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Created December 12, 2017 11:15
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RCLootCouncilDB = {
["namespaces"] = {
["EPGP"] = {
["global"] = {
["tocVersion"] = "2.2.2",
["version"] = "2.2.2",
["testTocVersion"] = "",
["profiles"] = {
["Default"] = {
["gp"] = {
["tierButtons"] = {
[5] = "35%",
[6] = "0%",
["responses"] = {
[2] = "35%",
[3] = "0%",
["relicButtons"] = {
[2] = "35%",
[3] = "20%",
["columns"] = {
["bidTimesPR"] = false,
["bid"] = false,
["bid"] = {
["bidEnabled"] = true,
["customEP"] = {
["EPFormulas"] = {
["zones"] = "1171, 1188",
["standby"] = 0,
["name"] = "过程分",
["amount"] = "900",
["calendarSignedUp"] = 1,
["reason"] = "过程分",
}, -- [1]
["zones"] = "1171, 1188",
["notInGuild"] = 0,
["reason"] = "到位分",
["amount"] = "3000",
["notInZones"] = 0,
["calendarSignedUp"] = 1,
["completelyNotInGroup"] = 1,
["name"] = "跑到副本集合分1",
["offline"] = 0,
["isRank8"] = 0,
["isRank7"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["zones"] = "Elunaria",
["standby"] = 0,
["notInGuild"] = 0,
["reason"] = "补上",
["notInZones"] = 0,
["name"] = "在线人员集合分2",
["amount"] = "3000",
["isRank8"] = 0,
["offline"] = 0,
["isRank9"] = 0,
["isRank7"] = 0,
}, -- [3]
["name"] = "New",
}, -- [4]
["count"] = 4,
["customGP"] = {
["FingerSlot"] = "1",
["customGPEnabled"] = true,
["NeckSlot"] = "1",
["formula"] = "1000*2^(-965/10)*2^((ilvl+10*isToken+2*numSocket+0.5*hasLeech+0.5*hasSpeed+0.5*hasAvoid)/10)*slotWeights",
["RelicSlot"] = "1.5",
["ExtraUtilities"] = {
["profileKeys"] = {
["Safettea - Illidan"] = "Default",
["Safetyy - Illidan"] = "Default",
["Safettyy - Illidan"] = "Default",
["Zeroepgp - Illidan"] = "Default",
["global"] = {
["locale"] = "enUS",
["log"] = {
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Rezed-Zul'jin)", -- [1]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-0732BF33) (true) (false)", -- [2]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [3]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Alajin-Azralon) (Alajin-Azralon) (Player-3209-08AD4479) (true) (false)", -- [4]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Alajin-Azralon)", -- [5]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Player-3723-063A97AF) (true) (false)", -- [6]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Fiiz-Barthilas)", -- [7]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-097B2D1A) (true) (false)", -- [8]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Lavarekt-Ragnaros)", -- [9]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Kordrac-Ragnaros) (Kordrac-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09234B66) (true) (false)", -- [10]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Kordrac-Ragnaros)", -- [11]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-0838445E) (true) (false)", -- [12]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [13]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Player-69-0AF4CFCE) (true) (false)", -- [14]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Kaijudisc-Arthas)", -- [15]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Player-164-07961E71) (true) (false)", -- [16]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Malmora-Ravenholdt)", -- [17]
"18:44:21 - Inspect! (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-083BD679) (true) (false)", -- [18]
"18:44:21 - Inspect failed on: (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [19]
"18:44:23 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [20]
"18:44:23 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [21]
"18:44:23 - nil = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [22]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^STankstorm-Tichondrius^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [23]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^STankstorm-Tichondrius^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [24]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SYomm-EmeraldDream^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [25]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SYomm-EmeraldDream^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [26]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLandimjr-Azralon^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [27]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLandimjr-Azralon^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [28]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SAlida-Area52^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [29]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SAlida-Area52^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [30]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SKikcat-Thrall^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SMalmora-Ravenholdt^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SBrightclouds-Feathermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SCráuzer-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SJertbex-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SBratàc-Illidan^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SFelwynne-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^STankstorm-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^S^t^SRajette-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SLandimjr-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SYomm-EmeraldDream^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SFinessëkid-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^S^t^SFiiz-Barthilas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SDiscopig-Kil'jaeden^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SFriends~`and~`Fam^t^SBootyheals-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SRelanthre-Silvermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N16^Sclass^SMONK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SALT^t^SOzie-Galakrond^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N258^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^SPlayer~`no~`Auth^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SRezed-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^SAlt^t^SKithicor-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SShúgo-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N254^Senchant_lvl^N60^Sclass^SHUNTER^Senchanter^B^Srank^SOfficer^t^SAzaviah-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SLavarekt-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^SRegular^t^SKordrac-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SAlajin-Azralon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SKaijudisc-Arthas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^S^t^SAlida-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SElinnis-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^SPiglet^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [31]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Kikcat-Thrall) (Kikcat-Thrall) (Player-3678-0962E320) (true) (false)", -- [32]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Kikcat-Thrall)", -- [33]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Player-164-07961E71) (true) (false)", -- [34]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Malmora-Ravenholdt)", -- [35]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Brightclouds-Feathermoon) (Brightclouds-Feathermoon) (Player-118-03F618A0) (true) (false)", -- [36]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Brightclouds-Feathermoon)", -- [37]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09612AA8) (true) (false)", -- [38]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Cráuzer-Ragnaros)", -- [39]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Player-61-09B946F1) (true) (false)", -- [40]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Jertbex-Zul'jin)", -- [41]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Landimjr-Azralon) (Landimjr-Azralon) (Player-3209-0839C426) (true) (false)", -- [42]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Landimjr-Azralon)", -- [43]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-07C51E01) (true) (false)", -- [44]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [45]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A747D07) (true) (false)", -- [46]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Tankstorm-Tichondrius)", -- [47]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (Player-162-098D036A) (true) (false)", -- [48]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Yomm-EmeraldDream)", -- [49]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-09506446) (true) (false)", -- [50]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Rajette-Jubei'Thos)", -- [51]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Alajin-Azralon) (Alajin-Azralon) (Player-3209-08AD4479) (true) (false)", -- [52]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Alajin-Azralon)", -- [53]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Player-9-0A2E5A4E) (true) (false)", -- [54]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Discopig-Kil'jaeden)", -- [55]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Bootyheals-WyrmrestAccord) (Bootyheals-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-06F80D70) (true) (false)", -- [56]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Bootyheals-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [57]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Player-86-07C618E0) (true) (false)", -- [58]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Relanthre-Silvermoon)", -- [59]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-097B2D1A) (true) (false)", -- [60]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Lavarekt-Ragnaros)", -- [61]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Rezed-Zul'jin) (Rezed-Zul'jin) (Player-61-0A2E95CB) (true) (false)", -- [62]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Rezed-Zul'jin)", -- [63]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-0732BF33) (true) (false)", -- [64]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [65]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-0838445E) (true) (true)", -- [66]
"18:44:31 - Inspect queued on: (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [67]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Player-3723-063A97AF) (true) (false)", -- [68]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Fiiz-Barthilas)", -- [69]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A8C7D30) (true) (false)", -- [70]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Shúgo-Tichondrius)", -- [71]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Kordrac-Ragnaros) (Kordrac-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09234B66) (true) (false)", -- [72]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Kordrac-Ragnaros)", -- [73]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Player-69-0AF4CFCE) (true) (false)", -- [74]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Kaijudisc-Arthas)", -- [75]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Alida-Area52) (Alida-Area52) (Player-3676-08D9F1F5) (true) (false)", -- [76]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Alida-Area52)", -- [77]
"18:44:31 - Inspect! (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-083BD679) (true) (false)", -- [78]
"18:44:31 - Inspect failed on: (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [79]
"18:44:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^STankstorm-Tichondrius^N4^SMONK^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SCore~`Raider^N8^N0^N9^N941.6875^N10^N269^t^^ (from:) (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [80]
"18:44:32 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-1427-09612AA8)", -- [81]
"18:44:32 - InspectHandler() tried to inspect a non pooled guid: (Player-1427-09612AA8)", -- [82]
"18:44:39 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [83]
"18:44:39 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [84]
"18:44:39 - nil = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [85]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDoraemón-Illidan^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [86]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDoraemón-Illidan^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [87]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSupermassive-Deathwing^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [88]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSupermassive-Deathwing^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [89]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SMarchh-SteamwheedleCartel^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [90]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SMarchh-SteamwheedleCartel^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [91]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSilentshift-Area52^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [92]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSilentshift-Area52^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [93]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SRubfugly-Hyjal^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [94]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SRubfugly-Hyjal^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [95]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SGádra-Azralon^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [96]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SGádra-Azralon^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [97]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSurgé-Jubei'Thos^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [98]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSurgé-Jubei'Thos^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [99]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SRubfugly-Hyjal^N4^SWARLOCK^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SVeteran^N7^B^N8^N800^N9^N913.8125^N10^N265^t^^ (from:) (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [100]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SSupermassive-Deathwing^N4^SWARLOCK^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SAlt^N8^N0^N9^N934.1875^N10^N265^t^^ (from:) (Supermassive-Deathwing) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [101]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SSilentshift-Area52^N4^SDRUID^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SOfficer^N8^N0^N9^N953.25^N10^N102^t^^ (from:) (Silentshift-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [102]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SDoraemón-Illidan^N4^SDRUID^N5^STANK^N6^SRaid~`Leader^N7^B^N8^N60^N9^N956.3125^N10^N104^t^^ (from:) (Doraemón) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [103]
"18:44:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SGádra-Azralon^N4^SPRIEST^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SCore^N8^N0^N9^N951^N10^N258^t^^ (from:) (Gádra-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [104]
"18:44:43 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SAlajin-Azralon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SBrightclouds-Feathermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SJertbex-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^STankstorm-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^SCore~`Raider^t^SFinessëkid-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^S^t^SBootyheals-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SRelanthre-Silvermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SOzie-Galakrond^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N258^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^SPlayer~`no~`Auth^t^SFiiz-Barthilas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SKordrac-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SKaijudisc-Arthas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^S^t^SAlida-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SKikcat-Thrall^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N16^Sclass^SMONK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SALT^t^SDoraemón-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SYomm-EmeraldDream^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SFelwynne-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SSurgé-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SRajette-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SDiscopig-Kil'jaeden^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SFriends~`and~`Fam^t^SGádra-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^S^t^SRubfugly-Hyjal^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Srank^S^t^SSilentshift-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SLavarekt-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^SRegular^t^SMalmora-Ravenholdt^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SRezed-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^SAlt^t^SKithicor-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SMarchh-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SAzaviah-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SSupermassive-Deathwing^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Srank^S^t^SCráuzer-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SBratàc-Illidan^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SLandimjr-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SShúgo-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N254^Senchant_lvl^N60^Sclass^SHUNTER^Senchanter^B^Srank^SOfficer^t^SElinnis-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^SPiglet^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [105]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Player-164-07961E71) (true) (false)", -- [106]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Malmora-Ravenholdt)", -- [107]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Gádra-Azralon) (Gádra-Azralon) (Player-3209-0842B98C) (true) (false)", -- [108]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Gádra-Azralon)", -- [109]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Player-61-09B946F1) (true) (false)", -- [110]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Jertbex-Zul'jin)", -- [111]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (Player-3661-0743D2AC) (true) (false)", -- [112]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Rubfugly-Hyjal)", -- [113]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Bootyheals-WyrmrestAccord) (Bootyheals-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-06F80D70) (true) (true)", -- [114]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Bootyheals-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [115]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Player-86-07C618E0) (true) (false)", -- [116]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Relanthre-Silvermoon)", -- [117]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Player-3723-063A97AF) (true) (false)", -- [118]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Fiiz-Barthilas)", -- [119]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Kordrac-Ragnaros) (Kordrac-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09234B66) (true) (true)", -- [120]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Kordrac-Ragnaros)", -- [121]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Player-69-0AF4CFCE) (true) (false)", -- [122]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Kaijudisc-Arthas)", -- [123]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Alida-Area52) (Alida-Area52) (Player-3676-08D9F1F5) (true) (true)", -- [124]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Alida-Area52)", -- [125]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Kikcat-Thrall) (Kikcat-Thrall) (Player-3678-0962E320) (true) (true)", -- [126]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Kikcat-Thrall)", -- [127]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Doraemón-Illidan) (Doraemón) (Player-57-09899489) (true) (false)", -- [128]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Doraemón-Illidan)", -- [129]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (Player-162-098D036A) (true) (true)", -- [130]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Yomm-EmeraldDream)", -- [131]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-07C51E01) (true) (true)", -- [132]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [133]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-0A57F065) (true) (false)", -- [134]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Surgé-Jubei'Thos)", -- [135]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-09506446) (true) (false)", -- [136]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Rajette-Jubei'Thos)", -- [137]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Player-9-0A2E5A4E) (true) (false)", -- [138]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Discopig-Kil'jaeden)", -- [139]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Silentshift-Area52) (Silentshift-Area52) (Player-3676-09700AC7) (true) (true)", -- [140]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Silentshift-Area52)", -- [141]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A8C7D30) (true) (false)", -- [142]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Shúgo-Tichondrius)", -- [143]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Landimjr-Azralon) (Landimjr-Azralon) (Player-3209-0839C426) (true) (false)", -- [144]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Landimjr-Azralon)", -- [145]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-097B2D1A) (true) (true)", -- [146]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Lavarekt-Ragnaros)", -- [147]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Rezed-Zul'jin) (Rezed-Zul'jin) (Player-61-0A2E95CB) (true) (false)", -- [148]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Rezed-Zul'jin)", -- [149]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-0732BF33) (true) (true)", -- [150]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [151]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Alajin-Azralon) (Alajin-Azralon) (Player-3209-08AD4479) (true) (true)", -- [152]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Alajin-Azralon)", -- [153]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-0838445E) (true) (false)", -- [154]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [155]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09612AA8) (true) (true)", -- [156]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Cráuzer-Ragnaros)", -- [157]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Player-155-09906B5F) (true) (false)", -- [158]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Supermassive-Deathwing)", -- [159]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Brightclouds-Feathermoon) (Brightclouds-Feathermoon) (Player-118-03F618A0) (true) (true)", -- [160]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Brightclouds-Feathermoon)", -- [161]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A747D07) (true) (true)", -- [162]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Tankstorm-Tichondrius)", -- [163]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-09E9BAB8) (true) (false)", -- [164]
"18:44:43 - Inspect failed on: (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [165]
"18:44:43 - Inspect! (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-083BD679) (true) (true)", -- [166]
"18:44:43 - Inspect queued on: (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [167]
"18:44:43 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-1171-06F80D70)", -- [168]
"18:44:43 - Successfully received specID for (Bootyheals-WyrmrestAccord) (104)", -- [169]
"18:44:44 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-1427-09234B66)", -- [170]
"18:44:44 - Successfully received specID for (Kordrac-Ragnaros) (71)", -- [171]
"18:44:44 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-118-03F618A0)", -- [172]
"18:44:44 - Successfully received specID for (Brightclouds-Feathermoon) (66)", -- [173]
"18:44:48 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-3684-08551EE4)", -- [174]
"18:44:48 - InspectHandler() tried to inspect a non pooled guid: (Player-3684-08551EE4)", -- [175]
"18:44:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SZagru-WyrmrestAccord^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [176]
"18:44:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SZagru-WyrmrestAccord^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [177]
"18:44:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHaze-Ragnaros^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [178]
"18:44:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHaze-Ragnaros^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [179]
"18:44:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SFreixo-Azralon^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [180]
"18:44:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SFreixo-Azralon^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [181]
"18:44:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SHaze-Ragnaros^N4^SPALADIN^N5^STANK^N6^SRaider~`Alt^N8^N0^N9^N889.125^t^^ (from:) (Haze-Ragnaros) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [182]
"18:44:52 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SAlajin-Azralon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SBrightclouds-Feathermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SJertbex-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^STankstorm-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^SCore~`Raider^t^SFinessëkid-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^S^t^SBootyheals-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SRelanthre-Silvermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SOzie-Galakrond^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N258^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^SPlayer~`no~`Auth^t^SZagru-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SFiiz-Barthilas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SKordrac-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SKaijudisc-Arthas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^S^t^SAlida-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SKikcat-Thrall^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N16^Sclass^SMONK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SALT^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SYomm-EmeraldDream^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SSilkworm-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SFelwynne-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SFreixo-Azralon^T^Srole^SHEALER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SSurgé-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SRajette-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SHaze-Ragnaros^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SDiscopig-Kil'jaeden^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SFriends~`and~`Fam^t^SGádra-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N258^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^SCore^t^SRubfugly-Hyjal^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N265^Senchant_lvl^N800^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SVeteran^t^SSilentshift-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N102^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SOfficer^t^SLavarekt-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^SRegular^t^SMalmora-Ravenholdt^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SRezed-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^SAlt^t^SKithicor-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SMarchh-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SAzaviah-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SSupermassive-Deathwing^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N265^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Srank^SAlt^t^SCráuzer-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SBratàc-Illidan^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SLandimjr-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SShúgo-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N254^Senchant_lvl^N60^Sclass^SHUNTER^Senchanter^B^Srank^SOfficer^t^SElinnis-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^SPiglet^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [183]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Player-164-07961E71) (true) (false)", -- [184]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Malmora-Ravenholdt)", -- [185]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Gádra-Azralon) (Gádra-Azralon) (Player-3209-0842B98C) (true) (false)", -- [186]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Gádra-Azralon)", -- [187]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Player-61-09B946F1) (true) (false)", -- [188]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Jertbex-Zul'jin)", -- [189]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (Player-3661-0743D2AC) (true) (false)", -- [190]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Rubfugly-Hyjal)", -- [191]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Player-86-07C618E0) (true) (false)", -- [192]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Relanthre-Silvermoon)", -- [193]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord) (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-07B18929) (true) (false)", -- [194]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [195]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Player-3723-063A97AF) (true) (false)", -- [196]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Fiiz-Barthilas)", -- [197]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Player-69-0AF4CFCE) (true) (false)", -- [198]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Kaijudisc-Arthas)", -- [199]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Alida-Area52) (Alida-Area52) (Player-3676-08D9F1F5) (true) (true)", -- [200]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Alida-Area52)", -- [201]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Kikcat-Thrall) (Kikcat-Thrall) (Player-3678-0962E320) (true) (true)", -- [202]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Kikcat-Thrall)", -- [203]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09612AA8) (true) (true)", -- [204]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Cráuzer-Ragnaros)", -- [205]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (Player-162-098D036A) (true) (true)", -- [206]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Yomm-EmeraldDream)", -- [207]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis) (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis) (Player-3684-08551EE4) (true) (false)", -- [208]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis)", -- [209]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-07C51E01) (true) (false)", -- [210]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [211]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Freixo-Azralon) (Freixo-Azralon) (Player-3209-08D78512) (true) (false)", -- [212]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Freixo-Azralon)", -- [213]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-0A57F065) (true) (false)", -- [214]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Surgé-Jubei'Thos)", -- [215]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-09506446) (true) (true)", -- [216]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Rajette-Jubei'Thos)", -- [217]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Player-9-0A2E5A4E) (true) (true)", -- [218]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Discopig-Kil'jaeden)", -- [219]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-083BD679) (true) (true)", -- [220]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [221]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A8C7D30) (true) (false)", -- [222]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Shúgo-Tichondrius)", -- [223]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Landimjr-Azralon) (Landimjr-Azralon) (Player-3209-0839C426) (true) (false)", -- [224]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Landimjr-Azralon)", -- [225]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-097B2D1A) (true) (true)", -- [226]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Lavarekt-Ragnaros)", -- [227]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Rezed-Zul'jin) (Rezed-Zul'jin) (Player-61-0A2E95CB) (true) (false)", -- [228]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Rezed-Zul'jin)", -- [229]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-0732BF33) (true) (true)", -- [230]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [231]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Player-155-09906B5F) (true) (false)", -- [232]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Supermassive-Deathwing)", -- [233]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-0838445E) (true) (false)", -- [234]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [235]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Alajin-Azralon) (Alajin-Azralon) (Player-3209-08AD4479) (true) (true)", -- [236]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Alajin-Azralon)", -- [237]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-09E9BAB8) (true) (true)", -- [238]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [239]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A747D07) (true) (true)", -- [240]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Tankstorm-Tichondrius)", -- [241]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Silentshift-Area52) (Silentshift-Area52) (Player-3676-09700AC7) (true) (true)", -- [242]
