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Last active December 10, 2016 14:22
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PoShSysX >> External SysInternal toolbox via PowerShell - When you forgot your tools...
##PoShSysX.v1 - WalterLegowski
PoShSysX: External SysInternal toolbox via PowerShell
This cmdlet generates a powershell string that can be run on the localhost (default) or used as scriptblock for other tool (via clipboard).
When executed, connects \\\tools\ as PSDrive and runs .exe from that path.
Always latest version of tools. No install to disk. (But slower...)
SysX psping
Invoke-SysExternals -Search *
SysX -Search *64
Invoke-SysX psping.exe '-?'
SysX psping ' -nobanner' -Drive X -Clip
Search Item | Tool (+ Params) (+ DriveLetter)
Search result | Command to clipboard | Command result
Some SysInternals require GUI|Admin
When you forgot your tools...
Function Invoke-SysExternals(){
# NameOfTool(.exe)
# 'ParamString -with Quotes -If Needed'
# -Drive 'X' (DriveLetter for Temp PSDrive. Default is T)
# -Clip >> output to clipboard
# -Search >> search tool by name (accepts wildcard*)
# If -Search
# Search tool
$ToolList = @('')
$ToolList += (iwr "").Content.split(' ') -match 'HREF' | %{(($_.split('>')[1]).split('<')[0])}
$ToolList = $ToolList -match '.exe'
echo ($ToolList -like "$Search*")
# Else
# Append '.exe' if needed
if(!($tool -like "*.exe")){$tool += '.exe'}
#Generate string command
$String = "`$Null = ndr -N $Drive -PS 'FileSystem' -R '\\\tools\'; iex `"${Drive}:\$Tool --% /accepteula $Params`""
# Copy to clipboard...
if($Clip){$String | clip.exe}
# ... or Run command
if(!($Clip)){iex ($String)}
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