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Last active October 22, 2021 08:55
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  • Save SachaEpskamp/5796467 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SachaEpskamp/5796467 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A general shiny app to import and export data to R. Note that this can be used as a starting point for any app that requires data to be loaded into Shiny.
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
### Argument names:
ArgNames <- reactive({
Names <- names(formals(input$readFunction)[-1])
Names <- Names[Names!="..."]
# Argument selector:
output$ArgSelect <- renderUI({
if (length(ArgNames())==0) return(NULL)
## Arg text field:
output$ArgText <- renderUI({
fun__arg <- paste0(input$readFunction,"__",input$arg)
if (is.null(input$arg)) return(NULL)
Defaults <- formals(input$readFunction)
if (is.null(input[[fun__arg]]))
textInput(fun__arg, label = "Enter value:", value = deparse(Defaults[[input$arg]]))
} else {
textInput(fun__arg, label = "Enter value:", value = input[[fun__arg]])
### Data import:
Dataset <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$file)) {
# User has not uploaded a file yet
args <- grep(paste0("^",input$readFunction,"__"), names(input), value = TRUE)
argList <- list()
for (i in seq_along(args))
argList[[i]] <- eval(parse(text=input[[args[i]]]))
names(argList) <- gsub(paste0("^",input$readFunction,"__"),"",args)
argList <- argList[names(argList) %in% ArgNames()]
Dataset <-$readFunction,c(list(input$file$datapath),argList)))
# Select variables:
output$varselect <- renderUI({
if (identical(Dataset(), '') || identical(Dataset(),data.frame())) return(NULL)
# Variable selection:
selectInput("vars", "Variables to use:",
names(Dataset()), names(Dataset()), multiple =TRUE)
# Show table:
output$table <- renderTable({
if (is.null(input$vars) || length(input$vars)==0) return(NULL)
### Download dump:
output$downloadDump <- downloadHandler(
filename = "Rdata.R",
content = function(con) {
assign(input$name, Dataset()[,input$vars,drop=FALSE])
dump(input$name, con)
### Download save:
output$downloadSave <- downloadHandler(
filename = "Rdata.RData",
content = function(con) {
assign(input$name, Dataset()[,input$vars,drop=FALSE])
save(list=input$name, file=con)
# Header:
headerPanel("R data reader"),
# Input in sidepanel:
tags$style(type='text/css', ".well { max-width: 20em; }"),
# Tags:
tags$style(type="text/css", "select[multiple] { width: 100%; height:10em}"),
tags$style(type="text/css", "select { width: 100%}"),
tags$style(type="text/css", "input { width: 19em; max-width:100%}")
# Select filetype:
selectInput("readFunction", "Function to read data:", c(
# Base R:
# foreign functions:
# Advanced functions:
# Argument selecter:
# Argument field:
# Upload data:
fileInput("file", "Upload data-file:"),
# Variable selection:
textInput("name","Dataset name:","Data"),
downloadLink('downloadDump', 'Download source'),
downloadLink('downloadSave', 'Download binary')
# Main:
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This is great! Thanks!

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Very comprehensive indeed. Thank you kindly for the reference!

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gu-stat commented Jun 24, 2017

Hello, very good work! However, I can't seem to make the "variables to use" feature to work. I can only select one at a time and it doesn't seem to affect the import. Any thoughts on that?


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easbi commented Jul 20, 2018

This is Good but when i tried to use readxl package as function reader, can we make some parameter to be default? because it i left that with empty its begin to error. i dont find the way for fix this problem.

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