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Created November 12, 2019 21:25
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const std = @import("std");
const direct_allocator = std.heap.direct_allocator;
// The goal is to prototype a system where functions and their parameters are
// pushed in a global queue that feeds background worker threads.
// async frames seem like the perfect choice for this because then we don't
// need to have indirections or type erasure to store the parameters : they
// are in the frame. This implies that we can write the wrap function more
// or less as it is now.
pub fn main() void {
defer tasks.deinit();
_ = async offloadMain();
fn offloadMain() void {
const f1 = offload(foo, @as(u32, 45), @as(u32, 65));
const f2 = offload(bar, @as(u32, 45), @as(u32, 65));
const f3 = offload(baz);
// Simulate threads executing
std.debug.warn("foo={}\n", f1.get());
std.debug.warn("bar={}\n", f2.get());
/// ----------------------
/// Dummy functions we want to offload on worker threads.
fn foo(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
return a + b;
fn bar(a: u32, b: u32) u32 {
return a * b;
fn baz() void {
/// ----------------------
/// Holds a task execution context. Created to execute a function.
const Task = struct {
const FrameAlign: u29 = 64;
frame: anyframe,
bytes: []align(FrameAlign) u8,
/// Represents a task queue used by multiple threads to pop tasks to execute.
var tasks = std.ArrayList(Task).init(direct_allocator);
/// Basically a ticket for an offloaded task.
/// Can be waited for termination or ignored, can be used to retrieve a result.
fn Future(comptime return_type: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const Return = return_type;
id: usize,
/// Emulates the fact that a worker thread would resume (execute) the task.
/// Returns the result of the task.
pub fn get(self: Self) Return {
const task = &tasks.toSlice()[];
resume task.frame;
return await @ptrCast(anyframe->Return, task.frame);
/// Entry point for users, give the system a function and its arguments to
/// push an asynchronous task that will be executed by a worker thread.
fn offload(comptime fun: var, args: ...) Future(@typeInfo(@typeOf(fun)).Fn.return_type.?) {
comptime std.debug.assert(@alignOf(@Frame(fun)) <= Task.FrameAlign);
// Obviously this doesn't work, it would need a way to get the type of
// `wrap` instanciated with expanded `args`
const frame_size = @sizeOf(@Frame(wrap));
const bytes = direct_allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, 64, frame_size) catch unreachable;
const idx = tasks.count();
tasks.append(Task{ .frame = undefined, .bytes = bytes }) catch unreachable;
wrap(fun, tasks.toSlice()[idx], args);
std.debug.warn("offloaded {}\n", @typeName(@typeOf(fun)));
return Future(@typeInfo(@typeOf(fun)).Fn.return_type.?){ .id = idx };
/// Wrapper to have the arguments stored in the task's frame. The goal is to
/// avoid storing them explicitely because ideally we don't need to.
fn wrap(comptime fun: var, frame: *anyframe, args: ...) void {
frame.? = @Frame();
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