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set_option autoBoundImplicitLocal false
universe u u' v w w' uv vw iu iv iw iuv uu vv iuu
class HasInstances (I : Sort v) : Sort (max (u + 1) v) where
(Inst : I → Sort u)
namespace HasInstances
instance coeSort (I : Sort v) [h : HasInstances.{u, v} I] : CoeSort I (Sort u) := ⟨h.Inst⟩
instance sortHasInstances : HasInstances.{u, u + 1} (Sort u) := ⟨id⟩
end HasInstances
structure Universe : Type (max u v) where
(I : Sort v)
[inst : HasInstances.{u, v} I]
namespace Universe
instance hasInstances : HasInstances Universe := ⟨λ S => S.I⟩
variable (U : Universe.{u, v})
instance instInst : HasInstances.{u, v} U.I := U.inst
instance : HasInstances U := instInst U
end Universe
def sort : Universe.{u, u + 1} := ⟨Sort u⟩
@[reducible] def prop := sort.{0}
@[reducible] def type := sort.{u + 1}
def MetaRelation (α : Sort u) (V : Universe.{v, w}) := α → α → V
namespace MetaRelation
variable {α : Sort u} {V : Universe} (R : MetaRelation α V)
class HasRefl where
(refl (a : α) : R a a)
class HasSymm where
(symm {a b : α} : R a b → R b a)
class HasTrans where
(trans {a b c : α} : R a b → R b c → R a c)
class IsPreorder extends HasRefl R, HasTrans R
class IsEquivalence extends IsPreorder R, HasSymm R
notation:90 g:91 " • " f:90 => MetaRelation.HasTrans.trans f g
postfix:max "⁻¹" => MetaRelation.HasSymm.symm
@[reducible] def lift {ω : Sort w} (l : ω → α) : MetaRelation ω V := λ a b => R (l a) (l b)
namespace lift
variable {ω : Sort w} (l : ω → α)
instance hasRefl [h : HasRefl R] : HasRefl (lift R l) := ⟨λ a => h.refl (l a)⟩
instance hasSymm [h : HasSymm R] : HasSymm (lift R l) := ⟨h.symm⟩
instance hasTrans [h : HasTrans R] : HasTrans (lift R l) := ⟨h.trans⟩
instance isPreorder [IsPreorder R] : IsPreorder (lift R l) := ⟨⟩
instance isEquivalence [IsEquivalence R] : IsEquivalence (lift R l) := ⟨⟩
end lift
def nativeRelation {α : Sort u} (r : α → α → Prop) : MetaRelation α prop := r
def nativeEquivalence {α : Sort u} {r : α → α → Prop} (e : Equivalence r) :
IsEquivalence (nativeRelation r) :=
{ refl := e.refl,
symm := e.symm
trans := e.trans }
end MetaRelation
class HasEquivalenceRelation (α : Sort u) (V : outParam Universe.{v, w}) :
Sort (max u (v + 1) w) where
(R : MetaRelation α V)
[h : MetaRelation.IsEquivalence R]
namespace HasEquivalenceRelation
open MetaRelation
variable {α : Sort u} {V : Universe} [h : HasEquivalenceRelation α V]
instance isEquivalence : IsEquivalence h.R := h.h
infix:25 " ≃ " => HasEquivalenceRelation.R
end HasEquivalenceRelation
instance HasEquivalenceRelation.coeNativeEquivalence {α : Sort u} {r : α → α → Prop} :
Coe (Equivalence r) (HasEquivalenceRelation α prop) :=
⟨λ e => { R := r,
h := MetaRelation.nativeEquivalence e }⟩
class HasInstanceEquivalences (U : Universe.{u}) (IU : outParam Universe.{iu}) where
(hasEq (A : U) : HasEquivalenceRelation A IU)
namespace HasInstanceEquivalences
variable {U IU : Universe} [h : HasInstanceEquivalences U IU]
instance hasEquivalenceRelation (A : U) : HasEquivalenceRelation A IU := h.hasEq A
