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Last active November 11, 2019 17:57
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Save STRML/a9c393c9b43d726663d212600fd81320 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// @flow
const crypto = require('crypto');
module.exports = WebpackStableChunkHash;
function WebpackStableChunkHash() {}
WebpackStableChunkHash.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
// For a while, webpack has had issues with [chunkhash] being unstable and not reflecting the actual
// md5 of the module.
// While stable, deterministic builds are one issue, the biggest issue with [chunkhash] is that it runs too
// early, before optimization. This means that a change to your optimizer output will *not* be reflected in the
// chunkhash, which may break CDNs or other long-term caching strategies.
// This plugin runs as the absolute last plugin in 'after-optimize-chunk-assets' to ensure that it is getting
// the source that will be written to disk. It then hashes that. All options that work with normal `[chunkhash]`
// apply here.
compiler.plugin('compilation', function(compilation) {
const outputOptions = compilation.outputOptions;
const hashFunction = outputOptions.hashFunction;
const hashDigest = outputOptions.hashDigest;
const hashDigestLength = outputOptions.hashDigestLength;
// Storage for chunk filenames. This is important as `chunk.files` is usually a 1-element array,
// but not always.
const chunkRecords = {};
compilation.plugin('chunk-asset', function(chunk, fileName) {
chunkRecords[] = fileName;
compilation.plugin('after-optimize-chunk-assets', function(chunks) {
// process.nextTick() is a horrible hack to ensure this runs after source map.
process.nextTick(function() {
const fullHash = crypto.createHash(hashFunction);
let usedChunkHash = false;
// File sources are in compilations.assets[file].
for(let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
const chunk = chunks[i];
const usesChunkHash = !chunk.hasRuntime() ||
(compilation.mainTemplate.useChunkHash && compilation.mainTemplate.useChunkHash(chunk));
// If we're not using `[chunkhash]`, no need for this processing.
if (!usesChunkHash) continue;
usedChunkHash = true;
const oldHash = chunk.hash;
const file = chunkRecords[];
// This is a Source object, like RawSource, SourceMapSource, or ConcatSource
const source = compilation.assets[file];
// Intentionally *not* using source.updateHash(hash) here, as it's only the hash of the output
// that counts. We don't want to change chunkhash just because a source file changed in a way
// that was not reflected in the actual output.
chunk.hash = crypto.createHash(hashFunction).update(source.source()).digest(hashDigest);
chunk.renderedHash = chunk.hash.substr(0, hashDigestLength);
// Prevents an error when createChunkAssets() is run again.
delete compilation.assets[file];
// Let's update the chunk cache so we don't have to do any other work.
delete compilation.cache[oldHash]; // Delete old entry
const cacheName = "c" +;
compilation.cache[cacheName] = {
hash: chunk.hash,
source: source
// Easy out - we don't need to modify anything.
if (!usedChunkHash) return;
// Update the entire compilation's hash to reflect what has changed.
compilation.fullHash = fullHash.digest(hashDigest);
compilation.hash = compilation.fullHash.substr(0, hashDigestLength);
// Okay, we've updated some hashes, so we have to call `createChunkAssets` again.
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