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Last active May 7, 2020 04:52
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ATTCK with Sub-Techniques - BETA
################################## ATTCKnowledge
######################################## Objects
$Banner = @('
=== ATTCKnowledge ===
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=== |T| /"\ |T| ===
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== SadProcessor 2020 ==
#region Objects
## Knowledge Obj
if(-Not$ATTCK.Technique){$ATTCK = New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{
Tactic = @()
Technique = @()
Group = @()
Software = @()
Relationship = @() <# No Class #>
# Tactic Class
class ATTCKTactic{
Update-TypeData -TypeName ATTCKTactic -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ID,Name,Description -Force
## Technique Class
class ATTCKTechnique{
Update-TypeData -TypeName ATTCKTechnique -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ID,Name,Tactic,Description,Mitigation -Force
# Software Class
class ATTCKSoftware{
Update-TypeData -TypeName ATTCKSoftware -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ID,Name,Type,Description -Force
# Group Class
class ATTCKGroup{
Update-TypeData -TypeName ATTCKGroup -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ID,Name,Alias,Description -Force
#region Common
################################## [Helper] DynP
<# Helper Dynamic Params #>
function DynP{
# Create Attribute Obj
$Attrb = New-Object Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
if($Pos -ne $null){$Attrb.Position=$Pos}
# Create AttributeCollection
$Cllct = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
# Add Attribute Obj to Collection
if($VSet -ne $Null){
# Create ValidateSet & add to collection
$VldSt=New-Object Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($VSet)
# Create Runtine DynParam
$DynP = New-Object Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("$Name",$($Type-as[type]),$Cllct)
# Return DynParam
Return $DynP
###################################### Knowledge
ATT&CK Knowledge
## Action
- Display ATT&CK cmdlets
- Open ATT&Ck wiki in browser
- Sync Knowledge object from Mitre/cti Github repo
## Syntax
ATTCKnowledge [-Online]
ATTCKnowledge [-Sync] [-Verbose]
See examples for details
PS> Help ATTCKKnowledge -Example
## Info
Using -Sync fetches a single json data object
from the Mitre cti github repo.
Data is formated and stored in memory for session.
Display available cmdlets
ATTCKnowledge -Online
Open ATT&CK in browser
ATTCKnowledge -Sync [-Verbose]
Fetch ATT&CK Knowledge object from github
function Invoke-ATTCKnowledge{
## If Sync
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Sync'){
# Banner
Write-Host "$Banner" -ForegroundColor Cyan
################################################ POST
# Get ATTCKnowledge Json obj from Github
Write-Verbose "[+] Importing ATT&CK Knowledge..."
$url = ''
if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop'){
$Json = irm $url -Verbose:$false
if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core'){
$Json = curl -s $url | ConvertFrom-Json
# Stop if not found
Write-Warning '[!] No Object Found'
# Tactic Obj Collection
Write-Verbose "[+] Formating Tactic Objects..."
$ATTCK.Tactic = $Json.Objects | where type -eq x-mitre-tactic |%{
Name = $
Description = $_.description
Type = $_.type
ID =($_.external_references |? source_name -eq mitre-attack).external_id
Wiki =($_.external_references |? source_name -eq mitre-attack).url
Reference = $_.external_references |? source_name -ne mitre-attack
Created = $_.created
Modified = $_.modified
STIX = $
# Technique Obj Collection
Write-Verbose "[+] Formating Technique Objects..."
$TacList = $Json.Objects | Where type -eq course-of-action
$ATTCK.Technique = $Json.Objects | Where type -eq attack-pattern |%{
$TechName = $
Name = $TechName
Tactic = $_.kill_chain_phases.phase_name
Description = $_.description
Platform = $_.x_mitre_platforms
Permission = $_.x_mitre_permissions_required
Bypass = $_.x_mitre_defense_bypassed
Network = $_.x_mitre_network_requirements
Remote = $_.x_mitre_remote_support
Prereq = $_.x_mitre_system_requirements
Detection = $(try{($_.description | sls -pattern '((Detection:)(?ms)(.*)(Platform))').matches.Groups[3].value.trim()}Catch{})
Mitigation = ($TacList | Where name -match $TechName).description
DataSource = $_.x_mitre_data_sources
ID =($_.external_references |? source_name -eq mitre-attack).external_id
Parent = $Null
Sub = @()
Wiki =($_.external_references |? source_name -eq mitre-attack).url
Reference = $_.external_references |? source_name -ne mitre-attack
Created = $_.created
Modified = $_.modified
Contributor = $_.x_mitre_contributors
STIX = $
## Remove "Old" ones [No Tactic/Description]
$Attck.Technique = $Attck.Technique | ? Description
## Add Parent/Sub
Foreach($Tech in $Attck.Technique){
if($tech.Id -like "*.*"){$Tech.Parent=@($Attck.technique |? {$ -eq $tech.Id.split('.')[0]}|select Id,Name)}
else{$Tech.Sub=($attck.Technique|? id -match "^$($\.")|Select Id,Name|sort id}
# Group Obj Collection
Write-Verbose "[+] Formating Group Objects..."