end HasInstanceEquivalences
class HasIdentity (U : Universe.{u, uu}) where
{IU : Universe.{iu, iuu}}
[h : HasInstanceEquivalences U IU]
namespace HasIdentity
variable (U : Universe) [h : HasIdentity U]
instance hasInstanceEquivalences : HasInstanceEquivalences U h.IU := h.h
end HasIdentity
class HasFunctors (U : Universe.{u}) [HasIdentity.{u, iu} U] where
(Fun : U → U → U)
(apply {A B : U} : Fun A B → A → B)
(congrArg {A B : U} (F : Fun A B) {a₁ a₂ : A} : a₁ ≃ a₂ → apply F a₁ ≃ apply F a₂)
namespace HasFunctors
open MetaRelation
infixr:20 " ⟶ " => HasFunctors.Fun
variable {U : Universe} [HasIdentity U] [HasFunctors U]
instance coeFun (A B : U) : CoeFun (A ⟶ B) (λ _ => A → B) := ⟨apply⟩
structure DefFun (A B : U) (f : A → B) where
(F : A ⟶ B)
(eff (a : A) : F a ≃ f a)
notation:20 A:21 " ⟶{" f:0 "} " B:21 => HasFunctors.DefFun A B f
variable {A B : U}
def fromDefFun {f : A → B} (F : A ⟶{f} B) : A ⟶ B := F.F
def byDef {f : A → B} {F : A ⟶{f} B} {a : A} : (fromDefFun F) a ≃ f a := F.eff a
def applyCongrArg {A B : U} (F : A ⟶ B) {a₁ a₂ : A} (h : a₁ ≃ a₂)
{b₁ b₂ : B} (h₁ : F a₁ ≃ b₁) (h₂ : F a₂ ≃ b₂) :
b₁ ≃ b₂ :=
h₂ • congrArg F h • h₁⁻¹
def defCongrArg {A B : U} {f : A → B} (F : A ⟶{f} B) {a₁ a₂ : A} : a₁ ≃ a₂ → f a₁ ≃ f a₂ :=
λ h => applyCongrArg (fromDefFun F) h byDef byDef
end HasFunctors
class HasCongrFun (U : Universe.{u}) [HasIdentity U] [HasFunctors U] where
(congrFun {A B : U} {F₁ F₂ : A ⟶ B} (h : F₁ ≃ F₂) (a : A) : F₁ a ≃ F₂ a)
namespace HasCongrFun
open HasFunctors
variable {U : Universe} [HasIdentity U] [HasFunctors U] [HasCongrFun U]
def applyCongrFun {A B : U} {F₁ F₂ : A ⟶ B} (h : F₁ ≃ F₂) (a : A)
{b₁ b₂ : B} (h₁ : F₁ a ≃ b₁) (h₂ : F₂ a ≃ b₂) :
b₁ ≃ b₂ :=
h₂ • congrFun h a • h₁⁻¹
def defCongrFun {A B : U} {f₁ f₂ : A → B} {F₁ : A ⟶{f₁} B} {F₂ : A ⟶{f₂} B}
(h : fromDefFun F₁ ≃ fromDefFun F₂) (a : A) :
f₁ a ≃ f₂ a :=
applyCongrFun h a byDef byDef
end HasCongrFun
class HasRevAppFun (U : Universe) [HasIdentity U] [HasFunctors U] where
(defRevAppFun {A : U} (a : A) (B : U) : (A ⟶ B) ⟶{λ F => F a} B)
namespace HasRevAppFun
variable {U : Universe} [HasIdentity U] [HasFunctors U] [HasRevAppFun U]
instance hasCongrFun : HasCongrFun U :=
⟨λ {A B F₁ F₂} h a => HasFunctors.defCongrArg (defRevAppFun a B) h⟩
end HasRevAppFun
namespace MetaRelation
open HasFunctors HasCongrFun
variable {α : Sort u} {V : Universe.{v}} {VV : Universe.{vv}} [HasIdentity.{v, iv} V]
[HasFunctors V] (R : MetaRelation α V)
class HasTransFun [HasIdentity V] [HasFunctors V] [HasTrans R] where
(defTransFun {a b : α} (f : R a b) (c : α) : R b c ⟶{λ g => g • f} R a c)
(defTransFunFun (a b c : α) : R a b ⟶{λ f => fromDefFun (defTransFun f c)} (R b c ⟶ R a c))
namespace HasTransFun
variable [HasTrans R] [h : HasTransFun R] [HasCongrFun V]
def congrArgTransLeft {a b c : α} (f : R a b) {g₁ g₂ : R b c} (hg : g₁ ≃ g₂) :
g₁ • f ≃ g₂ • f :=
defCongrArg (defTransFun f c) hg
def congrArgTransRight {a b c : α} {f₁ f₂ : R a b} (hf : f₁ ≃ f₂) (g : R b c) :
g • f₁ ≃ g • f₂ :=
defCongrFun (defCongrArg (defTransFunFun a b c) hf) g