"18:44:52 - Inspect queued on: (Silentshift-Area52)", -- [243]
"18:44:52 - Inspect! (Haze-Ragnaros) (Haze-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-02B89EB7) (true) (false)", -- [244]
"18:44:52 - Inspect failed on: (Haze-Ragnaros)", -- [245]
"18:44:52 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-3676-08D9F1F5)", -- [246]
"18:44:52 - Successfully received specID for (Alida-Area52) (577)", -- [247]
"18:45:01 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^STojino-WyrmrestAccord^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [248]
"18:45:01 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^STojino-WyrmrestAccord^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [249]
"18:45:01 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SAlajin-Azralon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SBrightclouds-Feathermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SJertbex-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^STankstorm-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^SCore~`Raider^t^SFinessëkid-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^S^t^SBootyheals-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SRelanthre-Silvermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SOzie-Galakrond^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N258^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^SPlayer~`no~`Auth^t^SZagru-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SFiiz-Barthilas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SKordrac-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SKaijudisc-Arthas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^S^t^SAlida-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SKikcat-Thrall^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N16^Sclass^SMONK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SALT^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SYomm-EmeraldDream^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SSilkworm-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SFelwynne-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SFreixo-Azralon^T^Srole^SHEALER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SSurgé-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^STojino-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SRajette-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SHaze-Ragnaros^T^Srole^STANK^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^SRaider~`Alt^t^SDiscopig-Kil'jaeden^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SFriends~`and~`Fam^t^SGádra-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N258^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^SCore^t^SRubfugly-Hyjal^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N265^Senchant_lvl^N800^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SVeteran^t^SSilentshift-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N102^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SOfficer^t^SLavarekt-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^SRegular^t^SMalmora-Ravenholdt^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SRezed-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SMONK^Srank^SAlt^t^SKithicor-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SMarchh-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SAzaviah-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SSupermassive-Deathwing^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N265^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Srank^SAlt^t^SCráuzer-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SBratàc-Illidan^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SLandimjr-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SShúgo-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N254^Senchant_lvl^N60^Sclass^SHUNTER^Senchanter^B^Srank^SOfficer^t^SElinnis-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^SPiglet^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [250]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Player-164-07961E71) (true) (false)", -- [251]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Malmora-Ravenholdt)", -- [252]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Gádra-Azralon) (Gádra-Azralon) (Player-3209-0842B98C) (true) (true)", -- [253]
"18:45:01 - Inspect queued on: (Gádra-Azralon)", -- [254]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Player-61-09B946F1) (true) (false)", -- [255]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Jertbex-Zul'jin)", -- [256]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (Player-3661-0743D2AC) (true) (false)", -- [257]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Rubfugly-Hyjal)", -- [258]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Player-86-07C618E0) (true) (false)", -- [259]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Relanthre-Silvermoon)", -- [260]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord) (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-07B18929) (true) (false)", -- [261]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [262]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Player-3723-063A97AF) (true) (false)", -- [263]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Fiiz-Barthilas)", -- [264]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Player-69-0AF4CFCE) (true) (false)", -- [265]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Kaijudisc-Arthas)", -- [266]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Kikcat-Thrall) (Kikcat-Thrall) (Player-3678-0962E320) (true) (false)", -- [267]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Kikcat-Thrall)", -- [268]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09612AA8) (true) (false)", -- [269]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Cráuzer-Ragnaros)", -- [270]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (Player-162-098D036A) (true) (false)", -- [271]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Yomm-EmeraldDream)", -- [272]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis) (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis) (Player-3684-08551EE4) (true) (false)", -- [273]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis)", -- [274]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-07C51E01) (true) (false)", -- [275]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [276]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Freixo-Azralon) (Freixo-Azralon) (Player-3209-08D78512) (true) (false)", -- [277]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Freixo-Azralon)", -- [278]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-0A57F065) (true) (false)", -- [279]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Surgé-Jubei'Thos)", -- [280]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-09506446) (true) (false)", -- [281]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Rajette-Jubei'Thos)", -- [282]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-083BD679) (true) (false)", -- [283]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [284]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Player-9-0A2E5A4E) (true) (false)", -- [285]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Discopig-Kil'jaeden)", -- [286]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A8C7D30) (true) (false)", -- [287]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Shúgo-Tichondrius)", -- [288]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Landimjr-Azralon) (Landimjr-Azralon) (Player-3209-0839C426) (true) (false)", -- [289]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Landimjr-Azralon)", -- [290]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-097B2D1A) (true) (false)", -- [291]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Lavarekt-Ragnaros)", -- [292]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Player-155-09906B5F) (true) (false)", -- [293]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Supermassive-Deathwing)", -- [294]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Rezed-Zul'jin) (Rezed-Zul'jin) (Player-61-0A2E95CB) (true) (false)", -- [295]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Rezed-Zul'jin)", -- [296]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-0732BF33) (true) (false)", -- [297]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [298]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-09E9BAB8) (true) (false)", -- [299]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [300]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-0838445E) (true) (true)", -- [301]
"18:45:01 - Inspect queued on: (Azaviah-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [302]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Alajin-Azralon) (Alajin-Azralon) (Player-3209-08AD4479) (true) (false)", -- [303]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Alajin-Azralon)", -- [304]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Haze-Ragnaros) (Haze-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-02B89EB7) (true) (true)", -- [305]
"18:45:01 - Inspect queued on: (Haze-Ragnaros)", -- [306]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A747D07) (true) (false)", -- [307]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Tankstorm-Tichondrius)", -- [308]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Silentshift-Area52) (Silentshift-Area52) (Player-3676-09700AC7) (true) (false)", -- [309]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Silentshift-Area52)", -- [310]
"18:45:01 - Inspect! (Tojino-WyrmrestAccord) (Tojino-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-0837775F) (true) (false)", -- [311]
"18:45:01 - Inspect failed on: (Tojino-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [312]
"18:45:03 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-1171-07C51E01)", -- [313]
"18:45:03 - Successfully received specID for (Felwynne-WyrmrestAccord) (577)", -- [314]
"18:45:04 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-162-098D036A)", -- [315]
"18:45:04 - Successfully received specID for (Yomm-EmeraldDream) (64)", -- [316]
"18:45:04 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-1427-097B2D1A)", -- [317]
"18:45:04 - Successfully received specID for (Lavarekt-Ragnaros) (262)", -- [318]
"18:45:05 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-3678-0962E320)", -- [319]
"18:45:05 - Successfully received specID for (Kikcat-Thrall) (577)", -- [320]
"18:45:09 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-11-0A747D07)", -- [321]
"18:45:09 - Successfully received specID for (Tankstorm-Tichondrius) (269)", -- [322]
"18:45:10 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-3728-09506446)", -- [323]
"18:45:10 - Successfully received specID for (Rajette-Jubei'Thos) (250)", -- [324]
"18:45:14 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-3209-08D78512)", -- [325]
"18:45:14 - InspectHandler() tried to inspect a non pooled guid: (Player-3209-08D78512)", -- [326]
"18:45:34 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [327]
"18:45:34 - GetML()", -- [328]
"18:45:34 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [329]
"18:45:35 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SAlajin-Azralon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SBrightclouds-Feathermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SJertbex-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SBootyheals-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SRelanthre-Silvermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SZagru-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SFiiz-Barthilas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SKordrac-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SKaijudisc-Arthas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^S^t^SAlida-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SKikcat-Thrall^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N16^Sclass^SMONK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SALT^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SYomm-EmeraldDream^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SSilkworm-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SFreixo-Azralon^T^Srole^SHEALER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SSurgé-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SRajette-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SHaze-Ragnaros^T^Srole^STANK^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^SRaider~`Alt^t^SDiscopig-Kil'jaeden^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SFriends~`and~`Fam^t^SGádra-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N258^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^SCore^t^SRubfugly-Hyjal^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N265^Senchant_lvl^N800^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SVeteran^t^SSilentshift-Area52^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N102^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SOfficer^t^SLavarekt-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^SRegular^t^SMalmora-Ravenholdt^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SKithicor-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SMarchh-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SSupermassive-Deathwing^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N265^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Srank^SAlt^t^SCráuzer-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SBratàc-Illidan^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SLandimjr-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SShúgo-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N254^Senchant_lvl^N60^Sclass^SHUNTER^Senchanter^B^Srank^SOfficer^t^SElinnis-WyrmrestAccord^T^Srole^STANK^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^SPiglet^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [330]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Alajin-Azralon) (Alajin-Azralon) (Player-3209-08AD4479) (true) (false)", -- [331]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Alajin-Azralon)", -- [332]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Gádra-Azralon) (Gádra-Azralon) (Player-3209-0842B98C) (true) (true)", -- [333]
"18:45:35 - Inspect queued on: (Gádra-Azralon)", -- [334]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Player-61-09B946F1) (true) (false)", -- [335]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Jertbex-Zul'jin)", -- [336]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (Player-3661-0743D2AC) (true) (true)", -- [337]
"18:45:35 - Inspect queued on: (Rubfugly-Hyjal)", -- [338]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Player-86-07C618E0) (true) (false)", -- [339]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Relanthre-Silvermoon)", -- [340]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord) (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-07B18929) (true) (true)", -- [341]
"18:45:35 - Inspect queued on: (Zagru-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [342]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Player-3723-063A97AF) (true) (false)", -- [343]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Fiiz-Barthilas)", -- [344]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Kaijudisc-Arthas) (Player-69-0AF4CFCE) (true) (true)", -- [345]
"18:45:35 - Inspect queued on: (Kaijudisc-Arthas)", -- [346]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09612AA8) (true) (false)", -- [347]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Cráuzer-Ragnaros)", -- [348]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis) (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis) (Player-3684-08551EE4) (true) (false)", -- [349]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Silkworm-Mal'Ganis)", -- [350]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Freixo-Azralon) (Freixo-Azralon) (Player-3209-08D78512) (true) (true)", -- [351]
"18:45:35 - Inspect queued on: (Freixo-Azralon)", -- [352]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-0A57F065) (true) (false)", -- [353]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Surgé-Jubei'Thos)", -- [354]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Player-9-0A2E5A4E) (true) (false)", -- [355]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Discopig-Kil'jaeden)", -- [356]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord) (Player-1171-083BD679) (true) (true)", -- [357]
"18:45:35 - Inspect queued on: (Elinnis-WyrmrestAccord)", -- [358]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A8C7D30) (true) (false)", -- [359]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Shúgo-Tichondrius)", -- [360]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-0732BF33) (true) (false)", -- [361]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [362]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Landimjr-Azralon) (Landimjr-Azralon) (Player-3209-0839C426) (true) (false)", -- [363]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Landimjr-Azralon)", -- [364]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Player-155-09906B5F) (true) (false)", -- [365]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Supermassive-Deathwing)", -- [366]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-09E9BAB8) (true) (false)", -- [367]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [368]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Player-164-07961E71) (true) (true)", -- [369]
"18:45:35 - Inspect queued on: (Malmora-Ravenholdt)", -- [370]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Silentshift-Area52) (Silentshift-Area52) (Player-3676-09700AC7) (true) (true)", -- [371]
"18:45:35 - Inspect queued on: (Silentshift-Area52)", -- [372]
"18:45:35 - Inspect! (Haze-Ragnaros) (Haze-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-02B89EB7) (true) (false)", -- [373]
"18:45:35 - Inspect failed on: (Haze-Ragnaros)", -- [374]
"18:45:35 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-3209-0842B98C)", -- [375]
"18:45:35 - Successfully received specID for (Gádra-Azralon) (258)", -- [376]
"18:45:36 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-3661-0743D2AC)", -- [377]
"18:45:36 - Successfully received specID for (Rubfugly-Hyjal) (265)", -- [378]
"18:45:40 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-57-09ED225E)", -- [379]
"18:45:40 - InspectHandler() tried to inspect a non pooled guid: (Player-57-09ED225E)", -- [380]
"18:45:44 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SBrightclouds-Feathermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SJertbex-Zul'jin^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SRelanthre-Silvermoon^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^S^t^SFiiz-Barthilas^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SSHAMAN^Srank^S^t^SKordrac-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SKikcat-Thrall^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEMONHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SIrtluzbek-Mal'Ganis^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N269^Senchant_lvl^N16^Sclass^SMONK^Senchanter^B^Srank^SALT^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SYomm-EmeraldDream^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SFreixo-Azralon^T^Srole^SHEALER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SSurgé-Jubei'Thos^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SHaze-Ragnaros^T^Srole^STANK^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPALADIN^Srank^SRaider~`Alt^t^SDiscopig-Kil'jaeden^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SFriends~`and~`Fam^t^SGádra-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N258^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SPRIEST^Srank^SCore^t^SMalmora-Ravenholdt^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SKithicor-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SMarchh-SteamwheedleCartel^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SSupermassive-Deathwing^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N265^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SWARLOCK^Srank^SAlt^t^SCráuzer-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^SLandimjr-Azralon^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^S^t^SShúgo-Tichondrius^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N254^Senchant_lvl^N60^Sclass^SHUNTER^Senchanter^B^Srank^SOfficer^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Irtluzbek-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [381]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (Player-164-07961E71) (true) (true)", -- [382]
"18:45:44 - Inspect queued on: (Malmora-Ravenholdt)", -- [383]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Cráuzer-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09612AA8) (true) (true)", -- [384]
"18:45:44 - Inspect queued on: (Cráuzer-Ragnaros)", -- [385]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Freixo-Azralon) (Freixo-Azralon) (Player-3209-08D78512) (true) (false)", -- [386]
"18:45:44 - Inspect failed on: (Freixo-Azralon)", -- [387]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Surgé-Jubei'Thos) (Player-3728-0A57F065) (true) (false)", -- [388]
"18:45:44 - Inspect failed on: (Surgé-Jubei'Thos)", -- [389]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Supermassive-Deathwing) (Player-155-09906B5F) (true) (false)", -- [390]
"18:45:44 - Inspect failed on: (Supermassive-Deathwing)", -- [391]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Discopig-Kil'jaeden) (Player-9-0A2E5A4E) (true) (false)", -- [392]
"18:45:44 - Inspect failed on: (Discopig-Kil'jaeden)", -- [393]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (Player-86-07C618E0) (true) (true)", -- [394]
"18:45:44 - Inspect queued on: (Relanthre-Silvermoon)", -- [395]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Shúgo-Tichondrius) (Player-11-0A8C7D30) (true) (false)", -- [396]
"18:45:44 - Inspect failed on: (Shúgo-Tichondrius)", -- [397]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-0732BF33) (true) (true)", -- [398]
"18:45:44 - Inspect queued on: (Kithicor-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [399]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Landimjr-Azralon) (Landimjr-Azralon) (Player-3209-0839C426) (true) (true)", -- [400]
"18:45:44 - Inspect queued on: (Landimjr-Azralon)", -- [401]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Fiiz-Barthilas) (Player-3723-063A97AF) (true) (true)", -- [402]
"18:45:44 - Inspect queued on: (Fiiz-Barthilas)", -- [403]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Jertbex-Zul'jin) (Player-61-09B946F1) (true) (false)", -- [404]
"18:45:44 - Inspect failed on: (Jertbex-Zul'jin)", -- [405]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel) (Player-1071-09E9BAB8) (true) (true)", -- [406]
"18:45:44 - Inspect queued on: (Marchh-SteamwheedleCartel)", -- [407]
"18:45:44 - Inspect! (Haze-Ragnaros) (Haze-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-02B89EB7) (true) (false)", -- [408]
"18:45:44 - Inspect failed on: (Haze-Ragnaros)", -- [409]
"18:45:44 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-164-07961E71)", -- [410]
"18:45:44 - Successfully received specID for (Malmora-Ravenholdt) (251)", -- [411]
"18:45:45 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-86-07C618E0)", -- [412]
"18:45:45 - Successfully received specID for (Relanthre-Silvermoon) (66)", -- [413]
"18:45:51 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [414]
"18:45:51 - GetML()", -- [415]
"18:45:51 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [416]
"18:45:54 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-123-00002918B510)", -- [417]
"18:45:54 - GetML()", -- [418]
"18:45:54 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [419]
"18:46:12 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [420]
"18:46:12 - GetML()", -- [421]
"18:46:12 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [422]
"18:48:03 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [423]
"18:48:03 - GetML()", -- [424]
"18:48:03 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [425]
"18:48:43 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [426]
"18:48:43 - GetML()", -- [427]
"18:48:43 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [428]
"18:51:45 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [429]
"18:51:45 - GetML()", -- [430]
"18:51:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [431]
"18:51:45 - Unknown ML", -- [432]
"18:51:45 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [433]
"18:51:45 - GetML()", -- [434]
"18:51:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [435]
"18:51:45 - Unknown ML", -- [436]
"18:51:45 - GetML()", -- [437]
"18:51:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [438]
"18:51:45 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [439]
"18:51:45 - MasterLooter = (Ragedump-Korialstrasz)", -- [440]
"18:51:45 - GetML()", -- [441]
"18:51:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [442]
"18:51:45 - InspectHandler() (INSPECT_READY) (Player-3684-0988B047)", -- [443]
"18:51:45 - InspectHandler() tried to inspect a non pooled guid: (Player-3684-0988B047)", -- [444]
"18:52:00 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [445]
"18:52:00 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SRagedump-Korialstrasz^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [446]
"18:52:00 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SRagedump-Korialstrasz^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [447]
"18:52:07 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [448]
"18:52:07 - GetML()", -- [449]
"18:52:07 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [450]
"18:52:08 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [451]
"18:52:08 - GetML()", -- [452]
"18:52:08 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [453]
"18:52:08 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [454]
"18:52:08 - MasterLooter = (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [455]
"18:52:08 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [456]
"18:52:08 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [457]
"18:52:08 - UpdateMLdb", -- [458]
"18:52:08 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [459]
"18:52:08 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (HEALER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [460]
"18:52:08 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [461]
"18:52:08 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [462]
"18:52:08 - GetML()", -- [463]
"18:52:08 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [464]
"18:52:08 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [465]
"18:52:08 - GetML()", -- [466]
"18:52:08 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [467]
"18:52:08 - ML Disabled", -- [468]
"18:52:08 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [469]
"18:52:08 - MasterLooter = (Ragedump-Korialstrasz)", -- [470]
"18:52:23 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [471]
"18:52:23 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [472]
