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Created January 9, 2016 13:09
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Aspect List
small library for handling Thaumcraft 4.2.2 aspects
@base - (object) - Required
Containing a key-value pair of aspects and their make-up components or false for primals
@compile - (boolean) - optional; default to true
If true the working aspect list will be compiled from the base
compile() - (undefined)
Builds a new list of aspects working from the base list and enabled addons
addonAdd(name, aspectList, options) - (undefined)
Adds the addon for use when compiling the aspect list
@name - (string) - required
addon name
@aspectList - (object) - required
a keyvalue pairing of each aspect and its components or false for primals
@options - (object) - optional
@enable - (boolean) - optional
if true or not specified the addon will be enabled for calls to compile()
@compile - (boolean) - optional
if true or not specified the aspect list will be recompiled
addonEnable(name, compile) - (undefined)
@name - (string) - required
addon name to enable;
@compile - (boolean) - optional
If true or not specified, the aspect list will be recompiled
addonDisable(name, compile) - (undefined)
@name - (string) - required
addon name to disable
@compile - (boolean) - optional
if true or not specified, the aspect list will be recompiled
has(aspect) - (boolean)
Returns true if the specified aspect is in the compiled list
@aspect - (string) - required
Aspect to check
components(aspect) - (boolean or array)
Returns the components of the specified aspect or false if primal
@aspect - (string) - required
breakdown(aspect) - object
Returns a keyvalue pairing of each primal aspect and the count of said primal that makes up the aspect
@aspect - (string) - required
(function () {
'use strict';
function AspectList(base, compile) {
this.baseList = base;
this.addons = {};
if (compile !== false) {
AspectList.prototype = {
// stores the specified addon aspect list
addonAdd: function (addonName, aspectList, options) {
options = options || {};
this.addons[addonName] = {
enable: options.enable || false,
aspects: aspectList
if (options.compile !== false) {
// enables the addon's aspects when compiling the aspect list
addonEnable: function (addonName, rebuild) {
// check if addon exists
if (!this.addons.hasOwnProperty(addonName)) {
throw new Error("Unknown Addon: " + addonName);
// if addon is disabled, enable it and rebuild the compiled aspect list if requested
if (!this.addons[addonName].enable) {
this.addons[addonName].enable = true;
if (rebuild) {
// disables the addon's aspects when compiling the aspect list
addonDisable: function (addonName, rebuild) {
// check if addon exists
if (!this.addons.hasOwnProperty(addonName)) {
throw new Error("Unknown Addon: " + addonName);
// if addon is enabled; disable it and rebuild the compiled list if requested
if (this.addons[addonName].enable) {
this.addons[addonName].enable = false;
if (rebuild) {
// function to compile usable aspect list
compile: (function () {
// loop over each aspect in the specified aspect list
function addAspects(buildList, aspectList) {
var aspect, aspectComponents;
for (aspect in aspectList) {
if (aspectList.hasOwnProperty(aspect)) {
aspectComponents = aspectList[aspect];
// if the aspect is a primal; simply add it with a false boolean value
if (!aspectComponents) {
buildList[aspect] = false;
// otherwise make a copy of the compenent array and add it for the aspect's value
} else {
buildList[aspect] = [aspectComponents[0], aspectComponents[1]];
// return the updated aspect list
return buildList;
return function () {
var aspectList, addonName, addon;
// add base aspects to the compiled list
aspectList = addAspects({}, this.baseList);
// loop over each addon
for (addonName in this.addons) {
if (this.addons.hasOwnProperty(addonName)) {
addon = this.addons[addonName];
// check if addon is enabled, and if so add its aspects to the compiled list
if (addon.enable) {
aspectList = addAspects(aspectList, addon.aspects);
// update the stored compiled list
this.compiledList = aspectList;
// returns true of the compiled list has the specified aspect
has: function (aspect) {
return this.compiledList.hasOwnProperty(aspect);
// returns the components that make up an aspect
components: function (aspect) {
if (!this.has(aspect)) {
throw new Error("Unknown Aspect: " + aspect);
return this.compiledList[aspect];
// returns the count of each primal that makes up an aspect
breakdown: (function () {
// enclosed variables
var primals, self;
// function to recursively break down aspects into their components ending with only primals
function walk(aspect) {
// if the specified aspect has components; call the walk function on each component
var parts = self.components(aspect);
if (parts !== false) {
// otherwise add 1 for the primal of the object we'll be returning
} else {
primals[aspect] = primals.hasOwnProperty(aspect) ? primals[aspect] + 1 : 1;
// wrapper function
return function (aspect) {
// setup for recursive break down
self = this;
primals = {};
// call the function that will handle the breaking down of aspects
// return the list of primals
return primals;
// add to module.exports if ran under a node-esq enviornment
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && this.module !== module) {
module.exports = AspectList;
// otherwise add to 'this'
} else {
this.AspectList = AspectList;
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