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Created December 7, 2017 01:14
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Strype's blab about transhumanism (from Twitter)
Strype @strypeisonfire
Yanno what, it's 4:30am, let me blab about transhumanism for a while, and why I want a future like that...
First up: CURIOUSITY. Longer lifespans because I want to see what's gonna happen. I want to see more of the universe...
And new senses! I want to hear infrasound, ultrasound, see new colours we dont have words for yet.
Second: Adaptability. Being outside of Earth's Troposphere is pretty hard to do. Terraforming ever harder. But if we adapt, not so much
Philisophical point: I don't believe that the meat makes the man. I think we can be just as human if we're made of steel and plastic
And who's to say that if I was made of metal and plastic that I wouldnt breathe, feel the wind and smell the rain. I think we can do that
We humans have our dumb shit, but we are also brilliant as hell when we want to be. I think we should encourage that brilliance
We've been limited by our mortal capabilities for millions of years. Our dreams are outgrowing our bodies faster than they can adapt
So why in the hell should we abandon those dreams just because our bodies cant keep up? I want to walk on the moon without a helmet!
Just think of all the cool shit we could do with better bodies. The solutions to so much suffering in the world is all there.
Yeah, I know a bunch of you are reading this and think I'm a bit nuts. But I still dare to hope. I still believe we can be so much more
My transhumanism is an expression of my hope. A better future, better lives, better people. I see the potential
Okay, got off-track there, but lets look at it pragmatically. Basic human bodies werent meant for life outside Earth. But we must expand
Astronauts dont handle the transition from 6 months in space to Earth gravity very well. Imagine being born and raised in orbit
On the Moon, and Mars, we get only a fraction of the gravity, and more radiation and little to no atmosphere. Want to live there unmodded?
Or, hell, imagine being one of the first interstellar colonists. Long trip, No gravity. Whatcha gonna do when you get where you're going?
Even more, who's to say those other planets will be habitable? Next system over is gonna be just as long of a trip at least
If we want to live anywhere but Earth's troposphere, we're gonna have to make some serious changes to ourselves. And I think we -should-
Hell, even on Earth, we're working on artificial hearts. Better prosthetics. Soon it'll be better than the meat we have.
Imagine heart disease not being an issue anymore, or being able to survive an otherwise fatal car crash, drowning, or industrial accident
How about this, 300 years from now, lunch with your grandmother, who looks just as young as you, and watching ships launch to space together
Alright, I think I'm done yammering for now. Love on, my friends
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