"18:53:59 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Halleilujah) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [473]
"18:54:15 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Cantlockit) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [474]
"18:55:00 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.1^t^^ (from:) (Domrâ) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [475]
"18:55:21 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [476]
"18:55:21 - GetML()", -- [477]
"18:55:21 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [478]
"18:55:21 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3776-00002918CA9F)", -- [479]
"18:55:21 - GetML()", -- [480]
"18:55:21 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [481]
"18:55:38 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [482]
"18:55:38 - GetML()", -- [483]
"18:55:38 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [484]
"18:55:39 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [485]
"18:55:39 - GetML()", -- [486]
"18:55:39 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [487]
"18:55:39 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [488]
"18:55:39 - GetML()", -- [489]
"18:55:39 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [490]
"18:57:57 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Justcjq) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [491]
"18:58:48 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [492]
"18:58:48 - GetML()", -- [493]
"18:58:48 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [494]
"18:58:49 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3776-00002918CCDB)", -- [495]
"18:58:49 - GetML()", -- [496]
"18:58:49 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [497]
"18:59:04 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [498]
"18:59:04 - GetML()", -- [499]
"18:59:04 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [500]
"18:59:05 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [501]
"18:59:05 - GetML()", -- [502]
"18:59:05 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [503]
"18:59:05 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [504]
"18:59:05 - GetML()", -- [505]
"18:59:05 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [506]
"19:00:53 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [507]
"19:00:53 - GetML()", -- [508]
"19:00:53 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [509]
"19:00:53 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3887-00001A6775C4)", -- [510]
"19:00:53 - GetML()", -- [511]
"19:00:53 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [512]
"19:01:06 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [513]
"19:01:06 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [514]
"19:01:22 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [515]
"19:01:22 - GetML()", -- [516]
"19:01:22 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [517]
"19:01:23 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [518]
"19:01:23 - GetML()", -- [519]
"19:01:23 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [520]
"19:01:23 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [521]
"19:01:23 - GetML()", -- [522]
"19:01:23 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [523]
"19:06:10 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [524]
"19:06:10 - GetML()", -- [525]
"19:06:10 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [526]
"19:06:10 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3135-000023802941)", -- [527]
"19:06:10 - GetML()", -- [528]
"19:06:10 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [529]
"19:06:36 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [530]
"19:06:36 - GetML()", -- [531]
"19:06:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [532]
"19:06:37 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [533]
"19:06:37 - GetML()", -- [534]
"19:06:37 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [535]
"19:06:37 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [536]
"19:06:37 - MasterLooter = (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [537]
"19:06:37 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [538]
"19:06:37 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [539]
"19:06:37 - UpdateMLdb", -- [540]
"19:06:37 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [541]
"19:06:37 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (HEALER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [542]
"19:06:37 - ML:AddCandidate (Meanwhile-Mal'Ganis) (SHAMAN) (DAMAGER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [543]
"19:06:37 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [544]
"19:06:37 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [545]
"19:06:37 - GetML()", -- [546]
"19:06:37 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [547]
"19:06:38 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [548]
"19:06:38 - GetML()", -- [549]
"19:06:38 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [550]
"19:06:38 - ML Disabled", -- [551]
"19:06:38 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [552]
"19:06:38 - MasterLooter = (Ragedump-Korialstrasz)", -- [553]
"19:06:51 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [554]
"19:06:53 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [555]
"19:09:46 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [556]
"19:09:46 - GetML()", -- [557]
"19:09:46 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [558]
"19:09:46 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3776-00002918D0D9)", -- [559]
"19:09:46 - GetML()", -- [560]
"19:09:46 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [561]
"19:09:56 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [562]
"19:09:56 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [563]
"19:10:00 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [564]
"19:10:00 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [565]
"19:10:19 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [566]
"19:10:19 - OnLootSlotCleared() (1) (nil)", -- [567]
"19:10:19 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [568]
"19:10:42 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [569]
"19:10:42 - GetML()", -- [570]
"19:10:42 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [571]
"19:10:43 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [572]
"19:10:43 - GetML()", -- [573]
"19:10:43 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [574]
"19:10:43 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [575]
"19:10:43 - MasterLooter = (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [576]
"19:10:43 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [577]
"19:10:43 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [578]
"19:10:43 - UpdateMLdb", -- [579]
"19:10:43 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [580]
"19:10:43 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (HEALER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [581]
"19:10:43 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [582]
"19:10:43 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [583]
"19:10:43 - GetML()", -- [584]
"19:10:43 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [585]
"19:10:44 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [586]
"19:10:44 - GetML()", -- [587]
"19:10:44 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [588]
"19:10:44 - ML Disabled", -- [589]
"19:10:44 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [590]
"19:10:44 - MasterLooter = (Ragedump-Korialstrasz)", -- [591]
"19:10:57 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [592]
"19:10:59 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [593]
"19:13:45 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [594]
"19:13:45 - GetML()", -- [595]
"19:13:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [596]
"19:13:45 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3878-00002918D9E7)", -- [597]
"19:13:45 - GetML()", -- [598]
"19:13:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [599]
"19:13:45 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [600]
"19:13:45 - GetML()", -- [601]
"19:13:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [602]
"19:14:41 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [603]
"19:14:41 - GetML()", -- [604]
"19:14:41 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [605]
"19:14:42 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [606]
"19:14:42 - GetML()", -- [607]
"19:14:42 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [608]
"19:14:42 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [609]
"19:14:42 - GetML()", -- [610]
"19:14:42 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [611]
"19:16:51 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Antja) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [612]
"19:19:56 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [613]
"19:19:56 - GetML()", -- [614]
"19:19:56 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [615]
"19:19:56 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [616]
"19:19:56 - MasterLooter = (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [617]
"19:19:56 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [618]
"19:19:56 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [619]
"19:19:56 - UpdateMLdb", -- [620]
"19:19:56 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [621]
"19:19:56 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (HEALER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [622]
"19:19:56 - ML:AddCandidate (Meanwhile-Mal'Ganis) (SHAMAN) (DAMAGER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [623]
"19:19:56 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [624]
"19:20:02 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [625]
"19:20:02 - GetML()", -- [626]
"19:20:02 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [627]
"19:20:02 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3131-00002918E6E2)", -- [628]
"19:20:02 - GetML()", -- [629]
"19:20:02 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [630]
"19:20:02 - ML Disabled", -- [631]
"19:20:02 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [632]
"19:20:02 - MasterLooter = (Ragedump-Korialstrasz)", -- [633]
"19:20:11 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [634]
"19:20:11 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SRagedump-Korialstrasz^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [635]
"19:20:11 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SRagedump-Korialstrasz^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [636]
"19:20:17 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [637]
"19:20:17 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SRagedump-Korialstrasz^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [638]
"19:20:17 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SRagedump-Korialstrasz^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [639]
"19:20:33 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [640]
"19:20:33 - GetML()", -- [641]
"19:20:33 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [642]
"19:20:34 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [643]
"19:20:34 - GetML()", -- [644]
"19:20:34 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [645]
"19:20:34 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [646]
"19:20:34 - GetML()", -- [647]
"19:20:34 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [648]
"19:24:43 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Oldjibatufei) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [649]
"19:25:57 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [650]
"19:25:57 - GetML()", -- [651]
"19:25:57 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [652]
"19:25:57 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3131-00002918E6EB)", -- [653]
"19:25:57 - GetML()", -- [654]
"19:25:57 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [655]
"19:26:48 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [656]
"19:26:48 - GetML()", -- [657]
"19:26:48 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [658]
"19:26:49 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [659]
"19:26:49 - GetML()", -- [660]
"19:26:49 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [661]
"19:26:49 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [662]
"19:26:49 - GetML()", -- [663]
"19:26:49 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [664]
"19:28:39 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [665]
"19:28:39 - GetML()", -- [666]
"19:28:39 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [667]
"19:28:39 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3780-0000238037AF)", -- [668]
"19:28:39 - GetML()", -- [669]
"19:28:39 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [670]
"19:30:10 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [671]
"19:30:10 - GetML()", -- [672]
"19:30:10 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [673]
"19:30:11 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [674]
"19:30:11 - GetML()", -- [675]
"19:30:11 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [676]
"19:30:11 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [677]
"19:30:11 - MasterLooter = (Meanwhile-Mal'Ganis)", -- [678]
"19:30:11 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [679]
"19:30:11 - GetML()", -- [680]
"19:30:11 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [681]
"19:30:12 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [682]
"19:30:12 - GetML()", -- [683]
"19:30:12 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [684]
"19:30:12 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [685]
"19:30:12 - MasterLooter = (Ragedump-Korialstrasz)", -- [686]
"19:30:26 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [687]
"19:30:27 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [688]
"19:33:33 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [689]
"19:33:33 - GetML()", -- [690]
"19:33:33 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [691]
"19:33:33 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3131-00002918E9BB)", -- [692]
"19:33:33 - GetML()", -- [693]
"19:33:33 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [694]
"19:33:33 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [695]
"19:33:33 - GetML()", -- [696]
"19:33:33 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [697]
"19:34:01 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-123-00002918B3DD)", -- [698]
"19:34:01 - GetML()", -- [699]
"19:34:01 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [700]
"19:34:40 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [701]
"19:34:40 - GetML()", -- [702]
"19:34:40 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [703]
"19:34:40 - Unknown ML", -- [704]
"19:34:40 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [705]
"19:34:40 - GetML()", -- [706]
"19:34:40 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [707]
"19:34:40 - Unknown ML", -- [708]
"19:34:40 - GetML()", -- [709]
"19:34:40 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [710]
"19:34:40 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [711]
"19:34:40 - MasterLooter = (Dvô-Tichondrius)", -- [712]
"19:34:40 - GetML()", -- [713]
"19:34:40 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [714]
"19:34:55 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [715]
"19:34:55 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDvô-Tichondrius^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [716]
"19:34:55 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDvô-Tichondrius^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [717]
"19:35:10 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [718]
"19:35:10 - GetML()", -- [719]
"19:35:10 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [720]
"19:35:11 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [721]
"19:35:11 - GetML()", -- [722]
"19:35:11 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [723]
"19:35:11 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [724]
"19:35:11 - GetML()", -- [725]
"19:35:11 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [726]
"19:37:59 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [727]
"19:37:59 - GetML()", -- [728]
"19:37:59 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [729]
"19:38:00 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3884-000023804234)", -- [730]
"19:38:00 - GetML()", -- [731]
"19:38:00 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [732]
"19:38:00 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [733]
"19:38:00 - GetML()", -- [734]
"19:38:00 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [735]
"19:38:21 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [736]
"19:38:21 - GetML()", -- [737]
"19:38:21 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [738]
"19:38:22 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [739]
"19:38:22 - GetML()", -- [740]
"19:38:22 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [741]
"19:38:22 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [742]
"19:38:22 - GetML()", -- [743]
"19:38:22 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [744]
"19:41:49 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Halleilujah) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [745]
"19:41:53 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [746]
"19:41:53 - GetML()", -- [747]
"19:41:53 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [748]
"19:41:53 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3883-00001DE28E72)", -- [749]
"19:41:53 - GetML()", -- [750]
"19:41:53 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [751]
"19:41:53 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [752]
"19:41:53 - GetML()", -- [753]
"19:41:53 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [754]
"19:42:16 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [755]
"19:42:16 - GetML()", -- [756]
"19:42:16 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [757]
"19:42:17 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [758]
"19:42:17 - GetML()", -- [759]
"19:42:17 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [760]
"19:42:17 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [761]
"19:42:17 - MasterLooter = (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [762]
"19:42:17 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [763]
"19:42:17 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [764]
"19:42:17 - UpdateMLdb", -- [765]
"19:42:17 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [766]
"19:42:17 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (HEALER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [767]
"19:42:17 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [768]
"19:42:17 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [769]
"19:42:17 - GetML()", -- [770]
"19:42:17 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [771]
"19:42:17 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [772]
"19:42:17 - GetML()", -- [773]
"19:42:17 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [774]
"19:42:17 - ML Disabled", -- [775]
"19:42:17 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [776]
"19:42:17 - MasterLooter = (Dvô-Tichondrius)", -- [777]
"19:42:31 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [778]
"19:42:32 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [779]
"19:43:05 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [780]
"19:45:07 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [781]
"19:45:07 - GetML()", -- [782]
"19:45:07 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [783]
"19:45:08 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3783-00001A67A475)", -- [784]
"19:45:08 - GetML()", -- [785]
"19:45:08 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [786]
"19:45:55 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [787]
"19:45:55 - GetML()", -- [788]
"19:45:55 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [789]
"19:45:56 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [790]
"19:45:56 - GetML()", -- [791]
"19:45:56 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [792]
"19:45:56 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [793]
"19:45:56 - GetML()", -- [794]
"19:45:56 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [795]
"19:46:11 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Teemõ) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [796]
"19:50:31 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [797]
"19:50:31 - GetML()", -- [798]
"19:50:31 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [799]
"19:50:31 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3887-00001A67A872)", -- [800]
"19:50:31 - GetML()", -- [801]
"19:50:31 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [802]
"19:51:00 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [803]
"19:51:00 - GetML()", -- [804]
"19:51:00 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [805]
"19:51:01 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [806]
"19:51:01 - GetML()", -- [807]
"19:51:01 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [808]
"19:51:01 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [809]
"19:51:01 - GetML()", -- [810]
"19:51:01 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [811]
"19:55:03 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [812]
"19:55:03 - GetML()", -- [813]
"19:55:03 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [814]
"19:55:03 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3780-0000238047FC)", -- [815]
"19:55:03 - GetML()", -- [816]
"19:55:03 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [817]
"19:55:35 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [818]
"19:55:35 - GetML()", -- [819]
"19:55:35 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [820]
"19:55:36 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [821]
"19:55:36 - GetML()", -- [822]
"19:55:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [823]
"19:55:36 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [824]
"19:55:36 - GetML()", -- [825]
"19:55:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [826]
"19:58:02 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [827]
"19:58:02 - GetML()", -- [828]
"19:58:02 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [829]
"19:58:03 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3024-00001A67A288)", -- [830]
"19:58:03 - GetML()", -- [831]
"19:58:03 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [832]
"19:58:40 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [833]
"19:58:40 - GetML()", -- [834]
"19:58:40 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [835]
"19:58:41 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [836]
"19:58:41 - GetML()", -- [837]
"19:58:41 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [838]
"19:58:41 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [839]
"19:58:41 - GetML()", -- [840]
"19:58:41 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [841]
"20:05:05 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.1^t^^ (from:) (Domrâ) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [842]
"20:06:13 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [843]
"20:06:13 - GetML()", -- [844]
"20:06:13 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [845]
"20:06:14 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3780-000023805612)", -- [846]
"20:06:14 - GetML()", -- [847]
"20:06:14 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [848]
"20:06:14 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [849]
"20:06:14 - GetML()", -- [850]
"20:06:14 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [851]
"20:06:43 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [852]
"20:06:43 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [853]
"20:06:56 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [854]
"20:06:56 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [855]
"20:07:24 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [856]
"20:07:24 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [857]
"20:07:28 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [858]
"20:07:28 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [859]
"20:07:34 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [860]
"20:07:34 - GetML()", -- [861]
"20:07:34 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [862]
"20:07:35 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [863]
"20:07:35 - GetML()", -- [864]
"20:07:35 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [865]
"20:07:35 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [866]
"20:07:35 - GetML()", -- [867]
"20:07:35 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [868]
"20:08:34 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Cqjyt) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [869]
"20:12:18 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [870]
"20:12:18 - GetML()", -- [871]
"20:12:18 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [872]
"20:12:18 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3135-000023805C37)", -- [873]
"20:12:18 - GetML()", -- [874]
"20:12:18 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [875]
"20:12:38 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [876]
"20:12:39 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [877]
"20:12:41 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [878]
"20:12:42 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [879]
"20:13:19 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [880]
"20:13:19 - GetML()", -- [881]
"20:13:19 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [882]
"20:13:20 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [883]
"20:13:20 - GetML()", -- [884]
"20:13:20 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [885]
"20:13:20 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [886]
"20:13:20 - GetML()", -- [887]
"20:13:20 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [888]
"20:15:37 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [889]
"20:15:37 - GetML()", -- [890]
"20:15:37 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [891]
"20:15:37 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [892]
"20:15:37 - MasterLooter = (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [893]
"20:15:37 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [894]
"20:15:37 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [895]
"20:15:37 - UpdateMLdb", -- [896]
"20:15:37 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [897]
"20:15:37 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (HEALER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [898]
"20:15:37 - ML:AddCandidate (Theresia-Tichondrius) (WARRIOR) (DAMAGER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [899]
"20:15:37 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [900]
"20:15:43 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [901]
"20:15:43 - GetML()", -- [902]
"20:15:43 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [903]
"20:15:43 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3886-00001AE613CE)", -- [904]
"20:15:43 - GetML()", -- [905]
"20:15:43 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [906]
"20:15:43 - ML Disabled", -- [907]
"20:15:43 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [908]
"20:15:43 - MasterLooter = (Dvô-Tichondrius)", -- [909]
"20:15:52 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [910]
"20:15:53 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDvô-Tichondrius^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [911]
"20:15:53 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDvô-Tichondrius^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [912]
"20:15:57 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [913]
"20:15:58 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDvô-Tichondrius^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [914]
"20:15:58 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDvô-Tichondrius^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [915]
"20:15:59 - OnLootSlotCleared() (1) (|cff1eff00|Hitem:121074::::::::110:105:::2:1812:1689:::|h[Icepine Britches of the Peerless]|h|r)", -- [916]
"20:15:59 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [917]
"20:15:59 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [918]
"20:16:05 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [919]
"20:16:05 - GetML()", -- [920]
"20:16:05 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [921]
"20:16:06 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [922]
"20:16:06 - GetML()", -- [923]
"20:16:06 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [924]
"20:16:06 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [925]
"20:16:06 - GetML()", -- [926]
"20:16:06 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [927]
"20:19:07 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [928]
"20:19:07 - GetML()", -- [929]
"20:19:07 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [930]
"20:19:07 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3135-000023806347)", -- [931]
"20:19:07 - GetML()", -- [932]
"20:19:07 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [933]
"20:19:35 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [934]
"20:19:35 - GetML()", -- [935]
"20:19:35 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [936]
"20:19:36 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [937]
"20:19:36 - GetML()", -- [938]
"20:19:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [939]
"20:19:36 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [940]
"20:19:36 - GetML()", -- [941]
"20:19:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [942]
"20:19:46 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.1^t^^ (from:) (Domrâ) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [943]
"20:23:48 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [944]
"20:23:48 - GetML()", -- [945]
"20:23:48 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [946]
"20:23:49 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3135-000023806B7D)", -- [947]
"20:23:49 - GetML()", -- [948]
"20:23:49 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [949]
"20:23:49 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [950]
"20:23:49 - GetML()", -- [951]
"20:23:49 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [952]
"20:24:56 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [953]
"20:24:56 - GetML()", -- [954]
"20:24:56 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [955]
