedAtStrict( key, lang ) )
val pattern = messages( lang.code ).getString( key )
Some( new MessageFormat( pattern, lang.toLocale ).
format( _.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Object] ).toArray ) )
else None
def translate( keys: Seq[ String ], args: Seq[ Any ] )( implicit lang: Lang ): Option[ String ] = {
keys.foldLeft[Option[String]](None) {
case (None, key ) => translate(key, args)
case (acc, _) => acc
* Check if a message key is defined.
* @param key the message key
* @return a boolean
def isDefinedAt(key: String)(implicit lang: Lang): Boolean = {
langsToTry.foldLeft[Boolean](false)({ (acc, lang) =>
acc || isDefinedAtStrict( key, lang )
private def isDefinedAtStrict(key: String, lang: Lang): Boolean = {
messages.get( lang.code ).map( lmc => lmc.hasPath( key ) ).getOrElse( false )
* Play Plugin for internationalisation.
trait MessagesPlugin extends Plugin {
def api: MessagesApi
class ConfigMessagesPlugin(app: Application) extends MessagesPlugin {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
private lazy val i18nConfig = app.configuration.getString("i18nConfig")
private lazy val pluginEnabled = i18nConfig.isDefined
//unsafe, depends on usage
protected lazy val allMessages = ConfigFactory.load( i18nConfig.get )
protected def messages = {
Lang.availables(app).map(_.code).map { lang =>
( lang, allMessages.getConfig( lang ) )
.+( "default" -> allMessages.getConfig( "default" ) )
.+( "" -> allMessages.getConfig( "messages.default" ) )
* Is this plugin enabled.
* {{{
* defaultmessagesplugin=disabled
* }}}
* The underlying internationalisation API.
lazy val api = MessagesApi(messages)
* Loads all configuration and message files defined in the classpath.
override def onStart() = api
diff --git a/Messages.scala b/Messages.scala
index 86fbb23..0089ccc 100644
--- a/Messages.scala
+++ b/Messages.scala
@@ -6,14 +6,10 @@ package play.api.i18n
import scala.language.postfixOps
import play.api._
-import play.utils.{ PlayIO, Resources }
-import scala.util.parsing.input._
-import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
-import play.api.i18n.Messages.UrlMessageSource
+import com.typesafe.config._
* A Lang supported by the application.
@@ -149,12 +145,18 @@ object Messages {
def apply(key: String, args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String = {
Play.maybeApplication.flatMap { app =>
- app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map(_.api.translate(key, args)).getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled"))
+ app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map(
+ _.api.translate(key, args)
+ ).getOrElse(
+ throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled")
+ )
}.getOrElse(noMatch(key, args))
* Translates the first defined message.
+ * Starts looking for a key from the left and searches all the languages
+ * before moving to the next key. See [[findKeyPreferLanguageMatch]]
* Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.
@@ -164,13 +166,11 @@ object Messages {
def apply(keys: Seq[String], args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String = {
Play.maybeApplication.flatMap { app =>
- app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map { plugin =>
- keys.foldLeft[Option[String]](None) {
- case (None, key) => plugin.api.translate(key, args)
- case (acc, _) => acc
- }
- }.getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled"))
- }.getOrElse(noMatch(keys(keys.length - 1), args))
+ app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map( _.api.translate( keys, args ) )
+ .getOrElse(
+ throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled")
+ )
+ }.getOrElse( noMatch(keys.last, args))
@@ -184,105 +184,9 @@ object Messages {
- /**
- * Retrieves all messages defined in this application.
- */
- def messages(implicit app: Application): Map[String, Map[String, String]] = {
- app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map(_.api.messages).getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled"))
- }
- /**
- * Parse all messages of a given input.
- */
- def messages(messageSource: MessageSource, messageSourceName: String): Either[PlayException.ExceptionSource, Map[String, String]] = {
- new Messages.MessagesParser(messageSource, "") { messages =>
- { message => message.key -> message.pattern }.toMap
- }
- }
- /**
- * A source for messages
- */
- trait MessageSource {
- /**
- * Read the message source as a String
- */
- def read: String
- }
- case class UrlMessageSource(url: URL) extends MessageSource {
- def read = PlayIO.readUrlAsString(url)(Codec.UTF8)
- }
- private def noMatch(key: String, args: Seq[Any]) = key
- private[i18n] case class Message(key: String, pattern: String, source: MessageSource, sourceName: String) extends Positional
- /**
- * Message file Parser.
- */
- private[i18n] class MessagesParser(messageSource: MessageSource, messageSourceName: String) extends RegexParsers {
- case class Comment(msg: String)
- override def skipWhitespace = false
- override val whiteSpace = """^[ \t]+""".r
- def namedError[A](p: Parser[A], msg: String) = Parser[A] { i =>
- p(i) match {
- case Failure(_, in) => Failure(msg, in)
- case o => o
- }
- }
- val end = """^\s*""".r
- val newLine = namedError((("\r"?) ~> "\n"), "End of line expected")
- val ignoreWhiteSpace = opt(whiteSpace)
- val blankLine = ignoreWhiteSpace <~ newLine ^^ { case _ => Comment("") }
- val comment = """^#.*""".r ^^ { case s => Comment(s) }
- val messageKey = namedError("""^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+""".r, "Message key expected")
- val messagePattern = namedError(
- rep(
- ("""\""" ^^ (_ => "")) ~> ( // Ignore the leading \
- ("\r"?) ~> "\n" ^^ (_ => "") | // Ignore escaped end of lines \
- "n" ^^ (_ => "\n") | // Translate literal \n to real newline
- """\""" | // Handle escaped \\
- "^.".r ^^ ("""\""" + _)
- ) |
- "^.".r // Or any character
- ) ^^ { case chars => chars.mkString },
- "Message pattern expected"
- )
- val message = ignoreWhiteSpace ~ messageKey ~ (ignoreWhiteSpace ~ "=" ~ ignoreWhiteSpace) ~ messagePattern ^^ {
- case (_ ~ k ~ _ ~ v) => Messages.Message(k, v.trim, messageSource, messageSourceName)
- }
- val sentence = (comment | positioned(message)) <~ newLine
- val parser = phrase((sentence | blankLine *) <~ end) ^^ {
- case messages => messages.collect {
- case m @ Messages.Message(_, _, _, _) => m
- }
- }
- def parse: Either[PlayException.ExceptionSource, Seq[Message]] = {
- parser(new CharSequenceReader( + "\n")) match {
- case Success(messages, _) => Right(messages)
- case NoSuccess(message, in) => Left(
- new PlayException.ExceptionSource("Configuration error", message) {
- def line = in.pos.line
- def position = in.pos.column - 1
- def input =
- def sourceName = messageSourceName
- }
- )
- }
- }
+ private def noMatch( key: String, args: Seq[Any] ) = {
+ play.api.Play.logger.warn( s"[i18n] Not found: [Key:$key]" )
+ key
@@ -290,10 +194,19 @@ object Messages {
* The internationalisation API.
