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Last active July 8, 2023 08:53
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C# Result & Option type
using System;
namespace Utils
public struct Option<T>
public T Value { get; set; }
public bool HasValue { get; set; }
private Option(T value, bool hasValue)
Value = value;
HasValue = hasValue;
public Option(T value) : this(value, true)
{ }
public TOut Match<TOut>(Func<T, TOut> some, Func<TOut> none) =>
HasValue ? some(Value) : none();
public void Match(Action<T> some, Action none)
if (HasValue)
public TOut Map<TOut>(Func<T, TOut> map, Func<TOut> none) =>
HasValue ? map(Value) : none();
public Option<TOut> Select<TOut>(Func<T, TOut> map) =>
HasValue ? new Option<TOut>(map(Value)) : new Option<TOut>();
public Option<TOut> Bind<TOut>(Func<T, Option<TOut>> bind) =>
HasValue ? bind(Value) : new Option<TOut>();
public T Unwrap() =>
HasValue ? Value : throw new Exception("Option was none");
public static implicit operator Option<T>(NoneOption _) => new Option<T>();
public static implicit operator Option<T>(T value) => value != null ? Option.Some(value) : Option.None;
public readonly struct NoneOption
{ }
public static class Option
public static Option<T> Some<T>(T value) => new Option<T>(value);
public static NoneOption None { get; } = new NoneOption();
public static bool IsSome<T>(Option<T> option) => option.Match(some => true, () => false);
public static T Unwrap<T>(Option<T> option) => option.Unwrap();
public struct Result<TOk, TError>
public TOk Ok { get; set; }
public TError Error { get; set; }
public bool IsError { get; set; }
private Result(TOk ok, TError error, bool isError)
Ok = ok;
Error = error;
IsError = isError;
public Result(TOk ok) : this(ok, default, false) { }
public Result(TError error) : this(default, error, true) { }
public Result<TOut, TError> Select<TOut>(Func<TOk, TOut> mapOk) => Select(mapOk, err => err);
public Result<TOut, TOutErr> Select<TOut, TOutErr>(Func<TOk, TOut> mapOk, Func<TError, TOutErr> mapErr)
if (IsError)
return Result.Error(mapErr(Error));
return Result.Ok(mapOk(Ok));
public Result<TOut, TError> Bind<TOut>(Func<TOk, Result<TOut, TError>> mapOk) => Bind(mapOk, err => Result.Error(err));
public Result<TOut, TOutError> Bind<TOut, TOutError>(Func<TOk, Result<TOut, TOutError>> mapOk, Func<TError, Result<TOut, TOutError>> mapErr)
if (IsError)
return mapErr(Error);
return mapOk(Ok);
public TOut Match<TOut>(Func<TOk, TOut> mapOk, Func<TError, TOut> mapErr) =>
!IsError ? mapOk(Ok) : mapErr(Error);
public TOk Unwrap() =>
!IsError ? Ok : throw new Exception($"Result had error: {Error}");
public static implicit operator Result<TOk, TError>(DelayedOk<TOk> ok) =>
new Result<TOk, TError>(ok.Value);
public static implicit operator Result<TOk, TError>(DelayedError<TError> error) =>
new Result<TOk, TError>(error.Value);
public static implicit operator Result<TOk, TError>(TOk ok) =>
new Result<TOk, TError>(ok);
public readonly struct DelayedOk<T>
public T Value { get; }
public DelayedOk(T value)
Value = value;
public readonly struct DelayedError<T>
public T Value { get; }
public DelayedError(T value)
Value = value;
public static class Result
public static DelayedOk<TOk> Ok<TOk>(TOk ok) =>
new DelayedOk<TOk>(ok);
public static DelayedError<TError> Error<TError>(TError error) =>
new DelayedError<TError>(error);
public static bool IsOk<T, R>(Result<T, R> result) => result.Match(ok => true, err => false);
public static T Unwrap<T, R>(Result<T, R> result) => result.Unwrap();
class Test
public static void T()
var option = Option.Some(10);
var asString = option.Select(num => num.ToString());
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