"20:24:57 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [956]
"20:24:57 - GetML()", -- [957]
"20:24:57 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [958]
"20:24:57 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [959]
"20:24:57 - GetML()", -- [960]
"20:24:57 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [961]
"20:25:34 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Nolzhanshen) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [962]
"20:27:45 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [963]
"20:27:45 - GetML()", -- [964]
"20:27:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [965]
"20:27:46 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3781-00001141FD96)", -- [966]
"20:27:46 - GetML()", -- [967]
"20:27:46 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [968]
"20:28:22 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [969]
"20:28:34 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [970]
"20:28:34 - GetML()", -- [971]
"20:28:34 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [972]
"20:28:34 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [973]
"20:28:34 - MasterLooter = (Theresia-Tichondrius)", -- [974]
"20:28:38 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-11-000023803D43)", -- [975]
"20:28:38 - GetML()", -- [976]
"20:28:38 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [977]
"20:28:43 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [978]
"20:28:43 - GetML()", -- [979]
"20:28:43 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [980]
"20:28:49 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [981]
"20:29:03 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [982]
"20:29:17 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [983]
"20:29:22 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Goufugui) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [984]
"20:29:54 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [985]
"20:30:01 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [986]
"20:30:50 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [987]
"20:30:50 - GetML()", -- [988]
"20:30:50 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [989]
"20:31:41 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [990]
"20:31:41 - GetML()", -- [991]
"20:31:41 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [992]
"20:31:55 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [993]
"20:32:33 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [994]
"20:32:33 - GetML()", -- [995]
"20:32:33 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [996]
"20:32:49 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [997]
"20:32:49 - GetML()", -- [998]
"20:32:49 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [999]
"20:33:15 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1000]
"20:33:15 - GetML()", -- [1001]
"20:33:15 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1002]
"20:33:53 - OnLootSlotCleared() (2) (|cff9d9d9d|Hitem:121349::::::::110:105::::::|h[Weatherworn Wristguards]|h|r)", -- [1003]
"20:33:53 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1004]
"20:33:53 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1005]
"20:34:40 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1006]
"20:34:40 - OnLootSlotCleared() (2) (|cff0070dd|Hitem:151245::::::::110:104::::::|h[Novitiate's Tarnished Arcanoscope]|h|r)", -- [1007]
"20:34:40 - OnLootSlotCleared() (1) (|cff9d9d9d|Hitem:152862::::::::110:104::::::|h[Shredded Felbroken Shawl]|h|r)", -- [1008]
"20:34:40 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1009]
"20:36:28 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1010]
"20:36:28 - GetML()", -- [1011]
"20:36:28 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1012]
"20:38:48 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1013]
"20:38:48 - GetML()", -- [1014]
"20:38:48 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1015]
"20:39:33 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1016]
"20:39:33 - GetML()", -- [1017]
"20:39:33 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1018]
"20:39:33 - Unknown ML", -- [1019]
"20:39:33 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [1020]
"20:39:33 - GetML()", -- [1021]
"20:39:33 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1022]
"20:39:33 - Unknown ML", -- [1023]
"20:39:36 - GetML()", -- [1024]
"20:39:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1025]
"20:39:36 - Unknown ML", -- [1026]
"20:39:36 - GetML()", -- [1027]
"20:39:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1028]
"20:39:36 - Unknown ML", -- [1029]
"20:39:36 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Fenrios-Thrall) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1030]
"20:39:36 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Fenrios-Thrall) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1031]
"20:39:36 - GetML()", -- [1032]
"20:39:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1033]
"20:39:36 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1034]
"20:39:36 - MasterLooter = (Danielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders)", -- [1035]
"20:39:36 - GetML()", -- [1036]
"20:39:36 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1037]
"20:39:39 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Danmcgrath-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1038]
"20:39:39 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Danmcgrath-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1039]
"20:39:48 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Kromlok-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1040]
"20:39:48 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Kromlok-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1041]
"20:39:51 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1042]
"20:39:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Ahoga-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1043]
"20:39:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1044]
"20:39:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1045]
"20:39:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Ahoga-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1046]
"20:39:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Teborin-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1047]
"20:39:51 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Teborin-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1048]
"20:39:52 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Skinypete-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1049]
"20:39:52 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Skinypete-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1050]
"20:39:57 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Mgpriest-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1051]
"20:39:57 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Mgpriest-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1052]
"20:39:59 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Star-Frostwolf) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1053]
"20:40:00 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDanielwiley-BlackwaterRaiders^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Star-Frostwolf) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1054]
"20:42:25 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1055]
"20:42:25 - GetML()", -- [1056]
"20:42:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1057]
"20:42:48 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1058]
"20:42:48 - GetML()", -- [1059]
"20:42:48 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1060]
"20:42:48 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1061]
"20:42:48 - MasterLooter = (Detkiss-Azralon)", -- [1062]
"20:42:52 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-123-000029196C84)", -- [1063]
"20:42:52 - GetML()", -- [1064]
"20:42:52 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1065]
"20:43:02 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1066]
"20:44:55 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1067]
"20:44:55 - GetML()", -- [1068]
"20:44:55 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1069]
"20:45:06 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.1^t^^ (from:) (Molleria) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1070]
"20:45:19 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1071]
"20:45:19 - GetML()", -- [1072]
"20:45:19 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1073]
"20:46:32 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1074]
"20:46:32 - GetML()", -- [1075]
"20:46:32 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1076]
"20:46:32 - Unknown ML", -- [1077]
"20:46:32 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [1078]
"20:46:32 - GetML()", -- [1079]
"20:46:32 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1080]
"20:46:32 - Unknown ML", -- [1081]
"20:46:32 - GetML()", -- [1082]
"20:46:32 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1083]
"20:46:32 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1084]
"20:46:32 - MasterLooter = (Maggash-Dalaran)", -- [1085]
"20:46:32 - GetML()", -- [1086]
"20:46:32 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1087]
"20:46:34 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1088]
"20:46:34 - GetML()", -- [1089]
"20:46:34 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1090]
"20:46:34 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1091]
"20:46:34 - MasterLooter = (Trake-Dragonmaw)", -- [1092]
"20:46:40 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1093]
"20:46:40 - GetML()", -- [1094]
"20:46:40 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1095]
"20:46:40 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1096]
"20:46:40 - MasterLooter = (Hitah-Ragnaros)", -- [1097]
"20:46:41 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfoRequest^T^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1098]
"20:46:41 - Comm received:^1^SMLdb^T^N1^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1099]
"20:46:41 - Inspect! (Floofable-BleedingHollow) (Floofable-BleedingHollow) (Player-73-0B4574E8) (true) (false)", -- [1100]
"20:46:41 - Inspect failed on: (Floofable-BleedingHollow)", -- [1101]
"20:46:41 - Inspect! (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-094E55C1) (true) (false)", -- [1102]
"20:46:41 - Inspect failed on: (Hitah-Ragnaros)", -- [1103]
"20:46:41 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SFloofable-BleedingHollow^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SHitah-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1104]
"20:46:41 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SHitah-Ragnaros^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1105]
"20:46:41 - nil = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1106]
"20:46:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHitah-Ragnaros^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SSafetyy-Illidan^N4^SDRUID^N5^STANK^N6^SScythe^N8^N0^N9^N941.75^N10^N104^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1107]
"20:46:47 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1108]
"20:46:49 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1109]
"20:46:51 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SHitah-Ragnaros^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1110]
"20:46:51 - nil = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1111]
"20:46:51 - Inspect! (Floofable-BleedingHollow) (Floofable-BleedingHollow) (Player-73-0B4574E8) (true) (false)", -- [1112]
"20:46:51 - Inspect failed on: (Floofable-BleedingHollow)", -- [1113]
"20:46:51 - Inspect! (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-094E55C1) (true) (false)", -- [1114]
"20:46:51 - Inspect failed on: (Hitah-Ragnaros)", -- [1115]
"20:46:51 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SFloofable-BleedingHollow^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SHitah-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N251^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^SRaider~`X^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1116]
"20:46:55 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1117]
"20:47:14 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1118]
"20:47:14 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1119]
"20:47:24 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBeástmode-Nazjatar^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1120]
"20:47:24 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBeástmode-Nazjatar^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1121]
"20:47:24 - Inspect! (Floofable-BleedingHollow) (Floofable-BleedingHollow) (Player-73-0B4574E8) (true) (false)", -- [1122]
"20:47:24 - Inspect failed on: (Floofable-BleedingHollow)", -- [1123]
"20:47:24 - Inspect! (Beástmode-Nazjatar) (Beástmode-Nazjatar) (Player-70-07C361A9) (true) (false)", -- [1124]
"20:47:24 - Inspect failed on: (Beástmode-Nazjatar)", -- [1125]
"20:47:24 - Inspect! (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-094E55C1) (true) (false)", -- [1126]
"20:47:24 - Inspect failed on: (Hitah-Ragnaros)", -- [1127]
"20:47:24 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SFloofable-BleedingHollow^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SBeástmode-Nazjatar^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SHitah-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N251^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^SRaider~`X^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1128]
"20:47:34 - Inspect! (Beástmode-Nazjatar) (Beástmode-Nazjatar) (Player-70-07C361A9) (true) (false)", -- [1129]
"20:47:34 - Inspect failed on: (Beástmode-Nazjatar)", -- [1130]
"20:47:34 - Inspect! (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-094E55C1) (true) (false)", -- [1131]
"20:47:34 - Inspect failed on: (Hitah-Ragnaros)", -- [1132]
"20:47:34 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SBeástmode-Nazjatar^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SHitah-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N251^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^SRaider~`X^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1133]
"20:47:42 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1134]
"20:47:42 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1135]
"20:47:44 - Inspect! (Beástmode-Nazjatar) (Beástmode-Nazjatar) (Player-70-07C361A9) (true) (false)", -- [1136]
"20:47:44 - Inspect failed on: (Beástmode-Nazjatar)", -- [1137]
"20:47:44 - Inspect! (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-094E55C1) (true) (false)", -- [1138]
"20:47:44 - Inspect failed on: (Hitah-Ragnaros)", -- [1139]
"20:47:44 - Inspect! (Silberius-Ragnaros) (Silberius-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-08D723AF) (true) (false)", -- [1140]
"20:47:44 - Inspect failed on: (Silberius-Ragnaros)", -- [1141]
"20:47:44 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SHitah-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N251^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^SRaider~`X^t^SBeástmode-Nazjatar^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SSilberius-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Hitah-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1142]
"20:47:48 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1143]
"20:47:48 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1144]
"20:47:51 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1145]
"20:47:51 - GetML()", -- [1146]
"20:47:51 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1147]
"20:47:51 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1148]
"20:47:51 - MasterLooter = (Beástmode-Nazjatar)", -- [1149]
"20:48:06 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1150]
"20:48:06 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3683-00001AE637DD)", -- [1151]
"20:48:06 - GetML()", -- [1152]
"20:48:06 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1153]
"20:51:52 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1154]
"20:51:52 - GetML()", -- [1155]
"20:51:52 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1156]
"20:51:52 - Unknown ML", -- [1157]
"20:51:52 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [1158]
"20:51:52 - GetML()", -- [1159]
"20:51:52 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1160]
"20:51:52 - Unknown ML", -- [1161]
"20:51:52 - GetML()", -- [1162]
"20:51:52 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1163]
"20:51:52 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1164]
"20:51:52 - MasterLooter = (Värimathras-Ragnaros)", -- [1165]
"20:51:52 - GetML()", -- [1166]
"20:51:52 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1167]
"20:52:01 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Värimathras-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1168]
"20:52:01 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfoRequest^T^t^^ (from:) (Värimathras-Ragnaros) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1169]
"20:52:01 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Värimathras-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1170]
"20:52:01 - Comm received:^1^SMLdb^T^N1^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^SmultiVote^B^StierButtons^T^t^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^SrelicNumButtons^N2^t^t^^ (from:) (Värimathras-Ragnaros) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1171]
"20:52:01 - Inspect! (Värimathras-Ragnaros) (Värimathras-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09118304) (true) (false)", -- [1172]
"20:52:01 - Inspect failed on: (Värimathras-Ragnaros)", -- [1173]
"20:52:01 - Inspect! (Tuskbow-Archimonde) (Tuskbow-Archimonde) (Player-1129-06AB5161) (true) (false)", -- [1174]
"20:52:01 - Inspect failed on: (Tuskbow-Archimonde)", -- [1175]
"20:52:01 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SVärimathras-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^SspecID^N73^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SWARRIOR^Srank^SRaider^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^STuskbow-Archimonde^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Värimathras-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1176]
"20:52:02 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SVärimathras-Ragnaros^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SSafetyy-Illidan^N4^SDRUID^N5^STANK^N6^SScythe^N8^N0^N9^N941.75^N10^N104^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1177]
"20:52:07 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1178]
"20:52:07 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SVärimathras-Ragnaros^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1179]
"20:52:08 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1180]
"20:52:08 - GetML()", -- [1181]
"20:52:08 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1182]
"20:52:08 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1183]
"20:52:08 - MasterLooter = (Tuskbow-Archimonde)", -- [1184]
"20:52:14 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1185]
"20:52:14 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1186]
"20:52:22 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1187]
"20:52:23 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^STuskbow-Archimonde^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1188]
"20:52:23 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^STuskbow-Archimonde^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1189]
"20:52:55 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1190]
"20:52:55 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1191]
"20:53:25 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1192]
"20:53:25 - GetML()", -- [1193]
"20:53:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1194]
"20:53:25 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1195]
"20:53:25 - MasterLooter = (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1196]
"20:53:25 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1197]
"20:53:25 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1198]
"20:53:25 - UpdateMLdb", -- [1199]
"20:53:25 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [1200]
"20:53:25 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (TANK) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [1201]
"20:53:25 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1202]
"20:53:25 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1203]
"20:53:25 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1204]
"20:53:25 - ML event (PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED)", -- [1205]
"20:53:25 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfoRequest^T^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1206]
"20:53:25 - Comm received:^1^SMLdb^T^N1^T^SrelicButtons^T^N1^T^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^Stext^S赌熔炉(35%)^t^N3^T^Stext^S副专精(20%GP)^t^t^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N120^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N3^StierNumButtons^N5^Sresponses^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0^N2^N1^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^S?^S需求^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0^N2^N1^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^S?^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^Stext^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N0^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S幻化^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N0^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S幻化^t^Srelic^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0.14^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.23^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物需求^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.24^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S赌熔炉(35%)^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N0.25^N2^N0.36^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物副专精(20%GP)^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S副专精(20%GP)^t^t^Stier^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0.1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^S?^S第四件套装^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0.1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第四件^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^S?^S第三件套装^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第三件^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^S?^S第二件套装^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第二件^t^N4^T^S?^T^N1^N0.5^N2^N1^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^S?^S第一件套装^Ssort^N4^Scolor^T^N1^N0.5^N2^N1^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第一件^t^N5^T^S?^T^N1^N0.27^N2^N0.37^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S套装赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^Ssort^N5^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^t^t^t^Sepgp^T^Sbid^T^SminNewPR^S1^SbidEnabled^B^SmaxBid^S10000^SminBid^S0^SbidMode^SprRelative^SdefaultBid^S^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^N1^T^Stext^S第四件^t^N2^T^Stext^S第三件^t^N3^T^Stext^S第二件^t^N4^T^Stext^S第一件^t^N5^T^Stext^S赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^t^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^N1^T^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^Stext^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^t^N3^T^Stext^S幻化^t^t^SrelicButtonsEnabled^B^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1207]
"20:53:25 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1208]
"20:53:25 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1209]
"20:53:25 - true = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1210]
"20:53:25 - GetLootDBStatistics()", -- [1211]
"20:53:25 - GetGuildRankNum()", -- [1212]
"20:53:25 - RCVotingFrame (enabled)", -- [1213]
"20:53:26 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (TANK) (Scythe) (nil) (0) (104)", -- [1214]
"20:53:26 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfo^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^N2^SDRUID^N3^STANK^N4^SScythe^N6^N0^N7^N941.75^N8^N104^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1215]
"20:53:35 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1216]
"20:53:35 - true = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1217]
"20:53:35 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1218]
"20:53:40 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1219]
"20:53:41 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1220]
"20:53:41 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1221]
"20:53:41 - ML event (CHAT_MSG_LOOT) (You receive loot: |cffffffff|Hitem:142216::::::::110:104::::::|h[Nightborne Armaments]|h|r.) () () () (Safetyy) () (0) (0) () (0) (2032) (nil) (0) (false) (false) (false) (false)", -- [1222]
"20:53:42 - ML event (PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED)", -- [1223]
"20:53:44 - UpdateGroup (table: 000001DC8394B7A0)", -- [1224]
"20:53:44 - ML:AddCandidate (Milliriel-Ragnaros) (DEATHKNIGHT) (TANK) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [1225]
"20:53:44 - ML:AddCandidate (Suxia-Ragnaros) (MAGE) (DAMAGER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [1226]
"20:53:44 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1227]
"20:53:44 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SMilliriel-Ragnaros^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1228]
"20:53:44 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SMilliriel-Ragnaros^N2^SMLdb^N3^T^SrelicButtons^T^N1^T^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^Stext^S赌熔炉(35%)^t^N3^T^Stext^S副专精(20%GP)^t^t^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N120^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N3^StierNumButtons^N5^Sresponses^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0^N2^N1^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^S?^S需求^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0^N2^N1^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^S?^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^Stext^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N0^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S幻化^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N0^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S幻化^t^Srelic^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0.14^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.23^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物需求^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.24^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S赌熔炉(35%)^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N0.25^N2^N0.36^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物副专精(20%GP)^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S副专精(20%GP)^t^t^Stier^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0.1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^S?^S第四件套装^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0.1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第四件^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^S?^S第三件套装^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第三件^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^S?^S第二件套装^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第二件^t^N4^T^S?^T^N1^N0.5^N2^N1^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^S?^S第一件套装^Ssort^N4^Scolor^T^N1^N0.5^N2^N1^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第一件^t^N5^T^S?^T^N1^N0.27^N2^N0.37^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S套装赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^Ssort^N5^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^t^t^t^Sepgp^T^Sbid^T^SminNewPR^S1^SbidEnabled^B^SmaxBid^S10000^SminBid^S0^SbidMode^SprRelative^SdefaultBid^S^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^N1^T^Stext^S第四件^t^N2^T^Stext^S第三件^t^N3^T^Stext^S第二件^t^N4^T^Stext^S第一件^t^N5^T^Stext^S赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^t^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^N1^T^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^Stext^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^t^N3^T^Stext^S幻化^t^t^SrelicButtonsEnabled^B^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1229]
"20:53:44 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSuxia-Ragnaros^N2^SplayerInfoRequest^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1230]
"20:53:45 - Inspect! (Suxia-Ragnaros) (Suxia-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-09823621) (true) (false)", -- [1231]
"20:53:45 - Inspect failed on: (Suxia-Ragnaros)", -- [1232]
"20:53:45 - Inspect! (Milliriel-Ragnaros) (Milliriel-Ragnaros) (Player-1427-094FA9A7) (true) (false)", -- [1233]
"20:53:45 - Inspect failed on: (Milliriel-Ragnaros)", -- [1234]
"20:53:45 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SSuxia-Ragnaros^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SMAGE^Srank^S^t^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SMilliriel-Ragnaros^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDEATHKNIGHT^Srank^S^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1235]
"20:53:45 - ML:AddCandidate (Milliriel-Ragnaros) (DEATHKNIGHT) (TANK) (Miembro) (nil) (0) (nil)", -- [1236]
"20:53:45 - GG:AddEntry (Milliriel-Ragnaros) (1)", -- [1237]
"20:53:45 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SMilliriel-Ragnaros^N4^SDEATHKNIGHT^N5^STANK^N6^SMiembro^N8^N0^N9^N944.125^t^^ (from:) (Milliriel-Ragnaros) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1238]
"20:53:45 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfo^T^N1^SMilliriel-Ragnaros^N2^SDEATHKNIGHT^N3^STANK^N4^SMiembro^N6^N0^N7^N944.125^t^^ (from:) (Milliriel-Ragnaros) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1239]
"20:53:46 - ML event (UI_INFO_MESSAGE) (285) (Rebellious Citizens armed: 5/6)", -- [1240]
"20:53:46 - ML event (UI_INFO_MESSAGE) (285) (Rebellious Citizens armed: 6/6)", -- [1241]
"20:53:46 - ML event (CHAT_MSG_LOOT) (You receive item: |cff0070dd|Hitem:146122::::::::110:104:8388608:27::56:::|h[Warden's Lantern]|h|r.) () () () (Safetyy) () (0) (0) () (0) (2035) (nil) (0) (false) (false) (false) (false)", -- [1242]
"20:53:48 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-1427-00001DE2F0C6)", -- [1243]
"20:53:48 - GetML()", -- [1244]
"20:53:48 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1245]
"20:53:48 - ML Disabled", -- [1246]
"20:54:25 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1247]