def congrArgTrans {a b c : α} {f₁ f₂ : R a b} (hf : f₁ ≃ f₂) {g₁ g₂ : R b c} (hg : g₁ ≃ g₂) :
g₁ • f₁ ≃ g₂ • f₂ :=
congrArgTransRight R hf g₂ • congrArgTransLeft R f₁ hg
end HasTransFun
end MetaRelation
namespace MetaRelation
variable {α : Sort u} {V : Universe.{v}} [HasIdentity.{v, iv} V]
(R : MetaRelation α V)
class IsAssociative [HasTrans R] where
(assoc {a b c d : α} (f : R a b) (g : R b c) (h : R c d) : (h • g) • f ≃ h • (g • f))
class IsCategoricalPreorder [IsPreorder R] extends IsAssociative R where
(rightId {a b : α} (f : R a b) : f • HasRefl.refl a ≃ f)
(leftId {a b : α} (f : R a b) : HasRefl.refl b • f ≃ f)
namespace IsCategoricalPreorder
open HasTransFun
variable [IsPreorder R] [IsCategoricalPreorder R] [HasFunctors V] [HasTransFun R]
def cancelLeftId {a b : α} (f : R a b) {e : R b b}
(he : e ≃ HasRefl.refl (R := R) b) :
e • f ≃ f :=
leftId f • congrArgTransLeft R f he
def cancelRightId [HasCongrFun V] {a b : α} {e : R a a}
(he : e ≃ HasRefl.refl (R := R) a) (f : R a b) :
f • e ≃ f :=
rightId f • congrArgTransRight R he f
end IsCategoricalPreorder
namespace lift
variable {ω : Sort w} (l : ω → α)
instance isAssociative [HasTrans R] [h : IsAssociative R] : IsAssociative (lift R l) :=
{ assoc := h.assoc }
instance isCategoricalPreorder [IsPreorder R] [h : IsCategoricalPreorder R] :
IsCategoricalPreorder (lift R l) :=
{ rightId := h.rightId,
leftId := h.leftId }
end lift
end MetaRelation
namespace CategoryTheory
universe u u' u'' v vv w ww iv ivv iw
open MetaRelation HasTransFun
IsAssociative IsCategoricalPreorder
HasFunctors HasCongrFun
class IsHomUniverse (V : Universe.{v, vv}) extends
HasIdentity.{v, iv, vv, ivv} V, HasFunctors V, HasRevAppFun V
class HasMorphisms (V : outParam Universe.{v, vv}) [outParam (IsHomUniverse.{v, vv, iv} V)]
(α : Sort u) : Sort (max 1 u vv) where
(Hom : MetaRelation α V)
infix:20 " ⇾ " => CategoryTheory.HasMorphisms.Hom
class IsCategory (V : outParam Universe.{v, vv}) [outParam (IsHomUniverse.{v, vv, iv} V)]
(α : Sort u) extends
HasMorphisms V α : Sort (max 1 u v vv iv) where
[homIsPreorder : IsPreorder Hom]
[homHasTransFun : HasTransFun Hom]
[homIsCategoricalPreorder : IsCategoricalPreorder Hom]
namespace IsCategory
variable {V : Universe.{v, vv}} [IsHomUniverse.{v, vv, iv} V] {α : Sort u} [h : IsCategory V α]
instance : HasRefl h.Hom := h.homIsPreorder.toHasRefl
instance : HasTrans h.Hom := h.homIsPreorder.toHasTrans
instance : IsPreorder h.Hom := h.homIsPreorder
instance : HasTransFun h.Hom := h.homHasTransFun
instance : IsCategoricalPreorder h.Hom := h.homIsCategoricalPreorder
@[reducible] def idHom (a : α) : a ⇾ a := HasRefl.refl a
end IsCategory
open IsCategory
structure MorphismFunctor {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v)
[hα : HasMorphisms W α] [hβ : HasMorphisms W β] where
{φ : α → β}
(F {a b : α} : (a ⇾ b) ⟶ (φ a ⇾ φ b))
class IsCategoryFunctor {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
(F : MorphismFunctor α β) where
(reflEq (a : α) : F.F (idHom a) ≃ idHom (F.φ a))