$ATTCK.Group = $Json.Objects | Where type -eq intrusion-set |%{
Name = $
Description = $_.description
Alias = $_.aliases
ID =($_.external_references |? source_name -eq mitre-attack).external_id
Wiki =($_.external_references |? source_name -eq mitre-attack).url
Reference = $_.external_references |? source_name -ne mitre-attack
Created = $_.created
Modified = $_.modified
Contributor = $_.x_mitre_contributors
STIX = $
# Software Obj Collection
Write-Verbose "[+] Formating Software Objects..."
$ATTCK.Software = $Json.Objects | Where {$_.type -eq 'tool' -OR $_.type -eq 'malware'} |%{
Name = $
Description = $_.description
Type = $_.type
Alias = $_.x_mitre_aliases
ID =($_.external_references |? source_name -eq mitre-attack).external_id
Wiki =($_.external_references |? source_name -eq mitre-attack).url
Reference = $_.external_references |? source_name -ne mitre-attack
Created = $_.created
Modified = $_.modified
Contributor = $_.x_mitre_contributors
STIX = $
# Relationship Obj Collection
Write-Verbose "[+] Formating Relationship Objects..."
$ATTCK.Relationship = $Json.Objects | Where type -eq 'relationship' |%{
Edge =$_.relationship_type
Reference = $_.external_references
Write-Verbose "[+] Done."
## If View
# If Online
if($Online){start-Process ""}
# Else Cmdlet Memo
[PSCustomObject]@{Cmdlet='Invoke-ATTCKnowledge';Alias='' ;Help='Help ATTCKnowledge' }
[PSCustomObject]@{Cmdlet='Get-ATTCKTechnique' ;Alias='ATTCK' ;Help='Help ATTCK-Technique'}
[PSCustomObject]@{Cmdlet='Get-ATTCKTactic' ;Alias='ATTCK-Tactic' ;Help='Help ATTCK-Tactic' }
[PSCustomObject]@{Cmdlet='Get-ATTCKGroup' ;Alias='ATTCK-Group' ;Help='Help ATTCK-Group' }
[PSCustomObject]@{Cmdlet='Get-ATTCKSoftware' ;Alias='ATTCK-Software' ;Help='Help ATTCK-Software' }
[PSCustomObject]@{Cmdlet='Get-ATTCKUsage' ;Alias='ATTCK-Usage' ;Help='Help ATTCK-Usage' }
#region POST
###################################### Technique
ATT&CK Techniques
## Action
- List all Techniques
- View Technique(s) by name
- View Technique(s) by ID
- Open ATT&Ck wiki in browser
- Filter Technique by Tactic/Platform/Context
- Search Keyword in description
## Syntax
ATTCKTechnique [-Online]
ATTCKTechnique [-name] [-Value] <tab> [-Online] [-Reference]
ATTCKTechnique -ID [-Value] <tab> [-Online] [-Reference]
ATTCKTechnique -Filter [[-Tactic] <tab>] [[-Platform] <tab>] [[-Permission] <tab>]
ATTCKTechnique -Description [-Match] <input>
See examples for details
PS> Help ATTCKTechnique -Example
List all available techniques
Use |Where or |select to filter objects
Object Properties tab-complete after pipeline :)
ATTCKTechnique AppleScript
View Technique by name
Accepts multiple coma separated values
Technique names tab-complete
Add -online -> open wiki in browser
Add -reference -> view reference
Add -reference -online -> open reference in Browser
ATTCKTechnique -ID T1001
View Technique by Mitre ID
Accepts multiple coma separated values
Technique IDs tab-complete
Add -online -> open wiki in browser
Add -reference -> view reference
Add -reference -online -> open reference in Browser
ATTCKTechnique -Description 'Subtee'
View Techniques where desciption match 'Subtee'
ATTCKTechnique -Filter lateral-movement macOS root
List macOS lateral mvt techniques that require root
Can filter on Tactic/Platform/Permission
(positional in this order or named params)
All tab-completes
function Get-ATTCKTechnique{
# Select by Name
# Select by ID
# Apply Filters
# Match Description
# Include Sub-Technique
# View Reference
# View Online
## DynDico
$Dico = New-Object Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
# If Fitler
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Filter'){
# Prep DynP
$DynTact = DynP -Name 'Tactic' -Type 'String[]' -Pos 0 -VSet @($Attck.Technique.Tactic|sort -unique)
$DynPlat = DynP -Name 'Platform' -Type 'String[]' -Pos 1 -VSet @($Attck.Technique.Platform|sort -unique)
$DynPerm = DynP -Name 'Permission' -Type 'String[]' -Pos 2 -VSet @($Attck.Technique.Permission|sort -unique)
