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Created April 3, 2020 14:26
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import gym
import gym_four
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
To change in step() of grid world
class SMDP_Q():
def __init__(self, env, episodes, intra):
self.env = env
self.gamma = 0.9
self.alpha = 0.1
self.episodes = episodes
self.epsilon = 0.1
self.Q = np.zeros([6, 11, 11])
self.intra_option = intra
# print(self.env.action_space)
def smdp_Q(self, env):
# Reset environment to get the current state
steps = np.zeros([self.episodes])
rewards = np.zeros([self.episodes])
for episode in range(self.episodes):
# start state for each episode
state = self.env.reset()
# state = [8,2]
while True:
# Perform an option. Each state has 6 options, out of which 2 are hallway options and 4 are primitive actions
option = self.select_option(state)
if option>=4:
target_doorway = self.get_target_door(state, option)
target_doorway = None
# print(state, option, target_doorway)
# perform a step
next_state, reward, done, k = self.perform_option(state, option, target_doorway)
# print(option, state[0], state[1])
# print(self.Q.shape)
# Update the Q value funtion
if not self.intra_option :
self.Q[option][state[0], state[1]] = self.Q[option][state[0], state[1]] + self.alpha*( reward + (self.gamma**k)*np.amax(self.Q[:,next_state[0],next_state[1]]) - self.Q[option][state[0],state[1]] )
print("state =", state, "option = ", option,"next_state =", next_state, "reward = ", reward)
state = next_state
steps[episode] += 1
if done:
# if the goal state is reached
print("episode = ", episode, "steps = ", steps[episode], "reward = ",rewards[episode])
return steps, rewards, self.Q
# Update Q(st; o) using Q-learning update
def select_option(self, state):
if np.random.uniform(0,1) < self.epsilon:
# 0,1,2,3 are primitive actions 4,5 are hallway options 4th option doorway selects doorway
# on clockwise to the room and 5th option anticlockwise doorway to the room
option = np.random.choice([0,1,2,3,4,5])
option = np.argmax(self.Q[:,state[0],state[1]], axis=0)
return option
# an option corresponds to a hallway state for a room
def perform_option(self, state, option, target_doorway):
steps = 0
if option < 4:
# Set the probabilities of performing an option
probs = [0.1/3, 0.1/3, 0.1/3, 0.1/3]
probs[option] = 0.9
# Select an option according to probabilities
option = np.random.choice([0,1,2,3],1,p = probs) # if "p =" is not given, its not working
option = option[0]
next_state, total_reward, done, _ = env.step(state, option, target_doorway)
steps +=1
if self.intra_option:
self.Q[option][state[0], state[1]] = (1.0 - self.alpha)*self.Q[option][state[0], state[1]] + self.alpha*(total_reward + self.gamma * np.amax(self.Q[:,next_state[0],next_state[1]]))
total_reward = 0
while state != target_doorway:
action = self.option_policy(state, target_doorway)
next_state, reward, done, terminate = self.env.step(state, action, target_doorway)
total_reward += reward
state = next_state
if self.intra_option:
# update the Q value using the same option
if not terminate:
self.Q[option][state[0], state[1]] = (1.0 - self.alpha)*self.Q[option][state[0], state[1]] + self.alpha*(reward + self.gamma * self.Q[option,next_state[0],next_state[1]])
# update using the max option possible in that state
self.Q[option][state[0], state[1]] = (1.0 - self.alpha)*self.Q[option][state[0], state[1]] + self.alpha*(reward + self.gamma * np.amax(self.Q[:,next_state[0],next_state[1]]))
if(terminate or done):
return next_state, total_reward, done, steps
def get_target_door(self, state, option):
# Returns the target doorway of the multistep option chosen
d1,d2 = self.env.doorways[1]
d3,d4 = self.env.doorways[3]
option -=4
if state == d1 and option==0:
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[4][0]
elif state == d1 and option==1:
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[1][1]
elif state == d2 and option==0:
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[1][0]
elif state == d2 and option==1:
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[2][1]
elif state == d3 and option==0:
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[2][0]
elif state == d3 and option==1:
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[3][1]
elif state == d4 and option==0:
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[3][0]
elif state == d4 and option==1:
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[4][1]
else :
room = self.env.get_room(state)
target_doorway = self.env.doorways[room][option]
return target_doorway
def option_policy(self, state, target_doorway):
x1,y1 = state
x2,y2 = target_doorway
drwys = self.env.get_doorways(state)
state, flag = self.env.in_doorway(state)
if x2>x1:
x = 3
elif x1>x2:
x = 0
if y2>y1:
y = 1
elif y1>y2:
y = 2
if flag:
# if we are in doorway => constrained in one direction
x_ = self.env.get_reward([x1+self.env.actions[x][0], y1])
Y_ = self.env.get_reward([y1+self.env.actions[y][1], x1])
if (x_<0):
action = y
action = x
# if we are inside the room
if x1==x2:
action = y
elif y1==y2:
action = x
if (abs(x2-x1)>abs(y2-y1) and (self.env.get_reward([state[0]+self.env.actions[x][0],y1])>=0)):
action = x
elif (abs(x2-x1)<abs(y2-y1) and (self.env.get_reward([x1,state[1]+self.env.actions[y][1]])>=0)):
action = y
if (self.env.get_reward([state[0]+self.env.actions[x][0],y1])>=0):
action = x
else :
action = y
return action
def plot_four(self, avg_reward, steps, episodes):
Gets the data for all curves and plots them in one graph
# Figure instances will be returned.
# colors for different values of epsilon
colors = ['g', 'r', 'k', 'b', 'y','m', 'c']
fig1.plot(range(episodes), avg_reward, colors[0], label = " Average reward " )
fig2.plot(range(episodes), steps, colors[1], label = " Steps")
# Labelling the plot
fig1.title.set_text('SMDP Q learning : Average reward at each episode for 50 experiments for goal ')
fig1.set_ylabel('Average Reward')
# fig1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
# Labelling the plot
fig2.title.set_text('SMDP Q learning : Average steps at each episode for 50 experiments ' )
# fig2.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
# Display the plot
if __name__=='__main__':
env = gym.make('gym_four:four-v0')
episodes = 1000
intra = False
obj = SMDP_Q(env, episodes, intra)
runs = 50
# Store the average reward at each episode
avg = np.zeros([episodes])
# Store the number of steps in each episode
stp = np.zeros([episodes])
q = np.zeros([11,11])
for i in range(runs):
steps, rewards, Q = obj.smdp_Q(env)
q+=np.sum(Q, axis=0)
stp+= steps/runs
avg+= rewards/runs
q = np.sum(Q, axis=0)
obj.plot_four(avg, stp, episodes)
ax = sns.heatmap(q, linewidth=0.5, cmap="YlGnBu")
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