"20:54:25 - GetML()", -- [1248]
"20:54:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1249]
"20:54:25 - Unknown ML", -- [1250]
"20:54:25 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [1251]
"20:54:25 - GetML()", -- [1252]
"20:54:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1253]
"20:54:25 - Unknown ML", -- [1254]
"20:54:25 - GetML()", -- [1255]
"20:54:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1256]
"20:54:25 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1257]
"20:54:25 - MasterLooter = (Arkemonde-Khaz'goroth)", -- [1258]
"20:54:25 - GetML()", -- [1259]
"20:54:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1260]
"20:54:40 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1261]
"20:54:40 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SArkemonde-Khaz'goroth^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1262]
"20:54:40 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SArkemonde-Khaz'goroth^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1263]
"20:54:54 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1264]
"20:54:54 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1265]
"20:55:20 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1266]
"20:55:20 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1267]
"20:55:41 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1268]
"20:55:41 - GetML()", -- [1269]
"20:55:41 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1270]
"20:55:41 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1271]
"20:55:41 - MasterLooter = (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1272]
"20:55:41 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1273]
"20:55:41 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1274]
"20:55:41 - UpdateMLdb", -- [1275]
"20:55:41 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [1276]
"20:55:41 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (TANK) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [1277]
"20:55:41 - ML:AddCandidate (Arkemonde-Khaz'goroth) (HUNTER) (DAMAGER) (nil) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [1278]
"20:55:41 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1279]
"20:55:41 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfoRequest^T^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1280]
"20:55:42 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (TANK) (Scythe) (nil) (0) (104)", -- [1281]
"20:55:42 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfo^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^N2^SDRUID^N3^STANK^N4^SScythe^N6^N0^N7^N941.75^N8^N104^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1282]
"20:55:42 - Comm received:^1^SMLdb^T^N1^T^SrelicButtons^T^N1^T^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^Stext^S赌熔炉(35%)^t^N3^T^Stext^S副专精(20%GP)^t^t^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N120^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N3^StierNumButtons^N5^Sresponses^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0^N2^N1^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^S?^S需求^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0^N2^N1^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^S?^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^Stext^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N0^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S幻化^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N0^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S幻化^t^Srelic^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0.14^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.23^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物需求^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.24^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S赌熔炉(35%)^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N0.25^N2^N0.36^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物副专精(20%GP)^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S副专精(20%GP)^t^t^Stier^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0.1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^S?^S第四件套装^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0.1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第四件^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^S?^S第三件套装^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第三件^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^S?^S第二件套装^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第二件^t^N4^T^S?^T^N1^N0.5^N2^N1^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^S?^S第一件套装^Ssort^N4^Scolor^T^N1^N0.5^N2^N1^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第一件^t^N5^T^S?^T^N1^N0.27^N2^N0.37^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S套装赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^Ssort^N5^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^t^t^t^Sepgp^T^Sbid^T^SminNewPR^S1^SbidEnabled^B^SmaxBid^S10000^SminBid^S0^SbidMode^SprRelative^SdefaultBid^S^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^N1^T^Stext^S第四件^t^N2^T^Stext^S第三件^t^N3^T^Stext^S第二件^t^N4^T^Stext^S第一件^t^N5^T^Stext^S赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^t^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^N1^T^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^Stext^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^t^N3^T^Stext^S幻化^t^t^SrelicButtonsEnabled^B^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1283]
"20:55:42 - Inspect! (Arkemonde-Khaz'goroth) (Arkemonde-Khaz'goroth) (Player-3726-015F7981) (true) (false)", -- [1284]
"20:55:42 - Inspect failed on: (Arkemonde-Khaz'goroth)", -- [1285]
"20:55:42 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^S^t^SArkemonde-Khaz'goroth^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1286]
"20:55:42 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1287]
"20:55:42 - true = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1288]
"20:55:51 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1289]
"20:55:51 - true = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1290]
"20:55:52 - Inspect! (Arkemonde-Khaz'goroth) (Arkemonde-Khaz'goroth) (nil) (false) (false)", -- [1291]
"20:55:52 - Inspect failed on: (Arkemonde-Khaz'goroth)", -- [1292]
"20:55:52 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^STANK^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^SArkemonde-Khaz'goroth^T^Srole^SDAMAGER^Sclass^SHUNTER^Srank^S^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (PARTY)", -- [1293]
"20:55:52 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3726-00002047B53C)", -- [1294]
"20:55:52 - GetML()", -- [1295]
"20:55:52 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1296]
"20:55:52 - ML Disabled", -- [1297]
"20:55:56 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1298]
"20:56:43 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.4.0^t^^ (from:) (Shushi) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1299]
"20:57:02 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1300]
"20:57:02 - GetML()", -- [1301]
"20:57:02 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1302]
"20:58:19 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1303]
"20:58:19 - GetML()", -- [1304]
"20:58:19 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1305]
"20:59:25 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1306]
"20:59:25 - GetML()", -- [1307]
"20:59:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1308]
"21:01:51 - OnLootSlotCleared() (3) (|cff9d9d9d|Hitem:132183::::::::110:104::::::|h[Razor Tooth]|h|r)", -- [1309]
"21:01:51 - OnLootSlotCleared() (2) (|cff9d9d9d|Hitem:132184::::::::110:104::::::|h[Intact Shimmering Scale]|h|r)", -- [1310]
"21:01:51 - OnLootSlotCleared() (1) (|cffffffff|Hcurrency:1155|h[Ancient Mana]|h|r)", -- [1311]
"21:01:51 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1312]
"21:01:51 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1313]
"21:02:45 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1314]
"21:02:45 - GetML()", -- [1315]
"21:02:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1316]
"21:02:45 - Unknown ML", -- [1317]
"21:02:45 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [1318]
"21:02:45 - GetML()", -- [1319]
"21:02:45 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1320]
"21:02:45 - Unknown ML", -- [1321]
"21:02:46 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SKilegna-Quel'Thalas^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Axesmash-Drakkari) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1322]
"21:02:46 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SKilegna-Quel'Thalas^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Axesmash-Drakkari) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1323]
"21:02:46 - GetML()", -- [1324]
"21:02:46 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1325]
"21:02:46 - Unknown ML", -- [1326]
"21:02:46 - GetML()", -- [1327]
"21:02:46 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1328]
"21:02:46 - Unknown ML", -- [1329]
"21:02:46 - GetML()", -- [1330]
"21:02:46 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1331]
"21:02:46 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1332]
"21:02:46 - MasterLooter = (Kilegna-Quel'Thalas)", -- [1333]
"21:02:46 - GetML()", -- [1334]
"21:02:46 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1335]
"21:02:52 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SKilegna-Quel'Thalas^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Axesmash-Drakkari) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1336]
"21:02:52 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SKilegna-Quel'Thalas^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Axesmash-Drakkari) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1337]
"21:03:01 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1338]
"21:03:01 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SKilegna-Quel'Thalas^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1339]
"21:03:01 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SKilegna-Quel'Thalas^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1340]
"21:03:58 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-1427-00001DE2FFCA)", -- [1341]
"21:03:58 - GetML()", -- [1342]
"21:03:58 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1343]
"21:04:26 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Tapana) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1344]
"21:04:47 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1345]
"21:04:47 - GetML()", -- [1346]
"21:04:47 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1347]
"21:06:20 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.1^t^^ (from:) (Molleria) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1348]
"21:06:49 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1349]
"21:06:49 - GetML()", -- [1350]
"21:06:49 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1351]
"21:07:23 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1352]
"21:07:23 - GetML()", -- [1353]
"21:07:23 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1354]
"21:07:29 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1355]
"21:07:29 - GetML()", -- [1356]
"21:07:29 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1357]
"21:07:29 - Unknown ML", -- [1358]
"21:07:29 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [1359]
"21:07:29 - GetML()", -- [1360]
"21:07:29 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1361]
"21:07:29 - Unknown ML", -- [1362]
"21:07:29 - GetML()", -- [1363]
"21:07:29 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1364]
"21:07:29 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1365]
"21:07:29 - MasterLooter = (Baynefrost-ScarletCrusade)", -- [1366]
"21:07:29 - GetML()", -- [1367]
"21:07:29 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1368]
"21:07:44 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1369]
"21:07:44 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1370]
"21:07:44 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1371]
"21:07:45 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Elmenorr-Stormreaver) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1372]
"21:07:45 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Elmenorr-Stormreaver) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1373]
"21:07:47 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Griimtotem-Ragnaros) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1374]
"21:07:47 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Griimtotem-Ragnaros) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1375]
"21:07:58 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Roglauk-EarthenRing) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1376]
"21:07:58 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Roglauk-EarthenRing) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1377]
"21:08:00 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Balpheron-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1378]
"21:08:00 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Balpheron-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1379]
"21:08:06 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Sânn-Zul'jin) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1380]
"21:08:06 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Sânn-Zul'jin) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1381]
"21:08:07 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Slamueladams-Kil'jaeden) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1382]
"21:08:07 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Slamueladams-Kil'jaeden) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1383]
"21:08:17 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Omajarn-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1384]
"21:08:17 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Omajarn-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1385]
"21:08:19 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Salwa-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1386]
"21:08:19 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Salwa-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1387]
"21:08:19 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Phenomone-Shadowsong) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1388]
"21:08:19 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Phenomone-Shadowsong) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1389]
"21:08:21 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Zebu-Destromath) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1390]
"21:08:21 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Zebu-Destromath) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1391]
"21:08:23 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Redbullqt-Arthas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1392]
"21:08:23 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Redbullqt-Arthas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1393]
"21:08:30 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Sixpathz-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1394]
"21:08:30 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Sixpathz-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1395]
"21:08:31 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Star-Frostwolf) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1396]
"21:08:32 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SBaynefrost-ScarletCrusade^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Star-Frostwolf) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1397]
"21:09:10 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1398]
"21:09:10 - GetML()", -- [1399]
"21:09:10 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1400]
"21:09:17 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-118-0000152BFBB8)", -- [1401]
"21:09:17 - GetML()", -- [1402]
"21:09:17 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1403]
"21:10:09 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Kashkandy) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1404]
"21:10:26 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1405]
"21:10:26 - GetML()", -- [1406]
"21:10:26 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1407]
"21:15:38 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Cqjyt) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1408]
"21:17:39 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Cqjyt) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1409]
"21:18:52 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Goufugui) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1410]
"21:19:08 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Sarielss) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1411]
"21:22:32 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Cqjyt) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1412]
"21:23:21 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.1^t^^ (from:) (Domrâ) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1413]
"21:24:47 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Sarielss) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1414]
"21:28:42 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.1^t^^ (from:) (Mograíne) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1415]
"21:31:07 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Sarielss) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1416]
"21:34:00 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Eziorana) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1417]
"21:34:45 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Teemoa) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1418]
"21:35:47 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Songwennuan) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1419]
"21:36:33 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Saozhuu) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1420]
"21:37:10 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Tapana) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1421]
"21:37:56 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1422]
"21:37:56 - GetML()", -- [1423]
"21:37:56 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1424]
"21:39:25 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1425]
"21:39:25 - GetML()", -- [1426]
"21:39:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1427]
"21:40:21 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Teemoa) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1428]
"21:44:19 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1429]
"21:44:19 - GetML()", -- [1430]
"21:44:19 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1431]
"22:06:02 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Fatcowx) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1432]
"22:07:19 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Fatcowg) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1433]
"22:08:17 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Fatcowm) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1434]
"22:09:49 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Oldjibatufei) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1435]
"22:15:31 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.4.0^t^^ (from:) (Duty) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1436]
"22:19:34 - / (test)", -- [1437]
"22:19:34 - Test (1)", -- [1438]
"22:19:34 - GetML()", -- [1439]
"22:19:34 - GetCouncilInGroup (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1440]
"22:19:34 - ML:NewML (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1441]
"22:19:34 - UpdateMLdb", -- [1442]
"22:19:34 - UpdateGroup (true)", -- [1443]
"22:19:34 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (NONE) (Scythe) (nil) (nil) (nil)", -- [1444]
"22:19:34 - ML:AddItem (151982) (false) (false) (nil)", -- [1445]
"22:19:34 - RCSessionFrame (enabled)", -- [1446]
"22:19:34 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfoRequest^T^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1447]
"22:19:34 - Comm received:^1^SMLdb^T^N1^T^SrelicButtons^T^N1^T^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^Stext^S赌熔炉(35%)^t^N3^T^Stext^S副专精(20%GP)^t^t^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N120^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N3^StierNumButtons^N5^Sresponses^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0^N2^N1^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^S?^S需求^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0^N2^N1^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^S?^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N0^N4^N1^t^Stext^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N0^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S幻化^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N0^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S幻化^t^Srelic^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0.14^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.23^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物需求^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.24^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S赌熔炉(35%)^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N0.25^N2^N0.36^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S圣物副专精(20%GP)^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S副专精(20%GP)^t^t^Stier^T^N1^T^S?^T^N1^N0.1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^S?^S第四件套装^Ssort^N1^Scolor^T^N1^N0.1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第四件^t^N2^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^S?^S第三件套装^Ssort^N2^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N1^N3^N0.5^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第三件^t^N3^T^S?^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^S?^S第二件套装^Ssort^N3^Scolor^T^N1^N1^N2^N0.5^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第二件^t^N4^T^S?^T^N1^N0.5^N2^N1^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^S?^S第一件套装^Ssort^N4^Scolor^T^N1^N0.5^N2^N1^N3^N1^N4^N1^t^Stext^S第一件^t^N5^T^S?^T^N1^N0.27^N2^N0.37^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^S?^S套装赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^Ssort^N5^Scolor^T^N1^N0.7^N2^N0.7^N3^N0.7^N4^N1^t^Stext^S赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^t^t^t^Sepgp^T^Sbid^T^SminNewPR^S1^SbidEnabled^B^SmaxBid^S10000^SminBid^S0^SbidMode^SprRelative^SdefaultBid^S^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^N1^T^Stext^S第四件^t^N2^T^Stext^S第三件^t^N3^T^Stext^S第二件^t^N4^T^Stext^S第一件^t^N5^T^Stext^S赌战火/调属性(35%GP)^t^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^N1^T^Stext^S需求^t^N2^T^Stext^S副专精/调属性(35%GP)^t^N3^T^Stext^S幻化^t^t^SrelicButtonsEnabled^B^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1448]
"22:19:34 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1449]
"22:19:34 - true = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1450]
"22:19:34 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^SNONE^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1451]
"22:19:34 - ML:AddCandidate (Safetyy-Illidan) (DRUID) (NONE) (Scythe) (nil) (0) (104)", -- [1452]
"22:19:34 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfo^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^N2^SDRUID^N3^SNONE^N4^SScythe^N6^N0^N7^N941.75^N8^N104^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1453]
"22:19:44 - Comm received:^1^Scouncil^T^N1^T^N1^SSafetyy-Illidan^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1454]
"22:19:44 - true = (IsCouncil) (Safetyy-Illidan)", -- [1455]
"22:19:44 - Comm received:^1^Scandidates^T^N1^T^SSafetyy-Illidan^T^Srole^SNONE^SspecID^N104^Senchant_lvl^N0^Sclass^SDRUID^Srank^SScythe^t^t^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (WHISPER)", -- [1456]
"22:35:08 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Zs) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1457]
"22:36:54 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.4.0^t^^ (from:) (Hold) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1458]
"22:38:21 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.6.1^t^^ (from:) (Emptyless) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1459]
"12/12/17", -- [1460]
"01:11:46 - Logged In", -- [1461]
"01:11:46 - ML initialized!", -- [1462]
"01:11:46 - Using ExtraUtilities (0.6.1)", -- [1463]
"01:11:46 - EU:UpdateGuildInfo", -- [1464]
"01:11:46 - GroupGear (1.3.1) (enabled)", -- [1465]
"01:11:57 - Safetyy-Illidan (2.7.4) (nil)", -- [1466]
"01:11:57 - ActivateSkin (new_blue)", -- [1467]
"01:11:57 - UpdateFrame (RCGroupGearFrame)", -- [1468]
"01:11:57 - UpdateFrame (DefaultRCLootCouncilFrame)", -- [1469]
"01:11:57 - UpdateFrame (DefaultRCLootCouncilFrame)", -- [1470]
"01:12:09 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (true) (false)", -- [1471]
"01:12:09 - GetML()", -- [1472]
"01:12:09 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1473]
"01:12:09 - UpdatePlayersData()", -- [1474]
"01:12:10 - GetPlayersGuildRank()", -- [1475]
"01:12:10 - Found Guild Rank: Scythe", -- [1476]
"01:12:10 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1477]
"01:13:10 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1478]
"01:14:29 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1479]
"01:14:29 - OnLootSlotCleared() (1) (|cff1eff00|Hitem:153163::::::::110:104::::::|h[Gruesome Wind Chime]|h|r)", -- [1480]
"01:14:29 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1481]
"01:15:21 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1482]
"01:15:21 - GetML()", -- [1483]
"01:15:21 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1484]
"01:15:29 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1485]
"01:15:29 - GetML()", -- [1486]
"01:15:29 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1487]
"01:15:29 - Unknown ML", -- [1488]
"01:15:29 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [1489]
"01:15:29 - GetML()", -- [1490]
"01:15:29 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1491]
"01:15:29 - Unknown ML", -- [1492]
"01:15:32 - GetML()", -- [1493]
"01:15:32 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1494]
"01:15:32 - Unknown ML", -- [1495]
"01:15:32 - GetML()", -- [1496]
"01:15:32 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1497]
"01:15:32 - Unknown ML", -- [1498]
"01:15:32 - GetML()", -- [1499]
"01:15:32 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1500]
"01:15:32 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1501]
"01:15:32 - MasterLooter = (Leerapriest-Mal'Ganis)", -- [1502]
"01:15:32 - GetML()", -- [1503]
"01:15:32 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1504]
"01:15:34 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Hartzert-Blackrock) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1505]
"01:15:34 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Hartzert-Blackrock) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1506]
"01:15:45 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Hogpal-Stormreaver) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1507]
"01:15:45 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Hogpal-Stormreaver) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1508]
"01:15:47 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1509]
"01:15:47 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1510]
"01:15:47 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1511]
"01:15:52 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Stationmemes-Arthas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1512]
"01:15:52 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Stationmemes-Arthas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1513]
"01:15:55 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Runes-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1514]
"01:15:55 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Runes-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1515]
"01:16:00 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Sial-BleedingHollow) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1516]
"01:16:00 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Sial-BleedingHollow) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1517]
"01:16:08 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Juelzjerk-Tichondrius) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1518]
"01:16:08 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SLeerapriest-Mal'Ganis^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Juelzjerk-Tichondrius) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1519]
"01:16:35 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1520]
"01:16:35 - GetML()", -- [1521]
"01:16:35 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1522]
"01:16:37 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1523]
"01:16:37 - GetML()", -- [1524]
"01:16:37 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1525]
"01:16:37 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1526]
"01:16:37 - MasterLooter = (Shirosan-Illidan)", -- [1527]
"01:16:40 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1528]
"01:16:40 - GetML()", -- [1529]
"01:16:40 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1530]
"01:16:40 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1531]
"01:16:40 - MasterLooter = (Dougs-Barthilas)", -- [1532]
"01:16:40 - Comm received:^1^SplayerInfoRequest^T^t^^ (from:) (Dougs-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1533]
"01:16:40 - Comm received:^1^SMLdb^T^N1^T^SallowNotes^B^Stimeout^N60^SselfVote^B^SrelicNumButtons^N2^StierNumButtons^N4^Sresponses^T^Stier^T^t^t^StierButtonsEnabled^B^StierButtons^T^t^SmultiVote^B^Sbuttons^T^t^SnumButtons^N3^t^t^^ (from:) (Dougs-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1534]
"01:16:40 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDougs-Barthilas^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SKarión-Ragnaros^N4^SMAGE^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SCore~`Raider^N7^B^N8^N800^N9^N942.8125^N10^N63^t^^ (from:) (Karión-Ragnaros) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1535]
"01:16:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDougs-Barthilas^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SStationmemes-Arthas^N4^SMONK^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SAlt^N8^N0^N9^N927.6875^N10^N269^t^^ (from:) (Stationmemes-Arthas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1536]
