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SachaG / nova-users-apollo-migration.js
Last active June 8, 2017 15:12 — forked from xavxyz/nova-users-apollo-migration.js
Migration script for Nova Users to run server-side: from user.telescope.settingX to user.__settingX (without removing user.telescope.settingX for backward compatibility)
// Explanation:
// This is a migration script for your users to be compatible with the Apollo version of Nova
// We do not support anymore users properties on the `telescope` namespace. They will be duplicated onto __setting:
// Example: `user.telescope.karma` becomes `user.__karma`
// Note: we do not remove the `user.telescope` object, you'll still be able to go back to your previous full Meteor build if you feel that Apollo doesn't fit your needs
// How to use:
// Create a new /server directory at the root of your project then paste the script below in /server/migration.js
import Users from 'meteor/nova:users';

Title ideas

The super powers of your own toolkit based on Apollo tools

Talk abstract

Apollo tools for React & Node environment give you ability to powerful create apps powered with a GraphQL data layer. In creating your own re-usable toolkit on top of these tools, it allows you to build great products even more simply.


State of the art