# DynP to Dico
# If Description
Elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Description'){
$DynDesc = DynP -Name 'Match' -Type 'string' -mandat 1 -Pos 0
# Else
else{# If ID
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
$DynID = DynP -Name 'Value' -Type 'String[]' -Mandat 1 -Pos 0 -VSet @($Attck.Technique.ID)
# If Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name'){
$DynName = DynP -Name 'Value' -Type 'String[]' -Mandat 0 -Pos 0 -VSet @($Attck.Technique.Name)
## Return Dico
Return $Dico
## Get Techniques
$Result = $Attck.Technique
# Apply Filters
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Filter'){
if($PSBoundParameters.Tactic){$Result = $Result | ? tactic -match "$($PSBoundParameters.Tactic-join'|')"}
if($PSBoundParameters.Platform){$Result = $Result | ? Platform -match "$($PSBoundParameters.Platform-join'|')"}
if($PSBoundParameters.Permission){$Result = $Result | ? Permission -match "$($PSBoundParameters.Permission-join'|')"}
# Match in Description
if($PScmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Description'){$DynDesc.value
$Result = $Result | ? Description -match $DynDesc.value
# Or - Select by ID
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
$Result = @()
$DynID.value|%{$Result += $Attck.Technique | ? ID -eq $_}
$Url = $Result.Wiki
if($Reference){$Result=$Result.Reference;$Url = $Result.Url}
# Or - Select by Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name'){
$Result = @()
$DynName.value|%{$Result += $Attck.Technique | ? Name -eq $_}
$Url = $Result.Wiki
if($Reference){$Result=$Result.Reference;$Url = $Result.Url}
# If Subs
Foreach($R in $result){$All+=$Attck.Technique|? id -match "^$($'.')[0])"}
$Result = $all
## Output
# If Online > Open URL
$Url|%{try{Start-Process $_}catch{}}
# Else Return Result
else{Return $result}
########################################## Group
ATT&CK Groups
## Action
- List all Groups
- View Group(s) by name
- View Group(s) by ID
- Open ATT&Ck wiki in browser
- Match keyword in Group description
## Syntax
ATTCK-Group [-Online]
ATTCK-Group [-name] [-Value] <tab> [-Online] [-Reference]
ATTCK-Group -ID [-Value] <tab> [-Online] [-Reference]
ATTCK-Group -Description [-Match] <input>
See examples for details
PS> Help ATTCK-Group -Example
List all available Groups
Use |Where or |select to filter objects
Object Properties tab-complete after pipeline :)
ATTCK-Group admin@338
View Group by name/alias
Accepts multiple coma separated values
Group names tab-complete
Add -Online -> open wiki in browser
Add -Reference -> view reference
Add -Reference -Online -> open reference in Browser
ATTCK-Group -ID G0023 | Select Description
View Group by Mitre ID
Accepts multiple coma separated values
Group IDs tab-complete
Add -Online -> open wiki in browser
Add -Reference -> view reference
Add -Reference -Online -> open reference in Browser
ATTCKGroup -Description "china|chinese" | select name,alias
View Groups attributed to China
function Get-ATTCKGroup{
# Select by Name
# Select by ID
# Match Description
# View Reference
# View Online
## DynDico
$Dico = New-Object Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
# If ID
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
$DynID = DynP -Name 'Value' -Type 'String[]' -Mandat 1 -Pos 0 -VSet @($Attck.Group.ID | sort)
# If Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name'){
$DynName = DynP -Name 'Value' -Type 'String[]' -Mandat 0 -Pos 0 -VSet @($ | sort -unique)
# If ID
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Description'){
$DynDesc = DynP -Name 'match' -Type 'String' -Mandat 1 -Pos 0
## Return Dico
Return $Dico
## Get Groups
$Result = $Attck.Group
# Select by ID
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
$Result = @()
$DynID.value|%{$Result += $Attck.Group | ? ID -eq $_}
$Url = $Result.Wiki
if($Reference){$Result=$Result.Group ;$Url = $Result.Url}