(transEq {a b c : α} (f : a ⇾ b) (g : b ⇾ c) : F.F (g • f) ≃ F.F g • F.F f)
def Quantification {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W] {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v}
[hα : HasMorphisms W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β] (F G : MorphismFunctor α β) :=
∀ a, hβ.Hom (F.φ a) (G.φ a)
namespace Quantification
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W] {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v}
@[reducible] def refl [hα : HasMorphisms W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β] (F : MorphismFunctor α β) :
Quantification F F :=
λ a => HasRefl.refl (F.φ a)
@[reducible] def trans [hα : HasMorphisms W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
{F G H : MorphismFunctor α β}
(η : Quantification F G) (ε : Quantification G H) :
Quantification F H :=
λ a => ε a • η a
end Quantification
class IsNaturalTransformation {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v}
[hα : HasMorphisms W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
{F G : MorphismFunctor α β} (η : Quantification F G) where
(nat {a b : α} (f : a ⇾ b) : hβ.homIsPreorder.trans (F.F f) (η b) ≃ hβ.homIsPreorder.trans (η a) (G.F f))
namespace IsNaturalTransformation
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W] {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v}
instance refl [hα : HasMorphisms W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β] (F : MorphismFunctor α β) :
IsNaturalTransformation (Quantification.refl F) :=
⟨λ f => (rightId (F.F f))⁻¹ • leftId (F.F f)⟩
instance trans [hα : HasMorphisms W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β] {F G H : MorphismFunctor α β}
(η : Quantification F G) (ε : Quantification G H)
[hη : IsNaturalTransformation η] [hε : IsNaturalTransformation ε] :
IsNaturalTransformation (Quantification.trans η ε) :=
⟨λ {a b} f => assoc (η a) (ε a) (H.F f) •
congrArgTransLeft hβ.Hom (η a) (hε.nat f) •
(assoc (η a) (G.F f) (ε b))⁻¹ •
congrArgTransRight hβ.Hom (hη.nat f) (ε b) •
assoc (R := hβ.Hom) (F.F f) (η b) (ε b)⟩
end IsNaturalTransformation
structure FunDesc {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
(φ : α → β) where
(F {a b : α} : (a ⇾ b) ⟶ (φ a ⇾ φ b))
[hF : IsCategoryFunctor ⟨F⟩]
namespace FunDesc
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β] {φ : α → β}
@[reducible] def morFun (F : FunDesc φ) : MorphismFunctor α β := ⟨F.F⟩
instance (F : FunDesc φ) : IsCategoryFunctor (morFun F) := F.hF
end FunDesc
class HasFunProp {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β] where
(Fun : (α → β) → W)
(desc {φ : α → β} : Fun φ → FunDesc φ)
namespace HasFunProp
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
structure Functor (α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[h : HasFunProp α β] : Sort (max 1 u v w) where
{φ : α → β}
(F : h.Fun φ)
namespace Functor
infixr:20 " ⮕ " => CategoryTheory.HasFunProp.Functor
variable {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[h : HasFunProp α β] (F : α ⮕ β)
def desc : FunDesc F.φ := h.desc F.F