"01:16:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDougs-Barthilas^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SSial-BleedingHollow^N4^SMAGE^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SLeveler/Recruit^N7^B^N8^N11^N9^N905.1875^N10^N63^t^^ (from:) (Sial-BleedingHollow) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1537]
"01:16:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDougs-Barthilas^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SSafetyy-Illidan^N4^SDRUID^N5^STANK^N6^SScythe^N8^N0^N9^N941.75^N10^N104^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1538]
"01:16:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDougs-Barthilas^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SHogpal-Stormreaver^N4^SPALADIN^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SAlt/Social^N7^B^N8^N70^N9^N915.875^N10^N70^t^^ (from:) (Hogpal-Stormreaver) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1539]
"01:16:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDougs-Barthilas^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SHartzert-Blackrock^N4^SDRUID^N5^STANK^N6^SAlt^N8^N0^N9^N941^N10^N104^t^^ (from:) (Hartzert-Blackrock) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1540]
"01:16:41 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDougs-Barthilas^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SSiixpac-Tichondrius^N4^SWARLOCK^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SAlt^N7^B^N8^N661^N9^N948.9375^N10^N265^t^^ (from:) (Siixpac-Tichondrius) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1541]
"01:16:42 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SDougs-Barthilas^N2^SplayerInfo^N3^SPunkz-Saurfang^N4^SSHAMAN^N5^SDAMAGER^N6^SSplits^N7^B^N8^N60^N9^N944.5625^N10^N262^t^^ (from:) (Punkz-Saurfang) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1542]
"01:16:44 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1543]
"01:16:47 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3684-00001DE3AF5E)", -- [1544]
"01:16:47 - GetML()", -- [1545]
"01:16:47 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1546]
"01:16:51 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1547]
"01:16:55 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1548]
"01:17:14 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1549]
"01:17:14 - GetML()", -- [1550]
"01:17:14 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1551]
"01:18:34 - Event: (LOOT_OPENED) (1)", -- [1552]
"01:18:34 - OnLootSlotCleared() (1) (|cff1eff00|Hitem:153163::::::::110:104::::::|h[Gruesome Wind Chime]|h|r)", -- [1553]
"01:18:34 - Event: (LOOT_CLOSED)", -- [1554]
"01:18:52 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1555]
"01:18:52 - GetML()", -- [1556]
"01:18:52 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1557]
"01:18:59 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1558]
"01:18:59 - GetML()", -- [1559]
"01:18:59 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1560]
"01:18:59 - Unknown ML", -- [1561]
"01:18:59 - Event: (PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED)", -- [1562]
"01:18:59 - GetML()", -- [1563]
"01:18:59 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1564]
"01:18:59 - Unknown ML", -- [1565]
"01:18:59 - GetML()", -- [1566]
"01:18:59 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1567]
"01:18:59 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1568]
"01:18:59 - MasterLooter = (Fatale-Misha)", -- [1569]
"01:18:59 - GetML()", -- [1570]
"01:18:59 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1571]
"01:19:01 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SFatale-Misha^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Unsettling-Zul'jin) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1572]
"01:19:01 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SFatale-Misha^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Unsettling-Zul'jin) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1573]
"01:19:11 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SFatale-Misha^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Comanderhaik-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1574]
"01:19:11 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SFatale-Misha^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Comanderhaik-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1575]
"01:19:14 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1576]
"01:19:14 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SFatale-Misha^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1577]
"01:19:14 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SFatale-Misha^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1578]
"01:19:41 - Event: (PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED)", -- [1579]
"01:19:41 - GetML()", -- [1580]
"01:19:41 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1581]
"01:19:41 - Resetting council as we have a new ML!", -- [1582]
"01:19:41 - MasterLooter = (Hintless-Nagrand)", -- [1583]
"01:19:48 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Checkrs-Hyjal) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1584]
"01:19:48 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Checkrs-Hyjal) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1585]
"01:19:49 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Frenzy-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1586]
"01:19:49 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Frenzy-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1587]
"01:19:52 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Jonnsnoww-BlackDragonflight) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1588]
"01:19:52 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Jonnsnoww-BlackDragonflight) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1589]
"01:19:56 - Timer MLdb_check passed", -- [1590]
"01:19:56 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1591]
"01:19:56 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Safetyy) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1592]
"01:19:56 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Checkrs-Hyjal) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1593]
"01:19:56 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Checkrs-Hyjal) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1594]
"01:19:56 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Comanderhaik-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1595]
"01:19:56 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Comanderhaik-Azralon) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1596]
"01:19:56 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Frenzy-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1597]
"01:19:56 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Frenzy-Area52) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1598]
"01:19:59 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Jonnsnoww-BlackDragonflight) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1599]
"01:19:59 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Jonnsnoww-BlackDragonflight) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1600]
"01:20:06 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Bloodscythe-Bonechewer) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1601]
"01:20:06 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Bloodscythe-Bonechewer) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1602]
"01:20:14 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Guilley-Tichondrius) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1603]
"01:20:14 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Guilley-Tichondrius) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1604]
"01:20:16 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Karión-Ragnaros) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1605]
"01:20:16 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Karión-Ragnaros) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1606]
"01:20:19 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Óffset-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1607]
"01:20:19 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Óffset-Mal'Ganis) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1608]
"01:20:26 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Mýsticpyro-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1609]
"01:20:26 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Mýsticpyro-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1610]
"01:20:44 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Wishlock-Thrall) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1611]
"01:20:44 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Wishlock-Thrall) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1612]
"01:20:59 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^SMLdb_request^t^^ (from:) (Mattey-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1613]
"01:20:59 - Comm received:^1^Sxrealm^T^N1^SHintless-Nagrand^N2^Scouncil_request^t^^ (from:) (Mattey-Barthilas) (distri:) (RAID)", -- [1614]
"01:21:04 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1615]
"01:21:04 - GetML()", -- [1616]
"01:21:04 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1617]
"01:21:08 - Event: (GROUP_LEFT) (Party-3676-00001DE3B236)", -- [1618]
"01:21:08 - GetML()", -- [1619]
"01:21:08 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1620]
"01:21:57 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1621]
"01:21:57 - GetML()", -- [1622]
"01:21:57 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1623]
"01:22:17 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (false)", -- [1624]
"01:22:17 - GetML()", -- [1625]
"01:22:17 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1626]
"12/12/17", -- [1627]
"02:31:57 - Logged In", -- [1628]
"02:31:57 - ML initialized!", -- [1629]
"02:32:02 - Safettyy-Illidan (2.7.4) (nil)", -- [1630]
"02:32:02 - ActivateSkin (new_blue)", -- [1631]
"02:32:06 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (true) (false)", -- [1632]
"02:32:06 - GetML()", -- [1633]
"02:32:06 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1634]
"02:32:06 - UpdatePlayersData()", -- [1635]
"02:32:06 - GetPlayersGuildRank()", -- [1636]
"02:32:06 - Found Guild Rank: Scythe", -- [1637]
"02:32:06 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Safettyy) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1638]
"12/12/17", -- [1639]
"02:37:47 - Logged In", -- [1640]
"02:37:47 - ML initialized!", -- [1641]
"02:37:48 - Safettyy-Illidan (2.7.4) (nil)", -- [1642]
"02:37:48 - ActivateSkin (new_blue)", -- [1643]
"02:37:51 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (true)", -- [1644]
"02:37:51 - GetML()", -- [1645]
"02:37:51 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1646]
"02:37:51 - UpdatePlayersData()", -- [1647]
"02:37:51 - GetPlayersGuildRank()", -- [1648]
"02:37:51 - Found Guild Rank: Scythe", -- [1649]
"02:37:51 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Safettyy) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1650]
"12/12/17", -- [1651]
"02:39:52 - Logged In", -- [1652]
"02:39:52 - ML initialized!", -- [1653]
"02:39:52 - Safettyy-Illidan (2.7.4) (nil)", -- [1654]
"02:39:52 - ActivateSkin (new_blue)", -- [1655]
"02:39:56 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (true)", -- [1656]
"02:39:56 - GetML()", -- [1657]
"02:39:56 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1658]
"02:39:56 - UpdatePlayersData()", -- [1659]
"02:39:56 - GetPlayersGuildRank()", -- [1660]
"02:39:56 - Found Guild Rank: Scythe", -- [1661]
"02:39:56 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Safettyy) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1662]
"12/12/17", -- [1663]
"02:40:38 - Logged In", -- [1664]
"02:40:38 - ML initialized!", -- [1665]
"02:40:38 - Safettyy-Illidan (2.7.4) (nil)", -- [1666]
"02:40:38 - ActivateSkin (new_blue)", -- [1667]
"02:40:42 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (true)", -- [1668]
"02:40:42 - GetML()", -- [1669]
"02:40:42 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1670]
"02:40:42 - UpdatePlayersData()", -- [1671]
"02:40:42 - GetPlayersGuildRank()", -- [1672]
"02:40:42 - Found Guild Rank: Scythe", -- [1673]
"02:40:42 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Safettyy) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1674]
"12/12/17", -- [1675]
"02:42:21 - Logged In", -- [1676]
"02:42:21 - ML initialized!", -- [1677]
"02:42:21 - Safettyy-Illidan (2.7.4) (nil)", -- [1678]
"02:42:21 - ActivateSkin (new_blue)", -- [1679]
"02:42:25 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (true)", -- [1680]
"02:42:25 - GetML()", -- [1681]
"02:42:25 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1682]
"02:42:25 - UpdatePlayersData()", -- [1683]
"02:42:25 - GetPlayersGuildRank()", -- [1684]
"02:42:25 - Found Guild Rank: Scythe", -- [1685]
"02:42:25 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Safettyy) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1686]
"12/12/17", -- [1687]
"02:43:19 - Logged In", -- [1688]
"02:43:19 - ML initialized!", -- [1689]
"02:43:19 - Safettyy-Illidan (2.7.4) (nil)", -- [1690]
"02:43:19 - ActivateSkin (new_blue)", -- [1691]
"02:43:23 - Event: (PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) (false) (true)", -- [1692]
"02:43:23 - GetML()", -- [1693]
"02:43:23 - LootMethod = (personalloot)", -- [1694]
"02:43:23 - UpdatePlayersData()", -- [1695]
"02:43:23 - GetPlayersGuildRank()", -- [1696]
"02:43:23 - Found Guild Rank: Scythe", -- [1697]
"02:43:23 - Comm received:^1^SverTest^T^N1^S2.7.4^t^^ (from:) (Safettyy) (distri:) (GUILD)", -- [1698]
["version"] = "2.7.4",
["localizedItemStatus"] = {
["created"] = "enUS",
["Warforged"] = "Warforged",
["Mythic"] = "Mythic",
["Titanforged"] = "Titanforged",
["Heroic"] = "Heroic",
["LFR"] = "Raid Finder",
["oldVersion"] = "2.7.3",
["profiles"] = {
["Default"] = {
["acceptWhispers"] = false,
["testStr"] = "",
["modules"] = {
["RCLootFrame"] = {
["alwaysShowTooltip"] = true,
["RCVotingFrame"] = {
["alwaysShowTooltip"] = true,
["filters"] = {
["showPlayersCantUseTheItem"] = false,
["tierNumButtons"] = 5,
["responses"] = {
["?"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "需求",
["text"] = "需求",
}, -- [1]
["?"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["text"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
}, -- [2]
["?"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "幻化",
["text"] = "幻化",
}, -- [3]
["text"] = "Pass",
}, -- [4]
["relic"] = {
["?"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "圣物需求",
["text"] = "需求",
}, -- [1]
["?"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.24, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)",
["text"] = "赌熔炉(35%)",
}, -- [2]
["?"] = {
0.25, -- [1]
0.36, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "圣物副专精(20%GP)",
["text"] = "副专精(20%GP)",
}, -- [3]
["?"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "Pass",
}, -- [4]
["tier"] = {
["?"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "第四件套装",
["text"] = "第四件",
}, -- [1]
["?"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "第三件套装",
["text"] = "第三件",
}, -- [2]
["?"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "第二件套装",
["text"] = "第二件",
}, -- [3]
["?"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "第一件套装",
["text"] = "第一件",
}, -- [4]
["?"] = {
0.27, -- [1]
0.37, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "套装赌战火/调属性(35%GP)",
["text"] = "赌战火/调属性(35%GP)",
}, -- [5]
["?"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["?"] = "Pass",
}, -- [6]
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.8, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["text"] = "Bonus Rolls",
["sort"] = 510,
["printResponse"] = true,
["autolootOthersBoE"] = true,
["relicNumButtons"] = 3,
["UI"] = {
["history"] = {
["y"] = -1.48137802098063,
["x"] = -134.320464528732,
["point"] = "TOP",
["scale"] = 1.10000002384186,
["votingframe"] = {
["y"] = -109.69598926083,
["x"] = 162.303642174142,
["scale"] = 0.941431760787964,
["versionCheck"] = {
["y"] = -36.163471057851,
["x"] = 127.209735994518,
["point"] = "TOP",
["scale"] = 1.10000002384186,
["lootframe"] = {
["y"] = -41.1579130705795,
["x"] = -201.739315781655,
["point"] = "TOPRIGHT",
["scale"] = 0.891000032424927,
["sessionframe"] = {
["y"] = 5.55440389008766,
["x"] = -167.190985300753,
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["scale"] = 0.891000032424927,
["awardReasons"] = {
[3] = {
["log"] = true,
["autoAwardTo"] = "Safetyy",
["ignoredItems"] = {
[143658] = false,
["showSpecIcon"] = true,
["council"] = {
"Safettyy-Illidan", -- [1]
"Ysnakee-Illidan", -- [2]
"Cantlockit-Illidan", -- [3]
"Safetyy-Illidan", -- [4]
["autoAddRolls"] = true,
["autoAwardReason"] = 3,
["relicButtons"] = {
["text"] = "需求",
}, -- [1]
["text"] = "赌熔炉(35%)",
}, -- [2]
["text"] = "副专精(20%GP)",
}, -- [3]
["text"] = "Pass",
}, -- [4]
["announceText"] = "考虑中的物品:",
["buttons"] = {
["text"] = "需求",
}, -- [1]
["text"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
}, -- [2]
["text"] = "幻化",
}, -- [3]
["text"] = "Pass",
}, -- [4]
["announceItems"] = true,
["awardText"] = {
["text"] = "&p 被奖励了 &i, &l, &t 原因为 &r, 获得了 #diffgp#GP",
}, -- [1]
["tierButtons"] = {
["text"] = "第四件",
}, -- [1]
["text"] = "第三件",
}, -- [2]
["text"] = "第二件",
}, -- [3]
["text"] = "第一件",
}, -- [4]
["text"] = "赌战火/调属性(35%GP)",
}, -- [5]
["text"] = "Pass",
}, -- [6]
["autoAward"] = true,
["relicButtonsEnabled"] = true,
["timeout"] = 120,
["announceItemString"] = "&s: &i, &l, &t (#itemgp# GP)",
RCLootCouncilLootDB = {
["profileKeys"] = {
["Safettea - Illidan"] = "Safettea - Illidan",
["Safetyy - Illidan"] = "Safetyy - Illidan",
["Safettyy - Illidan"] = "Safettyy - Illidan",
["Zeroepgp - Illidan"] = "Zeroepgp - Illidan",
["factionrealm"] = {
["Horde - Illidan"] = {
["Constanceea-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["time"] = "17:55:34",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512554134-2",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151976::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Riftworld Codex]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147024::::::::110:104::3:3:3561:1482:3528:::|h[诅咒者的骨匣]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:141482::::::::110:104::43:3:3573:1532:3336:::|h[不稳定的奥术水晶]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:34:22",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512556462-10",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "BackSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152517::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Cloak of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:144476:5435:::::::110:104::35:3:3418:1592:3337:::|h[无尽攻势斗篷]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 3,
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["time"] = "19:00:04",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512558004-5",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151975::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1507:3337:::|h[Apocalypse Drive]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151976::::::::110:104::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[裂隙世界法典]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:141482::::::::110:104::43:3:3573:1532:3336:::|h[不稳定的奥术水晶]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "19:16:34",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152092::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1497:3336:::|h[Nathrezim Incisor]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152028::::::::110:265::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Spurting Reaver Heart]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512558994-10",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["time"] = "20:03:16",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512561796-17",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151977::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Diima's Glacial Aegis]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151975::::::::110:104::5:3:3611:1507:3337:::|h[天启引擎]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:141482::::::::110:104::43:3:3573:1532:3336:::|h[不稳定的奥术水晶]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [5]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "06/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:38:49",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152036::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1502:3528:::|h[Hellfire Ignition Switch]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512639529-1",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147089::::::::110:104::5:3:3562:1517:3337:::|h[虔诚者之怒]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [6]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "06/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = true,
["time"] = "18:36:07",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "Free",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151980::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1517:3337:::|h[Harness of Oppressing Dark]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512642967-7",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:137015::::::::110:104:::2:1811:3630:::|h[艾克雷斯,创世者]|h|r",
["responseID"] = "PASS",
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [7]
["Emptyless-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "20:29:38",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "安托鲁斯,燃烧王座-英雄",
["response"] = "需求(打团用专精,百分之100GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151937::::::::110:266::5:4:3611:1808:1492:3336:::|h[燃烧先锋斗篷]|h|r",
["boss"] = "加洛西灭世者",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147188:5431:130220::::::110:72::3:4:3561:1808:1487:3336:::|h[Titanic Onslaught Cloak]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511936978-3",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "01/12/17",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["groupSize"] = 15,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:39:58",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152016::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1507:3337:::|h[Cosmos-Culling Legplates]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512207598-4",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147191::::::::110:72::5:3:3562:1497:3528:::|h[Titanic Onslaught Greaves]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "08/12/17",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:29:27",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152019::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1507:3336:::|h[Pauldrons of the Eternal Offensive]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512815367-3",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:133631::::::::110:102::35:3:3418:1587:3337:::|h[Pauldrons of the All-Father]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [3]
["Halleilujah-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "DEMONHUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["time"] = "21:12:32",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511961152-14",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152064::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Band of the Sargerite Smith]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147021:5427:::::::110:577::6:3:3563:1517:3336:::|h[Yathae's Thumb Ring]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:137038:5427:151580::::::110:577:::2:1811:3630:::|h[Anger of the Half-Giants]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "DEMONHUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 10,
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["time"] = "21:50:04",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1512049804-11",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152033::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Sliver of Corruption]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147086::::::::110:577::5:3:3562:1512:3337:::|h[Befouled Effigy of Elune]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147087::::::::110:577::6:3:3563:1522:3528:::|h[Ruinous Ashes]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DEMONHUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:16:08",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151988::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Shoulderpads of the Demonic Blitz]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:144279:5929:::::::110:577:::3:3529:1811:3630:::|h[Delusions of Grandeur]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512551768-4",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DEMONHUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:11:04",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151981::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Life-Bearing Footpads]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512555064-4",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147029::::::::110:577::6:3:3563:1517:3336:::|h[Glacier Walkers]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "The Defense of Eonar",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DEMONHUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:46:13",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512557173-15",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第一件套装",
["tierToken"] = "LegsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152528::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Leggings of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147131::::::::110:577::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[Demonbane Leggings]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 4,
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [5]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DEMONHUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 22,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "21:17:00",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152283::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Chain of the Unmaker]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:137536:5437:151580::::::110:577::16:4:3418:1808:1592:3337:::|h[Pendant of the Watchful Eye]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512566220-24",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [6]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DEMONHUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 22,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "21:17:09",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151982::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Vest of Waning Life]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147127::::::::110:577::6:3:3563:1522:3336:::|h[Demonbane Harness]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1512566229-25",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [7]
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["id"] = "1512822494-6",
["class"] = "DEMONHUNTER",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151990::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1502:3528:::|h[Portal Keeper's Cincture]|h|r",
["time"] = "20:28:14",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["responseID"] = 1,
["date"] = "08/12/17",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151991::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Belt of Fractured Sanity]|h|r",
}, -- [8]
["Oldjibatufei-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:37:42",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512045462-0",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ShoulderSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152531::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Shoulders of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147162:5929:::::::110:70::5:3:3562:1502:3336:::|h[光明使者的璀璨护肩]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["groupSize"] = 10,
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["time"] = "21:50:00",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512049800-10",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152093::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Gorshalach's Legacy]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:141482::::::::110:70::43:3:3573:1532:3336:::|h[不稳定的奥术水晶]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152781::::::::110:70::43:3:3573:1527:3337:::|h[无瑕的阿古斯印记]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tierToken"] = "BackSlot",
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["response"] = "Candidate is selecting response, please wait",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["votes"] = 0,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152516::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Cloak of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["time"] = "18:33:52",
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["responseID"] = "WAIT",
["id"] = "1512556432-7",
["mapID"] = 1712,
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["groupSize"] = 22,
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["time"] = "21:17:28",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1512566248-27",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:155851::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1502:3336:::|h[Reorigination Spark]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152043::::::::110:70::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[圣光护盾强化器]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:136771::::::::110:70::16:3:3536:1592:3528:::|h[艾尔的祝福]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [4]
["Duty-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["id"] = "1512554192-5",
["response"] = "Free",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["isAwardReason"] = true,
["groupSize"] = 29,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152001::::::::110:102::5:4:3611:1808:1487:3528:::|h[Nexus Conductor's Headgear]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["time"] = "17:56:32",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["votes"] = 0,
["responseID"] = "NOTHING",
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [1]
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["id"] = "1512564370-21",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152526::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Helm of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["time"] = "20:46:10",