# Or - Select by Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' -AND $DynName.IsSet){
$Result = @()
$DynName.value|%{$Result += $Attck.Group | ? Alias -Contains $_}
$Url = $Result.Wiki
if($Reference){$Result=$Result.Reference;$Url = $Result.Url}
# Or - Match in Description
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Description'){
$Result = $Result | ? Description -match $DynDesc.Value
## Output
# If Online > Open URL
$Url|%{try{Start-Process $_}catch{}}
# Else Return Result
else{Return $result}
####################################### Software
ATT&CK Software
## Action
- List all Software
- View Software by name
- View Software by ID
- Open ATT&Ck wiki in browser
- Filter Software by type (tool vs Malware)
- Match keyword in Software description
## Syntax
ATTCKSoftware [-Online]
ATTCKSoftware [-name] [-Value] <tab> [-Online] [-Reference]
ATTCKSoftware -ID [-Value] <tab> [-Online] [-Reference]
ATTCKSoftware -Filter [-Type] <tab>
ATTCKSoftware -Description [-match] <input>
See examples for details
PS> Help ATTCKSoftware -Example
List all available software
Use |Where or |select to filter objects
Object Properties tab-complete after pipeline :)
ATTCKSoftware CozyCar
View Technique by name
Accepts multiple coma separated values
Technique names tab-complete
Add -online -> open wiki in browser
Add -reference -> view reference
Add -reference -online -> open reference in Browser
ATTCKSoftware -ID S0021
View Software by Mitre ID
Accepts multiple coma separated values
Software IDs tab-complete
Add -online -> open wiki in browser
Add -reference -> view reference
Add -reference -online -> open reference in Browser
ATTCKSoftware -Filter malware
List all software of type malware (vs. tool)
ATTCKSoftware -Description worm | Select Name,Alias,Description
Return software matching 'worm' in description
function Get-ATTCKSoftware{
# Select by Name
# Select by ID
# Apply Filters
# Apply Filters
# View Reference
# View Online
## DynDico
$Dico = New-Object Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
# If Fitler Type
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Filter'){
# Prep DynP
$DynType = DynP -Name 'Type' -Type 'String' -Mandat 1 -Pos 0 -VSet @($Attck.Software.Type|sort -unique)
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Description'){
# Prep DynP
$DynDesc = DynP -Name 'Match' -Type 'String' -Mandat 1 -Pos 0
# If Select Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
$DynID = DynP -Name 'Value' -Type 'String[]' -Mandat 1 -Pos 0 -VSet @($Attck.Software.ID)
# If Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name'){
$DynName = DynP -Name 'Value' -Type 'String[]' -Mandat 0 -Pos 0 -VSet @($Attck.Software.Name)
## Return Dico
Return $Dico
## Get Techniques
$Result = $Attck.Software
# Filter by Type
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Filter'){
$Result = $Result | ? Type -eq $DynType.Value
# Match Description
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Description'){
$Result = $Result | ? Description -match $DynDesc.Value
# Or - Select by ID
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
$Result = @()
$DynID.value|%{$Result += $Attck.Software | ? ID -eq $_}
$Url = $Result.Wiki
if($Reference){$Result=$Result.Reference;$Url = $Result.Url}
# Or - Select by Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name'){
$Result = @()
$DynName.value|%{$Result += $Attck.Software | ? Name -eq $_}
$Url = $Result.Wiki
if($Reference){$Result=$Result.Reference;$Url = $Result.Url}
## Output
# If Online > Open URL
$Url|%{try{Start-Process $_}catch{}}
# Else Return Result
else{Return $result}
######################################### Tactic
ATT&CK Tactics
## Action
- List all Tactics
- View Tactic(s) by name
- View Tactic(s) by ID
- Open ATT&Ck wiki in browser
## Syntax
ATTCK-Tactic [-Online]
ATTCK-Tactic [-name] [-Value] <tab> [-Online] [-Reference]
ATTCK-Tactic -ID [-Value] <tab> [-Online] [-Reference]