@[reducible] def preFun {a b : α} : (a ⇾ b) ⟶ (F.φ a ⇾ F.φ b) := (desc F).F
@[reducible] def morFun : MorphismFunctor α β := ⟨preFun F⟩
@[reducible] def mapHom {a b : α} (f : a ⇾ b) : F.φ a ⇾ F.φ b :=
(preFun F) f
def reflEq (a : α) : mapHom F (idHom a) ≃ idHom (F.φ a) :=
IsCategoryFunctor.reflEq (F := morFun F) a
def transEq {a b c : α} (f : a ⇾ b) (g : b ⇾ c) :
mapHom F (g • f) ≃ mapHom F g • mapHom F f :=
IsCategoryFunctor.transEq (F := morFun F) f g
end Functor
end HasFunProp
structure NatDesc {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] (F G : α ⮕ β) :
Sort (max 1 u w iw) where
(η : Quantification (HasFunProp.Functor.morFun F) (HasFunProp.Functor.morFun G))
[isNat : IsNaturalTransformation η]
namespace NatDesc
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β]
{F G : α ⮕ β} (η : NatDesc F G)
instance : IsNaturalTransformation η.η := η.isNat
end NatDesc
class HasNatRel {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] where
(Nat : MetaRelation (α ⮕ β) W)
(desc {F G : α ⮕ β} (η : Nat F G) : NatDesc F G)
(defNatFun (F G : α ⮕ β) (a : α) :
Nat F G ⟶{λ η => (desc η).η a} (F.φ a ⇾ G.φ a))
namespace HasNatRel
open HasFunctors HasFunProp HasFunProp.Functor
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] [h : HasNatRel α β]
@[reducible] def nat {F G : α ⮕ β} (η : h.Nat F G) (a : α) : F.φ a ⇾ G.φ a :=
(h.desc η).η a
@[reducible] def natFun (F G : α ⮕ β) (a : α) : h.Nat F G ⟶ (F.φ a ⇾ G.φ a) :=
fromDefFun (h.defNatFun F G a)
def natCongrArg {F G : α ⮕ β} {η₁ η₂ : h.Nat F G} (e : η₁ ≃ η₂) (a : α) :
nat η₁ a ≃ nat η₂ a :=
defCongrArg (defNatFun F G a) e
def naturality {F G : α ⮕ β} (η : h.Nat F G) {a b : α} (f : a ⇾ b) :
nat η b • mapHom F f ≃ mapHom G f • nat η a :=
(h.desc η).isNat.nat f
structure DefNat {F G : α ⮕ β} (desc : NatDesc F G) where
(η : h.Nat F G)
(natEq (a : α) : nat η a ≃ desc.η a)
def byNatDef {F G : α ⮕ β} {desc : NatDesc F G} {η : DefNat desc} (a : α) :
nat η.η a ≃ desc.η a :=
η.natEq a
def NatEquiv {F G : α ⮕ β} (η₁ η₂ : h.Nat F G)
(hNat : ∀ a, nat η₁ a ≃ nat η₂ a) :=
η₁ ≃ η₂
def DefNatEquiv {F G : α ⮕ β} {desc₁ desc₂ : NatDesc F G} (η₁ : DefNat desc₁)
(η₂ : DefNat desc₂) (hNat : ∀ a, desc₁.η a ≃ desc₂.η a) :=
NatEquiv η₁.η η₂.η (λ a => (byNatDef a)⁻¹ • hNat a • byNatDef a)
class HasTrivialNaturalityCondition {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v)
[hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] [h : HasNatRel α β] where
(nat {F G : α ⮕ β} (desc : NatDesc F G) : DefNat desc)
namespace HasTrivialNaturalityCondition
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[HasFunProp α β] [HasNatRel α β] [h : HasTrivialNaturalityCondition α β]
def defNat {F G : α ⮕ β} {desc : NatDesc F G} : DefNat desc := h.nat desc
end HasTrivialNaturalityCondition
class HasTrivialNatEquiv {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] [h : HasNatRel α β] where
(equiv {F G : α ⮕ β} (η₁ η₂ : h.Nat F G) (hNat : ∀ a, nat η₁ a ≃ nat η₂ a) :
NatEquiv η₁ η₂ hNat)
namespace HasTrivialNatEquiv
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