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["responseID"] = 1,
["tierToken"] = "HeadSlot",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152169::::::::110:264::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Headdress of Venerated Spirits]|h|r",
}, -- [2]
["Safettii-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 389,
["date"] = "27/11/17",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["groupSize"] = 5,
["boss"] = "Adarogg",
["time"] = "23:35:13",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511883313-0",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["response"] = "Mainspec/Need",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 1,
["lootWon"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:82880::::::::110:264::1::::|h[Fang of Adarogg]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Ragefire Chasm-Normal",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:129471::::::::100:259::::::|h[Lightdrinker Dagger]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:129472::::::::100:259::::::|h[Lightdrinker Shiv]|h|r",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["id"] = "1511883376-3",
["mapID"] = 389,
["date"] = "27/11/17",
["groupSize"] = 5,
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["response"] = "Autopass",
["boss"] = "Adarogg",
["votes"] = 0,
["lootWon"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:82879::::::::110:264::1::::|h[Collarspike Bracers]|h|r",
["time"] = "23:36:16",
["difficultyID"] = 1,
["responseID"] = "AUTOPASS",
["instance"] = "Ragefire Chasm-Normal",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:129470::::::::100:259::::::|h[Lightdrinker Bindings]|h|r",
}, -- [2]
["Bèlmont-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "19:46:03",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511955963-4",
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["response"] = "第一件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ChestSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152518::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Chest of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147169::151585::::::110:261::5:5:3562:1808:40:1507:3336:::|h[獠牙刺杀者护胸]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 4,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["time"] = "21:12:28",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1511961148-13",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152034::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Obliterator Propellant]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147084::::::::110:261::5:3:3562:1497:3528:::|h[聚爆地狱火之星]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142181::::::::110:261::35:3:3418:1567:3337:::|h[渗透腐蚀]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "01/12/17",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["groupSize"] = 23,
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["time"] = "17:38:31",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512207511-1",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151972::::::::110:102::5:4:3611:1808:1492:3336:::|h[Sullied Seal of the Pantheon]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:137533:5429:::::::110:261::16:4:3418:40:1567:3528:::|h[记录之镜指环]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147194:5429:::::::110:261::3:3:3561:1517:3337:::|h[废弃真理指轮]|h|r",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [3]
["Antja-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["time"] = "20:15:35",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1511957735-10",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152045::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Venerated Puresoul Idol]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147096::::::::110:256::5:3:3562:1502:3336:::|h[Inquisition's Master Key]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147098::::::::110:256::5:3:3562:1502:3336:::|h[Fragment of Grace]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 17,
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["time"] = "22:07:00",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511964420-21",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151960::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1507:3337:::|h[Carafe of Searing Light]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147017::151583::::::110:256::43:4:3573:1808:1497:3336:::|h[Tarnished Sentinel Medallion]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:128710::::::::110:256::13:3:689:601:679:::|h[Darkmoon Deck: Promises]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["Xiaoxiannvv-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "20:30:01",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "安托鲁斯,燃烧王座-英雄",
["response"] = "圣物赌熔炉/装备改属性(百分之30GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151951::::::::110:266::5:3:3611:1507:3337:::|h[焚世者的强化束带]|h|r",
["boss"] = "加洛西灭世者",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:146998::::::::110:257::6:3:3563:1532:3337:::|h[痛苦编织带]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1511937001-5",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "21:14:31",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511961271-17",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HandsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152522::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Gauntlets of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147164::::::::110:257::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[赦罪手套]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [2]
["Missavery-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "19:43:34",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152023::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1497:3336:::|h[Vambraces of Life's Assurance]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Unknown",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151328::::::::110:70::35:3:3418:1587:3337:::|h[Vambraces of Lost Hope]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511955814-0",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["boss"] = "Unknown",
["time"] = "19:44:31",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1511955871-2",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152044::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Spark of Everburning Light]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142187::::::::110:70::35:3:3418:1567:3337:::|h[Virtuous Directive]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151297::::::::110:70::43:3:3573:1582:3337:::|h[Carved Argunite Idol]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:10:02",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512555002-1",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第三件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ChestSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152519::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Chest of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147157::::::::110:70::5:3:3562:1507:3336:::|h[Radiant Lightbringer Breastplate]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 2,
["boss"] = "The Defense of Eonar",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:01:33",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512561693-12",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ShoulderSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152531::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Shoulders of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147162:5883:::::::110:70::5:3:3562:1497:3528:::|h[Radiant Lightbringer Shoulderguards]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [4]
["Joannas-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "加洛西灭世者",
["time"] = "20:29:06",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511936946-2",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求(打团用专精,百分之100GP)",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151956::::::::110:266::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[加洛西反馈电路]|h|r",
["instance"] = "安托鲁斯,燃烧王座-英雄",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:133646::::::::110:264::35:4:3418:1808:1592:3337:::|h[Mote of Sanctification]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:133642::::::::110:264::35:3:3418:1587:3337:::|h[Horn of Valor]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:133683::::::::110:264::23:3:1727:1542:3336:::|h[Seacursed Mist]|h|r",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["response"] = "需求",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["votes"] = 0,
["groupSize"] = 27,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152041::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Sublimating Portal Frost]|h|r",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["time"] = "19:06:02",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 1,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["id"] = "1511953562-3",
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "22:05:27",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151995::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Robes of the Forsaken Dreadlord]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:134462::::::::110:264::35:3:3418:1587:3337:::|h[Dream Bolstered Chestguard]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511964327-18",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["time"] = "17:30:14",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1512552614-5",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.24, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152291::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Fraternal Fervor]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:155854::::::::110:264::3:3:3610:1482:3528:::|h[Root of the Lifebinder]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:136720::::::::110:264::16:3:3418:1572:3336:::|h[Snapped Emerald Pendant]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["time"] = "17:55:27",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512554127-1",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151958::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Tarratus Keystone]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142162::::::::110:264::35:4:3536:1808:1577:3337:::|h[Fluctuating Energy]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151956::::::::110:264::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Garothi Feedback Conduit]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [5]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:56:00",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152001::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1502:3337:::|h[Nexus Conductor's Headgear]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152169::::::::110:264::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Headdress of Venerated Spirits]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1512554160-4",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [6]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:45:17",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512557117-11",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "LegsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152529::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Leggings of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:139082::::::::110:264::16:3:3418:1607:3337:::|h[Bramblemail Greaves]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 3,
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [7]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:59:00",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152280::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Scalding Shatterguards]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:137522::::::::110:264::16:3:3418:1582:3337:::|h[Bracers of Twisted Revelation]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1512557940-0",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [8]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "20:45:18",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152683::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[World-Ravager Waistguard]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147055::::::::110:264::5:3:3562:1517:3337:::|h[Belt of Screaming Slag]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1512564318-18",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [9]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "06/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:39:51",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151937::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1512:3336:::|h[Cloak of the Burning Vanguard]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512639591-3",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:144476::::::::110:264::16:3:3418:1592:3337:::|h[Cloak of the Unending Assault]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [10]
["Safettyy-Illidan"] = {
["id"] = "1511883371-2",
["mapID"] = 389,
["date"] = "27/11/17",
["groupSize"] = 5,
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["response"] = "Autopass",
["boss"] = "Adarogg",
["votes"] = 0,
["lootWon"] = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:82879::::::::110:264::1::::|h[Collarspike Bracers]|h|r",
["time"] = "23:36:11",
["difficultyID"] = 1,
["responseID"] = "AUTOPASS",
["instance"] = "Ragefire Chasm-Normal",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:137104::::::::110:264:::2:1811:3570:::|h[Nobundo's Redemption]|h|r",
}, -- [1]
["Tanglilord-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:14:53",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511957693-6",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "LegsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152529::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Leggings of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147179::::::::110:263::6:3:3563:1522:3336:::|h[碎天护腿]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 11,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "21:48:50",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512049730-7",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HeadSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152526::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Helm of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147178::::::::110:263::5:3:3562:1522:3337:::|h[碎天头盔]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["isAwardReason"] = true,
["time"] = "17:16:20",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "Free",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151998::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Heedless Eradication Gauntlets]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:151819:5444:::::::110:263:::2:1811:3630:::|h[阴燃之心]|h|r",
["responseID"] = "PASS",
["id"] = "1512551780-5",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = true,
["time"] = "18:45:31",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "Free",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151999::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Preysnare Vicegrips]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512557131-12",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:151819:5444:::::::110:263:::2:1811:3630:::|h[阴燃之心]|h|r",
["responseID"] = "PASS",
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:59:09",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152280::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Scalding Shatterguards]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:137405::::::::110:263::35:3:3418:1592:3337:::|h[冷酷锁链腕甲]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["id"] = "1512557949-1",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [5]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "20:45:27",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152683::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[World-Ravager Waistguard]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:134207::::::::110:263::35:3:3536:1622:3337:::|h[蔑潮腰带]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["id"] = "1512564327-19",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [6]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 17,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "21:17:52",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:155855::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1497:3528:::|h[Mote of the Forgemaster]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:144462::::::::110:263::16:3:3418:1592:3337:::|h[邪淬锁链]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1512566272-28",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.24, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [7]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "08/12/17",
["class"] = "SHAMAN",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:28:31",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147176:5435:::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1517:3336:::|h[Drape of the Skybreaker]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512815311-0",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第三件",
["tierToken"] = "BackSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152515::::::::110:102::6:1:569:::|h[Cloak of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 2,
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [8]
["Cqjyt-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "19:46:17",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511955977-5",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ChestSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152519::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Chest of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147167::::::::110:258::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[Robes of Blind Absolution]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 12,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "21:48:43",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512049723-6",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["response"] = "第三件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HeadSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152525::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Helm of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147165::::::::110:258::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[Hood of Blind Absolution]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["boss"] = "The Defense of Eonar",
["time"] = "18:11:01",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1512555061-3",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["response"] = "圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.24, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152054::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Unwavering Soul Essence]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147111::::::::110:258::6:3:3563:1522:3528:::|h[Scornful Reflection]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147111::::::::110:258::5:3:3562:1517:3336:::|h[Scornful Reflection]|h|r",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:33:34",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512556414-6",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "BackSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152516::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Cloak of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147163:5436:::::::110:258::6:3:3563:1522:3336:::|h[Shawl of Blind Absolution]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "PRIEST",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:45:35",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512557135-13",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "LegsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152528::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Leggings of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147166::::::::110:258::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[Leggings of Blind Absolution]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [5]
["Blingblingx-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "19:43:44",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151952::::::::110:102::5:4:3611:1808:1492:3336:::|h[Cord of Blossoming Petals]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Unknown",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142153::151580::::::110:62::35:4:3418:1808:1562:3337:::|h[悔罪束腰]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511955824-1",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["time"] = "20:40:17",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512045617-4",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152284::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Zealous Tormentor's Ring]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:132410:5427:130248::::::110:64:::2:3459:3630:::|h[埃索达碎片]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:134533:5430:::::::110:64::16:4:3418:40:1587:3337:::|h[临头危机指环]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:01:42",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512561702-13",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ShoulderSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152530::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Shoulders of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:138321:5929:::::::110:64::6:3:3518:1502:3528:::|h[不灭智慧护肩]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [3]
["Safetyy-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1669,
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["instance"] = "Argus-",
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["boss"] = "Unknown",
["groupSize"] = 0,
["isAwardReason"] = true,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "11:52:40",
["difficultyID"] = 0,
["lootWon"] = "|cff0070dd|Hcurrency:1508|h[Veiled Argunite]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["response"] = "Free",
["id"] = "1511927560-0",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1669,
["date"] = "01/12/17",
["groupSize"] = 0,
["id"] = "1512209843-0",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "Free",
["time"] = "18:17:23",
["boss"] = "Unknown",
["lootWon"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:153162::::::::110:105::::::|h[Unattuned Portal Stones]|h|r",
["difficultyID"] = 0,
["isAwardReason"] = true,
["responseID"] = 3,
["instance"] = "Argus-",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:30:06",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152291::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Fraternal Fervor]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147107::::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1517:3336:::|h[Valorous Spark of Hope]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512552606-4",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:11:23",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152681::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Headdress of Living Brambles]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512555083-5",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147136::::::::110:102::5:3:3562:1537:3337:::|h[Stormheart Headdress]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["boss"] = "The Defense of Eonar",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [4]
["Monkeynb-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "22:05:57",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151991::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Belt of Fractured Sanity]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152364::::::::110:104::3:3:3614:1472:3528:::|h[厌恶欺诈腰带]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511964357-19",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["Ysnakee-Illidan"] = {
["tierToken"] = "LegsSlot",
["mapID"] = 1712,
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["response"] = "Offline or RCLootCouncil not installed",
["id"] = "1511957753-11",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["votes"] = 0,
["groupSize"] = 27,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152528::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Leggings of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["time"] = "20:15:53",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["responseID"] = "NOTHING",
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [1]
["tierToken"] = "HandsSlot",
["mapID"] = 1712,
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["response"] = "Offline or RCLootCouncil not installed",
["id"] = "1511961241-16",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["votes"] = 0,
["groupSize"] = 29,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152522::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Gauntlets of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["time"] = "21:14:01",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["responseID"] = "NOTHING",
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 18,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "22:06:38",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151942::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Cord of Surging Hysteria]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142153::::::::110:266::35:3:3536:1547:3337:::|h[悔罪束腰]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511964398-20",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["time"] = "17:15:54",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512551754-3",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151962::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Prototype Personnel Decimator]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:141482::::::::110:266::3:2:1482:3336:::|h[不稳定的奥术水晶]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147002::::::::110:266::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[涨潮符咒]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:29:29",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151949::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Soul-Siphon Mantle]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147186::::::::110:265::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[天魔护肩]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["id"] = "1512552569-2",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [5]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["time"] = "20:02:54",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512561774-16",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152284::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Zealous Tormentor's Ring]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:132369:5428:151583::::::110:266:::2:1811:3630:::|h[威尔弗雷德的超级召唤魔印]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147195:5428:::::::110:266::5:3:3562:1517:3336:::|h[执政官的印戒]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [6]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "06/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:38:12",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152031::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1507:3336:::|h[Doomfire Dynamo]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512639492-0",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147085::::::::110:266::5:3:3562:1522:3337:::|h[变异鹦鹉螺]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [7]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "08/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "20:27:26",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151941::::::::110:102::6:4:3612:43:1522:3337:::|h[Aranasi Shadow-Weaver's Gloves]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512822446-4",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152173::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Grim Inquisitor's Gloves]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [8]
["Justcjq-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "06/12/17",
["class"] = "PALADIN",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:35:08",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152012::::::::110:102::6:4:3612:1808:1502:3528:::|h[Molten Bite Handguards]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512642908-5",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142299::::::::110:65::35:3:3536:1547:3337:::|h[傻瓜的填充手套]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["Qingbizui-Illidan"] = {
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147111::::::::110:261::5:3:3562:1512:3336:::|h[轻蔑的映像]|h|r",
["mapID"] = 1712,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["id"] = "1511961144-12",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["groupSize"] = 30,
["time"] = "21:12:24",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152055::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Kin'garoth's Oil-Sump]|h|r",
["votes"] = 0,
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["responseID"] = 1,
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["date"] = "28/11/17",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["time"] = "17:29:24",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512552564-1",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151968::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Shadow-Singed Fang]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151190::130247::::::110:261::5:4:3562:1808:1507:3528:::|h[背叛幽灵]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:140806::::::::110:261::5:3:3516:1507:3337:::|h[凝结的命运]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:34:13",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151985::::::::110:102::5:4:3611:1808:1487:3528:::|h[General Erodus' Tricorne]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512556453-9",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147172::::::::110:261::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[獠牙刺杀者头盔]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "ROGUE",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:46:16",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512564376-22",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HeadSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152524::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Helm of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147172::::::::110:261::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[獠牙刺杀者头盔]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [4]