-case class MessagesApi(messages: Map[String, Map[String, String]]) {
+case class MessagesApi(messages: Map[String, Config]) {
import java.text._
+ def langsToTry( implicit lang: Lang ): Seq[ Lang ] = {
+ List(
+ lang,
+ Lang(lang.language, ""),
+ Lang("default", ""),
+ Lang("", "")
+ )
+ }
* Translates a message.
@@ -304,28 +217,44 @@ case class MessagesApi(messages: Map[String, Map[String, String]]) {
* @return the formatted message, if this key was defined
def translate(key: String, args: Seq[Any])(implicit lang: Lang): Option[String] = {
- val langsToTry: List[Lang] =
- List(lang, Lang(lang.language, ""), Lang("default", ""), Lang("", ""))
- val pattern: Option[String] =
- langsToTry.foldLeft[Option[String]](None)((res, lang) =>
- res.orElse(messages.get(lang.code).flatMap(_.get(key))))
- =>
- new MessageFormat(pattern, lang.toLocale).format([java.lang.Object]).toArray))
+ langsToTry.foldLeft[Option[String]](
+ None
+ )(
+ (res, lang) => res.orElse( translateStrict( key, args, lang ) )
+ )
+ }
+ private def translateStrict( key: String, args: Seq[ Any ], lang: Lang ): Option[ String ] = {
+ if( isDefinedAtStrict( key, lang ) )
+ {
+ val pattern = messages( lang.code ).getString( key )
+ Some( new MessageFormat( pattern, lang.toLocale ).
+ format( _.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Object] ).toArray ) )
+ }
+ else None
+ def translate( keys: Seq[ String ], args: Seq[ Any ] )( implicit lang: Lang ): Option[ String ] = {
+ keys.foldLeft[Option[String]](None) {
+ case (None, key ) => translate(key, args)
+ case (acc, _) => acc
+ }
+ }
* Check if a message key is defined.
* @param key the message key
* @return a boolean
def isDefinedAt(key: String)(implicit lang: Lang): Boolean = {
- val langsToTry: List[Lang] = List(lang, Lang(lang.language, ""), Lang("default", ""), Lang("", ""))
langsToTry.foldLeft[Boolean](false)({ (acc, lang) =>
- acc || messages.get(lang.code).map(_.isDefinedAt(key)).getOrElse(false)
+ acc || isDefinedAtStrict( key, lang )
+ private def isDefinedAtStrict(key: String, lang: Lang): Boolean = {
+ messages.get( lang.code ).map( lmc => lmc.hasPath( key ) ).getOrElse( false )
+ }
@@ -335,30 +264,22 @@ trait MessagesPlugin extends Plugin {
def api: MessagesApi
-class DefaultMessagesPlugin(app: Application) extends MessagesPlugin {
+class ConfigMessagesPlugin(app: Application) extends MessagesPlugin {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- private lazy val messagesPrefix = app.configuration.getString("messages.path")
- private lazy val pluginEnabled = app.configuration.getString("defaultmessagesplugin")
- private def joinPaths(first: Option[String], second: String) = first match {
- case Some(first) => new, second).getPath
- case None => second
- }
+ private lazy val i18nConfig = app.configuration.getString("i18nConfig")
+ private lazy val pluginEnabled = i18nConfig.isDefined
- protected def loadMessages(file: String): Map[String, String] = {
- app.classloader.getResources(joinPaths(messagesPrefix, file)).asScala.toList.filterNot(Resources.isDirectory) { messageFile =>
- Messages.messages(UrlMessageSource(messageFile), messageFile.toString).fold(e => throw e, identity)
- }.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, String]) { _ ++ _ }
- }
+ //unsafe, depends on usage
+ protected lazy val allMessages = ConfigFactory.load( i18nConfig.get )
protected def messages = {
Lang.availables(app).map(_.code).map { lang =>
- (lang, loadMessages("messages." + lang))
+ ( lang, allMessages.getConfig( lang ) )
- .+("default" -> loadMessages("messages"))
- .+("" -> loadMessages("messages.default"))
+ .+( "default" -> allMessages.getConfig( "default" ) )
+ .+( "" -> allMessages.getConfig( "messages.default" ) )
@@ -368,8 +289,6 @@ class DefaultMessagesPlugin(app: Application) extends MessagesPlugin {
* defaultmessagesplugin=disabled
* }}}
- override def enabled = pluginEnabled.forall(_ != "disabled")
* The underlying internationalisation API.
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