{α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[HasFunProp α β] [hNatRel : HasNatRel α β] [h : HasTrivialNatEquiv α β]
def natEquiv {F G : α ⮕ β} {η₁ η₂ : hNatRel.Nat F G} {hNat : ∀ a, nat η₁ a ≃ nat η₂ a} :
NatEquiv η₁ η₂ hNat :=
h.equiv η₁ η₂ hNat
end HasTrivialNatEquiv
end HasNatRel
class HasNatOp {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] extends
HasNatRel α β where
(defRefl (F : α ⮕ β) : HasNatRel.DefNat { η := Quantification.refl (HasFunProp.Functor.morFun F),
isNat := IsNaturalTransformation.refl (HasFunProp.Functor.morFun F)})
(defTrans {F G H : α ⮕ β} (η : Nat F G) (ε : Nat G H) :
HasNatRel.DefNat ⟨Quantification.trans (desc η).η (desc ε).η⟩)
namespace HasNatOp
open HasFunProp HasFunProp.Functor HasNatRel
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
variable (α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[HasFunProp α β]
instance trivial [HasNatRel α β] [HasTrivialNaturalityCondition α β] : HasNatOp α β :=
{ defRefl := λ _ => HasTrivialNaturalityCondition.defNat,
defTrans := λ _ _ => HasTrivialNaturalityCondition.defNat }
variable [h : HasNatOp α β]
instance natIsPreorder : IsPreorder h.Nat :=
{ refl := λ F => (h.defRefl F).η,
trans := λ η ε => (h.defTrans η ε).η }
variable {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] [h : HasNatOp α β]
def natReflEq (F : α ⮕ β) (a : α) :
nat (HasRefl.refl F) a ≃ idHom (F.φ a) :=
byNatDef a
def natTransEq {F G H : α ⮕ β} (η : h.Nat F G) (ε : h.Nat G H) (a : α) :
nat (ε • η) a ≃ nat ε a • nat η a :=
byNatDef a
def natAssoc {F G H I : α ⮕ β} (η : h.Nat F G) (ε : h.Nat G H) (θ : h.Nat H I) (a : α) :
nat ((θ • ε) • η) a ≃ nat (θ • (ε • η)) a :=
(congrArgTransRight hβ.Hom (natTransEq η ε a) (nat θ a) •
natTransEq (ε • η) θ a)⁻¹ •
assoc (nat η a) (nat ε a) (nat θ a) •
(congrArgTransLeft hβ.Hom (nat η a) (natTransEq ε θ a) •
natTransEq η (θ • ε) a)
def natRightId {F G : α ⮕ β} (η : h.Nat F G) (a : α) :
nat (η • HasRefl.refl F) a ≃ nat η a :=
cancelRightId hβ.Hom (natReflEq F a) (nat η a) •
natTransEq (HasRefl.refl F) η a
def natLeftId {F G : α ⮕ β} (η : h.Nat F G) (a : α) :
nat (HasRefl.refl G • η) a ≃ nat η a :=
cancelLeftId hβ.Hom (nat η a) (natReflEq G a) •
natTransEq η (HasRefl.refl G) a
end HasNatOp
class HasNatOpEquiv {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] extends
HasNatOp α β where
(assoc {F G H I : α ⮕ β} (η : Nat F G) (ε : Nat G H) (θ : Nat H I) :
HasNatRel.NatEquiv ((θ • ε) • η) (θ • (ε • η)) (HasNatOp.natAssoc η ε θ))
(rightId {F G : α ⮕ β} (η : Nat F G) :
HasNatRel.NatEquiv (η • HasRefl.refl F) η (HasNatOp.natRightId η))
(leftId {F G : α ⮕ β} (η : Nat F G) :
HasNatRel.NatEquiv (HasRefl.refl G • η) η (HasNatOp.natLeftId η))
namespace HasNatOpEquiv
open HasNatRel
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β] [HasFunProp α β]
instance trivial [HasNatOp α β] [HasTrivialNatEquiv α β] : HasNatOpEquiv α β :=
{ assoc := λ _ _ _ => HasTrivialNatEquiv.natEquiv,
rightId := λ _ => HasTrivialNatEquiv.natEquiv,
leftId := λ _ => HasTrivialNatEquiv.natEquiv }
