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Last active February 1, 2020 16:34
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# FIML multilevel
# Model described in
# See also
# Load packages:
### Input ###
# Number of clusters:
nCluster <- 1000
# Number of people in each cluster (2 = dyad)
nInClusterMin <- 2
nInClusterMax <- 2
# Number of nodes:
nNode <- 8
# (number of people in each cluster) x (number of nodes) should be low! (less than 100 max)
### Script ###
# Simulate sample sizes:
nInCluster <- sample(nInClusterMin:nInClusterMax, nCluster, replace = TRUE)
# Within network:
Wnet <- genGGM(nNode)
# Between network:
Bnet <- genGGM(nNode, p = 1)
# Simulate datasets:
gen <- ggmGenerator()
Means <- gen(nCluster, Bnet)
Datas <- list()
for (i in 1:nCluster){
Datas[[i]] <- t(t(gen(nInCluster[i], Wnet)) + Means[i,])
Datas[[i]] <-[[i]])
names(Datas[[i]]) <- paste0("V",1:nNode)
Datas[[i]]$group <- i
Datas[[i]]$subjectInGroup <- 1:nInCluster[i]
# Combine datasets:
Data <-, Datas)
# To wide format for panel data model:
gathered <- Data %>% gather(variable, value, paste0("V",1:nNode))
wideData <- gathered %>% pivot_wider(id_cols = group, names_from = c(variable,subjectInGroup), values_from=value)
# Now make the design matrix:
vars <- names(wideData)[-1]
varsMat <-,strsplit(vars, split = "_"))
rowVars <- unique(varsMat[,1])
colVars <- unique(varsMat[,2])
design <- matrix(NA, length(rowVars), length(colVars))
for (i in seq_along(rowVars)){
for (j in seq_along(colVars)){
varName <- paste0("^",rowVars[i],"_",colVars[j],"$")
whichVar <- which(grepl(varName, names(wideData)))
if (length(whichVar) == 1){
design[i,j] <- paste0(rowVars[i],"_",colVars[j])
# The matrix design could also have been formed by hand...
# Form model (make sure not to estimate beta, because this is not longitudinal data):
mod <- panelgvar(wideData, vars = design, estimator = "FIML", beta = "empty")
# Run model:
mod <- mod %>% runmodel
# Prune model and search:
mod <- mod %>% prune(alpha = 0.05, recursive = FALSE) %>% modelsearch
### Output ###
# Fit (DF is not really correct, so interpret with care)
mod %>% fit
# Obtain results:
West <- getmatrix(mod, "omega_zeta_within")
Best <- getmatrix(mod, "omega_zeta_between")
# Plot:
qgraph(Wnet, title = "True within cluster network", theme = "colorblind")
qgraph(West, title = "Estimated within cluster network", theme = "colorblind")
qgraph(Bnet, title = "True between cluster network", theme = "colorblind")
qgraph(Best, title = "Estimated between cluster network", theme = "colorblind")
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