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Last active March 30, 2016 07:50
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  • Save SaheblalBagwan/c721588560b77ad30396 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SaheblalBagwan/c721588560b77ad30396 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <lpc17xx.h>
void delay_ms(unsigned int ms)
unsigned int i,j;
#define SBIT_CNTEN 0
#define SBIT_PWMEN 2
#define SBIT_PWMMR0R 1
#define SBIT_LEN0 0
#define SBIT_LEN1 1
#define SBIT_LEN2 2
#define SBIT_LEN3 3
#define SBIT_LEN4 4
#define SBIT_PWMENA1 9
#define SBIT_PWMENA2 10
#define SBIT_PWMENA3 11
#define SBIT_PWMENA4 12
#define PWM_1 0 //P2_0 (0-1 Bits of PINSEL4)
#define PWM_2 2 //P2_1 (2-3 Bits of PINSEL4)
#define PWM_3 4 //P2_2 (4-5 Bits of PINSEL4)
#define PWM_4 6 //P2_3 (6-7 Bits of PINSEL4)
int main(void)
int dutyCycle;
/* Cofigure pins(P2_0 - P2_3) for PWM mode. */
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL4 = (1<<PWM_1) | (1<<PWM_2) | (1<<PWM_3) | (1<<PWM_4);
/* Enable Counters,PWM module */
LPC_PWM1->PR = 0x0; /* No Prescalar */
LPC_PWM1->MCR = (1<<SBIT_PWMMR0R); /*Reset on PWMMR0, reset TC if it matches MR0 */
LPC_PWM1->MR0 = 100; /* set PWM cycle(Ton+Toff)=100) */
LPC_PWM1->MR1 = 50; /* Set 50% Duty Cycle for all four channels */
LPC_PWM1->MR2 = 50;
LPC_PWM1->MR3 = 50;
LPC_PWM1->MR4 = 50;
/* Trigger the latch Enable Bits to load the new Match Values */
LPC_PWM1->LER = (1<<SBIT_LEN0) | (1<<SBIT_LEN1) | (1<<SBIT_LEN2) | (1<<SBIT_LEN3) | (1<<SBIT_LEN4);
/* Enable the PWM output pins for PWM_1-PWM_4(P2_0 - P2_3) */
for(dutyCycle=0; dutyCycle<100; dutyCycle++)
LPC_PWM1->MR1 = dutyCycle; /* Increase the dutyCycle from 0-100 */
LPC_PWM1->MR2 = dutyCycle;
LPC_PWM1->MR3 = dutyCycle;
LPC_PWM1->MR4 = dutyCycle;
/* Trigger the latch Enable Bits to load the new Match Values */
LPC_PWM1->LER = (1<<SBIT_LEN0) | (1<<SBIT_LEN1) | (1<<SBIT_LEN2) | (1<<SBIT_LEN3) | (1<<SBIT_LEN4);
for(dutyCycle=100; dutyCycle>0; dutyCycle--)
LPC_PWM1->MR1 = dutyCycle; /* Decrease the dutyCycle from 100-0 */
LPC_PWM1->MR2 = dutyCycle;
LPC_PWM1->MR3 = dutyCycle;
LPC_PWM1->MR4 = dutyCycle;
/* Trigger the latch Enable Bits to load the new Match Values */
LPC_PWM1->LER = (1<<SBIT_LEN0) | (1<<SBIT_LEN1) | (1<<SBIT_LEN2) | (1<<SBIT_LEN3) | (1<<SBIT_LEN4);
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