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Created March 20, 2023 15:12
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A simple python program to adopt a pet and the details will be entered in a file.
A Python program to adopt a pet and appending the details in a file.
The entry can also be viewed by reading the file
import datetime
# Defining main function
def get_pet(pet):
# If user input 1 then this condition executes
if pet == 1:
adopt = int(input("Press 1 for Pet Dog 2 for Pet Cat: \n"))
if adopt == 1:
with open("Pet-Dog.txt", "a") as f:
f.write(str( + ": " + f"{name_inp} just adopted a Dog. \n")
print("Successfully Entered.")
elif adopt == 2:
with open("Pet-Cat.txt", "a") as f:
f.write(str( + ": " + f"{name_inp} just adopted a Cat. \n")
print("Successfully Entered.")
print("We have only CATS and DOGS.")
# If usr input 2 then this condition executes
elif pet == 2:
info = int(input("Enter 1 for Pet Dog Details 2 for Pet Cat Details: \n"))
if info == 1:
with open("Pet-Dog.txt") as f:
for content in f:
print(content, end='')
elif info == 2:
with open("Pet-Cat.txt") as f:
for content in f:
print(content, end='')
print("Enter Valid Option!!")
print("Choose 1 for adoption and 2 for Information...")
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("------------ Welcome to Pet Adoption Center -----------")
# Username Input
name_inp = input("Enter your name: \n")
# Taking Input from users
user_input = int(input("Press 1 for Adoption 2 for Information: \n"))
# Conditions according to user input
if user_input == 1:
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