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Last active April 25, 2022 13:13
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res <- parSim(
nIndicator = 5,
nu_diff = c(0,0.5),
sampleSize = c(50, 100,500,1000,5000),
reps = 100,
nCores = 16,
expression = {
# Load library:
# Simulate lambda and theta matrix:
Lambda <- matrix(runif(nIndicator,0.5,1))
Theta <- diag(runif(nIndicator,0.5,1))
# Simulate alpha:
alpha <- array(c(1,runif(1,0.5,2)),c(1,1,2))
# Simulate Psi:
psi <- array(c(1,runif(1,0.5,2)),c(1,1,2))
# Simulate nu:
nu <- array(0,c(nIndicator,1,2))
nu[1,1,2] <- nu_diff
# Variable names:
vars <- paste0("v",seq_len(nIndicator))
# Simulate data:
data <-,lapply(1:2,function(g){
eta <- rnorm(sampleSize, mean = alpha[1,1,g], sd = sqrt(psi[1,1,g]))
epsilon <- rmvnorm(sampleSize, sigma = Theta)
Y <-
rep(1,sampleSize) %*% t(nu[,,g]) + eta %*% t(Lambda) + epsilon
names(Y) <- vars
Y$group <- g
# Fit weak invariance model:
weak <- lvm(data, vars=vars, groups = "group", lambda = matrix(1,nIndicator,1)) %>% groupequal("lambda") %>% runmodel
fit_weak <- weak@fitmeasures
# fit strong:
strong <- weak %>% groupequal("nu") %>% runmodel
fit_strong <- strong@fitmeasures
# Reject strong?
chisq_0.05 = pchisq(fit_strong$chisq - fit_weak$chisq, fit_strong$df - fit_weak$df, lower.tail = FALSE) < 0.05,
chisq_0.01 = pchisq(fit_strong$chisq - fit_weak$chisq, fit_strong$df - fit_weak$df, lower.tail = FALSE) < 0.01,
AIC = fit_strong$aic.ll > fit_weak$aic.ll,
BIC = fit_strong$bic > fit_weak$bic,
RMSEA = fit_strong$rmsea > fit_weak$rmsea,
CFI = fit_strong$cfi < fit_weak$cfi
# Plot results:
res_long_summary <-
res %>%
pivot_longer(chisq_0.05:CFI,names_to = "test") %>%
group_by(nIndicator,nu_diff,sampleSize,test) %>%
summarize(p = mean(value), n = n()) %>%
mutate(se = sqrt(p * (1-p) / n)) %>%
mutate(lower = p - 1.96 * se, upper = p + 1.96 * se)
res_long_summary$nu_diff_factor <- paste0("Bias first item: ",res_long_summary$nu_diff)
ggplot(res_long_summary, aes(x=factor(sampleSize), y = p, min=lower, max=upper)) +
facet_grid(nu_diff_factor ~ test) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,1),breaks = seq(0,1,by=0.2), minor_breaks = seq(0,1,by=0.1)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.01, lty = 2) +
geom_errorbar() +
xlab("Sample Size") +
ylab("Probability of rejecting strong invariance") +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
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