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Last active March 9, 2022 17:55
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# the survey outline
# First level: blocks
# Second level: questions (will use the block's question template if no template is specified)
### FEATURES ###
- template: statictext
id: features_intro
title: >
"For each of the following features, please pick one of the following options:
\n- 🤷 You've never heard about it, or are not sure what it is
\n- ✅ You've heard about it but *haven't* used it
\n- 👍 You've used it"
- title: Language
description: Which of these language features do you use?
template: feature
- Conditional/Ternary Operator
- Destructuration
- Inline If with Logical && Operator
- title: Hooks
description: Controlling how the user interacts with the page.
template: feature
- useState
- useEffect
- useContext
- useReducer
- useCallback
- useMemo
- title: Lifecycle
description: Controlling how the user interacts with the page.
template: feature
- getDerivedStateFromProps()
- componentDidMount()
- shouldComponentUpdate()
- getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()
- componentDidUpdate()
- componentWillUnmount()
- title: Other Features
description: Other React features.
template: feature
- React.PureComponent
- React.memo
- createElement()
- createFactory()
- cloneElement()
- React.createRef
- React.lazy
- defaultProps
- displayName
### PATTERNS ###
- title: Class Components vs Functional Components
description: How do you write your components?
template: multiple
allowmultiple: false
allowother: false
randomize: false
- I prefer using class components as much as possible.
- I don't have a preference.
- I prefer using functional components as much as possible.
- title: Dependency Injection
description: Which dependency injection patterns do you use?
- title: Higher-Order Components
template: rating
- title: renderProps
template: rating
- title: Hooks
template: rating
- template: statictext
id: tools_intro
title: >
"For each technology, please pick one of the following options:
\n- 🤷 You've never heard about it, or are not sure what it is
\n- ✅ You've heard about it and you *want* to learn it
\n- 🚫 You've heard about it, but *don't want* to learn it (or are *unsure*)
\n- 👍 You've used it and *want* to use it again
\n- 👎 You've used it but *don't* *want* to use it again"
- title: State Management
description: How you manage your application state.
template: tool
id: statemanagement
- Context
- Redux
- MobX
- Apollo-link-state
- Unstated
- Relay
- other
- title: Routing
description: Routing inside your app.
template: tool
id: routing
- React Router
- Reach Router
- other
- title: Testing
description: How you test your app.
template: tool
id: testing
- Jest
- other
- title: Animation
description: How you animate your interface.
template: tool
id: animation
- React-Motion
- React-Spring
- other
- title: CSS
description: CSS-in-JS and other methods.
template: tool
id: css
- Styled Components
- Glamor
- Aphrodite
- Styled-JSX
- Radium
- Emotion
- CSS Modules
- Sass
- Less
- Plain CSS
- other
- title: API
description: How your app gets its data.
template: tool
id: api
- GraphQL
- Firebase
- other
- title: Back-end
description: How you bundle and/or serve your app.
template: tool
id: backend
- Create React App
- Next.js
- Gatsby
- Meteor
- Node.js
- other
- title: Types
description: Type systems to make your code more predictable.
template: tool
id: types
- TypeScript
- Flow
- other
- title: UI Libraries
description: Ready-made component libraries.
template: tool
id: methodologies
- React-Bootstrap
- Reactstrap
- Material UI
- other
- title: Forms
description: Form generating and handling.
template: tool
id: methodologies
- TypeScript
- Flow
- other
- title: Other Platforms
description: React-adjacent platforms.
template: tool
id: methodologies
- React Native
- Reason
- title: Other Tools
description: For these tools & technologies, just check the ones that you use regularly.
- title: Text Editors
description: Which text editor(s) do you regularly use?
template: multiple
allowmultiple: true
allowother: true
randomize: true
- VS Code
- Sublime Text
- Atom
- Vim
- Emacs
- Webstorm
- title: Resources
description: What React resources do you consult?