variable [h : HasNatOpEquiv α β]
instance natIsCategoricalPreorder : IsCategoricalPreorder h.Nat :=
{ assoc := h.assoc,
leftId := h.leftId,
rightId := h.rightId }
end HasNatOpEquiv
class HasNaturality {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
(α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunProp : HasFunProp α β] extends
HasNatOpEquiv α β where
[natHasTransFun : HasTransFun Nat]
namespace HasNaturality
open HasFunProp HasFunProp.Functor HasNatRel HasNatOp
variable {W : Universe.{w, ww}} [IsHomUniverse.{w, ww, iw} W]
variable (α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[HasFunProp α β] [h : HasNaturality α β]
instance : HasTransFun h.Nat := h.natHasTransFun
instance funHasMorphisms : HasMorphisms W (α ⮕ β) := ⟨h.Nat⟩
instance funIsCategory : IsCategory.{max 1 u v w} W (α ⮕ β) :=
{ homIsPreorder := HasNatOp.natIsPreorder α β,
homHasTransFun := h.natHasTransFun,
homIsCategoricalPreorder := HasNatOpEquiv.natIsCategoricalPreorder α β }
variable {α : Sort u} (a : α) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[HasFunProp α β] [h : HasNaturality α β]
def revApp (F : α ⮕ β) : β := F.φ a
-- The error disappears if the definition of `revAppFunDesc` is replaced with:
-- instance revAppCategoryFunctor : IsCategoryFunctor { φ := revApp a β,
-- F := λ {F₁ F₂} => natFun F₁ F₂ a } :=
-- { reflEq := λ F => natReflEq F a • byDef,
-- transEq := λ η ε => (congrArgTrans hβ.Hom byDef byDef)⁻¹ •
-- natTransEq η ε a •
-- byDef }
-- def revAppFunDesc : FunDesc (revApp a β) :=
-- ⟨λ {F₁ F₂} => natFun F₁ F₂ a⟩
def revAppFunDesc : FunDesc (revApp a β) :=
{ F := λ {F₁ F₂} => natFun F₁ F₂ a,
hF := { reflEq := λ F => natReflEq F a • byDef,
transEq := λ η ε => (congrArgTrans hβ.Hom byDef byDef)⁻¹ •
natTransEq η ε a •
byDef } }
class HasRevAppFun (α : Sort u) (β : Sort v) [hα : IsCategory W α] [hβ : IsCategory W β]
[hFunαβ : HasFunProp α β] [hNatαβ : HasNaturality α β]
[hFunαββ : HasFunProp (α ⮕ β) β] where
(revAppFun (a : α) : hFunαββ.Fun (revApp a β))
end HasNaturality
end CategoryTheory
class HasTrivialFunctoriality (U : Universe) [HasIdentity U] [HasFunctors U] where
(mkDefFun {A B : U} (f : A → B) : A ⟶{f} B)
namespace HasTrivialFunctoriality
universe u v
open MetaRelation
def defFun {U : Universe} [HasIdentity U] [HasFunctors U]
[h : HasTrivialFunctoriality U] {A B : U} {f : A → B} :
A ⟶{f} B :=
h.mkDefFun f
instance hasRevAppFun (U : Universe) [HasIdentity U] [HasFunctors U]
[HasTrivialFunctoriality U] :
HasRevAppFun U :=
⟨λ _ _ => defFun⟩
section MetaRelation
variable {α : Sort u} {V : Universe.{v}} [HasIdentity V] [HasFunctors V]
[HasTrivialFunctoriality V] (R : MetaRelation α V)
instance hasTransFun [HasTrans R] : HasTransFun R :=
{ defTransFun := λ _ _ => defFun,
defTransFunFun := λ _ _ _ => defFun }
end MetaRelation
end HasTrivialFunctoriality
namespace sort
universe u
theorem Eq.isEquivalence (α : Sort u) : Equivalence (@Eq α) := ⟨Eq.refl, Eq.symm, Eq.trans⟩
instance hasInstanceEquivalences : HasInstanceEquivalences sort.{u} prop :=
⟨λ α => @Eq.isEquivalence (HasInstances.Inst α)⟩