["Tapana-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["time"] = "19:05:18",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511953518-2",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152063::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Seal of the Portalmaster]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:132410:5428:130248::::::110:64:::3:3529:3459:3570:::|h[埃索达碎片]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142172:5428:::::::110:64::35:3:3418:1552:3337:::|h[特雷斯坦的玺戒]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "19:45:13",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511955913-3",
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["response"] = "第一件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ChestSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152518::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Chest of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:138318::::::::110:62::6:3:3518:1517:3337:::|h[不灭智慧长袍]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 4,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["time"] = "20:15:18",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1511957718-9",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152042::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Hoarfrost-Beast Talon]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147092::::::::110:64::6:3:3563:1517:3336:::|h[冰线海螺]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147092::::::::110:64::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[冰线海螺]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["time"] = "18:46:53",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1512557213-16",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152042::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1512:3337:::|h[Hoarfrost-Beast Talon]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147092::::::::110:64::6:3:3563:1517:3336:::|h[冰线海螺]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152042::::::::110:64::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[白霜野兽之爪]|h|r",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [4]
["Cantlockit-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:15:35",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152028::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Spurting Reaver Heart]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152092::::::::110:265::3:3:3610:1472:3528:::|h[Nathrezim Incisor]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512551735-0",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:09:54",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512554994-0",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第一件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ChestSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152519::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Chest of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147185::::::::110:265::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[Diabolic Robe]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 4,
["boss"] = "The Defense of Eonar",
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:33:56",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512556436-8",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "BackSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152516::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Cloak of the Antoran Conqueror]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147181:5436:151583::::::110:265::6:4:3563:1808:1512:3528:::|h[Diabolic Shroud]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 3,
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "19:17:03",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152092::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Nathrezim Incisor]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152028::::::::110:265::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Spurting Reaver Heart]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1512559023-11",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.24, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["time"] = "20:02:36",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512561756-15",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151971::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Sheath of Asara]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:141482::::::::110:265::43:4:42:3573:1527:3336:::|h[Unstable Arcanocrystal]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151955::::::::110:265::3:3:3610:1472:3528:::|h[Acrid Catalyst Injector]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [5]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.24, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["class"] = "WARLOCK",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["time"] = "17:39:46",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["tokenRoll"] = false,
["response"] = "圣物赌熔炉(35%GP)",
["date"] = "06/12/17",
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152028::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1502:3528:::|h[Spurting Reaver Heart]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512639586-2",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:155847::::::::110:265::5:3:3611:1497:3528:::|h[Cruor of the Avenger]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["votes"] = 0,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [6]
["Molleria-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "20:28:13",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "安托鲁斯,燃烧王座-英雄",
["response"] = "圣物赌熔炉/装备改属性(百分之30GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152002::::::::110:266::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[万军碎裂腿甲]|h|r",
["boss"] = "加洛西灭世者",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147143::::::::110:253::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[Wildstalker Leggings]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1511936893-1",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:14:56",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1511957696-7",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "LegsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152529::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Leggings of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152002::::::::110:253::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Battalion-Shattering Leggings]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [2]
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:133768::::::::110:253::35:3:3418:1587:3337:::|h[Harbaron's Tether]|h|r",
["mapID"] = 1712,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["id"] = "1511964532-23",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["groupSize"] = 10,
["time"] = "22:08:52",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152025::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1497:3336:::|h[Thu'rayan Lash]|h|r",
["votes"] = 0,
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["responseID"] = 1,
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["date"] = "28/11/17",
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 11,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "21:48:54",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512049734-8",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HeadSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152526::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Helm of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147142::::::::110:253::6:3:3563:1522:3336:::|h[Wildstalker Helmet]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "01/12/17",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 16,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:39:32",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152283::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Chain of the Unmaker]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512207572-2",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147013:5437:151583::::::110:258::6:4:3563:1808:1517:3336:::|h[String of Extracted Incisors]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [5]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152133::::::::110:253::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Serpentstalker Helmet]|h|r",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["response"] = "Free",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["votes"] = 0,
["groupSize"] = 29,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151943::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Crown of Relentless Annihilation]|h|r",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["time"] = "17:15:50",
["boss"] = "Garothi Worldbreaker",
["isAwardReason"] = true,
["responseID"] = "AUTOPASS",
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["id"] = "1512551750-2",
}, -- [6]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:55:45",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152049::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1502:3337:::|h[Fel-Engraved Handbell]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142177::::::::110:253::43:3:3573:1562:3337:::|h[Jagged Emerald]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512554145-3",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [7]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:59:17",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512557957-2",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["response"] = "第三件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HandsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152523::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Gauntlets of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147141::::::::110:253::6:4:3563:43:1517:3336:::|h[Wildstalker Gauntlets]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [8]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "06/12/17",
["class"] = "HUNTER",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:35:19",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152000::::::::110:102::6:4:3612:1808:1502:3528:::|h[Shadowfused Chain Coif]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512642919-6",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147142::::::::110:253::6:3:3563:1522:3336:::|h[Wildstalker Helmet]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [9]
["Excelmint-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["groupSize"] = 13,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "22:08:00",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152092::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1502:3337:::|h[Nathrezim Incisor]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151189::::::::110:250::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[侍女之泪]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511964480-22",
["color"] = {
0.7, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:45:40",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152416::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Shoulderguards of Indomitable Purpose]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512557140-14",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:144281:5441:::::::110:250:::2:1811:3630:::|h[颅花的止血术]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "06/12/17",
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "18:35:02",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152012::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1522:3337:::|h[Molten Bite Handguards]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512642902-4",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147123::151583::::::110:250::6:5:3563:1808:42:1527:3337:::|h[守陵者护手]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "08/12/17",
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["time"] = "20:27:59",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:154173::::::::110:102::5:2:3985:3986:::|h[Aggramar's Conviction]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["response"] = "需求",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151976::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1512:3336:::|h[Riftworld Codex]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512822479-5",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:128711::::::::110:102::13:3:689:600:679:::|h[Darkmoon Deck: Immortality]|h|r",
["votes"] = 0,
}, -- [4]
["Domrâ-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:39:27",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512045567-3",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["response"] = "第三件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ShoulderSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152530::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Shoulders of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151989::::::::110:105::3:3:3610:1477:3336:::|h[Spaulders of the Relentless Tracker]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:10:54",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512555054-2",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ChestSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152518::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Chest of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:138324::::::::110:105::6:3:3518:1522:3337:::|h[Robe of the Astral Warden]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 1,
["boss"] = "The Defense of Eonar",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["Xiaoguapi-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["id"] = "1512558898-9",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "Candidate is selecting response, please wait",
["time"] = "19:14:58",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152025::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Thu'rayan Lash]|h|r",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = "WAIT",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["Forkhazmodan-Illidan"] = {
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["groupSize"] = 23,
["id"] = "1512207488-0",
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:155847::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1497:3528:::|h[Cruor of the Avenger]|h|r",
["time"] = "17:38:08",
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["responseID"] = 1,
["date"] = "01/12/17",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:144466::::::::110:252::16:3:3418:1582:3337:::|h[血污饕餮者的獠牙]|h|r",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:29:16",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152012::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Molten Bite Handguards]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147123::::::::110:252::6:3:3563:1527:3337:::|h[守陵者护手]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["id"] = "1512552556-0",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:59:44",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512557984-3",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HandsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152521::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Gauntlets of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147123::::::::110:252::6:3:3563:1527:3337:::|h[守陵者护手]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [3]
["Teemõ-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "20:29:44",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "安托鲁斯,燃烧王座-英雄",
["response"] = "幻化(0GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151988::::::::110:266::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[恶魔闪击护肩]|h|r",
["boss"] = "加洛西灭世者",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147138:5931:::::::110:103::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[风暴之心护肩]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["id"] = "1511936984-4",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:29:32",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151980::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Harness of Oppressing Dark]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Felhounds of Sargeras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147133::::::::110:104::6:4:3563:43:1512:3528:::|h[风暴之心外套]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["id"] = "1512552572-3",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "17:55:15",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152086::::::::110:102::5:4:3611:1808:1487:3528:::|h[Grips of Hungering Shadows]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147135::::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1527:3337:::|h[风暴之心手套]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["id"] = "1512554115-0",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:59:54",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512557994-4",
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["response"] = "第一件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HandsSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152521::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Gauntlets of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147135::::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1527:3337:::|h[风暴之心手套]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 4,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "19:13:57",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "幻化",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151979::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Vest of Unfathomable Anguish]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147133::::::::110:102::6:4:3563:43:1512:3528:::|h[风暴之心外套]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["id"] = "1512558837-6",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [5]
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["id"] = "1512815363-2",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "Free",
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["isAwardReason"] = true,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151985::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1507:3336:::|h[General Erodus' Tricorne]|h|r",
["time"] = "18:29:23",
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["responseID"] = "PASS",
["date"] = "08/12/17",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147136::::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1522:3336:::|h[Stormheart Headdress]|h|r",
}, -- [6]
["Ghostyblade-Illidan"] = {
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152374::151583::::::110:72::3:4:3614:1808:1472:3528:::|h[灵魂冲击足铠]|h|r",
["mapID"] = 1712,
["instance"] = "安托鲁斯,燃烧王座-英雄",
["response"] = "需求(打团用专精,百分之100GP)",
["id"] = "1511936878-0",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["groupSize"] = 30,
["time"] = "20:27:58",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152009::::::::110:266::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[末日行者战靴]|h|r",
["votes"] = 0,
["boss"] = "加洛西灭世者",
["responseID"] = 1,
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["date"] = "28/11/17",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:38:56",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147192:5929:151583::::::110:72::6:4:3563:1808:1512:3528:::|h[泰坦冲锋肩甲]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512045536-2",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152532::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Shoulders of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 3,
["tierToken"] = "ShoulderSlot",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["groupSize"] = 15,
["id"] = "1512207590-3",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:155853::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1502:3336:::|h[Conch of the Thunderer]|h|r",
["time"] = "17:39:50",
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["responseID"] = 1,
["date"] = "01/12/17",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:137313::::::::110:72::35:3:3418:1592:3337:::|h[翻腾之雾]|h|r",
}, -- [3]
["tierToken"] = "HeadSlot",
["mapID"] = 1712,
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["response"] = "Offline or RCLootCouncil not installed",
["id"] = "1512564360-20",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["votes"] = 0,
["groupSize"] = 29,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152526::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Helm of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["time"] = "20:46:00",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["responseID"] = "NOTHING",
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["date"] = "08/12/17",
["id"] = "1512822511-7",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["response"] = "Offline or RCLootCouncil not installed",
["votes"] = 0,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152049::::::::110:102::6:3:3612:1502:3528:::|h[Fel-Engraved Handbell]|h|r",
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["time"] = "20:28:31",
["responseID"] = "NOTHING",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [5]
["Xinchenghe-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147135::::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1517:3336:::|h[风暴之心手套]|h|r",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.7, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["response"] = "幻化(1%GP)",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["votes"] = 0,
["groupSize"] = 30,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152086::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Grips of Hungering Shadows]|h|r",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["time"] = "19:02:46",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 3,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["id"] = "1511953366-0",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "21:12:39",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147135::::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1517:3336:::|h[风暴之心手套]|h|r",
["id"] = "1511961159-15",
["color"] = {
0.1, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0.5, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["response"] = "第四件套装",
["boss"] = "Kin'garoth",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152521::::::::110:102::5:1:570:::|h[Gauntlets of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 1,
["tierToken"] = "HandsSlot",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "DRUID",
["groupSize"] = 22,
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["time"] = "21:17:14",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["id"] = "1512566234-26",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:155846::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1497:3528:::|h[Miniaturized Cosmic Beacon]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142176::::::::110:102::16:3:3418:1547:3337:::|h[弧光静态电荷]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147078::::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[弥漫星体微粒]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [3]
["Ddhs-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "19:02:53",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151941::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Aranasi Shadow-Weaver's Gloves]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Portal Keeper Hasabel",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147146::::::::110:63::5:4:3562:43:1497:3528:::|h[魔力风暴手套]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511953373-1",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "28/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "20:15:02",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151939::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Whisperstep Runners]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Imonar the Soulhunter",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142298::::::::110:63::35:3:3418:1552:3337:::|h[耀眼深红便鞋]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1511957702-8",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 28,
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["time"] = "20:41:10",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512045670-5",
["votes"] = 0,
["response"] = "需求",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151971::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Sheath of Asara]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151955::::::::110:63::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[苛性催化剂注射器]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["itemReplaced2"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147017::::::::110:63::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[生锈的哨兵奖章]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
}, -- [3]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 10,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "21:49:10",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "副专精/调属性(35%GP)",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151940::::::::110:102::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Sandals of the Reborn Colossus]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151939::::::::110:63::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[低语足迹之靴]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 2,
["id"] = "1512049750-9",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [4]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "19:14:48",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:151942::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1492:3336:::|h[Cord of Surging Hysteria]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffff8000|Hitem:132454::::::::110:63:::3:3529:1811:3630:::|h[科拉隆的燃烧之触]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512558888-7",
["color"] = {
0, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
0, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [5]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "19:14:53",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152025::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1487:3528:::|h[Thu'rayan Lash]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Varimathras",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142305::::::::110:63::35:3:3418:1567:3337:::|h[充盈的法力珍珠]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512558893-8",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [6]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 30,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:02:31",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512561751-14",
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["response"] = "第一件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ShoulderSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152530::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Shoulders of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147150:5931:151585::::::110:63::5:4:3562:1808:1502:3336:::|h[魔力风暴护肩]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 4,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [7]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "MAGE",
["groupSize"] = 29,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:46:26",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512564386-23",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "Aggramar",
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "HeadSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152524::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Helm of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147147::::::::110:63::6:3:3563:1512:3528:::|h[魔力风暴之冠]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [8]
["Zs-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "29/11/17",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["groupSize"] = 27,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "20:38:51",
["relicRoll"] = false,
["id"] = "1512045531-1",
["color"] = {
1, -- [1]
0.5, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
["boss"] = "The Coven of Shivarra",
["response"] = "第二件套装",
["tierToken"] = "ShoulderSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152532::::::::110:105::5:1:570:::|h[Shoulders of the Antoran Protector]|h|r",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:147192:5931:::::::110:72::5:3:3562:1502:3336:::|h[Titanic Onslaught Pauldrons]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 3,
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
}, -- [1]
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "05/12/17",
["class"] = "WARRIOR",
["groupSize"] = 10,
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["time"] = "21:18:59",
["relicRoll"] = true,
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Heroic",
["response"] = "圣物需求",
["votes"] = 0,
["difficultyID"] = 15,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:155853::::::::110:105::5:3:3611:1497:3528:::|h[Conch of the Thunderer]|h|r",
["boss"] = "Argus the Unmaker",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:142194::::::::110:72::16:3:3418:1552:3337:::|h[Gloomy Vortex]|h|r",
["responseID"] = 1,
["id"] = "1512566339-29",
["color"] = {
0.14, -- [1]
0.7, -- [2]
0.23, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [2]
["Kashkandy-Illidan"] = {
["mapID"] = 1712,
["date"] = "08/12/17",
["class"] = "DEATHKNIGHT",
["groupSize"] = 20,
["votes"] = 0,
["time"] = "18:28:55",
["itemReplaced1"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:146984:5434:::::::110:102::6:3:3563:1537:3337:::|h[Cloak of Stifling Brimstone]|h|r",
["id"] = "1512815335-1",
["tokenRoll"] = true,
["response"] = "第一件",
["tierToken"] = "BackSlot",
["difficultyID"] = 16,
["lootWon"] = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:152517::::::::110:102::6:1:569:::|h[Cloak of the Antoran Vanquisher]|h|r",
["instance"] = "Antorus, the Burning Throne-Mythic",
["isAwardReason"] = false,
["responseID"] = 4,
["boss"] = "Antoran High Command",
["color"] = {
0.5, -- [1]
1, -- [2]
1, -- [3]
1, -- [4]
}, -- [1]
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