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Created February 22, 2016 17:08
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`samePassword` is a directive with the purpose to validate a password input based on the value of another input. When both input values are the same the inputs will be set to valid.
(function() {
'use strict';
.directive('triSamePassword', samePassword);
/* @ngInject */
function samePassword() {
// Usage:
// ```html
// <form name="signup">
// <input name="password" type="password" ng-model="user.password" same-password="signup.confirm" />
// <input name="confirm" type="password" ng-model="user.confirm" same-password="signup.confirm" />
// </form>
// ```
// Creates:
// `samePassword` is a directive with the purpose to validate a password input based on the value of another input.
// When both input values are the same the inputs will be set to valid
var directive = {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: link,
scope: {
triSamePassword: '='
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
ngModel.$viewChangeListeners.push(function() {
ngModel.$setValidity('samePassword', scope.triSamePassword.$modelValue === ngModel.$modelValue);
scope.triSamePassword.$setValidity('samePassword', scope.triSamePassword.$modelValue === ngModel.$modelValue);
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