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Created April 2, 2019 00:57
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AWS Utilities
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';
import request from 'request';
import rp from 'request-promise';
import { getSetting } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
import aws4 from 'aws4';
import { parse } from 'url';
S3 constants
const region = getSetting('digitalocean.region');
const accessKey = getSetting('digitalocean.accessKey');
const secret = getSetting('digitalocean.accessKeySecret');
const bucket = getSetting('digitalocean.bucket');
const host = `${region}`;
S3 config
const spacesEndpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(host);
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
endpoint: spacesEndpoint,
accessKeyId: accessKey,
secretAccessKey: secret,
AWS constant options for AWS4 signature
const aws4opts = {
service: 's3',
Take a file URL, and upload the file to S3
export const putFromUrl = async (url, key) => {
try {
const response = await rp({
url: url,
encoding: null,
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
// when loading contract PDFs or other private content, we need to authentify using Vulcan's own apiKey
headers: {
apikey: getSetting('vulcan.apiKey'),
const s3params = {
Bucket: bucket,
Key: key,
ContentType: response.headers['content-type'],
ContentLength: response.headers['content-length'],
Body: response.body, // buffer
await s3.putObject(s3params).promise();
} catch (error) {
console.log('// putFromUrl error'); // eslint-disable-line
console.log(error); // eslint-disable-line
Take an S3 file URL, authenticate, and return a stream
export const getS3File = (url) => {
const path = parse(url).pathname.slice(1); // remove leading "/"
const opts = {
aws4.sign(opts, { accessKeyId: accessKey, secretAccessKey: secret });
const stream = request(opts);
return stream;
Take an S3 file URL, authenticate, and return a response (async version)
export const getS3FileAsync = async (url) => {
const path = parse(url).pathname.slice(1); // remove leading "/"
const opts = {
aws4.sign(opts, { accessKeyId: accessKey, secretAccessKey: secret });
const response = await rp(opts);
return response;
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