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Ruby Redis benchmarks for JSON vs Marshal vs String and code examples
Redis Marshaling
If you have time consuming method in your app that you call frequently, chances are that you’d like to cache it. Redis is great key-value store that can be used for this purpose. However, redis only store string values. In order to store other kinds of objects, you’ll have to use marshaling.
There is a built-in ruby class called Marshal that does the job well. The only thing you have to do is to call Marshal.dump method and pass it an object. The exact opposite is the Marshal.load method.
I’ve created helper method for easier integration with Redis. Here is how it looks:
module RedisHelper
# Returns the cached value for given key.
# If it doesn't exist, it evaluates the block and caches what it returns.
# @param [String] key the cache key
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options [Integer, nil] :ttl time to live in seconds
# @option options [Boolean, false] :marshal whether to perform marshaling
# @yield [] to be evaluated if the key does not exist
def self.fetch(key, options={}, &block)
raise"Must Supply Block") unless block_given?
return yield unless Rails.application.config.action_controller.perform_caching
val = nil
if REDIS.exists(key)
val = REDIS.get(key)
val = Marshal.load(val) if options[:marshal]
rescue TypeError
val = nil
if !val
val = yield
if options[:marshal]
REDIS.set key, Marshal.dump(val)
REDIS.set key, val
REDIS.expire key, options[:ttl] if options[:ttl]
There is not much to describe here since its already documented using yard. Instead, I’ll show how I used in in one of my apps:
module Geocoder
def self.geocode(location)
key = "geolocations/#{location}"
RedisHelper.fetch key, ttl: 24.hours, marshal: true do
I’m using geokit gem for discovering geocoordinate of an address. It uses Google geocoding API which is limited to 2500 queries per day. This piece of code will cache the result of GoogleGeocoder.geocode method so all successive requests will be returned from cache.
require 'benchmark'
require 'json'
require 'redis'
# -----------------
puts "Initialize variables.."
# Initialize connection to Redis via unix socket
redis = '/tmp/redis.sock')
# Generate array containing nested hashes with random integers, ex: { 1931 => { 9159 => 9366 }, 'stringkey' => 'stringvalue' }
hashes = []
100000.times do |i|
hashes[i] = { Random.rand(1..100) => { Random.rand(1..100) => Random.rand(1..100) }, 'stringkey' => 'stringvalue' }
puts '-----------------'
puts "Benchmark converting and inserting to Redis\n\n"
# Benchmark converting all the generated hashes into Redis do |x|
# Convert to json'to_json:') { hashes.each { |h| redis.set 'hash:j', h.to_json } }
# "{\"1931\":{\"9159\":9366},\"stringkey\":\"stringvalue\"}"
# Convert to bytestream'Marshal.dump:') { hashes.each { |h| redis.set 'hash:m', Marshal.dump(h) } }
# "\x04\b{\ai\x02\x8B\a{\x06i\x02\xC7#i\x02\x96$I\"\x0Estringkey\x06:\x06EFI\"\x10stringvalue\x06;\x00F"
# Convert to string'hash.to_s:') { hashes.each { |h| redis.set 'hash:s', h } }
# "{1931=>{9159=>9366}, \"stringkey\"=>\"stringvalue\"}"
puts '-----------------'
puts "Retrieve from Redis to compare\n\n"
# Retrieve from Redis
rawjson = redis.get 'hash:j'
rawbytestream = redis.get 'hash:m'
rawstring = redis.get 'hash:s'
# Convert back to a hash object
json = JSON.parse(rawjson)
bytestream = Marshal.restore(rawbytestream)
string = eval(rawstring)
puts "json == bytestream: #{json == bytestream}" # FALSE
puts "string == bytestream: #{string == bytestream}" # TRUE
puts '-----------------'
puts "Benchmark retrieving from Redis and converting back to a hash\n\n"
# Benchmark converting the hash 100000 times do |x|'JSON.parse') { 100000.times { JSON.parse(redis.get 'hash:j') } }'Marshal.restore') { 100000.times { Marshal.restore(redis.get 'hash:m') } }'eval(string)') { 100000.times { eval(redis.get 'hash:s') } }
# Initialize variables..
# -----------------
# Benchmark converting and inserting to Redis
# user system total real
# to_json: 4.380000 1.060000 5.440000 ( 6.570592)
# Marshal.dump: 2.870000 1.030000 3.900000 ( 5.021693)
# hash.to_s: 2.890000 1.010000 3.900000 ( 4.997409)
# -----------------
# Retrieve from Redis to compare
# json == bytestream: false
# string == bytestream: true
# -----------------
# Benchmark retrieving from Redis and converting back to a hash
# user system total real
# JSON.parse 3.440000 1.070000 4.510000 ( 5.497154)
# Marshal.restore 3.130000 1.050000 4.180000 ( 5.163987)
# eval(string) 5.130000 1.140000 6.270000 ( 7.270163)
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