instance hasIdentity : HasIdentity sort.{u} := ⟨⟩
instance hasFunctors : HasFunctors sort.{u} :=
{ Fun := λ α B => α → B,
apply := id,
congrArg := λ f => congrArg f }
instance hasTrivialFunctoriality : HasTrivialFunctoriality sort.{u} :=
⟨λ f => ⟨f, λ _ => rfl⟩⟩
end sort
namespace type
universe u
open MetaRelation CategoryTheory IsCategory
instance isHomUniverse : IsHomUniverse type.{u} := ⟨⟩
instance hasFunProp (α β : Type u) [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α] [hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β] :
HasFunProp α β :=
{ Fun := FunDesc,
desc := id }
theorem IsNaturalTransformation.ext {α β : Type u} [hα : HasMorphisms type.{u} α]
[hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β]
{F G : MorphismFunctor α β} (η : Quantification F G)
(h₁ h₂ : IsNaturalTransformation η) :
h₁ = h₂ :=
match h₁, h₂ with
| ⟨_⟩, ⟨_⟩ => rfl
theorem NatDesc.ext {α β : Type u} [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α] [hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β]
{F G : α ⮕ β} (η₁ η₂ : NatDesc F G) :
(∀ a, η₁.η a = η₂.η a) → η₁ = η₂ :=
match η₁, η₂ with
| { η := nat₁, isNat := isNat₁ }, { η := nat₂, isNat := isNat₂ } =>
λ h => by have hNat : nat₁ = nat₂ := funext h;
subst hNat;
have hIsNat : isNat₁ = isNat₂ :=
IsNaturalTransformation.ext (hα := hα.toHasMorphisms)
nat₁ isNat₁ isNat₂;
subst hIsNat; rfl
def natRel (α β : Type u) [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α] [hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β] :
MetaRelation (α ⮕ β) type.{u} :=
instance hasNaturalityRelation (α β : Type u) [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α]
[hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β] :
HasNatRel.{u + 1} α β :=
{ Nat := natRel α β,
desc := id,
defNatFun := λ _ _ _ => HasTrivialFunctoriality.defFun }
instance hasTrivialNaturalityCondition (α β : Type u) [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α]
[hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β] :
HasNatRel.HasTrivialNaturalityCondition.{u + 1} α β :=
⟨λ η => { η := η,
natEq := λ _ => rfl }⟩
instance hasTrivialNatEquiv (α β : Type u) [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α]
[hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β] :
HasNatRel.HasTrivialNatEquiv.{u + 1} α β :=
instance natIsPreorder (α β : Type u) [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α] [hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β] :
IsPreorder (natRel α β) :=
HasNatOp.natIsPreorder α β
instance hasNaturality (α β : Type u) [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α] [hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β] :
HasNaturality.{u + 1} α β :=
{ natHasTransFun := HasTrivialFunctoriality.hasTransFun (natRel α β) }
instance hasRevAppFun (α β : Type u) [hα : IsCategory type.{u} α] [hβ : IsCategory type.{u} β] :
HasNaturality.HasRevAppFun.{u + 1} α β :=
{ revAppFun := λ a => HasNaturality.revAppFunDesc a β }
end type
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