- title: Blogs & Magazines
description: Which CSS-related blogs/magazines/etc. do you read?
template: multiple
allowmultiple: true
allowother: true
randomize: true
- CSS Tricks
- Smashing Magazine
- A List Apart
- CoDrops
- SitePoint
- title: Sites & Courses
description: Which CSS-related sites/courses/etc. do you consult?
template: multiple
allowmultiple: true
allowother: true
randomize: true
- Stack Overflow
- W3Schools
- The CSS Specs
- FreeCodeCamp
- Codecademy
- LevelUp Tutorials
- Wes Bos Courses (,, etc.)
- Pluralsight
- title: Podcasts
description: Which CSS or programming-related podcasts do you listen to?
template: multiple
allowmultiple: true
allowother: true
randomize: true
- Shop Talk Show
- Style Guide Podcast
- The Big Web Show
- The Web Ahead
- Non Breaking Space Show
- The Changelog
- Syntax
### OPINIONS ### // TODO
- title: Opinion Questions
description: How do you feel about the state of CSS?
- title: CSS is easy to learn
template: opinion
- title: CSS is evolving too slowly
template: opinion
- title: Utility (non-semantic) classes (.center, .large-text, etc.) should be avoided
template: opinion
- title: Selector nesting (.foo .bar ul li {...}) should be avoided
template: opinion
- title: CSS is a programming language
template: opinion
- title: I enjoy writing CSS
template: opinion
- title: What do you feel is currently missing from CSS?
description: Features you'd like to see in CSS one day.
template: longtext
# - title: CSS is moving in the right direction
# template: opinion
- title: About You
description: Let's get to know the real you.
- title: Years of Experience
description: How long you've been writing CSS.
template: multiple
allowmultiple: false
allowother: false
randomize: false
- Less than one year
- 1-2 years
- 2-5 years
- 5-10 years
- 10-20 years
- 20+ years
- title: Job Title
description: How do you introduce yourself at parties?
template: multiple
allowmultiple: false
allowother: true
randomize: false
- Front-end Developer/Engineer
- Full-stack Developer/Engineer
- Back-end Developer/Engineer
- Web Designer
- UI Designer
- UX Designer
- title: JavaScript Proficiency
description: How proficient are you at JavaScript development? (pick the most advanced option corresponding to your skills)
template: multiple
allowmultiple: false
allowother: false
randomize: false
- I am not able to write any JavaScript
- I can write short, simple JavaScript or jQuery statements
- I can work on existing front-end codebases using modern frameworks (React, Vue, etc.)
- I can architecture entire front-end codebases from scratch
- I can handle advanced front-end patterns (state management, data loading, etc.)
- title: Back-end Proficiency
description: How proficient are you at back-end development? (pick the most advanced option corresponding to your skills)
template: multiple
allowmultiple: false
allowother: false
randomize: false
- I am not able to handle any back-end work
- I can set up all-in-one CMSs (WordPress, etc.) or static site generators (Jekyll, etc.)
- I can develop apps using pre-existing frameworks (Rails, Laravel, etc.)
- I can set up an entire back-end from scratch (Go, Node, etc.)
- title: Company Size
template: multiple
allowmultiple: false
allowother: false
randomize: false
- Just me
- 1-5 people
- 5-10 people
- 10-20 people
- 20-50 people
- 50-100 people
- 100-1000 people
- 1000+ people
- title: Yearly Salary
description: In USD
template: multiple
allowmultiple: false
allowother: false
randomize: false
- I work for free :(
- $0-$10k
- $10k-$30k
- $30k-$50k
- $50k-$100k
- $100k-$200k
- $200k+
- title: How did you find out about this survey?
template: text
- title: Your Gender
template: multiple
allowmultiple: false
allowother: true
- Female
- Male
- Non-binary/ third gender
- Prefer not to say
- title: Your Email
description: If you'd like to be notified when survey results are available. Your email won't be used for any other purpose.
template: email
- title: Your Country
template: text
- title: Your City
template: text
- title: Other Comments
description: Things we missed, feedback on the survey, your favorite color, etc.
template: longtext
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