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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save STRd6/22f7a6fdd8c112c0d153 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save STRd6/22f7a6fdd8c112c0d153 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set -e
cd component && git pull && cd ..
VERSION=`echo "console.log(require('./package').version)" | node`
script/update_version $VERSION
script/prepublish && script/test && script/standalone
cd component
git commit -am "Version $VERSION"
git tag -a "v$VERSION" -m "Version $VERSION"
git push
git push --tags
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
fs = require "fs"
["component", "bower"].forEach (name) ->
fileName = "../component/#{name}"
json = require fileName
json.version = process.argv[2]
fs.writeFileSync "./component/#{name}.json", JSON.stringify(json, null, 2) + "\n"
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