See examples for details
PS> Help ATTCK-Tactic -Example
List all available Groups
Use |Where or |select to filter objects
Object Properties tab-complete after pipeline :)
ATTCK-Tactic impact
View Tactic by name
Accepts multiple coma separated values
Tactic names tab-complete
Add -Online -> open wiki in browser
Add -Reference -> view reference
Add -Reference -Online -> open reference in Browser
ATTCK-Tactic -ID TA0001 | Select Description
View Group by Mitre ID
Accepts multiple coma separated values
Tactic IDs tab-complete
Add -Online -> open wiki in browser
Add -Reference -> view reference
Add -Reference -Online -> open reference in Browser
function Get-ATTCKTactic{
# Select by Name
# Select by ID
# View Reference
# View Online
## DynDico
$Dico = New-Object Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
# If ID
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
$DynID = DynP -Name 'Value' -Type 'String[]' -Mandat 1 -Pos 0 -VSet @($Attck.Tactic.ID | sort -Unique)
# If Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name'){
$DynName = DynP -Name 'Value' -Type 'String[]' -Mandat 0 -Pos 0 -VSet @($ | sort -unique)
## Return Dico
Return $Dico
## Get Groups
$Result = $Attck.Tactic
# Select by ID
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ID'){
$Result = @()
$DynID.value|%{$Result += $Attck.Tactic | ? ID -eq $_}
$Url = $Result.Wiki
if($Reference){$Result=$Result.Tactic ;$Url = $Result.Url}
# Or - Select by Name
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Name' -AND $DynName.IsSet){
$Result = @()
$DynName.value|%{$Result += $Attck.Tactic | ? name -eq $_}
$Url = $Result.Wiki
if($Reference){$Result=$Result.Reference;$Url = $Result.Url}
## Output
# If Online > Open URL
$Url|%{try{Start-Process $_}catch{}}
# Else Return Result
else{Return $result}
# ATTCK-Usage -Map Group_Using_Technique -Name <name>
# ATTCK-Usage -Map Group_Using_Software -Name <name>
# ATTCK-Usage -Map Software_Using_Technique -Name <name>
# ATTCK-Usage -Map Software_UsedBy_Group -Name <name>
# ATTCK-Usage -Map Technique_UsedBy_Group -Name <name>
# ATTCK-Usage -Map Technique_Usedby_Software -Name <name>
Function Get-ATTCKUsage{
# Switch ValidateSet
'Group_Using_Technique' {$VSet=$|Sort -unique}
'Group_Using_Software' {$VSet=$attck.Software.alias|Sort -unique}
'Software_Using_Technique' {$VSet=$|Sort -unique}
'Software_UsedBy_Group' {$VSet=$attck.Group.alias |Sort -unique}
'Technique_UsedBy_Group' {$VSet=$attck.Group.alias |Sort -unique}
'Technique_Usedby_Software'{$VSet=$attck.Software.alias|Sort -unique}
# Dico
$Dico = New-Object Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
# DynPs
$DynName = DynP -Name 'Name' -Type 'String' -Mandat 1 -Pos 1 -VSet $Vset
$DynDesc = DynP -Name 'Describe' -type 'Switch' -Mandat 0 -Pos 2
# Return
Return $Dico
$InType = $Map.split('_')[2]
$EdgeDir = $Map.split('_')[1]
$OutType = $Map.split('_')[0]
if($InType -eq 'Technique'){$Prop='name'}else{$Prop='alias'}
#if($OutType -match "ID$"){$Prop='ID'; $OutType=$outype-replace"(ID$)",''}
# InputObj name to STIX
$Search = $ATTCK.$InType | Where $Prop -eq $DynName.Value
# RelationShip direction
If($EdgeDir -eq 'Using'){$a='Target';$B='Source'}Else{$a='Source';$b='Target'}
# For each edge matching Search stix
Foreach($Rel in ($ATTCK.Relationship | Where $a -eq $Search.stix | Where Edge -eq uses)){
if($Rel.description){$Desc = $rel.description}else{$desc=$null}
# Return OutputObj by STIX
$Found = $ATTCK.$OutType | where {$_.stix -eq $SearchSTIX}
if($edgeDir -eq "UsedBy"){$Src=$Search.Name;$tgt=$Found.Name}else{$Src=$Found.Name;$tgt=$Search.Name}
if($DynDesc.value -AND $Found.Name){
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
Source = $Search.Name
Edge = 'Uses'
Target = $Found.Name
Description= $Desc
Reference = $Rel.reference
else{Return $Found}
if(-Not$Attck.Tactic.count){ATTCKnowledge -Sync -Verbose}
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